How many unarmed whites killed by police

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      Unarmed Blacks like Eric Garner are 500 percent likelier than unarmed Whites to die at the hands of the police. Although such homicides are relatively rare compared to all Black victims of homicide, these killings demand investigation.

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      One of the most visible of these is the frequent shooting and killing of African Americans by the police in acts of abuse of power. In 2014, 18-year-old Michael Brown, who was unarmed and barehanded, was shot by a white police officer six times and killed in Ferguson, Missouri.

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      Eric Garner is among the tragically long list of unarmed Black and Brown Americans whom cops have killed. To many people who’ve seen footage of these deaths, they are the starkest examples of the everyday injustice that occurs when police officers rely too heavily on …

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      The 18-year-old unarmed black teen was killed Aug. 9 by a white police officer. More than 2,500 people packed the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church to remember Brown. His mother, Lesley McSpadden, stood as if in shock, staring at her son’s casket and shaking her head back and forth as a tear rolled down her cheek.

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      The Guardian has a page on its website called, “The Counted,” that is a database of “people killed by police in the U.S.” They report that in 2015, 102 unarmed Black people were killed, and in the first half of 2016, 31 unarmed Black people were killed. Unarmed Black men are five times more likely than White men to be killed by police.

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      In 2015, the Washington Post began tracking fatal police shootings in America. It found that blacks are 2.5 times more likely than whites to be shot and killed by police – and five times more likely if they’re unarmed. This injustice is at the core of a civil rights movement called Black Lives Matter.

    • [DOCX File]African Americans, Police Use of Force, and Human Rights ...

      When killings of unarmed civilians are considered, the statistics are even starker; for example, statistics from civil society indicate that in 2015, more than 34 percent of unarmed civilians killed by police officers were black. IACHR, 156th Period of Sessions, “Police Killings” Hearing

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