How to find a company s naics code

    • How to Find SIC Code and NAICS Codes?

      (2)How do I determine the correct NAICS code for my company or for individual establishments? You can determine your NAICS code by using one of three methods, or you may contact your nearest OSHA office or State agency for help in determining your NAICS code:

      how to find my naics code

    • [DOCX File]

      North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code: Enter the company’s NAICS code. (Federal statistical agencies use the NAICS code to classify business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing and publishing statistical data related to the U.S…

      what is my company's naics code


      naics: 337214, cage code: 5e1r8, ein/ftidn#: 20-2329218. Company registration is valid until 08/19/2021. 27.Company’s policy regarding uncompensated overtime.

      how to get naics code


      Primary NAICS Code {pc.PrimaryNAICSCode} Primary NAICS Code {tf.PrimaryNAICSCode} The NAICS Code of an entity’s primary business as determined by sales breakdown. If a sales breakdown is not available the NAICS Code is assigned according to best judgment. The version followed is NAICS 1997. NAICS …

      find my naics code

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