List of personality traits for characters


      When describing a character’s traits, you are describing their personality (not what they look like.) Adjectives, or describing words describe a character’s personality. See the box on the back for a list of adjectives that describe characters’ personalities. Feel free to add to the list.

      positive character trait list

    • [DOC File]The Steadiness Personality

      The Big Five Inventory (John et al., 2008) assesses the extent to which the traditional big five personality traits (Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness ...

      negative personality traits

    • [DOC File]Short Story Analysis Template

      Among these core traits were honesty, dependability, and self-control; as well as many traits of an interpersonal nature that reflect an other-oriented orientation. Other themes included personal agency, positivity, emotional stability, and openness.

      characteristic traits list

    • [DOCX File]Kathy Glass Educational Consulting

      Character traits A character trait is a distinguishing quality of a person or character that can include personality, likes/dislikes, and behavior. Direct characterization Through direct characterization, a writer reveals a character by directly telling the reader the character’s traits.

      character trait checklist

    • Theoretical Framework

      Characters . Who are the characters in the story? Characterization. What are the personality traits of each character? 1. 2. Theme. What is the main idea of the story? Theme differs from the subject in that it involves a statement or opinion about the subject Tone. Describe how you felt reading this story. (Use the author’s intentions, not ...

      character traits worksheets

    • [DOC File]TEKS Lesson Plan/Unit Plan

      Primary High S Personality (The Specialist Personality) I. Tendencies of High S Personalities: Primary drive. Controlled, secure, stable. environment. Personal giftedness. Maintaining traditions, constancy, steadiness. Group giftedness. Team player, commitment to. follow through. Potential spiritual gifts. Helps, Service, Mercy. Internal fears

      list of dominant personality traits

    • [DOC File]Analyzing Character Traits - Twinsburg

      Choose an important character from the novel and find three to five external personality traits that are stated by the author directly through description. Then look for three to five internal personality traits that first are learned by the reader through a character’s words, actions or behavior throughout the novel.

      100 character traits

    • [DOC File]Mrs. Judy Araujo

      Every time we meet a new character in the novel, fill the chart with important information. Make sure to include character and personality traits. These characters do not appear in the order listed below. (Continues on back side) Character Who is this character? What is he/she like? (List character and personality traits). What has the ...

      printable list of personality traits

    • Teacher Lesson Plans, Printables & Worksheets by Grade or Subjec…

      Figure out what personality traits the character(s) _____ has/have and list the trait in the first column. Then find evidence in the text to support your claim and record that evidence. Include the page or line number. In the fourth column explain why you think that evidence shows that …

      positive character trait list


      Let them know they will have to defend their impressions of these characters with classmates based on textual evidence. You might distribute “Character Traits” in Figure 8.7 and conduct exercises around these words so students expand their inventory of vocabulary and use these and other words to identify a character’s personality.

      negative personality traits

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