Machine guns ww1

    • [DOC File]WWI Weapons Webquest

      During WWI new weapons began to emerge that changed the tide of war forever. Please select three of the following weapons (poison gas, submarines, airplanes, machine guns, tanks and artillery shells) and describe how the weapon changed the strategy of warfare.

      ww1 machine guns list

    • [DOC File]Weebly

      During World War One, a wide variety of weapons were used: The main weapon used by British soldiers in the trenches was the bolt-action rifle. 15 rounds could be fired in a minute and a person 1,400 metres away could be killed.. Machine guns. needed 4-6 men to work them and had to be on a flat surface.

      world war 1 machine guns

    • [DOCX File]

      1. 1977: Five decommissioned WW1 Lewis machine guns, in Cornwall, were designated for various replica period aircraft including the DH2. Several are to be found in museums around the UK. 2. 1997: MJK purchased the DH2 and ‘gun’ from a private collection, in Dorset, with its log books and other CAA paperwork identifying the ‘gun’ as an ...

      artillery & machine guns ww1

    • [DOC File]1914-1919 Shell Shock Video Questions

      12. How did new artillery (ex. machine guns, tanks, and poison gas) affect the course of the war? 13. What is “shell shock”? 14. What happened at the Battle of the Somme? How many British Tommies were killed? How far did the allies advance? 15. What was going on in Russia at this time? 16. Who was Lenin? Who were the Bolsheviks? 17.

      first machine gun

    • [DOC File]WWI Map Activity

      They climbed out of their trenches ran across an open field, were shot at by machine guns, suffocated by poisonous gas, and even caught in barbed wire. Almost 10 million soldiers are buried here. THE EASTERN FRONT. Find the area on the border of Russia that has two wavy dotted lines. This is the Eastern Front, the area of fighting between ...

      ww1 machine gun facts

    • [DOC File]Weapons and Tactics of World War I

      20 Machine Gun (note- environmental damage) 4. Inflicted 92% of all WW1 casualties 21 Big Gun Big Guns. 1. Needed large numbers of guns for operations. Used “barrage fire” – a curtain of artillery shelling. 22 Big Gun Developed anti-aircraft guns in. response to increased use of planes

      french machine gun ww1

    • [DOC File]WWI Weapons Webquest

      Machine Gun Who invented it? You will eventually need a picture of a machine gun from WWI. Primary Uses in WWI. What were the results of the use of this weapon? What other new machines did the machine gun turn into a weapon of war? Do you think the tank was an …

      ww1 us machine gun

    • [DOC File]Weapons of World War I – Blank Chart

      Machine Guns. The advantages of this weapon, was that it had caterpillar tracks instead of wheels. Could hold up against heavy machine gun firing. Held its own machine guns and cannons. The significances and effects of this weapon, was that it turned WW1 into a defensive war. Many had thought that war would be rapid, with lots of conquests.

      german machine guns ww1

    • [DOC File]WWI Study Guide - Polk County School District

      Machine guns – allowed one man to kill hundreds of men in seconds. Poisonous gas – German army was first ever to used. Chlorine gas – caused blindness, choking, vomiting, torn lungs, and death. Mustard gas – most deadly, caused skin blisters, sore eyes, vomiting, internal and external bleeding, a …

      ww1 machine guns list

    • [DOC File]World War 1

      Machine Guns: The machine gun, which fires ammunition automatically, was much improved by the time of World War I. As a result, it saw wide use in combat. Because the gun could wipe out waves of attackers & make it difficult for forces to advance, it helped create a stalemate . Tank: The tank was an armored combat vehicle that moved on chain ...

      world war 1 machine guns

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