Michigan business license

    • What type of businesses need a license in Michigan?

      Industries such as health and wellness, accommodations, food, beer and wine, construction, entertainment and finance all commonly require professional licensing in Michigan cities. Visit your city’s or county’s website or contact your city clerk to determine which licenses are required for your local jurisdiction and how to apply.

    • How much does it cost to get a business license in Michigan?

      Other professional licenses regulated on the city, state or federal level may incur other costs. For example, a business license in Flat Rock will cost $60 per year while a state liquor license costs $600 per year. Michigan is actually one of only a handful of states requiring the renewal of sales tax licenses.

    • How do I get a business license in Michigan?

      The Michigan Department of Treasury offers an Online New Business Registration process. This process is easy, fast, secure and convenient. The e-Registration process is much faster than registering by mail. After completing the online application, you will receive a confirmation number of your electronic submission.

    • What is the process for registering a business in Michigan?

      If the business has a federal Employer Identification Number (EIN), the EIN will also be the Treasury business account number. On the MTO homepage, click Start a New Business (E-Registration) to register the business with Treasury for Michigan taxes. The online application will open in a new tab or window on your web browser.

    • [PDF File]Process Steps for Obtaining A Business License - City of Detroit


      list of businesses that need licenses, visit the B&SE website. Apply for the license at the Business License Center, Room 105, Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, 2 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, MI 48226. The Business License Application is also available for printing on the B&SE website at www.detroitmi.gov . The phone number is (313) 224-3178. You ...

    • 518, Michigan Business Taxes Registration Book

      required to pay business taxes in Michigan. $350,000 (with the exception of insurance companies and Complete this Registration Form if you: financial institutions). • Start a new business or reinstate an old business. For more information regarding business taxes, visit Treasury’s Web www. Michigan.).(UIA . Michigan Department of Treasury

    • Retailer License & Permit Application Before you begin ...

      If any of the members of the applicant are corporations or limited liability companies, also submit a copy of the documents listed below for those companies (except for the Certificate of Authority to Do Business in Michigan, which is required for the applicant only).


      APPLICATION AND FEES Online Application for a Cosmetology Establishment License - Complete all fields, answer all questions and upload any supporting documentation. Online application can be completed by visiting www.michigan.gov/miplus



      Below are categories of businesses that require licenses in the City of Detroit. Note that specific activities and components of your business will determine what kind of license you need. If you need clarification, please contact BSEED Licensing & Permits.

    • [PDF File]Guide to Starting and Operating a Small Business - Michigan SBDC


      1 Michigan SBDC Business Plan Outline Section 1: Company Introduction and Description Section 2: Market Analysis Section 3: Management and Operations Section 4: Financials Section 5: Appendices Final Touches 2 Business Legal Issues

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