Monetary damages for emotional distress


      The section does not, however, expressly mention damages associated with emotional distress. This does not, however, preclude a claim for emotional distress that led to physical illness: damages are claimable in respect of death, injury or illness in terms of section 61(5).

      mental distress settlements

    • [DOCX File]In the South African context, according to - CGSO

      Instead, because of Kindred’s alleged statutory violation, Shaw allegedly suffered lost wages, emotional distress, and physical injuries, for which she seeks monetary compensation. The gist of Shaw’s action is the statutory violation; although it could also be viewed as an action for breach of a term implied (by statute) into her employment ...

      suing for mental anguish price

    • Title VI Legal Manual - U.S. Department of Justice

      This Court recently held that the type of emotional distress endured by Galloway warrants monetary compensation. In Doe v. District of Columbia, 796 F. Supp. 559, 573 (D.D.C. 1992), a section 504 case, the Court noted that the plaintiff's "testimony [] established the emotional pain he endured from his rejection and the sense of isolation he ...

      proving emotional distress damages

    • How to Sue for Emotional Distress | Emotional Distress Lawsuit | Le…

      generally have interpreted these decisions to permit the award of the full range of compensatory damages, including damages for emotional distress, as available remedies under Spending Clause legislation.

      monetary compensation for emotional distress

    • [DOC File]Galloway v. Superior Court of the District of Columbia

      Were he still alive, whatever monetary damages the court might award in the government's action would go to Pena. Consistent with the underlying purpose of the survivorship statute, the claim for damages, therefore, survives. ... humiliation, emotional distress, frustration, and anxiety. Accordingly, the alleged actions of the Defendant ...

      damages awarded for emotional distress

    • [DOC File]United States v. Drew B. Morvant, D.D.S. - ADA

      Jan 12, 2021 · Plaintiffs’ request for monetary sanctions is granted against Villara in the amount of $2,250.00, payable within 30 days of the filing of this order. ... damages for emotional distress. However, Plaintiff does not present any legal authority, and the Court is aware of none, providing that these procedural defects and Defendant’s improper ...

      examples of emotional distress


      As a result of Defendants’ actions, Plaintiffs have suffered emotional distress, resulting in damages in an amount to be proven at trial. Plaintiff further seeks compensatory and punitive damages and all other injunctive, declaratory, and monetary relief available for …

      emotional pain and suffering compensation

    • [DOC File]Superior Court, State of California

      Parents seek money damages for alleged physical and emotional injuries to Student as well as for emotional distress and loss of consortium for Student’s family. On September 16, 2014, Georgetown filed the instant Motion to Dismiss as well as a supporting Memorandum.

      calculating damages for emotional distress

    • [DOC File]Sample Pleading Template (Federal Court) (00427606-2).DOC

      injury—The plaintiff must suffer personal injury or damage to his or her property in order to recover monetary damages for the defendant’s negligence. intentional infliction of emotional distress—A tort that says a person whose extreme and outrageous conduct intentionally or recklessly causes severe emotional distress to another person is ...

      mental distress settlements

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