Nursing research articles full text


      Applied Nursing Research is a refereed research journal devoted to advancing nursing as a research-based profession. Applied Nursing Research is focused on bridging the gap between research and practice. Manuscripts representing all clinical nursing specialties and nursing care delivery are invited.

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    • [PDF File]Nurses in the United States with a practice doctorate ...

      Nurses in the United States with a practice doctorate: Implications for leading in the current context of health care Richard W. Redman, PhD, RN, Susan J. Pressler, PhD, RN, FAAN, FAHA, ... doctorates in nursing were largely research-oriented degrees, with approximately 3,000 ... In all strategies, all articles available in full text or in the ...

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    • [PDF File]Predicting success in nursing programs - ERIC

      Research in Higher Education Journal Volume 28, May 2015 Predicting success in nursing, Page 1 Predicting success in nursing programs Cheryl Herrera, PhD Arizona State University Jennifer Blair Arizona State University ABSTRACT As the U.S. population ages and policy changes emerge, such as the Patient Protection

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    • [PDF File]Open Access Full Text Article Conducting an article ...

      Nursing: Research and Reviews 2013:3 67–75 ... open access to scientific and medical research Open Access Full Text Article ... critically evaluating research articles becomes an automatic

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    • [PDF File]An Introduction to Using CINAHL

      CINAHL stands for the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature and is the largest and most in-depth nursing research database. The CINAHL Plus with Full Text database provides full text for 768 journals, and indexing for 5,000 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health. The database contains 3,800,000 records.

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    • [PDF File]Other Nursing Databases Part2

      1. When you need journal articles. 2. When you need in depth research for specific nursing topics and you need a good selection of articles for your research. 3. And its thesaurus function to get the best articles available. 4. Then use the Journal Search Engine (2 browser windows open at the same time) to identify if/where full text is available.

      research in nursing scholarly articles

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