Oge 450 electronic filing army

    • [DOC File]FDM 450 EC User Guide - U.S. Army


      The Annual OGE 450 Report filing season has begun. You are registered in Financial Disclosure Management (FDM), https://www.fdm.army.mil, as an OGE 450, Confidential Financial Disclosure Report, Filer. Your Annual OGE 450 Report is due xx February 20xx unless you obtain an extension.

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    • [DOC File]DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE - United States Army


      a. Reporting requirements. USMEPCOM utilizes the Army FDM online system for OGE Form 450 filing requirements. b. Timing. (1) New entrants: Individuals newly assigned to covered positions must file an OGE Form 450 and receive ethics training within 30 days of assuming their covered position.

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    • [DOCX File]TRADOC Regulation 5-xx - United States Army


      Department of the Army *TRADOC Regulation 5-14. Headquarters, United States Army. Training and Doctrine Command. Fort Eustis, Virginia 23604-5730. 14. February. 201. 8. Management. ACQUISITION MANAGEMENT AND OVERSIGHT. FOR THE COMMANDER: OFFICIAL:SEAN B. MacFARLAND

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      https://www.fdm.army.mil. Integrity system website: https://Integrity.gov. Mandatory Electronic Filing. All OGE 278 financial disclosure filers are required to submit their reports electronically via the Integrity.gov system, to include OGE 278-T periodic transaction reports.

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    • [DOCX File]CECOM - Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and ...


      PART III CERTIFICATION FOR NOMINATION OF COR – DoD 5500.7-R (JER) states the basis for determining the need for filing OGE 450, Confidential Financial Disclosure Report. Supervisor (or higher authority) of nominees for COR are required to certify that the nominee is in compliance with

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    • [DOC File]TRADOC Regulation 5-xx - United States Army


      e. Ethics laws and regulations require certain government officials/employees to file financial disclosure reports annually (such as, OGE Form 450, Confidential Financial Disclosure Report). Upon designation, all CORs, alternate CORs, and supporting CORs are required to complete an OGE 450 annually.

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      Timely filing and review of OGE 450 reports is a significant tool in the prevention of conflicts of interest and forms the foundation of an effective and efficient ethics program. This SOP establishes roles, responsibilities and procedures for OGE 450 program implementation.

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    • [DOC File]CECOM


      PART III CERTIFICATION FOR NOMINATION OF COR - DoDD 5500.7-R (JER) states the basis for determining the need for filing OGE 450, Confidential Financial Disclosure Report. In addition, the supervisor (or higher authority) of nominees for COR are required to certify with an x that the nominee is in compliance with DoDD 5500.7-R and the ...

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    • [DOC File]FDM 450 Examples - U.S. Army


      It includes a summary chart of reportable items, Helpful Hints, a suggested email notice to OGE Form 450 Filers, a Filer Quick Start, and provides a definition, the general rule regarding reporting the item, and shows how to report them in the Army’s Financial Disclosure Management (FDM) electronic filing program, https://www.fdm.army.mil

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      A copy should also be provided the Ethics Counselor for filing and, if applicable, for submission with either the OGE Form 450 or SF 278. A sample disqualification statement is in the Appendix A. 3.

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