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    • [PDF File]Request for Social Security Earnings Information

      Form . SSA-7050-F4 (03-2019) Page 3 of 4. REQUEST FOR SOCIAL SECURITY EARNING INFORMATION . INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR REQUEST. You may use this form to request earnings information for one ONE Social Security Number (SSN)

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    • [PDF File]2018 Form 1040

      Form 1040 Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service . U.S. Individual Income Tax Return . 2018. OMB No. 1545-0074. IRS Use Only—Do not write or staple in this space.

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      TINETTI BALANCE ASSESSMENT TOOL GAIT SECTION Patient stands with therapist, walks across room (+/- aids), first at usual pace, then at rapid pace. Risk Indicators: Tinetti Tool Score Risk of Falls ≤18 High 19-23 Moderate ≥24 Low Date Indication of gait (Immediately after told to ‘go’.) Any hesitancy or multiple attempts = 0 No hesitancy = 1

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    • [PDF File]VAMC SLUMS Examination - Saint Louis University

      SH Tariq, N Tumosa, JT Chibnall, HM Perry III, and JE Morley. The Saint Louis University Mental Status (SLUMS) Examination for Detecting Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia is more sensitive than the Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE) - A pilot study. J am Geriatri Psych ( in press). 2 3 Questions about this assessment tool? E-mail aging ...

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    • [PDF File]DR 2395 (04/02/15) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ...

      Dealer # Date Purchased Commercial Use Yes No MSRP Size (W x L) Bus Cap. Adult Juvenile Legal Name(s) as it Appears on Identification* Lease and Address of Owner(s) or Entity * DR 2421 Attached Buy-Out Yes No Legal Name(s) as it Appears on Identification and Physical Address of Lessee

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    • [PDF File]RD-108 Application for Michigan Title & Registration

      Purchaser Warning: Do Not Sign a Blank Form. I am purchasing or leasing this vehicle and am applying for a Michigan certificate of title and registration or, if the lessee, applying for a registration.

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    • [PDF File]Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)

      PHQ-9 Patient Depression Questionnaire For initial diagnosis: 1. Patient completes PHQ-9 Quick Depression Assessment. 2. If there are at least 4 3s in the shaded section (including Questions #1 and #2), consider a depressive

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    • [PDF File]Funding Fee Tables - Veterans Benefits Administration Home

      Funding Fee Tables Purchase And Construction Loans The enactment of Public Law 112-56 established funding fee rates at the ... *The higher subsequent use fee does not apply to these types of loans if the Veteran's only prior use of entitlement was for a manufactured home loan. Type of Loan .

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    • [PDF File]Form 1957 - Bill of Sale or Even-Trade Bill of Sale

      The seller must complete all applicable information and sign this form. The Bill of Sale or Even-Trade Bill of Sale must be notarized when showing proof of ownership on major component parts of a rebuilt vehicle or when specifically requested to be notarized by the Department of Revenue.

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    • [PDF File]Form 941 for 2019: Employer’s QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return

      Form 941-V, Payment Voucher. Purpose of Form. Complete Form 941-V if you're making a payment with Form 941. We will use the completed voucher to credit your payment more promptly and accurately, and to improve our service to you. Making Payments With Form 941. To avoid a penalty, make your payment with Form 941 . only if:

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