Paleolithic era timeline

    • [DOC File]Chaparral Middle School

      Archeological evidence indicates that during the Paleolithic era, hunting-foraging bands of humans gradually migrated from their origin in East Africa to Eurasia, Australia, and the Americas, adapting their technology and cultures to new climate regions. (Key Concept 1.1.I) Key Concept 1.2 The Neolithic Revolution and Early Agricultural Societies

      what was the paleolithic era

    • [DOC File]Time Frame and Content Focus

      The first part of the Stone Age is also called the Paleolithic Era. 2. Permanent settlements were built when people began to raise crops and animals. 3. Once people adopted agriculture the world population shrank because agriculture provided a less reliable food supply than did hunting and gathering. 4. Early humans hunted animals and gathered ...

      neolithic paleolithic timeline

    • [DOCX File]Prehistory

      WORLD HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY: ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS 16 22% 6.1 Students describe what is known through archaeological studies of the early physical and cultural development of humankind from the Paleolithic era to the agricultural revolution. 1 1. Describe the hunter-gatherer societies, including the development of tools and the use of fire. * 2.

      paleolithic timeline of events

    • [DOC File]BIG ERA ONE - World History

      Jul 20, 2011 · Timeline Label and illustrate a timeline with the events listed below. For each event, draw a creative and appropriate symbol near its proper place on the timeline. ... known through archaeological studies of the early physical and cultural development of humankind from the Paleolithic era to the agricultural revolution. 6.1.2 Identify the ...

      paleolithic stone tools

    • [DOCX File]09.01.DBQ.NeolithicRevolution.docx

      timeline ODE pretest/posttest Early Civilizations: Paleolithic Era Group presentations/posters October 2008. Early Civilizations: Paleolithic Era Hunting and gathering tool making use of fire domestication of plants and animals organizing societies governance Agricultural Revolution

      paleolithic age date

    • [DOC File]Curriculum Map -

      On the timeline provided you will include at least 10 annotations of significant events during the Pre-Classical Period. You will then choose one event which you believe is the most significant to world history and back up your argument with evidence ... Paleolithic Era Similarities Neolithic Era What to include here: religion, cities, economy ...

      what does paleolithic mean

    • Timeline of human prehistory - Wikipedia

      Unit one: Paleolithic and Neolithic Era. Date. Lesson/TopicAssignment. What is due? Day one: Quiz on map/timeline. Reading on Paleolithic Era. Vocab Terms on Paleolithic Era. Notes on Paleolithic Era. Textbook worksheet, side one. Day two: Warmup Questions. Reading on Neolithic Era. Vocab Terms on Neolithic Era. Notes on Neolithic Era. Textbook ...

      how did the paleolithic people survive

    • Era 1 Homework Packet Instructions.docx

      This timeline helps students better understand the huge time scale of Big Era One and can be used throughout the school year. For example, the 180th doll on the timeline, located at 4,500 BP, represents a student ancestor who lived somewhere on earth at the time the Egyptian pyramids were built.

      paleolithic age facts for kids

    • [DOC File]Era 1 Homework Packet Instructions.docx

      6.1 Students describe what is known through archaeological studies of the early physical and cultural development of humankind from the Paleolithic era to the agricultural revolution. Describe the hunter-gatherer societies, including the development of tools and the use of fire.

      what was the paleolithic era

    • [DOC File]Test 1 - Early humans and the Neolithic Revolution

      The images above show a nomadic tribe of Bedouins who lived in the Moab Desert in the late 1800s. The pictures were taken by an American named Archibald Forder who lived in the Middle East with the tribe for thirteen years. Though these images were not taken during the Paleolithic Era, they depict how some people may have lived at that time.

      neolithic paleolithic timeline

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