Personal self assessment quiz


      21. I try to study during my personal peak energy time to increase my concentration level. 22. I quiz myself over material that could appear on future exams and quizzes. 23. I say difficult concepts out loud in order to understand them better. 24. I summarize my notes into my own words, for better understanding 25.

    • [PDF File]VAK Test

      VAK Learning Styles Self-Assessment Questionnaire Circle or tick the answer that most represents how you generally behave. (It’s best to complete the questionnaire before reading the accompanying explanation.) 1. When I operate new equipment I generally: a) read the instructions first

    • [PDF File]Reflective Practice Self-Assessment Page Score each item ...

      This self-assessment quiz will help you examine the ways you use reflection in your personal and professional life, and consider the extent to which you use reflective activities for learning and self-development. Interpreting your scores There are a maximum 60 points available (5 sections, each of 6 questions = 30 questions, max 2pts each).

    • Stress Assessments - NYSUT

      The following are series of self-assessment scales to help us determine the degree and type of stress we are experiencing and how well our stress coping skills are Disclaimer: Test scores on the following self-assessments do not reflect any particular diagnosis or course of treatment. They are meant as a tool to help assess your level of stress.

    • [PDF File]Workplace Stress Survey

      My job often interferes with my family and social obligations, or personal needs. _____ I tend to have frequent arguments with superiors, coworkers or customers. _____ Most of the time I feel I have very little control over my life at work. _____ Add up the replies to each question for your TOTAL JOB STRESS SCORE _____ ...

    • [PDF File]Leadership Matrix Self-Assessment Questionnaire

      Leadership Self Assessment Questionnaire Below is a list of statements about leadership behavior. Read each one carefully, then, using the following scale, decide the extent to which it actually applies to you. For best results, answer as ... it should become a personal …

    • [PDF File]Professional Boundaries Self Assessment Tool

      Professional Boundaries Self Assessment Tool. Answer every question, don’t think about your answer too long and put down your first answer. Choose the answer that is closest to your own response. Each question has a blank answer for you to add your suggestions for dealing with the situation. Dealing with boundary issues can be quite

    • [PDF File]Princeton UMatter Wellness Self-Assessment

      You can use this self-assessment tool to determine the areas of wellness (emotional, environmental, intellectual, occupational, physical, social, and spiritual) where you are thriving, as well as those that may need greater attention. Taking this assessment will also help you to reflect on components

    • [PDF File]Personal Assessment: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

      Personal Assessment: 8 Dimensions of Wellness Directions: Circle the number that applies to you for each statement. Then, total up the number for each of the 4 columns. Write the sum of all your totals in the light gray box to the right of the chart.

    • [PDF File]Learning Styles Self-Assessment - SUU

      Learning Styles The questionnaire below is an informal indicator of your learning style. Consider the Kolb Learning Style Inventory or the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to learn about other aspects than those identified or for a more formal assessment

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