Real life situations articles tok

    • [DOCX File]Weebly

      Real Life Situations for TOK Essays and TOK Presentations. Knowledge Questions – we worked through a process in class whereby we moved from creating knowledge claims to creating knowledge questions. For TOK presentations, you must create your own knowledge questions based on the RLS’s that you analyze.

      tok real life situation art

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      ~students hone presentation skills by presenting knowledge issues in real-life situations using a variety of multi-media tools Thinkers/Risk-takers ~students take risks by challenging their own beliefs and knowledge claims, as well as those of certain cultural and academic paradigms

      real life situation tok examples

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      ~students hone presentation skills by presenting knowledge issues in real-life situations using a variety of multi-media tools Thinkers/Risk-takers ~students take risks by challenging their own beliefs and knowledge claims, as well as those of certain cultural and academic paradigms

      real life situation tok presentation

    • [DOCX File]AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE - Home - Buckswood School

      The following is a “how to” guide to write a TOK essay. For this “unpacking” assignment. Step 1: Identify the . ... what Real Life Situations are pertinent to your PT? ... RESIST PASSIVITY! QUESTION EVERYTHING! JUST BECAUSE THE VIDEOS AND ARTICLES here contain expert witness etc., doesn’t mean they’re right. Being a TOK sensei means ...

      tok history real life situation

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      real-life situation, while the TOK essay takes a more conceptual starting point; for example asking students to discuss the claim that the methodologies used to produce knowledge depend on the use to which that knowledge will be used.

      tok real life situation art

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