Rise and tread dimensions



      Angle of stairway rise. Fixed stairs must be at angles to the horizontal of between 30 degrees and 50 degrees. Use any uniform combination of rise/tread dimensions that will result in stairs at an angle to the horizontal between 30 degrees and 50 degrees. Table 1 gives rise/tread dimensions that will produce stairs within this range.

      riser tread formula

    • [DOCX File]Subpart D – Walking-Working Surfaces


      Rise and Depth Dimensions: Vertical Rise per Row: 8 inches. Horizontal Depth per Row: 24 inches. Seat Above its Respective Tread: 17 inches. Risers: 1/2-inch by 6-1/4-inch anodized aluminum board. At Top Row: 1/2-inch by 11-1/2-inch anodized aluminum board.

      tread riser ratio



      Have open risers with a vertical rise between tread surfaces of 6.5 to 12 inches (17 to 30 cm); Have minimum tread depth of 4 inches (10 cm); and Have a minimum tread width of 18 inches (46 cm).

      tread and riser size

    • [DOC File]Work Surfaces


      Tread depth and riser heights must also be consistent throughout a staircase. Where the slope is less than 30 degrees, a ramp with a non-slip surface should be installed. Any uniform combination of rise and (or) tread dimensions may be used. Ramps. Ramps not part of the exit access will be installed following the guidance in . Table 7.2.

      standard tread and riser dimensions

    • Stair Risers & Treads Dimensions & Drawings | Dimensions.com

      Any uniform combination of rise/tread dimensions may be used that will result in a stairway at an angle to the horizontal within the permissible range. Table D-1 (29 CFR 1910.24) gives rise/tread dimensions which will produce a stairway within the permissible range, stating the angle to the horizontal produced by each combination.

      standard tread and riser

    • [DOCX File]Continuous Elevated Angle-Frame Bleachers


      E. Rise and Depth Dimensions: 8” vertical rise and 24” tread depth, Seat height is 17” above its respective tread. (Except low rise & 3 row models) F. Seats: Nominal 2” x 10” anodized aluminum with anodized end caps. G. Treads: Nominal one (1) or optional two (2) 2” x 10” mill finish aluminum with anodized end caps on rows 2 and ...

      figure stair treads and risers

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