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    • [DOC File]EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - U.S. Department of Defense

      The Secretary of Defense introduced the concept of Electronic Business (EB) in his Defense Reform Initiative Report (DRIR) of November 1997. This report stated that “a full commitment to electronic business operations will not only result in tangible savings, but will also change the DoD’s business culture, forcing managers to think differently and act more efficiently.”

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    • [DOCX File]Lethal Autonomous Weapons Aff-Neg

      Lethal Autonomous Weapons are only one kind of artificial intelligence that are used by the military, others include automated defense systems, tracking systems, etc. Advocates for banning LAWs focus predominately on the role that human agency plays in de-escalating situations, identifying civilians, and preventing unnecessary harm.

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    • 1 Introduction - PhilArchive

      Recently criticisms against autonomous weapons were presented in a video in which an AI-powered drone kills a person. However, some said that this video is a distraction from the real risk of AI—the risk of unlimitedly self-improving AI systems. In this article, we analyze arguments from both sides and turn them into conditions.

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    • [DOC File]Legal Systems Very different from Ours - David D. Friedman

      Is self defense a defense (actor) Insanity defense? (yes, criminal, actor, no, civil, outcome) ... Possession of such weapons is an offense, as opposed to possession of ordinary things that can be used as weapons. ... Author reviews his own book on Amazon.

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    • [DOCX File]

      Learn the laws regarding self-defense for your state: Each state varies differently on the amount of force you are allowed to use and under which circumstances force can be used. Although some states use a blend of doctrines, self-defense laws generally fall into the following three categories:

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    • [DOC File]Top Ten Tips - San Jose State University

      Practice the ancient art of self-defense: Tongue-Fu. Don’t fight back directly. Instead pretend to surrender, relying on flattery, concession, implied logic, and innuendo to infiltrate their mental defenses and flip their arguments off-balance. 4. Motivational Thesis: Friendly Audience . …

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    • [DOCX File]Verbatim Mac

      Furthermore, autonomous weapons are only part of the problem of AI weaponization, and a relatively small one at that. It is telling that “war-fighting applications” were merely one of the five military uses of AI considered by the Defense Science Board 2015 Summer Study on Autonomy.

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