Statistics formula sheet

    • [PDF File]MAT1272 Statistics Formula Sheet - City Tech

      MAT1272 Statistics Formula Sheet LXW Weighted Mean = L w Median = ... items from n distinct items, is given by the formula . For permutations, the order of selections~ important. The steps to calculate ". P. x are to press the numbers on the calculator associated with n, then

    • [PDF File]Formulas and Tables by Mario F. Triola Copyright 2010 ...

      Ch. 8: Test Statistics (one population) Proportion—one population Ch. 9: Test Statistics (two populations) Two proportions Two means—independent; s 1 and s 2 unknown, and not assumed equal. Two means—independent; s 1 and s 2 unknown, but assumed equal. Ch. 11: Goodness-of-Fit and Contingency Tables where McNemar’s test for matched 2 ...

    • [PDF File]AP Statistics Formula Sheet

      AP Statistics Formula Sheet (I) Descriptive Statistics P(A ... (III) Inferential Statistics Standardized test statistic: statistic – parameter standard deviation of statistic Confidence interval: statistic ± (critical value) • (standard deviation of statistic) Single–Sample Statistic Standard Deviation ...


      Introduction to the Basic Practice of Statistics. Ne w York: W.H. Freeman & Co, 5th edition. DESCRIPTIONS OF STATISTICS FORMULAS MEAN: The mean, symbolized by x-bar, equals one divided by the number of samples multiplied by the sum of all data points, symbolized by x …

    • [PDF File]Frequently Used Statistics Formulas and Tables

      Frequently Used Statistics Formulas and Tables Chapter 2 highest value - lowest value ... textbooks and formula sheets interchange “r” and “x” ... (last page of formula sheet) Confidence Intervals Level of Confidence z-value (z α/2) 70% 1.04 75% 1.15

    • [PDF File]Formulas for AP Statistics

      III. Sampling Distributions and Inferential Statistics (continued) Sampling distributions for proportions: Random Variable Parameters of Sampling Distribution Standard Error* of Sample Statistic For one population: pˆ µ pˆ = p ( ) ˆ 1 p pp n σ − = ( ) ˆ ppˆˆ1 s n − = For two populations: 12 p pˆˆ− ˆˆpp12 12 µ p p ...

    • [PDF File]TABLES AND FORMULAS FOR MOORE Basic Practice of Statistics

      TABLES AND FORMULAS FOR MOORE Basic Practice of Statistics Exploring Data: Distributions • Look for overall pattern (shape, center, spread) and deviations (outliers). • Mean (use a calculator): x = x1 +x2 +···+xn n = 1 n! xi • Standard deviation (use a calculator): s = 1 n−1 (xi −x)2• Median: Arrange all observations from smallest to largest.

    • [PDF File]

      Microsoft Word - Statistics Cheat Sheet2.docx Author: Helen Yang Created Date: 6/4/2009 11:56:03 AM ...

    • [PDF File]Formulas for AP Statistics

      Formulas for AP Statistics I. Descriptive Statistics 1 i i x xx nn ¦¦ 2 1 2 11 i xi xx sxx nn ¦ ¦ yabxˆ yabx 1 1 ii xy x xyy r ns s §· §· ¨¸¨¸¨¸ ©¹©¹ ¦ y x s br s II. Probability and Distributions PA B PA PB PA B (|) PA B PAB PB Probability Distribution Mean Standard Deviation Discrete random variable, X µ X ==EX x Px() ( )¦

    • [PDF File]Basic Statistics Formulas - Integral Table

      Basic Statistics Formulas Population Measures Mean = 1 n X x i (1) Variance ˙2 = 1 n X (x i x)2 (2) Standard Deviation ˙= r 1 n X (x i x)2 (3) Sampling Sample mean x= 1 n X x i (4) Sample variance s2 x = 1 n 1 X (x i x)2 (5) Std. Deviation s x = r 1 n 1 X (x i x)2 (6) z-score z= x ˙ (7) Correlation r= 1 n 1 Xn i=1 (x i x) s x (y i y) s y (8 ...

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