What is a good blood pressure medication

    • [DOC File]Taking Medications is an important way to achieve blood ...


      High blood pressure and stroke. High blood pressure usually has no symptoms, but it is a contributing factor in around half of all strokes, making it the biggest single risk factor for stroke. This guide explains what high blood pressure is, the types of medication used to treat it …

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    • Medications Used to Treat High Blood Pressure

      How to Control Your Blood Pressure. Take Your medications as directed by your doctor. Your blood pressure medication controls your blood pressure; it does not cure it. Do not stop taking it unless your doctor tells you to. Know the name and amount of your medication, and double check this information every time you take it.

      choosing a blood pressure medication

    • [DOC File]Teaching Plan for High Blood Pressure Management


      Lowering blood pressure reduces your risk of having a stroke or heart attack. Nearly half of all people with cardiovascular diseases like hypertension do not take their medications regularly. This makes them more likely to have a stroke or heart attack. The POWER Program provides this list of tips to

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    • [DOC File]CLESE


      When assessing blood pressures, members would ask “what is the difference between the top number and the bottom number”. Furthermore, some of the members would repeatedly have high blood pressure readings, despite instructing them to consult with their doctors. Others would ask, “Which one of the medications is for high blood pressure”.

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