ࡱ> 7 ! bjbjUU @7|7|! l---- -E........DDDDDDD$E GxD.....D...D......D..D../:4,4.. 3N,-.B4 4D0EL4RiH.iH4. Sample Exam I key 1) True 2) False 3) True 4) False 5) False A sound argument is one which is both VALID and has all true premises. Since a valid argument is one in which the truth of the premises guarantees the truth of the conclusion, it follows that the conclusion of a sound argument MUST be true. So, any argument with a false conclusion is unsound. I would use a consistency checker to test for validity in the following way. We know that in a valid argument it is impossible for the premises to be true while the conclusion is false. Accordingly, the set {all true premises, false conclusion} must be inconsistent. SO, I would run the set of statements {all true premises, false conclusion} through the consistency checker. If that set is consistent, the argument is non-valid. If the set is inconsistent, then the argument is valid. True [(P(R)vQ]v(Rv~Q)F?T?TF?FT?T True (PvQ)((~Q(~P)FTTFTFTTT True (~C ( ~S) ( (~I ( D) (B v F) ( G (D ( R) ( (H v P) Truth table for formula 12 BFG(BvF)(GTTTTTTTFTFTFTTTTFFTFFTTTTFTFTFFFTFTFFFFT 15)Not EquivalentROWS 1 AND 2 DISAGREE IN TRUTH VALUE PQ~PvQ~(P(Q)TTFTFTTFFFTFFTTTTFFFTTTF**** 16) Valid Not consistent, it is impossible to make all three claims true. For the last to be true, P must be true and R false. No matter what value is assigned to Q, either the first or the second claim will be false. 18)Valid, you cannot make the premises true and the conclusion false 19)Valid P(Q~P(RRvQFFfirst step, make the conclusion falseFFFplug in the assumptions made above F Fattempt to make the premises true start anywhereTif P is false, premise 1 is trueFTFHowever, if P is false, ~P is trueFand a conditional with a true antecedent and a false consequent is falseTFFSince it is impossible to make the premises true and the conclusion false, the argument is valid ab78=>CDQRYZ^_| }   ! 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