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What do the Verbs imply? Refer to Standards Verbs. Step 7: Assessment Ideas: Use the VERBS in the standard statement to create assessment ideas. Refer to Assessment Strategy Descriptions Unpacking Standards Guidelines Step 1: List the Standard Statement: Underline the VERBS; Circle the Content (Nouns & Adjectives) List the standard statement by number and letter, for example: 10.4.6.A List the standard descriptors (bullets) Step 2: List the Content (Nouns & Adjectives): List the Content from the standard statement as well as the standard descriptors (bullets); the descriptors represent the content (for standard statements that have descriptors), however its important to refer back to the standard statement to understand the context of the standard; the bullets represent the content; the statement represents the context. For example: 10.5.6.D: Describe and apply the principles of exercise to the components of health and skill-related fitness. Cardiorespiratory endurance Muscular strength Muscular endurance Flexibility Body composition Content & Context: the health-related components are listed as bullets (content); principles of exercise (FITT) and skill-related fitness components are listed in the statement (context); therefore, the health and skill related components need to be applied in context TO the principles of exercise (FITT). Principles of Exercise refer to 10.5.3.D: Frequency Intensity Time Type The skill-related components are NOT listed as bullets but ARE listed in the statement; therefore, this content should be addressed. Adjectives should be utilized in conjunction with the associated noun, for example, physical activity: physical is an adjective and activity is a noun. In other words dont separate the adjective from its noun. It may be necessary to add sub bullets that are not listed in the standards due to our curriculum, for example: 10.5.9.F: Describe and apply game strategies to complex games and physical activities. Offensive strategies Depth Width Step 2: List the Verbs: Review the standard statement carefully since some have more than one verb, especially grades 9 & 12. 10.5.12.D: Incorporate and synthesize knowledge of exercise principles, training principles, and health and skill-related fitness components to create a fitness program for personal use. Step 3: Define the Content (nouns & adjectives): Compose the definitions in developmentally appropriate language; list the meanings of the words in language that you would use with your students (depending on the grade level). Refer to a variety of resources to obtain current information. Step 4: Essential Questions: Compose essential questions using the Content (what, why, how, when, where, similarities & differences, etc.). Refer to Question Starters for ideas. The number of essential questions utilized is up to the staff to decide; it may be necessary to compose fewer questions in the elementary grades and more in secondary. The essential questions should be used in the assessment and/or the learning activity. For standard statements that have descriptors, utilize the nouns in the statement within the questions (content and context). For example: 10.1.6.A: Identify and describe the structure and function of the major body systems. Muscular Questions: What is the function of the muscular system? How does the function determine the structure of the muscles (form follows function)? 10.5.6.D: Describe and apply the principles of exercise to the components of health and skill-related fitness. Cardiorespiratory endurance Muscular strength Muscular endurance Flexibility Body composition Link the essential questions to the standards verbs - Sample Essential Questions 10.5.6.D: What are the Principles of Exercise? (Describe) How do we apply the principles of exercise to the health-related components of fitness? (Apply) How do we apply the principles of exercise to the skill-related components of fitness? (Apply) What are some examples of exercises or activities that would help us develop the health-related components? (Identify not the standards verb, but appropriate in this case). What are some examples of exercises or activities that would help us develop the skill-related components? (Identify not the standards verb, but appropriate in this case). What is cardiorespiratory endurance? (Describe) How can you improve cardiorespiratory endurance? (Apply) What is the FITT principle for cardiorespiratory endurance? (Describe) Why is the FITT principle important to understand? (Apply) Step 5: Answers to Essential Questions: This is the Essential Content of the lesson - List the answers by Essential Question number Its important to know acceptable answers to any questions asked. For lower level questions, its best to supply the expected answer; for higher level or open ended questions, it may be best to provide cues as a reminder to yourself of the context of the question. Step 6: What is the meaning of the Verbs? Refer to Standards Verbs and list the definition. Step 7: Assessment Ideas: Use the VERBS in the standard statement to create assessment ideas form follows function. What do the Verbs imply? Refer to Assessment Strategy Descriptions and list by Title and Type of assessment; be sure to develop assessments that require the use of the verb (apply, analyze, describe, etc.). If an assessment has already been developed list it. Nutrition Graphic Organizer Weight Training Technique Tabular Matrix If an assessment has not been developed describe it. For example, if the students are to apply a concept, describe how application will be measured. When completed utilize the Unpacking Standards Checklist to check your work Standards Verbs Analyze: 1.Study something closely:to examine something in great detail in order to understand it better or discover more about it. 2.Break something down into components:to find out what something is made up of by identifying its constituent parts. 3.Examine structure:to study the structure of something or how its constituent parts are put together Synonyms: HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561572861/examine.html" examine, study, investigate, scrutinize, evaluate, consider, question, explore, probe, dissect, inspect Apply: Use something:to make use of something to achieve a result Synonyms: HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561592935/use.html" use, operate, put into operation, employ, utilize, direct, harness Assess: 1. Judge something:to examine something in order to judge or evaluate it. 2.Determine amount:to calculate a value based on various factors (Insurance adjusters are assessing the damage) Synonyms: HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561580246/measure.html" measure, evaluate, judge, weigh, calculate, consider, gauge Compare: 1. Examine people or things for similarities:to examine two or more people or things in order to discover similarities and differences between them. Synonyms: HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561569622/contrast.html" contrast, evaluate, assess, measure up, match up to, weigh against, put side by side, balance, judge Contrast: Seem or make things seem different:to compare different things or arrange them in a way that highlights their differences, or be markedly different when compared with something. Synonyms: HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561571116/difference.html" difference, dissimilarity, distinction, disparity, divergence, and gap Create: 1. Make something:to bring something into existence. 2. Give rise to something:to result in something or make something happen. 3. Produce inventions or art:to use imagination to invent things or produce works of art. Synonyms: HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561579848/make.html" make, generate, produce, fashion, form, craft, build, construct,  HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561577938/invent.html" invent, design, originate, initiate, give rise to, coin, conceive Describe: 1.Explain something:to give an account of something by giving details of its characteristics. 2.Characterize somebody or something:to label or typify somebody or something. 3.Represent something:to represent something pictorially or with a model Synonyms: HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561573030/explain.html" explain, portray, depict, illustrate, express, communicate, HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561578504/label.html" label, refer to, define, designate, pronounce, call, term, style Engage: 1. Require use of something:to require the use or devotion of something; involve somebody, or become involved:to involve somebody in an activity, or become involved or take part in an activity. Synonyms: HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561577982/involve.html" involve, occupy, engross, absorb, take part, and participate Evaluate: 1.Examine and judge something:to consider or examine something in order to judge its value, quality, importance, extent, or condition. 2.Put value on something:to estimate the monetary value of something Synonyms: HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561565922/assess.html" assess, appraise, gauge, estimate, calculate, weigh, value, price, and weigh up Examine: 1.Study something:to inspect or study somebody or something in detail. 2.Investigate something:to analyze something in order to understand or expose it. 3.Test somebody:to test the knowledge or ability of somebody by giving written, oral, or practical examinations Synonyms: HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561596513/look_at.html" look at, inspect, scrutinize, observe, study, survey, scan,  HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561564356/consider.html" consider, think about, look into, investigate, research, analyze, appraise, weigh up, sift, weigh Explain: 1. Give details about something:to give an account of something with enough clarity and detail to be understood by somebody else. 2. Clarify meaning of something:to make the meaning of something clear to somebody. 3. Give reason for something:to give the reason for something that has happened, often as justification for it. Synonyms: HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561579877/make_clear.html" make clear, clarify, put in plain words, elucidate, enlighten, explicate, describe, illuminate, expound, HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561578322/justify.html" justify, account for, defend, rationalize, vindicate, support Identify: 1. Recognize and name:to recognize somebody or something and to be able to say who or what he, she, or it is. 2. Consider as same:to consider two or more things as being entirely or essentially the same. Synonyms: HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561568777/classify.html" classify, recognize, find, categorize, detect, ascertain, formal, isolate, pinpoint, label, distinguish, characterize, name, HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561572705/equate.html" equate, connect, relate, link, and associate Improve: Make or become better:to make something better in quality or condition, or become better. Synonyms: HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561574801/get_better.html" get better, perk up, pick up, look up, recover, advance, progress, rally, expand, increase, mend, and develop Incorporate: 1. Join with something that exists:to combine something with, or include it within, something already formed, or be combined or included in this way. 2. Merge things:to combine one thing with another, so as to form a united whole, or be combined in this way. Synonyms: HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561578206/join.html" join, slot in, fit in, add in, slip in, include, integrate, unite, combine,  HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561580389/merge.html" merge, feature, contain, encompass, absorb, and assimilate Know: 1. Hold information in mind:to have information firmly in the mind or committed to memory. 2. Be certain about something:to believe firmly in the truth or certainty of something. 3. Realize something:to be or become aware of something. Synonyms: be aware of, be knowledgeable about, comprehend, appreciate, realize, grasp, recognize, see, get,  HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561566468/be_acquainted_with.html" be acquainted with, be familiar with, distinguish, see, have knowledge of, be friendly with, tell Promote: Support or encourage something:to encourage the growth and development of something Synonyms: HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561572509/endorse.html" endorse, encourage, help, sponsor, stimulate, uphold, prop up, campaign for, support, and foster Recognize: Identify somebody or something seen before:to identify a thing or person as a result of having seen or had some other experience of him, her, or it before Synonyms: HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561578479/know.html" know, identify, distinguish, make out, be familiar with, be aware of, be acquainted with, be on familiar terms with, diagnose, and spot Synthesize: Combine various components into new whole:to combine different ideas, influences, or objects into a new whole, or be combined in this way. Synonyms: HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561580034/manufacture.html" manufacture, create, make, and produce Use: Employ something for purpose:to put something into action or service for some purpose Synonyms: HYPERLINK "http://encarta.msn.com/thesaurus_561592933/usage.html" usage, custom, habit, practice, routine, procedure Source: MSN Encarta Online Dictionary Revised April, 2006 Assessment Strategy Descriptions Academic Prompts: open-ended questions or statements that require the student to think critically, not just recall knowledge; between a performance task and question and short answer; Affinity Chart: classifying items based on category Post it notes with one idea; place on wall or blackboard; silently move the post it notes into categories Analogies two pairs of items that on the surface appear to have no connection but are joined by a concept; for example: hot is to cold as angry is to happy opposites is the concept. Best Answer: similar to multiple choice, however the Best Answer format consists on a question or prompt followed by four or five statements (options/distracters); it differs from multiple choice because the distracters are all correct, but only one is best. Domain Matrix: used by the teacher to assess the alignment of unit outcomes, objectives, standards, and planning activities; the teacher uses this technique to assess whether the outcomes, understandings, or standards will be met using the selected learning activities. Double Matching: dual associations between concepts Leg Press exercise multi joint (multi or single joint exercise) and gluteus maximus (major muscle strengthened) Essay Question: higher level question that requires an extended response; the question will be evaluated with a rubric; the rubric should be distributed to the students prior to the test/assessment. Experiment/Results: the experiment can be posed as a situation, which may lead to any number of results or outcomes with one result being the most likely (convergent). Experiment/Results/Interpretation: extends the experiment/results format; interpretation of the results requires higher levels of understanding. Graphic Organizer: visual diagram of connected concepts Comparisons Venn Diagram use of two intersecting circles to show how items are similar and different Classifications grouping items into categories based on similar characteristics Greater-Less-Same: the central concept is placed in the middle of two extreme opposites Informal Checks for Understanding: AKA Zap - technique used to instantaneously assess students understanding of a concept or directions Thumbs up or thumbs down 4-3-2-1: students hold up fingers based on level of understanding 4: I understand this so well, I can teach it to another 3: I understand this but dont think I can teach it 2: Im a little confused 1: I dont have a clue Key List: classification of items in relationship to another set of items List of offensive strategies List of golf strokes List of multi joint exercises Metaphors two items that on the surface appear to have no connection; for example: writing standards lessons is a root canal. Mind Map: graphical representation of key words or concepts using pictures and color Performance Task: construction of an authentic product with numerous variables and outcomes; the student constructs an original product, while following the teachers predetermined guidelines. Personal fitness program design project Develop a checklist of badminton skills to be used by the US Olympic Committee to evaluate prospective Olympic athletes during game play Question & Short Answer: a variation of the best answer and key list formats; the stem poses a question and the answer varies in length RAFT Assignment: Role, Audience, Format, Topic various possibilities for each category are conceived by the teacher and the students write within the format Role: family member Audience: grandparent Format: letter of concern Topic: diabetes Rank Order: arranging concepts in a logical order or progression Simple Matching: simple one-to-one associations between concepts Heart cardiovascular system Racket sports badminton, tennis, etc. Statement and Comment: resembles the best answer and question and short answer formats, but differs in that the stem is posed as a statement and the students are expected to select the best or most appropriate comment. Tabular Matrix: A way of representing a more complex structure of content area beyond matching or specific/ general distinctions; level of difficulty is determined by the degree of complexity of the inter-relationships of the elements of the content represented in the item. Topic: physical fitness Objective: relationships between exercise and fitness CardiovascularMuscular strengthMuscular enduranceRunning 5 milesXSitupsXX Think Trix: thinking through question/response cues contains seven components that can be utilized separately, in groups, or all together; the components center around a big idea or concept Recall define, design list, detail summarize Cause & Effect postulate, note, consider motive, infer predict, hypothesize Difference contrast, compare, distinguish, differentiate, discern (outside circles of Venn diagram) Similarity analogies, compare, examine (intersecting circles of Venn diagram) Ideas to Examples categorize, deduce, substantiate, make analogy, support Examples to Ideas classify, induce, conclude, generalize, find essence Evaluation consider ethics, evaluate, judge, rate, weigh evidence Ticket Out: quick check for understanding prior to the students exiting the class What did you learn today? How does what you learned fit with something you already know? What are you confused about? Word Splash: diagnostic assessment (to find out what the students know prior to instruction) Place list of vocabulary words on an overhead or on the board; have students define and use the words in a sentence.     PAGE  PAGE 9 Step 2: List the Verbs: Step 2: List the Content: Step 3: Define the Content: Step 4: Essential Questions: Compose essential questions using the Content (what, why, how, when, where, similarities & differences, etc.) Step 5: Answers to Essential Questions: This is the Essential Content of the lesson - List the answers by Essential Question number Step 6: Verbs: What do the Verbs imply? Refer to Standards Verbs. Step 7: Assessment Ideas: Use the VERBS in the standard statement to create assessment ideas Refer to Assessment Strategy Descriptions 4\]|}\ ^ b d g h i j k l o p q r v w x y } ~  ݽ|jh(8CJUmHnHuhejhpRCJUmHnHuhpR5>*\hpRhJNhe>*CJ hB>*CJhBhB>*B*CJphh(8 h(8CJH* h(8CJ hBCJ h?NCJh?Nh?Nh?NCJ hjCJ8hj*4}Z [ \ _ ` a b ^kd$$Ifl$h%064 laytL) $IfgdL)gdpR$a$gd(8gde$a$b e f g i k m n o q s t u v x z { | }   tgde^gdpR`gdpRgdpR   / 7 J p }  : ; <    ( + x ƼƳƼƭƭƭƭƗ鍉zohzhjCJaJhzhj5>*CJ\aJhjhJNhj>*CJ h CJhe6>*CJ] heCJ heCJhe5CJ\h(85>*CJ\he5>*CJ\hJNhe>*CJ hpR>*CJhe5>*\he#jh(85>*U\mHnHu) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 r s t u v w x y z gdegde 1$7$8$H$gdez { | }           gde    gdegde * + s JK z & Fgdj & Fgdj & Fgdjgdjgdegdegde  ' ( KS U]^bgl,z輫tethzhjB*CJaJph hzhj>*B*CJaJphhzhj5CJaJhzhj6CJaJhzhj5CJ\aJ *hzhj5>*CJ\aJhzhj5>*CJ\aJhzhj6CJ]aJ *hzhj6CJ]aJhzhjCJaJhzhj>*CJaJ$!,s~"#$SKfپپrdUhzhj6>*CJ]aJhzhj6>*CJaJhzhj6CJ]aJhzhj5OJQJ\aJ$hzhj>*B*OJQJaJphhzhjOJQJaJhzhj5CJ\aJhzhj5>*CJ\aJhzhj5CJaJhzhjCJaJ *hzhj6CJ]aJ *hzhjCJaJ !ogh#$UV gdj & F pp^pgdj & F h88^8gdjgdj & Fgdj  JK$z{-9JK & Fgdj & Fgdjgdj "19HQY`Iy~07 FGǼ䞭䞭hzhjCJ]aJhzhjB*CJaJphhzhjB*CJaJphhzhzCJaJhzhj6CJ]aJ *hzhj6CJ]aJhzhjCJaJ hzhj>*B*CJaJph98G&_fgpqb c Q!R!n!!!3"4" & Fgdjgdj & F gdj%:UW^ky~pxl 4"5"C"R"o""""""""寡}qfZfhzhrB8>*CJaJhzhrB8CJaJhzhrB8>*CJaJhzhz>*CJaJhz>*CJaJhzhj6>*CJ\aJhzhj5CJ\aJhzhjCJ\aJhzhj6>*CJ]aJhzhj5>*CJ\aJhzhjCJ]aJhzhjCJaJhzhjB*CJaJph#4"5"""""""""#$$$%%U&&&'<(=(())|*+ & F gdrB8gdrB8gdrB8 1$7$8$H$gdj""#H####$ $ $O$P$W$X$$$$$$$$$$%% %J%K%N%O%%%%%%%%%%%&'&U&]&_&`&&&&&&&ʻ粧ʻ粧ʻhzhrB80JCJ^JaJhzhrB8CJ^JaJhzhrB8>*CJaJhzhrB8CJaJhzhrB80JhzhrB80JCJ^JaJjhzhrB80JU^JhzhrB80J6]^JhzhrB80J^JhzhrB80J5\^J2&&&&''''''''';(<(=(E(G(k(()))M)N)X)Y))))))))$*?*|******** + +Q+R+X+Y++++++,',Q,i,,,,ггЛггггггhzhrB80JhzhrB80JCJ^JaJjhzhrB80JU^JhzhrB80J6]^JhzhrB80J^JhzhrB80J5\^JhzhrB8>*CJaJhzhrB8CJaJ=++,--~. ///0012204t5u5M6777889::;<= & F gdrB8gdrB8,,,,,,(-)-*-+-n-o-t-u-------...*.|.}.~........ / ////8////弱{{m弱劗hzhrB80J6]^JhzhrB80JCJ^JaJhzhrB8CJ^JaJhzhrB80J5\^JhzhrB8>*CJaJhzhrB8CJaJhzhrB80J!hzhrB8B*CJ^JaJph333hzhrB80JCJ^JaJhzhrB80J^JjhzhrB80JU^J*///////8090?0@0000000000/111C111111111/2021222x2y2222n!hzhrB8B*CJ^JaJph333hzhrB80J5\^JhzhrB8>*CJaJhzhrB8CJaJhzhrB80JhzhrB80JCJ^JaJjhzhrB80JU^JhzhrB80J6]^JhzhrB80JCJ^JaJhzhrB8CJ^JaJhzhrB80J^J'2223l33330484:4;4444444444555<5=5u5}55556M6U6W6X666667777b7c7i7j777777788I8J8T8U88888a9轮轮轮轮轮!hzhrB8B*CJ^JaJph333hzhrB80JCJ^JaJjhzhrB80JU^JhzhrB80J6]^JhzhrB80J5\^JhzhrB80J^JhzhrB80J>*^J>a9o99999::::e:f:g:h:::::::: ;N;j;;;;;J<K<<<<<== =)=^=f=h=i=====>>>I>>>>>?? ? ?????)@ʻʻʻʻʻhzhrB80J>*^J!hzhrB8B*CJ^JaJph333hzhrB80JCJ^JaJjhzhrB80JU^JhzhrB80J6]^JhzhrB80J^JhzhrB80J5\^J>=^=>>>??)@@@AAAAAAAABBBCCDCCCE & F gdJNgdJNgdJN & F gdrB8gdrB8)@1@3@4@}@~@@@@@@@A A AAQARAWAXAAAAAAAAAAAsB礙wk`T`hzhJN>*CJaJhzhJNCJaJhzhJN>*CJaJhzhzCJaJhjCJaJhzhj6>*CJ]aJhzhjCJaJhzhrB8CJaJhzhrB80J5\^JhzhrB80J>*^JhzhrB80JCJ^JaJjhzhrB80JU^JhzhrB80J^JhzhrB80J6]^JsBBBBBBDCMCC DEEF#FFFGG7HXHfHxHHHIIlI{IIIJ9JKK5L>LLL MMiMMNNNNNN OOOP@PQPPPPPQQQQQ)R+RRbSʷʨhzhJNB*CJaJph%hzhJNB*CJPJ^JaJph!hzhJNB*CJ^JaJphhzhJN>*CJaJhzhJNCJaJhzhJN6CJ]aJBEEFFHFFFGG6H7HHHIlIIIJJJJJ5KiKKK & F gdJN & F gdJN & F gdJN & F gdJNgdJNKKKLL4L5LLL M MMMNNO OOOOOOO?P@PAPBP & FgdJN & FgdJN & F gdJNgdJNBPPPPPQQRR S S SS,S?S $IfgdJN & FgdJN & FgdJNgdJN?S@SPSRSSSTSkbVVV $$Ifa$gdJN $IfgdJNkd}$$Ifl\H$Z Z Z Z 064 laTSUS\S]S_SaSkbVVV $$Ifa$gdJN $IfgdJNkd$$Ifl\H$Z Z Z Z 064 laaSbScS%TTTTUXUUU1Vkff^^^^^^^ & FgdJNgdJNkdk$$Ifl\H$Z Z Z Z 064 la bScSmS2V*CJ\ hpR5\ hpRCJhphpRhpR5CJ\hpR5>*CJ\h0JmHnHuhe he0Jjhe0JUhXjhXUhJNhzhJN>*CJaJhzhJNCJaJ51V2VVVVXWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW X XgdpRh]hgde &`#$gde & FgdJN & FgdJNgdJN XXX)X*X+XHXIXXXXX[Y\Y]YYYY-Z.Z/Z0Z1Zgd(8gdpR tgdpRgdpRjYmYYYYYYY Z,Z-Z.Z/Z0Z1ZhJNhXh(8h(86>*CJ]h(85>*CJ\hphpRhpR6>*CJ] hpRCJ h(8CJ< 0 0&P1F:pe/ =!"#$% {$$If!vh#vh%:V l065h%4ytL)u$$If!vh#vZ :V l065Z 4u$$If!vh#vZ :V l065Z 4u$$If!vh#vZ :V l065Z 4^ 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH H`H Normal CJOJQJ_HaJmH sH tH F@F  Heading 1$@&5>*OJQJ\DA`D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List 0>@0 Title$a$CJ8:B@: Body Text CJOJQJ<@< Header  !OJQJXo!X resultbodyblack15CJOJQJ\aJo(phNo1N resultbody15CJOJQJ\aJo(ph333@U`A@ Hyperlink7>*B*S*Y(phfjoQj resultbodysmallitalic1%56CJOJQJ\]aJo(ph333.)@a. e Page NumberH@rH e Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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