ࡱ> 13./0{ qbjbjzz rg     t~~~F~a^(   &  aaaaaaa$Udg&a- !!!&a    Sa$$$!    a$!a$$|V[  M/ W,`ia0a(Xg5!`gX[[g [!!$!!!!!&a&a"r!!!a!!!!g!!!!!!!!! : GSBA 543 (Section 16692R) Managerial Perspectives Popovich 204, TuTh, 2:15 4:45  Terance J. Wolfe, Ph.D. Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:Terance.Wolfe@marshall.usc.edu" Terance.Wolfe@marshall.usc.edu Office: Bridge 307-F Phone: 213.740.0765 FAX: 213.740.3582 Office Hours: Wednesday, 3:30 4:30; by appt Course Overview I always wanted to be somebody. I guess I should have been more specific. Lily Tomlin, Comedienne Upon this a question arises: whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? It may be answered that one should wish to be both but, because it is difficult to unite them in one person, it is much safer to be feared than loved when, of the two, either must be dispensed with. Nevertheless, a prince ought to inspire fear in such a way that, if he does not win love, he avoids hatred. Machiavelli, The Prince Leadership is an inside job. Source unknown This course entails learning about who you are and why you do what you do in the context of management and organization who you are as a leader, a manager, a decision-maker, a co-worker, a subordinate, as an individual engaged in a lifetime pursuit. Who are you? What is your role? Your responsibility? What are you pursuing? What is the role of management and organization in your pursuits? The purpose of this course is to enhance your awareness, knowledge and understanding of yourself as a manager and leader, and yourself as an organizational participant who is expected to fulfill a certain set of responsibilities. To accomplish this purpose we will explore the meaning of leadership and management in contemporary organizations. This course is very applied in its orientation. It is structured around three primary themes as follows: The Personal: attention will be given to who you are. Who are you as a leader or manager? What are your key personal characteristics, and how do they impact your effectiveness in organizations. We will use a variety of self-assessment instruments to assist you in gaining further insight into, and appreciation for, your personal style. The Interpersonal: attention will be given to who you are in relation to meaningful others focusing specifically on the organizational context. Who are you in relation to your workplace network? We will look at the manager/leader position from a 360o perspective. How do you manage up, down, and all-around? The Organizational: attention will be given to who you are in the context of organization. What are the types of organizational structures and job designs? How does structure and job design align with and fit who you are? How does organizational and national culture influence managerial and leadership effectiveness? Objectives. Given the above, the objectives of this course are to: Develop a clearer understanding of yourself as a manager/leader. We will do this through a variety of self-assessment techniques including decision styles, conflict management, learning styles, and interpersonal orientation, among others. Identify and frame opportunities for personal change and professional development. We will do this through self-reflection assignments and the formulation of a personal- professional development action plan. Enhance your understanding of the similarities and differences between managers and leaders. We will do this through readings, and examination of a variety of compare and contrast leadership case studies. Understand the impact of contextual factors such as structure, work design and organizational and national culture on managerial and leadership effectiveness. We will do this through readings, cases, and experiential (ELC) activities, as well as a team-based term project on management and leadership differences across national cultures. Increase awareness, knowledge and competence in the use of management methods and approaches including motivation, conflict and performance management. We will do this through readings and case studies. Course Format The course is designed around a series of lecturettes, self-assessments, case studies and applied exercises. In a given class session, you can expect any combination of lecture, class discussion, case analysis or experiential activity, and/or video. Each class session requires advance preparation and active participation. You are expected to be fully prepared for each class, and to actively participate in class discussions. Some activities may require that you meet with others outside of class as part of your preparation. Keys to Class Success There are four keys to getting the most out of this course: Do the readings. Grasp the key concepts of management and leadership. Apply course concepts in your preparation for, and participation in, each class, case or activity. This will enhance your learning and, ultimately, your managerial and leadership effectiveness. Prepare thoroughly. You will do better in each class session if you read the articles and cases carefully and prepare thoroughly for each discussion. Design personal learning experiments. Think about your own management/leadership style and process, as well as your sense of your personal organizational effectiveness. Design experiments to modify your style to enhance your effectiveness. These can be incorporated into your personal self-assessment and developmental action plan. Reflect on your managerial/leadership experiences. Draw out the principles that explain your behavior and how these principles are likely to change (or not) in future positions. Achieving the objectives comes only with disciplined preparation and application of the course concepts. Do not expect to succeed by merely doing minimal preparation. The bulk of the work is devoted to preparing for, conducting, and debriefing a variety of cases and situations. Course Materials Texts (required): Course Reader Cases and Articles (downloaded from HBS). Some additional materials may be made available as a Course Reader through the University Book Store. Summary of Course Assignments Scores and grades for this course are assigned based upon (1) receiving a passing grade for each component of the class, and (2) your relative performance on each of the evaluated components: Component Preparation & Participation 15% Personal Assessment: Self as Leader/Manager 30% Case Analyses: One at 15% 15% Group Project: Compare/Contrast Managerial Styles 40% TOTAL 100% PREPARATION AND PARTICIPATION (15%) Preparation involves completing the assigned readings and preparing assigned cases. Each student must submit a one-page synopsis of each assigned case as part of your participation grade (unless you are submitting a case for evaluation). You should be prepared to be called upon at any time with a clear understanding of any assigned reading and cases. Participation in class discussions involves active participation that contributes to the class. Active participation means asking questions, answering questions, making observations, commenting on other students comments, or challenging a view. Making a contribution means your comments actually move discussion forward. PERSONAL ASSESSMENT: SELF AS LEADER/MANAGER (30%) Personal Self-Assessment. Successful C-level executives consistently respond that the single most important activity contributing to their overall effectiveness is the development of self-insight (leadership is an inside job), and the translation of that into their management and leadership practice. This course represents an opportunity for you to do just that! You will receive a cross-section of individualized feedback through a variety of self-assessment instruments. Each instrument is deemed useful in better understanding yourself broadly, but as a manager/leader, specifically. Taken together, they represent an invaluable tool for personal reflection, building self-awareness and understanding, and advancing your personal development. The Deliverable: An integrated assessment of self as manager/leader with a developmental action plan. In completing this assignment, consider the following: past managerial and/or leadership positions (at work, at school, in your community); your own observations of the leadership and management styles of others (those you admired, those you didnt); appropriate references to assigned readings or other relevant resources in such a way as to enable you to compare yourself with identified attributes or characteristics of effective managers and leaders. PART A Personal and Leadership Characteristics Review and reflect upon the feedback from each of your self-assessments (LSI, DSI, SDI, FIRO-B, TKI, Locus of Control, LPC, Humantelligence Scan, etc). What similarities, patterns, relationships, connections do you see? How would you characterize yourself as a manager/leader given this feedback? Based upon assigned readings and other appropriate resources, how do you compare with identified characteristics of effective leaders? What do you see as the strengths of your managerial/leadership style? Its shortcomings? How might your managerial/leadership style interfere with your ability to achieve the outcomes you desire? Under what conditions is it most helpful? How do you rate your personal effectiveness in management and leadership? PART B Personal Development Plan Write your epitaph. How do you want to be remembered? See Cindy Chang, TED talk  HYPERLINK "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uebxlIrosiM" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uebxlIrosiM Where do you want to be in your career three, five and ten years from now? What new knowledge, skills, attitudes, experiences will be required for you to achieve these milestones? How will the achievement of these milestones signal progress in relation to your epitaph? Taking into account the above, and given your self-identified strengths and shortcomings, what new learning goal(s) can you formulate for yourself to enhance your capabilities as a manager/leader and to increase the likelihood that you will achieve your personal and professional objectives? Formulate a personal action plan to address your identified areas for development. Identify specific goals you will set, behaviors you will try, additional learnings you will undertake. Propose an itemized timeline with milestones and possible measures of success. What can you do over the next 6 12 months to further enhance your style? As this paper is rooted in the core of the course learning objectives, it will be assessed based upon (1) the comprehensiveness of your reflection and personal appraisal, (2) the demonstration of insight and personal understanding, (3) the reference to and utilization of insights derived from your past personal experiences and observations of others, (4) the appropriate reference to and utilization of assigned readings and/or the utilization of other appropriate resources, and (5) the formulation of a realistic, meaningful, substantive and behaviorally-based personal developmental action plan taking ALL of the above into account. You can expect the following: a purely descriptive paper that describes you based upon the assessments will score about 85; a paper that provides the above plus provides appropriate analysis by way of references to assigned readings will score a 90; a paper that provides both of above AND reflects your personal interpretation and self-insight will score between 95 100. A good personal assessment will be thoughtful yet to the point. There is no specific page limit; however, I will be looking for the thoughtfulness, self-reflection, integration, and thoroughness of your assessment. Your final paper should be 12-point, times-roman font, double-spaced, one-inch margins with each page numbered. CASE ANALYSIS (15%) Each student will complete one in-depth case analysis (different from the required one page synopsis for each case). The purpose is to demonstrate an appropriate understanding and application of relevant course concepts to issues presented in the case. Case analyses will be evaluated based upon a comprehensive assessment of the case that addresses all relevant assigned reading material and/or in-class lectures and presentations (from start of class to date case is submitted). A good analysis will be thoughtful yet to the point. A case analysis should be between 5 and 8 pages of 12-point, times-roman font, double-spaced, one-inch margins with each page numbered. A hard-copy of your case analysis is due at 2:15PM on the date at which the case will be discussed, and a soft-copy submitted through turnitin. TEAM PROJECT: COMPARE/CONTRAST MANAGEMENT STYLES ACROSS CULTURES (40%) There will be twelve (12) teams, each completing a team term project. Ten teams will have five members; two teams will have four members. You may form your own teams. However, every student must be on a team. Each team will pick a target culture and a base culture, and discuss management across the two cultures. Teams may choose whichever base culture they prefer. However, only one team can choose a specific target culture. For example, Team 1 may choose Korea as its base culture and Germany as its target culture. Given that, then any other team could also choose Korea as its base culture, but no other team could choose Germany as its target culture. In this way, we should learn about managerial practices in at least twelve different cultures. Task: Prepare and deliver a 15 to 17-minute presentation on cross cultural challenges in management. Be prepared to answer questions for an additional 3 to 5 minutes at the conclusion of your presentation. ALL presentation hard copies for ALL teams are due at the beginning of class (9:00AM) on Tuesday, March 5. Late submissions (more than 5 minutes) will be penalized. Rationale Many management theorists and researchers contend that management styles and challenges are culturally determined and hence vary from culture to culture. This team presentation seeks to explore and probe this issue. Cultures vary in distinct, significant, and predictable ways. Our ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving are neither random nor haphazard but rather are profoundly influenced by our cultural heritage. Until we leave our community, we often remain oblivious to the dynamics of our own culture. As we come in contact with people from other cultures, we become aware of our uniqueness and begin to appreciate our differences. In interacting with foreigners, we learn to recognize and value our fundamental humanity our cultural similarities and dissimilarities. For years, many managers chose to believe that organizational functioning was not influenced by culture; they operated as if organizational outcomes were determined only by task and technology. However, at every level, culture profoundly influences the behavior of organizations, as well as the behavior of people within organizations. The Toivonen Paper in the US case provides a good illustration for thinking about the types of differences to be identified and examined for the team term project. Assignment/Task This is an opportunity to learn, and educate others, about managerial challenges and practices in different countries. There are three core questions to be addressed in this team assignment: Core Question 1: Explain how your base and target countries differ on Hofstedes cultural dimensions of power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism, masculinity, and LTO. Discuss the significance of Halls Silent Languages in understanding differences between the two cultures. Indicate how these cultural dimensions may influence (a) human resource management practices in each country, and (b) general business practices. What challenges would you anticipate when businesses from these two countries do business with each other? Core Question 2: Given their national cultures, what are some core managerial challenges to be expected when organizations from these two countries do business with each other? Core Question 3: What are some solutions/recommendations to address the core managerial challenges that you identified? Evaluation There are three components to the team term project evaluation: Professors evaluation (20%). The professors evaluation will be based primarily upon the quality and the thoroughness of the content of the presentation; secondarily on the quality of the classroom presentation. Each team member will receive the same grade for this portion. As you are self-selecting your teammates, there will be no exceptions. Class Evaluation (10%). Each student will rank order each of the presentations (except their own) based upon quality and value of the presentation. Rank orders will range from 1 (best) 11 (least effective). It is a forced ranking such that each student must discriminate among all eleven presentations. Thus, only one team can receive a rank of one, only one can receive a rank of two, etc The team with the lowest score will receive an A for this portion of their grade; the team with the highest score will receive a B- for this portion of their grade. Each team member will receive the same grade for this portion. There will be no exceptions. Peer Evaluation (10%). As I have no way to obtain an unbiased evaluation of each team members performance, each team member will do an anonymous peer evaluation of each member on her/his team (including oneself) and assign a performance grade to each one on a scale of 0 100. The total number of As (A+, A, A-) within a team is constrained (see peer evaluation form). Academic Integrity Policy The Marshall School is committed to upholding the Universitys Academic Integrity code as detailed in the SCampus Guide. It is the policy of the Marshall School to report all violations of the code. Any serious violation or pattern of violations of the Academic Integrity Code will result in the students expulsion from the degree program. It is particularly important that you are aware of and avoid plagiarism, cheating on exams, fabricating data for a project, submitting a paper to more than one professor, or submitting a paper authored by anyone other than yourself. If you have doubts about any of these practices, confer with a faculty member. Resources on academic dishonesty can be found on the Student Judicial Affairs Web site (http://www.usc.edu/student-affairs/SJACS.). The Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism addresses issues of paraphrasing, quotations, and citation in written assignments, drawing heavily upon materials used in the universitys writing program. Understanding and avoiding academic dishonesty addresses more general issues of academic integrity, including guidelines for adhering to standards concerning examinations and unauthorized collaboration. The 2005-2006 SCampus (http://www.usc.edu/scampus) contains the universitys student conduct code. Students with Disabilities Any student requesting academic accommodations based on a disability is required to register with Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for approved accommodations can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure the letter is delivered to me as early in the semester as possible. DSP is located in STU 301 and is open 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The phone number for DSP is (213) 740-0776. Page Intentionally Left Blank Rank order each of the members of your group INCLUDING yourself on each of the items below (1 is best, 2 is next best, etc.). The Peer Evaluation counts towards each students final grade. Use the back of this form for required comments as per the guidance at the bottom of this page. Please list each of your group members below in alphabetical order by last name. Be sure to include yourself. ALPHABETICAL by LAST NAME, then FIRST Group Members: A. ________________________________________________ B. ________________________________________________ C. ________________________________________________ D. ________________________________________________ E. ________________________________________________ F. ________________________________________________ Rating Criterion / Group MemberABCDEF1. Quality of contribution to group discussions2. Quality of contribution to writing the assignment3. Quality of contribution to organizing the assignment4. Quality of initiative when something needed to get done.5. Reliability in completing assigned responsibilities6. Amount of effort put forth.7. Commitment to the group8. Leadership, motivation provided to the group.9. Emphasis on getting the task done.10. Emphasis on cooperation and working well with others.11. Would want to work with this group member again. TOTAL  Assign an alphabetical grade to each member of the group based on your OVERALL impression of her/his contribution to the groups performance. You may assign a group member any grade from 0 to A+. However, you cannot assign As to more than 60% of your total group members. A 5-person group cannot have more than three As, 6 persons = 4 As. Failure to observe this requirement will result in all team members receiving a B for their peer evaluations.  On the following page, provide at least three directly observable behaviors that represent what you believe each team member did well, AND at least three behaviors that you observed that represent areas for improvement/development for each team member. This is NOT about personalities, but rather it is about those behaviors that are in service and supportive of successful team work and those behaviors that are not. A:___________________ Did Well (behaviors): Area for improvement/development (behaviors): B:___________________ Did Well (behaviors): Area for improvement/development (behaviors): C:___________________ Did Well (behaviors): Area for improvement/development (behaviors): D:___________________ Did Well (behaviors): Area for improvement/development (behaviors): E:___________________ Did Well (behaviors): Area for improvement/development (behaviors): F:___________________ Did Well (behaviors): Area for improvement/development (behaviors):  Schedule of Sessions, Readings and Deliverables WeekDateTopic / AssignmentExercise/Deliverable 1Jan 15Introduction / Course Overview Understanding the Power of Frames and Mental Models Senge, The Leaders New Work: Building Learning Organizations Zaleznik, Managers and Leaders: Are They Different? Jan 17NO CLASS IBEAR XXXV Seattle Trip 2Jan 22Who Am I as a Manager/Leader? Knowing, Understanding and Managing Oneself (Personal) Argyris, Teaching Smart People How to Learn Nonaka & Takeuchi, Are You a Wise Leader? Watkins, How Managers Become Leaders  Case 1 Basic Industries Jan 24Theories of Leadership Collins, Level 5 Leadership Kotter, What Leaders Really Do  HYPERLINK "http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_84.htm" http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_84.htm  HYPERLINK "http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_74.htm" http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_74.htm  A Study in Leadership Styles: Compare & Contrast Case 2 Coach K: A Matter of the Heart AND Coach Knight: A Will to Win 3Jan 29 Personal Assessments Brousseau, et al, The Seasoned Executives Decision-Making Style DSI, TKI, FIRO-B, Locus of Control, LPC, Humantelligence Scan  Term Project Team FormationJan 31Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Goleman, What Makes a Leader Casciaro & Lobo, Competent Jerks, Lovable Fools and the Formation of Social Networks Axelrod, et al, A New Game Plan for C Players  Case 3  The CEO Who Couldn t Keep His Foot Out of His Mouth Case 4  Rob Parsons at Morgan StanleyFeb 1 8AM  10:30Organizational Engagement ` Hill, Exercising Authority (pages 1-32 only)  ELC  META-4 ** Please note the special time for this session **4Feb 5Ethics & Integrity in the Global Context Donaldson, Values in Tension: Ethics Away from Home Paine, Ethics: A Basic Framework  ELC Dangerous Business ** ALL PERSONAL SELF-ASSESSMENTS DUE ** Start of Class (9:30); 5 minutes late will be penalized WeekDateTopic / AssignmentExercise/Deliverable 4Feb 7Who Am I as a Manager/Leader in Relation to Others: Managing and Leading Up, Down and All Around (Interpersonal) Gabarro & Kotter, Managing Your Boss Simpson, Why Managing Up Matters Individual, Group and Intergroup Processes Smith, An Intergroup Perspective on Individual Behavior Krantz, The Managerial Couple  Case 5 Clayton Industries Peter Arnell 5Feb 12Management Style Hill, What It Really Means to Manage: Exercising Power and Influence Hill, Building Effective One-on-One Work Relationships Bridge Hall ELC Star Power NOTE *** Bridge Hall ELC, 2PM *** NOTEFeb 14Theories of Motivation Nohria, et al, Employee Motivation: A Powerful New Model Herzberg, One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees?  Another Study in Leadership Styles Case 6 McNerney & Nardelli: A Case of Two CEOs 6Feb 19Who Am I as a Manager/Leader Within and Across Organizations and Cultures (Organizational) Rosenzweig, National Culture and Management Ibarra, National Cultures and Work-Related Values Hofstede, Cultural Dimension Index  HYPERLINK "http://www.geert-hofstede.com/" http://www.geert-hofstede.com/  Case 7 Toivonen Paper in the US: Human Resource Implications of Foreign Corporate Ownership Feb 21Organizational Structure, Culture and Rewards Bartlett & Ghoshal, Matrix Management: Not a Structure but a Frame of Mind Bartlett & Ghoshal, What is a Global Manager? Christensen & Shu, What is an Organizations Culture?  Case 8 ABB Relays Business Case 9 Lincoln Electric 7Feb 26An Integrative Case Study: Management and Leadership Gosling & Mintzberg, The Five Minds of a Manager Case 10 Dennis Paustenbach I Never Thought of It as Work Feb 28No Class Team Presentation Preparation 8Mar 5TEAM PRESENTATIONS Country Analyses All Day Session: 9:00AM 4PM * All Country Analysis Team Term Projects Due *     Term 3-2013 Syllabus GSBA-543 Page  PAGE 4 of  NUMPAGES 12 Peer Rating Form for Team Project TARGET Country Name: ___________________________  '34=@BFHIJLOPQSTUVлvfvVVVVVGhDhJB*OJQJphh@B*CJ OJQJaJ phhJB*CJ OJQJaJ ph%hDhJB*CJ OJQJaJ phh(B*CJ OJQJaJ phhsB*CJ OJQJaJ ph"hs5B*CJ OJQJaJ ph(hDhJ5B*CJ OJQJaJ ph"h(5B*CJ OJQJaJ ph(hDhJ5B*CJOJQJaJphjhJUUVWpql_R>> `0~=^~`=gdJ ~=^~`=gdJ ~=^~`=gd^kkd($$Ifl0$t  t3$644 lap3dh$If]^gd@$If]^gdJVWXZ[hopqxy߳vbSvFFvFvhT BhJOJQJ^JhT BhT B0JOJQJ^J'jv)hT BhT BOJQJU^JhT BhT BOJQJ^J!jhT BhT BOJQJU^JhT BhJ5OJQJ^J hhJCJOJQJ^JaJhT BhJOJQJ^JaJhk 5OJQJ^JaJhT BhT B5OJQJ^JaJhT 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