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Psalm 89:11, NCV Bible Story: Creation, Day 3 Land, Plants, and Sea Genesis 1:9-13 Make It Fun Prepare to offer one or more of the following activities as your 2-year-olds arrive. Let one or two teachers lead small groups of children in activities throughout the room while another teacher greets parents and kids at the door. At this age not all children will participate, but most will want to be part of the fun. 1. Apple Tree Apple Tree uses problem-solving skills to put the pictures in the correct order and introduce todays Bible story. What You Need: Apple Tree Pictures from the Activity Pages found on the Website, and white cardstock What You Do: Before the activity: Copy the Apple Tree Pictures Activity Pages onto separate sheets of cardstock. During the activity: Point out the three apple tree pictures. Talk about how an apple tree grows. Have the children can put the pictures in order. Give plenty of help if needed. Repeat as long as there is interest. What You Say: Before the activity: Have you ever seen an apple tree? (Pause.) Do you like to eat apples? (Pause.) Today I have some pictures of an apple tree. Lets see if we can put these pictures in order to show how an apple tree grows. Are you ready? After the activity: Great job, everyone! We put our pictures in order to show us how an apple tree grows! Who made the apple tree? (Pause.) Yes, God made the apple tree! [Bottom Line] God made everything. In our Bible story today, well hear more about the things that God made on Day Three! 2. Lets Make a Salad Lets Make a Salad is an activity that uses pretend play to reintroduce todays Bible story by making a salad. What You Need: A large bowl and the following plastic toy vegetables: carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce What You Do: During the activity: Hide the vegetables around the room. One by one, describe the different vegetables. As you describe each one, instruct the children to find that particular vegetable that you have hidden. When a vegetable is found, let a child place it in the bowl. What You Say: During the activity: I need to make a salad, but I have lost the ingredients! Can you help me find them? (Pause.) Hmm first I will need a green vegetable to start my salad. It will be at the bottom of my bowl. What could that be? (Pause.) Yes, lettuce will work. Can you find some lettuce? (Pause.) Next I will need a round red vegetable to chop up in my salad. Do you know which vegetable I will need? (Pause.) Yes, I need a tomato. (Encourage children to look for the tomatoes.) Now I need a long green vegetable to chop up in my salad. (Children guess and look for the cucumber.) The last vegetable I need is long and orange. Can you guess what this is? (Pause.) Yes, its a carrot. (Children find the carrot and place it in the bowl along with the other vegetables.) After the activity: Thank you so much for helping me today! I do love a good salad. I'm so glad somebody made all the vegetables for my salad. Who do you think did that? (Pause.) Let's go see! Make It True (Large Group, 15 minutes) After children have participated in Make It Fun, tell the Bible story and then encourage the kids to have fun singing with you. When sharing the Bible story, guide kids to gather around you on the floor. Some kids (especially the younger ones) may wander. Thats OK. Theyre still listening and learning! Worship What You Need: A music player, Everything (God Made) (downloaded from the Website), and the motions for the song WORSHIP LEADER: I am so happy to see you today! I am really excited that [Bottom Line] God made everything. Let's sing our fun song together! Lead children in singing Everything (God Made). Great singing, everybody! Did you know that [Bottom Line] God made everything? He did! God made you, and [Basic Truth] God made me. Now lets get ready to hear about even more things God made! Bible Story What You Need for the Month: Each week, for the next two months, you will be introducing a day of Creation using a train theme. You can make the engine and cars of your train out of different colors of poster board, or you can use artwork that we provide to cut out the shape of your train engine and the cars that will follow it. You should start with the engine already attached to the wall. Then you will add on train cars each week so that, by the end of the series, you will have a complete train on your wall. You will need a volunteer Small Group Leader who can come in at the appropriate time during the story with that weeks train car and attach it to the wall. You may also download some free train sound effects at  HYPERLINK "http://www.soundbible.com" www.soundbible.com that you can use as the train car enters each week. Once the train car is attached, you will be attaching different die-cut shapes, etc., to the car to represent that particular day of Creation. What You Need: Car 3 and Car 3 Shapes (from the Activity Pages on the Website), white cardstock, white paper, and tape (Note: The shapes will be stuck to the car and need to be hidden until the appropriate time in the story.) STORYTELLER: Good morning, everybody! Its great to see you today! Im so excited about what we are learning today! Of course, its a true story from the Bible. (Hold up your Bible.) Its the story of how God created the world and what He created on the third day! We are going to do something so fun to help us learn all about this. We are going to call a special train to come and show us what God made on Day 3. When I say, All aboard, I want you to say, Toot! Toot! Are you ready? All aboard! (Pause.) All aboard! (Pause.) (Start playing train sound effects.) (Excitedly) Oh, I hear the train! Its coming! (Cup your ear and lean to the side, as if listening.) Its pulling into the station! Now its time to hear about the third day of Creation! (Volunteer will bring the third train car in and stick it on the wall behind the second car.) Yay! It worked! Fantastic job, everyone! Lets see whats the number on this car? (Pause.) Number three. Thats right! So we must be talking about what God did on the third day when He made our world! Wow! What do you see on car number three? (Pause.) Whoa! I see a lot! That brown part looks like dirt, or soil. And what are all these green things? (Pause.) Plants! And that blue part? That looks like a big wave in the sea. What on earth does this have to do with the things God made? (Hold up your Bible.) Oh, I know! The Bible says that on the third day of Creation, God made the land and plants and sea! [Bottom Line] God made everything! So this train car is showing us how on Day Three God made land (point to the brown part), plants (point to the green plants), and sea (point to waves)! There are so many cool things we can do with all that God made! Lets see if we can discover some of them together! (Pull out the flower cutout.) Well, we know we need landsometimes we call it soilfor plants to grow, right? God created all kinds of plants! What is this plant? This is a flower! Do you like flowers? Some flowers smell so good! Lets pretend we are stopping to smell a flower right now! Sniff! Sniff! (Stick the flower to the train car.) (Pull out the earn of corn cutout.) Do you know what this is? This is a special kind of plant that we can eat! Its corn! Do you like to eat corn on the cob? Me too! So yummy! Lets all pretend we are eating our corn. Hold it on the ends like this! (Demonstrate how to hold the ear of corn on both ends.) Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! (Stick the corn to the train car.) The Bible tells us that God created the sea on Day 3, too! What are some fun things we can do in the ocean? We can float, play, and jump the waves, cant we? Lets all make waves with our hands and say, Swish, swish. (Pause.) Yes, God made the sea on Day Three! [Bottom Line] God made everything! On Day Three, God made the land, plants, and sea! Its true! [Bottom Line] God made everything! Who made everything? CHILDREN and STORYTELLER: [Bottom Line] God (point up) made everything! (Spread your arms out to the side.) STORYTELLER: Thats great! Say it with me one more time. Who made everything? CHILDREN and STORYTELLER: [Bottom Line] God (point up) made everything! (Spread your arms out to the side.) STORYTELLER: Thats right! God even made you, and [Basic Truth] God made me, too. [Bottom Line] God made everything! Lets pray together and thank God for creating everything! Dear God, thank You for everything You have made. We know You created land, plants, and sea. You are so amazing, God! We love You! Amen. Thank you for being fantastic listeners today! Make It Stick Choose two or more of the following activities to help make the Bottom Line stick. Lead the activities with small groups of children. Encourage children to play on their own if they do not wish to take part in an activity. 1. Land and Sea Land and Sea is an activity that uses critical thinking and repetition to teach the memory verse. What You Need: Land and Sea Activity Pages from the website, white paper, and wall tape What You Do: Before the activity: Copy the four pictures onto the white paper. Hang the pictures around the room away from each other. During the activity: Have the children stand in front of you and introduce each of the pictures and their location. Then randomly call out the pictures and lightly jog with the children to that picture. When everyone gets there, say the memory verse together. Repeat the activity with the remaining three pictures. After the activity: Repeat several times. What You Say: Before the activity: We have pictures all over our room. We have a have a picture of a tree (point to that picture), a picture of the ocean (point), a picture of the woods (point), and a picture of a flower (point). These are pictures of the land, plants, and sea that God made. During the activity: When I call out a picture we are all going to run to that picture and say our memory verse. Are you ready? (Pause.) Ocean! (Run to that picture with the children.) You made the world and everything in it, Psalm 89:11. (Continue as long as there is interest.) After the activity: Great job! Our memory verse tells us that [Bottom Line] God made EVERYTHING! Who made everything? [Bottom Line] God made everything! 2. Creation Station Creation Station is an activity that provides a visual for the children to review the Bible story. Note: This activity is to be used as a large visual for the children. There are many options that can be used. The Activity Page can be printed as an 8.5x11, 11x17, poster size, or train cars can be created with shoeboxes. The larger your class size, the larger your visual should be. If you choose to make the train cars out of shoeboxes, simply print the Activity Page on an 8.5x11 page and attach it to the bottom of the shoebox so that the bottom of the train car touches the floor when the shoebox is placed on its side. It is ideal to keep the train car that you build with the children each week in June and July so that you can display the entire train during Bible Story Review. If that is not possible, consider displaying the train car you complete each week in the hallway for parents to see that day. If you are choosing to connect the train cars from week to week, cut a small piece of yarn and tape it between the cars as you add one. What You Need: Train Car Review from the Activity Pages found on the Website; appropriate size white paper for your choice of train car (see above); green, blue and brown construction paper; flower stickers; scissors; and clear tape What You Do: Before the activity: Make the train car that you have chosen. Print the activity page on the appropriate size paper. Cut out around the train car. If you are using the shoebox, glue or tape the train car to the bottom of the shoebox. Cut two medium sized triangles (appropriate for your train car size) out of the brown construction paper. Cut two small semicircles out of the green construction paper, and cut a rectangle that covers the entire bottom of the train car from the blue construction paper. During the activity: Have all of the children sit in front of the train car. Tape the blue rectangle to the bottom of the train and tell the children that this is the sea. Tape the two brown triangles on top of the blue rectangle about 2 inches away from each other. Explain that these are the land. Tape one of green semicircles on top of each brown rectangle. Explain that these are trees. Allow the children to come up and place flower stickers on the brown rectangles or the land. After the activity: Briefly review the Bible story and say the Bottom Line together. What You Say: Before the activity: We are going to make another train car today. We can add it to our train car from last week. God made the sea, land, and plants! During the activity: (Tape the blue rectangle into place.) God made the sea. God also made land for us to live on. (Tape the land onto the train.) He also made plants for us to use and to look at. (Tape the green semicircles onto the land.) These are trees. God made the trees! God also made flowers for us to look at and smell. We should add flowers to our train. Can you help me do that? (Pause.) Great! Everyone come on up and get flower stickers and place them on the land. After the activity: In our story today, we learned that God made the sea (point to the blue rectangle), the land (point to brown rectangles), and the plants (point to the green semicircles and flowers.) God made the light and the dark. (Point to other train cars if you are adding the cars.) God made the water and sky. [Bottom Line] God made everything! Who made everything? [Bottom Line] God made everything! 3. On Land and Sea On Land and Sea is an activity where children will use their imaginations and gross motor skills to act out the things you would do on land and in the water. What You Need: No supplies needed What You Do: During the activity: Spread out in an open area of the room. Explain that you will pretend to do things you that you might do on land and things that you might do in the water. Encourage the children to use their imaginations to act out the scenarios below as a group. Things to pretend: Swimming like a fish Walking through a forest Running at the park (ask them to run in place) Climbing a tree Floating on a raft Jumping into the pool Skipping with a friend What You Say: After the activity: In our Bible story today, what did we learn that God made? (Pause.) God made the land, the plants, and the sea. [Bottom Line] God made everything. You were really good at pretending to do different things on land and in the water. What did God make on Day Three? (Pause.) The land, plants, and sea! [Bottom Line] God made everything. Who made everything? (Pause.) [Bottom Line] God made everything. Get Ready to Dismiss Set any take-home creations where you or parents can get them easily. Greet parents at the door and tell them that this month preschoolers are learning that [Bottom Line] God made everything. Encourage parents to repeat the Bottom Line at home and help their child understand that [Bottom Line] God made everything. Have this months Parent CUE available for parents to pick up or send it in a monthly email. Encourage parents to use the activities found in Parent CUE to reinforce this months Bottom Line: [Bottom Line] God made everything.     First Look 2-year-olds, June, Week 3 Curriculum Materials for 2-year-olds 2016 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. www.ThinkOrange.com  PAGE 1  )7LYn{> òòò×vhYD(h0YXhym5B*CJOJQJ^Jphh0YXhymCJ OJQJ^Jhj6B*OJQJ^Jph$h0YXhj66B*OJQJ^Jphh0YXhj66OJQJ^Jh0YXhj6OJQJ^Jh0YXhj65OJQJ^J!h0YXhj6B*OJQJ^Jph$h0YXhj65B*OJQJ^Jph(h0YXh]5B*CJ,OJQJ^Jph(h0YXhym5B*CJ,OJQJ^Jph  1 G gdym ,p@ P !$gdym ,p@ P !$ & 0` P@1$gdym ^`gdj6`gdj6^gdj6gd)<> @ L _ u w    0 1 3 F λy޻޻jjWHh0YXhj5CJOJQJ^J%h0YXhymB*CJOJQJ^Jphh0YXh51CJOJQJ^J)h0YXhymB*CJOJQJ^JaJphh0YXh?1CJOJQJ^Jh0YXh`CJOJQJ^Jh0YXhymCJOJQJ^J%h0YXhymB*CJOJQJ^Jphh2B*CJOJQJ^Jph(h0YXhym5B*CJOJQJ^Jphh0YXhymOJQJ^JF G I J W X f s     6 8 F G H įĜ}pbppOAhj6B*OJQJ^Jph$h0YXhj66B*OJQJ^Jphh0YXhj66OJQJ^Jh0YXhj6OJQJ^Jh0YXhj65OJQJ^J!h0YXhj6B*OJQJ^Jph$h0YXhj65B*OJQJ^Jph(h0YXh]5B*CJ,OJQJ^Jph(h0YXhym5B*CJ,OJQJ^Jph%h0YXhymB*CJOJQJ^Jph%hhymB*CJOJQJ^JphG H X  G H I    & 0` P@1$ & 0` P@1$gd2 ^`gdj6`gdj6^gdj6gdymH I U V  , Z ` p t ˽ˬrcTcHc3(h0YXhym6B*OJPJQJ^JphhyKOJPJQJ^Jh0YXhzOJPJQJ^Jh0YXh`OJPJQJ^Jh0YXhym5OJQJ^JaJh0YXhj56OJQJ^JaJhyK6OJQJ^JaJh2hymOJQJ^J!h0YXh`5OJQJ^Jwhh0YXhym5OJQJ^Jh0YXhymOJQJ^J+h0YXhym5>*B*CJ$OJQJ^Jph!h0YXhymB*OJQJ^Jph ]aµ{n^SEh0YXhym6OJQJ^Jhj66OJQJ^Jh0YXh`6OJPJQJ^Jhj66OJPJQJ^Jh0YXhymOJPJQJ^Jh OJPJQJ^Jh0YXh`OJPJQJ^Jh0YXh`6OJQJ^JaJhj66OJQJ^JaJh0YXh`OJQJ^JaJh0YXhymOJQJ^JaJh0YXhym5OJQJ^JaJh0YXhymOJQJ^Jwh"#=FGZbcz؜~j_~N!h0YXh`5OJQJ^Jwhh25OJQJ^J'h0YXhymB* OJQJ^Jph6whh0YXhym5OJQJ^Jh0YXhym56OJQJ^Jh0YXhz5OJQJ^Jh0YXhym6OJQJ^Jhj66OJQJ^JhyKOJQJ^Jh 5OJQJ^Jh0YXhz6OJQJ^Jh0YXh`OJQJ^Jh0YXhymOJQJ^J#QR  rs2gd` 1$7$8$H$gd` & 0` P@1$gd` & 0` P@1$  !gdym"#689 ʽʮʜ{ʮʜ{k[K?hyKOJQJ^JaJh0YXhz5OJPJQJ^Jh0YXhz6OJPJQJ^Jh0YXh`OJQJ\^JaJ"h0YXhFJ6OJQJ\^JaJhj66OJQJ\^JaJ"h0YXhFJ5OJQJ\^JaJh0YXh`OJQJ^JaJh0YXh`OJQJ^J"h0YXh`5OJQJ\^JaJ"h0YXhP6OJQJ\^JaJ"h0YXhj56OJQJ\^JaJ HP Ep03EGг}paTLh_;OJQJh_;5>*OJQJ^Jh_;5>*CJ$OJQJ^Jh0YXh`OJQJ^Jh 5OJPJQJ^Jh0YXhFJ6OJQJ^JaJhj66OJQJ^JaJhyKOJQJ^JaJh0YXhz5OJPJQJ^JhyK6OJQJ^JaJh0YXhz6OJPJQJ^Jh0YXh`OJQJ^JaJh0YXh`6OJQJ^JaJ23QRS[^_UVWc + !gd_; 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