ࡱ> J` Ybjbjss *cM?    .{.{.{8f{{8}~~~~'DE$`bbbbbb$1h- "'  ~~M: ~ ~``\& ~} k0.{ƈr,4\0`p'8n'h' ihуJ<W5iii^iii:Hd2H       University of California at Berkeley College of Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Assigned:Week of 2/13Due:Week of 2/21, 10 minutes after start (xx:20) of your assigned lab section. Lab 4 Debugging & Verification 1.0 Motivation Many of you will be very familiar with the process of debugging software, and thanks to the circuits which you have had to build over the last few weeks, youve all become at least minimally familiar with debugging your own circuits. In this lab you will become acquainted with more formal debugging and verification techniques and tools as we ask you to debug and verify a series of modules. 2.0 Introduction No matter how carefully you plan and enter your circuit design, it should always come as a major surprise if it works the first time you try it. The larger and more complicated the design, the larger the fraction of the engineering time you should expect to spend on debugging and verification. In a professional setting, a design would not be considered finished without a complete testing regimen to prove that it works acceptably under all circumstances, a process which can easily consume more than 50% of the time required to implement a design. In the interest of time, we cut a fair number of corners in this class, for example rather than expecting your design to be fully verified (or even fully debugged), we will expect it to appear to work. This is simply because we do not have time to fully examine your testing regimen. However it is in your best interest to fully verify your modules. Most students will simply write a piece of Verilog and synthesize it, hopping that it will work and perhaps wasting hours debugging it inefficiently. We highly recommend that you consider writing an appropriate and complete testbench an integral part of writing a Verilog module. This will save you many sleepless nights. 2.1 Verification Procedure There are roughly two steps in the verification process: Perform a test If the test fails, debug the module being tested As such there are two very different parts to the verification process, designing tests and actual debugging. We will discuss debugging in section  REF _Ref77326838 \h 2.2 Debugging Procedure below. Because hardware modules are often very much larger and more complex than pieces of software it is often not possible to fully verify a module. For example a 32bit adder accepts 264 possible combinations of inputs, so even if it could be run at 10GHz it would take nearly 60 years to plug in all possible 264 inputs, even assuming that a matching 32bit adder could be built to test it against. To make matters worse, most circuits have some kind of memory requiring exponentially more time to test. Because of this exhaustive testing only suffices for the most basic of modules, where it can be run easily. For more complicated modules, hardware engineers rely on bottom up testing and interface contracts to ensure that the modules which they instantiate work as expected, as do the modules with which they must interact. Over the course of this lab and the remainder of the semester you will become intimately familiar with this style of testing, as it is the only way to produce a fully working design. 2.2 Debugging Procedure Once you know that something is working properly it is often a relatively trying ordeal to hunt down and fix the actual bug. Below is a formalized algorithm that you can use as a starting point for your forays into debugging. 2.2.1 Hypothesis Before starting to try and debug a design you must have a clear hypothesis of what the problem might be. Even if your hypothesis is very much wrong you should always have something specific that you are looking for when you start a debugging session. Whatever is wrong is not a specific enough goal. 2.2.2 Control With a hypothesis of what is broken in mind, the next step in debugging is to develop a set of test inputs which will test for the specific bug you expect. Usually developing the test inputs is one of the most difficult parts of the debugging and verification process. The difference between test inputs for general verification and for debugging is simple: inputs for debugging are meant to aid you in testing your hypothesis, whereas inputs for verification should be designed to elicit as wide a range of bugs as possible. 2.2.3 Expected Output Before actually beginning a test, it is necessary to figure out what the expected result of the test will be. This should be a simple matter of working through the circuit specification by hand using the test inputs, as developed according to section  REF _Ref77330514 \h 2.2.2 Control above. 2.2.4 Observe With a hypothesis in mind and test outputs and expected outputs in hand it is now time to actually run the test. Unfortunately this is usually a very complicated process, made worse by slow simulation times, complex circuits and the difficulty of examining signals in hardware. To make this step easier, a testbench or test harness can be developed to look for the expected output and produce more meaningful reports of the success or failure of the test. For example if the test succeeded, all we need to know is that it succeeded, not the how or why of it. 2.2.5 Handling Test Results Ironically a test which fails is a major success during debugging. If the test succeeds, all that has been proved is that the original hypothesis is false and that there is still a bug in the circuit. However if the test fails, that means that the hypothesis has been proven true and the bug has been found. When we say that the bug has been found we simply mean that it has been further localized, that is to say, we have a better idea of what module or what signal is causing the trouble. Fully specifying the bug and identifying the exact fix may require several iterations of this debugging algorithm and many hours of work beyond the first test. Always be sure that you know exactly what the bug is and have a well designed fix before modifying your code! Making random changes until the problem disappears will simply prolong the problem and frustrate you! 2.3 Types of Debugging (Parts of this Lab) In this lab, we will introduce you to four specific types of debugging, all of which you will likely be obligated to use during your time in this class. Bottom Up Testing: In this part you will take advantage of the hierarchical structure of a design, testing the lower level modules first and moving towards the top step-by-step. Designing Test Hardware: Rather than simulating this circuit you will perform much faster testing using carefully designed test hardware. Exhaustive FSM Testing: You will feed a stream of inputs to a Finite State Machine in order to completely map its functionality and draw a bubble-and-arc diagram. 3.0 Prelab Please make sure to complete the prelab before you attend your lab section. You will not be able to finish this lab in 3hrs otherwise! Read this handout thoroughly. Pay particular attention to section  REF _Ref76973880 \h  \* MERGEFORMAT 4.0 Lab Procedure as it describes what you will be doing in detail. Examine the Verilog provided for this weeks lab. You should become intimately familiar with the Lab4Part1.v file as you will need to debug it. Make sure to read the Count.v and Register.v modules in Part2 as you may wish to use them. Write your Verilog ahead of time. You will need three separate testbenches for Part1 Lab4PeakDetectorTestbench.v, Lab4Comp4Testbench.v and Lab4Comp1Testbench.v Refer to past testbenches as a starting point. Lab4Part2Tester.v You may need time in lab to debug it. Start with a timing diagram and schematic. Prepare your tests for Part 3 Look at the FSM in Figure 4 and try to devise a sequence of inputs to test it completely. You will need the entire 3hr lab! You will need to test and debug both your verilog and ours. 4.0 Lab Procedure Remember to manage your Verilog, projects and folders well. Doing a poor job of managing your files can cost you hours of rewriting code, if you accidentally delete your files. 4.1 Bottom Up Testing This part of the lab will be entirely in ModelSim. You may wish to read the ModelSim Tutorial on the course website before jumping in.  HYPERLINK "http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs150/sp06/Documents.php#Tutorials" http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs150/sp06/Documents.php#Tutorials You will be testing the three modules that are in the Lab4Part1.v file, which together form an accumulator very similar to the one you built in Lab #2. In order to fully verify that all three modules work, and to save yourself a number of headaches you will be testing each module separately as you move up the hierarchy.  EMBED Visio.Drawing.11  Figure 1: Lab #4 Part1 Module Hierarchy & Testbenches 4.1.1 Lab4Comp1 The first module you will be testing is essentially a duplicate of the Comp1 module you were asked to build in Lab #2. The main difference is that we asked you to use structural verilog and primitive gates in Lab #3, whereas this time we have used behavioral verilog. Of course this version has a bug which you will need to find and fix before moving on to test the Lab4Comp4 module. SignalWidthDirDescriptionA1IThe first inputB1IThe second inputGreaterIn1IThe GreaterOut from the next higher bitEqualIn1IThe EqualOut from the next higher bitGreaterOut1OShould be 1b1 whenever B > AEqualOut1OShould be 1b1 whenever B = ATable 1: Port Specification for Lab4Comp1 Each Lab4Comp1 module is responsible for comparing one bit of A to one bit of B. In order to generate a useful output however it needs to know the relationship between the higher order bits of A and B, hence the GreaterIn and EqualIn inputs. Notice that the GreaterOut and EqualOut outputs from the least significant bit (bit 0), will yield the correct information for the comparison of all of the bits of A and B. For this module you will perform exhaustive testing, meaning that you will try all 24 = 16 input values in your testbench. This is feasible because there are so few inputs and no state registers. In order to make your life easier, you should make use of if statements and the $display process in Verilog to display text errors any time the actual output of the Lab4Comp1 module differs from the expected output. For an example of how to use the $display process, see Figure 3 in section  REF _Ref77474246 \h 4.1.3 Lab4PeakDetector below or the IEEE Verilog Reference: https://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs150/ProtectedDocs/verilog-ieee.pdf 4.1.2 Lab4Comp4 With a fully debugged Lab4Comp1 module in hand you are now ready to debug the Lab4Comp4 module, which instantiates four Lab4Comp1 modules. This module is again very simple, taking two 4 bit inputs and reporting if the second is greater-than or equal-to the first. SignalWidthDirDescriptionA4IThe first inputB4IThe second inputGreaterEqual1OShould be 1b1 whenever B e" ATable 2: Port Specification for Lab4Comp4 For this module you will perform exhaustive testing, meaning that you will try all 28 = 256 input values in your testbench. This is feasible because there are so few inputs and no state registers. In order to make your life easier, you should use a for or while loop to generate the input values and if statements and the $display process in Verilog to display text errors any time the actual output of the Lab4Comp4 module differs from the expected output. For an example of how to use the $display process or for or while loops, see Figure 3 in section  REF _Ref77474246 \h 4.1.3 Lab4PeakDetector below or the IEEE Verilog Reference: https://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs150/ProtectedDocs/verilog-ieee.pdf 4.1.3 Lab4PeakDetector The Lab4PeakDetector module should present no challenges to you at this point. It is a simple module that accepts a new input on ever cycle and outputs the largest input it has been given since the last Reset.  EMBED Visio.Drawing.11  Figure 2: Lab4 Part1 Peak Detector Block Diagram Since the Lab4PeakDetector has 5 inputs and a 4 bit register, testing all of the possible combinational logic paths would take a mere 29 = 512 inputs, however nearly all of the Verilog modules written have significantly more inputs and state information, making it impossible to perform exhaustive testing on these modules. Therefore in testing the Lab4PeakDetector you will use a more advanced testing technique: you will build a testbench that reads a series of data values from a text file and plugs them into the Lab4PeakDetector. This will let you develop more complicated sequences of inputs to perform more careful, directed testing. Figure 3 below is an well commented example of a testbench using the $readmemh process to read hexadecimal test values from a file. Please make sure you understand it. For more information on the $readmemh process, please refer to the IEEE Verilog Reference: https://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs150/ProtectedDocs/verilog-ieee.pdf  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Figure 3: $readmemh Example Testbench & Data File 4.2 Designing Test Hardware Because it proves beyond all doubt that a circuit works as desired, we really would like to exhaustively test every single Verilog module that we build or use. However simulation runs at about 1 millionth of the speed of actual hardware. Coupled with circuits like a 16bit adder, which has 32bits of input requiring 232 = 4 billion test vectors, this seriously hinders our efforts to exhaustively simulate our modules. Therefore we test circuits like the Lab4Part2Adder module, a 16bit adder in hardware, where at 27MHz, 4 billion tests take a mere 2 minutes, 40 seconds. In this part of the lab you will be designing and building specialized piece of test hardware, Lab4Part2Tester, designed to test the Lab4Part2Adder module. In order to make this assignment realistic we have given you an EDIF black box for the Lab4Part2Adder, namely Lab4Part2Adder.edf. This file can be easily synthesized, but it cannot be simulated and it is nearly impossible to read. To help you design your Lab4Part2Tester, the Lab4Part2Adder has four different Fail Modes. The adder will fail in different ways depending on which Fail Mode you select on SW9[2:1]. If the Fail Mode is 2b00 (0), the adder will work perfectly, and in 2b10 (2) it will fail on the inputs 0001, 0001, reporting that their sum is 0003, rather than 0002. This information should help you debug your test harness. In order to help you we have included the Register.v and Counter.v files which you may wish to use. SignalWidthDirDescriptionA16IThe first input to the adder (Shown on DD1-DD4)B16IThe second input (Shown on DD5-DD8)Sum16OThe sum from the adder (possibly incorrect) (Shown on DD5-DD8 when SW10[1] is on)FailMode2IUsed to set the fail mode (From SW9[2:1])Table 3: Port Specification for Lab4Part2Adder In order to make this a realistic test, the adder may fail anywhere from 0 to 4 times in each fail mode (except 0), and you will need to know how the adder has failed. Thus your tester must be designed to pause when it encounters an error and then continue after you have recorded the error. SW1 should Reset your Lab4Part2Tester to prepare it for testing a specific fail mode. Go (SW2) should then start the test process, allowing it to free run until the tester discovers an error. When an error is encountered, the tester should pause and assert the Error output. You may then use SW10[1] to switch between seeing A and B and seeing the Sum as reported by the Lab4Part2Adder. When you have recorded the error on the Checkoff Sheet, you should press Go again to resume testing. SignalWidthDirDescriptionA16OThe first input to the adder (Shown on DD1-DD4)B16OThe second input (Shown on DD5-DD8)Sum16OThe sum from the adder (possibly incorrect) (Shown on DD5-DD8 when SW10[1] is on)FailMode2IUsed to set the fail mode (From SW9[2:1])Go1ISignal to start or continue testing (SW2)Clock1ISystem ClockReset1ISystem Reset (SW1)Running1OIndicates that a test has been started and that not all possible inputs have been tested yet (Shown on D1-D4)Error1OIndicates that the tester is paused with an error (Shown on D5-D8)Table 4: Port Specification for Lab4Part2Tester In order to properly synthesize a black box, such as the Lab4Part2Adder.edf file we have given you, you must take a few extra steps during the Xilinx Project Navigator project setup. Make sure to add the shell Verilog file (Lab4Part2Adder.v) to your project. Set the Macro Search Path Make sure FPGA_TOP2.v is highlighted in the Sources in Project Box. Right-Click on Implement Design in the Processes for Source Box. Go to the Translate Properties tab Set the Macro Search Path to the directory where your copy of Lab4Part2Adder.edf resides. Your project should now be able to Synthesize and implement properly. 4.3 Exhaustive FSM Testing Download the Lab4Part3.bit file to the CaLinx2 board. This will program the board with a very simple circuit, namely the FSM shown in Figure 4 below. You can do this by running the iMPACT directly from the Start Menu (Start > Programs > Xilinx ISE 6 > Accessories > iMPACT). In the dialog boxes that appear, select Configure Devices, then Slave Serial Mode and then open the bitfile file provided.  EMBED Visio.Drawing.11  Figure 4: Sequence Detector FSM This simple FSM is a sequence detector, which has the state diagram shown in Figure 4. The circuit receives a 1bit input on every clock cycle and asserts the output when it detects the sequence 010, as long as the sequence 100 has never been received. If a 100 sequence is received, the circuit halts and the only way to resume normal operation is by resetting it. The bitfile contains some error, which you should find by performing an exhaustive test on the state machine. The idea is to exercise every arc and make sure that the state transition as well as the output is correct. In order to do this efficiently you should prepare a sequence of inputs that exercises all the arcs and go through it during the test. Preparing this test sequence is not a trivial task and gets exponentially more difficult with the size of the FSM. To perform the test on the board: The Input can be set on SW9[1] The Input will appear on DD7 The Output will appear on DD8 The State will appear on DD1 SW1 will Reset the FSM SW2 will Enable the FSM The FSM will stay in its current state until you press SW2 As you test this FSM, draw a corrected bubble-and-arc diagram on the back of your Checkoff Sheet. You will not need to correct the errors in this FSM as we will not be distributing the source code to it. 5.0 Lab 4 Check-offAssigned:Week of 2/13Due:Week of 2/21, 10 minutes after start (xx:20) of your assigned lab section.Man Hours SpentTotal PointsTA InitialDateTime / 1002 / / 06NAMESIDSECTION Bottom Up Testing Lab4Comp1 (Testbench & Errors) __________ (10%) Lab4Comp4 (Testbench & Errors) __________ (10%) Lab4PeakDetector (Testbench & Errors) __________ (10%) Designing Test Hardware __________ (40%) Fail Mode 1 A B Bad Sum Fail Mode 2 0001 0001 0003 Fail Mode 3 Exhaustive FSM Testing __________ (30%) Draw the corrected FSM Bubble-and-Arc on back of this sheet RevC 1/30/2005Greg GibelingUpdated to Lab4 Removed Part4 to Lab6RevB 7/13/2004Greg GibelingComplete Rewrite of Lab4 Based on the old Lab4RevAMultipleOriginal Lab4 from Fa02-Fa03 Spring 2004: Greg Gibeling Fall 2003: Greg Gibeling Spring 2003: Sandro Pintz Fall 2002: John Wawrzynek & L.T. Pang     EECS150 Spring 2006 Lab 4 UCB  PAGE 11 2005 Testbench.v: // integers can be used to index an array they may not // be used in synthesis integer i; // below is an array of 4-bit values. It contains 16 // elements indexed from 1 to 16. Note that it // is declared as reg, since we assign to it inside of // initial. reg[3:0] TestValues[1:16]; initial begin // read the file specified and put the values in // TestValues $readmemh("TestValues.txt", TestValues); for(i = 1; i <= 16; i = i + 1) begin // Remember to advance the time forward #(`Cycle); In = TestValues[i]; $display("In = %d, Peak = %d", In, Peak); end end TestValues.txt: 0 A B 6 <vw   = N u 6 = M 4Nz{|Ų{t hp4hhhB56:aJhh2556:\aJhh2556:aJh25h255\h h:hMNNh,h25h'GhMNNhhihi1hB#A6CJ hB#ACJhi1hB#ACJhi1hB#A:CJ hMNNhB#A h}hW\h}hW-%<vw^~kd$$IfTl0Q t0644 laT $If`gdF;$$If`a$gdF;gdMNN =W|WY    wrrwwpkfagd:gdMNNgd25gdMNN`gdMNN~kd$$IfTl0Q t0644 laT {|> '(>hvgdkgdkgd & Fgdgd25gdp4gd:;PQR_`xRST( ) * , - U !!!~zvh69h< h69h695hYhk56:aJhY56:aJhYh'7Ch [VjhTwUjhkUh25hk hp4h hhho hH* hp4h [Vj,hTwUjhUh hp4h25-ST) * U !,""""d#$E$$$ % & FgdY & FgdU & FgdU & FgdEpgdEpgdEp & Fgd69gd^fgdp4gd25gdYgd'7Cgdk!!!+","7";"C"""#)#c#d#v###########$$'$C$D$E$t$x$$$$$$$$$ÿˢ῅~ttpfph-h-5\h-hYhY5\ hhi5\h] hEphEp5hYh [Vh [V5 hU5j"hUhO5UjhUhU5UhUhnhU5hUhU5h:h:5\h:hEp h(5 h< 5h< h69h< h695($$$$$%%% %.%H%R%S%W%p%t%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&&&& &%&.&0&B&N&i&~&ֳ}}vrrrrnrhl9h hh h\ h0V5\hh5hh5\ hhi5\ hhnhnhn5\ hn\h0Vhhi hnh0VhPLh0V5\ h0V\ hnhnhUhUhU5 hn5h-hYhY5\hY+ %S%%%%&0&N&&&'''''')K*i*gdc|gd[$gdp4gdUgd,gdShgdSh & Fgdn & FgdU & Fgd & Fgd & Fgd & Fgdn & Fgd0V & Fgd0V~&&&&&&&&'''%'S'''''' ((/(@(k(l(x((((()))>)B)N)g)r)x)))}wrjjje hc|5h[$h[$5 hhi5 h-0JhK^hB#A0J'jhK^hB#A>*B*UphhB#AhB#A0J hB#A0JjhB#A0JUh[$h[$5\h[$ hp4h-h,h,5h,hShhnhYhUhU5\hUh h5hh5'))*"*,*4*@*I*K*L*e*f*g*h*i*x*y*******X+~+++++++ ,$,),2,O,,,,,------¾º}th#Ah#A0J h#A0JhiYh#A0JhNZh#A0Jh#Ahh#A5 hhi0Jhc|hc|5\hc|hc|0Jhc|hhihPLj.h Uj$D h UVh jh U h[$5\h[$h[$5\h[$ hhi5-i****2,9,?,C,O, $If`gdl9gdc|gdc|gd-gdc|O,P,R,T,V,f,`WJJJ $If`gdl9 $Ifgdl9kd$$Ifl\T N ,"v t044 laf,g,i,k,m,~,`WJJJ $If`gdl9 $Ifgdl9kdL$$Ifl\T N ,"v t044 la~,,,,,,`WJJJ $If`gdl9 $Ifgdl9kd$$Ifl\T N ,"v t044 la,,,,,,`WJJJ $If`gdl9 $Ifgdl9kd\$$Ifl\T N ,"v t044 la,,,,,-`WJJJ $If`gdl9 $Ifgdl9kd$$Ifl\T N ,"v t044 la-- -"-$-B-`WJJJ $If`gdl9 $Ifgdl9kdl$$Ifl\T N ,"v t044 la---.-2-<-=-@-A-c-g-m-n-s-w-x-|-------.,.{....// / ///A/b/c///0 0000#0+030?0U0c0p0x0|000h#Ah#A5 h#AH*h#Ah#A5\hOh#A5\hOh#A5hOh#A0J hhi0Jh7hhih#Ah#A0J h#A0JhiYh#A0JhM2h#A?B-C-m-n-a.//L11`[[VVQQLgd\Zgdc|gd#Agd#Akd$$Ifl\T N ,"v t044 la000000 111%1&141J1L11111111111112"2p22222222223 3 3 333%344444L4ú󶲶󨡨ԐԊԁh#Ah\Z0J h\Z0JhiYh\Z0Jhh#A5 hhi5\h#Ah#A5\hhihc|h\Zh#A0Jh\Zh\Z0Jh=h\Z5h\Zh [Vj|hl9Ujh#AUh=h#Ah#Ah#A52111222222Ikd$$Ifl\b \ ,"v t044 la $If`gdl9gdc|gdc|222222222Jkd$$Ifl\b \ ,"v t044 la $If`gdl9 $Ifgdl9222 3 3 3 4SJ $Ifgdl9kd$$Ifl\b \ ,"v t044 la $If`gdl9 4 4`4577788`[VVVVQLgd-gdc|gd\Zgd\Zkd$$Ifl\b \ ,"v t044 laL4T4V4^4`4445 5555$6*6-6.606166676;6<6>6?6G6H6K6L6Q6]6_6j6o6s6{66666666666677%7-7174787=7C7Q7]7ǿǿdz᝔h h 0Jh h h=0Jh h\Z0J h=0J hhi0Jh#Ah\Z5h#Ah\Z0Jh=h=5h=h=0Jh= h=H*h#Ah\Z5\h\Zh#Ahhi8]7^7s7t7u77777777777888888'888889999995969@9D9P9U9r9999993:?:g:::Ǽܶܭܥܡܶ܆܆|܆܆ܶh=h=5H*h=h=5jh7UjΧE h7UVh7jh7Uh=h=0J hhi0J hc|hc|hhihc|h\Zh\Z0Jh=h\Z5h=h h [Vjh\ZUh\Zjh\ZU0895969z:;<==$=V=W=s=?7AB8C?CECICUC $If`gdgd8vgdp4gd gd=gd-gd=:::";';:;;;?;K;;;;;;<~<<<<<<<==== =!="=#=$=V=W=r=s=5>`>>>>>=?A?K?o??ļ󸛔|sh8vh8v0J h8vH*h8vh8v5h8v hp4h: hp4h- h-h=j,+h Ujh UmHnHuh jh Uhc|h\Zh=0Jh/dh=h=0J h=hc| hhi0Jh=h=5h=h=h=0J-??@@@ @!@7@;@E@@@@@@@@@@@@AA5A;AOASA^AdAhArAwAAAAAAA BB+B4B=BRBcBzBBBBBC CC8CVC[C\C{Ch>O(hhQw'5h6h65h6hl9hl95hl9hl9h8v5hl9h8v0J hhi5h8vh8v0J hQw'hQw'hQw'hQw'0J hhi0JhQw'h8vh8v5h8v9UCVCXC[C]CC`WJJJ $If`gd $Ifgdkd+$$Ifl\b \ ,"v t044 la{CCCCCCCD>DKDnDrDDD E$ELEmErEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFF%F6F>FeFFFFFFFFFFFFGGGG'G8G`GmGsGuGGGGGGGGGHHGHjHlHmHuHļļhQw'hl95hl9hhl95hz< hhi0Jhz<hQw'0Jhz<hQw'5hhih>O(hQw'hQw'hQw'5JCCCCCC`WJJJ $If`gd $IfgdkdD,$$Ifl\b \ ,"v t044 laCCCCCCD`WJJJJ $If`gd $Ifgdkd,$$Ifl\b \ ,"v t044 laDDD!D#DMD`WJJJ $If`gd $IfgdkdT-$$Ifl\b \ ,"v t044 laMDND}D~DEGGGG`[VVVIII $If`gdl9gd8vgdQw'kd-$$Ifl\b \ ,"v t044 laGGGGGGGSJ $Ifgdl9kdd.$$Ifl\b \ ,"v t044 la $If`gdl9GGGGGH`WJJJ $If`gdl9 $Ifgdl9kd.$$Ifl\b \ ,"v t044 laHHHHHFHlH`WJJJJ $If`gdl9 $Ifgdl9kdt/$$Ifl\b \ ,"v t044 lalHmHvHxHzHH`WJJJ $If`gdl9 $Ifgdl9kd/$$Ifl\b \ ,"v t044 lauHvHwHxHyHzHHHHHHHI IwIIIIIIIIIIJJ@JDJJJJJ.K9KPKfKhKsKwKKKKKKKKKK LL$LmL|LLLLLLMMMdM½϶ʧhh.@hh.@5 hp4h( hp4h=] hz<5hz<hz<5 hhi5hz<hhi56:\]hz<hz<56:\]hhihQw'hQw'5hQw'hl9=HHHHHH`WJJJ $If`gdl9 $Ifgdl9kd0$$Ifl\b \ ,"v t044 laHHHHHH`WJJJ $If`gdl9 $Ifgdl9kd 1$$Ifl\b \ ,"v t044 laHHHHH I`WJJJ $If`gdl9 $Ifgdl9kd1$$Ifl\b \ ,"v t044 la I IIIIvII`WJJJJ $If`gdl9 $Ifgdl9kd2$$Ifl\b \ ,"v t044 laIIIIII`WJJJ $If`gdl9 $Ifgdl9kd2$$Ifl\b \ ,"v t044 laIIJJJ K$KhKK`[VVNNFF & Fgdz< & Fgdz<gd-gdl9kd,3$$Ifl\b \ ,"v t044 laKK&LlLmLLN7NWNOPQQQQR4RKRcRRkSlSgd]I & Fgd} & Fgd} & Fgdgd}gdgdp4gd- & Fgdz< & Fgdz<dMMMMMMNN3N4N5N6N7N?NWNlN}NNNOO.OROO1PCPUPmP}PPPQQQQQQQQQQQRRRR R0R3R4R7R=RBRKRNRTRZRRRRRRkSlSmSnSĽĶ󯫧hB#AhSh hhHh]I h}h} h}hh}h}5h}hl9j3h>O(UjE h>O(UVh>O(jh>O(Uhhh5AlSnSSSSSscS$$If`a$gdF;$$If`a$gdF;{kd6I$$IfTlT!! 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