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This template is copyright protected by the Centre for Nursing and Health Studies, Athabasca University, 2013, updated January, 2016. Cover Page You may want to include a cover page. It should be eye catching and professional looking, ensuring your reader will want to see more of what you have to offer. Include your name and contact information. You might also wish to include a copyright notice. Each page of your portfolio should discretely, include your name and some contact information like your phone number or email address. The footer is an ideal location for this. After the cover page, you should include a table of contents. After the table of contents, you can start to personalize your pages. Make each page as professional as possible without losing who you are in the process. Remember this document should be no more than 15 pages in total from start to finish and that includes the title page, the body and any appendices you decide to include Table of Contents  TOC \o "1-3" \u Philosophy  PAGEREF _Toc472996921 \h 4 My Personal Philosophy  PAGEREF _Toc472996922 \h 4 Teaching Philosophy  PAGEREF _Toc472996923 \h 4 Clinical Philosophy  PAGEREF _Toc472996924 \h 4 Responsibilities and Evaluations  PAGEREF _Toc472996925 \h 5 Primary Goal  PAGEREF _Toc472996926 \h 5 Courses Taught  PAGEREF _Toc472996927 \h 5 Instructional Innovations  PAGEREF _Toc472996928 \h 5 Clinical Innovations  PAGEREF _Toc472996929 \h 5 Student Evaluations  PAGEREF _Toc472996930 \h 5 Speaking Engagements  PAGEREF _Toc472996931 \h 6 Name of Your Organization  PAGEREF _Toc472996932 \h 6 Speaking Engagements  PAGEREF _Toc472996933 \h 6 Publications and Awards  PAGEREF _Toc472996934 \h 7 Publications  PAGEREF _Toc472996935 \h 7 Awards  PAGEREF _Toc472996936 \h 7 Resume  PAGEREF _Toc472996937 \h 8 Profile  PAGEREF _Toc472996938 \h 8 Education  PAGEREF _Toc472996939 \h 8 Publications  PAGEREF _Toc472996940 \h 8 Experience  PAGEREF _Toc472996941 \h 8 Professional Development  PAGEREF _Toc472996942 \h 9 Seminars, Conferences, Workshops  PAGEREF _Toc472996943 \h 9 Special Projects  PAGEREF _Toc472996944 \h 9 Prevention Projects  PAGEREF _Toc472996945 \h 9 Degrees  PAGEREF _Toc472996946 \h 10 Reflective Practice  PAGEREF _Toc472996947 \h 11 Professional Responsibility and Accountability  PAGEREF _Toc472996948 \h 11 Knowledge Based Practice  PAGEREF _Toc472996949 \h 11 Ethical Practice  PAGEREF _Toc472996950 \h 11 Provision of Service to the Public  PAGEREF _Toc472996951 \h 11 Self-Regulation  PAGEREF _Toc472996952 \h 11 References  PAGEREF _Toc472996953 \h 12 Notes of Appreciation  PAGEREF _Toc472996954 \h 13 Brochures and Pamphlets  PAGEREF _Toc472996955 \h 14  Philosophy My Personal Philosophy A desire without a plan is simply a wish, but a desire with a definite plan becomes the foundation for success. Coming up with a plan starts with coming up with a personal philosophy on life and the things we value. Here, you might want to discuss why you decided on nursing and how that fits with your goals and values or you may want to include how family or environment influenced your decision to become a nurse. Some students like to tell a story or provide a brief biography on their journey to nursing. Teaching Philosophy As nurses we all incorporate teaching into our practice environment such as teaching patients, other students and so on but at some we become the student. It is amazing what we can learn from others and from our patients. The best lessons in life come from listening from those in our care We need to be able to understand how we approach our own learning needs and style and how we translate that into how we communicate with others including our patients, peers, and coworkers. You should be able to articulate clearly this philosophy Clinical Philosophy Here, you should be able to describe your philosophy for nursing. Each one of us has a different view about nursing but there are also some common ends that we all aspire toward. Do you believe Maslows hierarchy of needs for example? If then discuss how you came to that understanding and how it influences your clinical practice. Responsibilities and Evaluations Primary Goal My primary goal is to have a positive effect on the citizens for whom I provide service. Part of the impact involves stimulating clients and students to consider situations from perspectives different from those they normally adopt. This goal also involves encouraging clients in healthy life style choices, and encouraging students to develop career long habits of self-motivated learning. Here you should be able to clearly articulate your personal vision and goal for your role as a nurse Courses Taught These could include special community presentations at the local community league or your teach CPR or it could include more formal teaching at a local college or university Instructional Innovations You may have helped design a prevention segment using technology to help gamblers keep in touch with others to keep them in their programs. Maybe you have asked your group to develop a blog in the community to keep up with good educational resources. Think outside of the box Clinical Innovations Maybe you helped to develop new provincial teaching pamphlet on Suboxone Clinical Landmarks Researched and wrote provincial guidelines for a new program; or maybe you were part of a group that helped to develop new practice guidelines for female cauterizations or something like that Use of Disciplinary Research Here, you might wish to discuss topics of different literature searches, or other research projects and how you have utilized them in your practice. Clinical Successes Here you might wish to include a summary of notes or cards received in appreciation. Extraordinary Effort in Clinical Practice Be bold, and honk your own horn. For example, have you received a letter of appreciation from your workplace that describes the effort you demonstrated in getting new computers at work or better no interruption techniques for preparing medications that resulted in decreased med errors. Student Evaluations Describe how your practice is evaluated. For example, do you meet with your manager every 6 months to create learning opportunities to meet your learning goals at work and review your accomplishments and further points of development . Remember to briefly describe the best parts and you might wish to include areas that you plan work on. Speaking Engagements Name of Your Organization Brief description of who you are and your specialty Speaking Engagements Name of Organization Keynote Speaker On: Name of Organization Keynote Speaker On: Etc. Briefly describe in each category the main topic on which you were invited to speak. If you haven't put some of these into your special projects area, you might wish to include a bit more detail here. If you have copies of the speaking event or agenda, or the invitation itself, be certain to include it in an appendix at the end. If this section doesnt apply to your circumstances then use it instead to discuss and describe your skills The ability to use a range of skills in providing a high standard of care, working within a team, and across agencies is often described as know how. Skills can be observational, communicative, interpersonal, practical and technical. For example, Nurses are being asked to develop new skills in relation to patient and public involvement such as working with patients and their caregivers and to consider, design, develop and or improve services for keeping patients in their own communities. Publications and Awards Publications  HYPERLINK "http://www.leaonline.com/doi/abs/10.1207/S15389286AJDE1602_2;jsessionid=oebSPwKo1vYb?cookieSet=1" American Journal of Distance Education Kemp, W. (2002). Persistence of adult learners in distance education. The American Journal of Distance Education, 16(2), 65-81 Name of Publication Provide full citation Name of Publication Provide full citation Note: even if you have produced material which has been presented in a newsletter or newspaper, be sure to include it here. Awards Award Name Details Award Name Details Award Name Details Note: Be certain to include any type of community service award, student achievement awards, grants, bursaries or scholarships, or research awards. If you want to include copies of your awards, insert them in an appendix at the end Resume Profile Describe your strengths and noted skills that you bring to any job. Education University or Institution Anywhere, ABFebruary 2001-October 2003Your Highest DegreeAdvanced Clinical Certificates Anywhere, ABMay 1999-December 2000University or Institution. Thesis topic or specialty areaUniversity or Institution Anywhere, ABMay 1999-December 2000Bachelor of Nursing.Publications Experience Clinical Nurse Specialist Employer Anywhere, ABFebruary 2001-October 2003In three or four sentences, describe basics of your job. Do not include the job description.Employer Anywhere, ABMay 1999-December 2000In three or four sentences, describe basics of your job. Do not include the job description.Educator University or Institution Anywhere, ABFebruary 2001-October 2003Basic statement on courses taught and a bit about your responsibilitiesGuest Lecturer Anywhere, ABMay 1999-December 2000Note details where you were invited to speak at a scholarly function.Institution or Learning Unit Anywhere, ABMay 1999-December 2000Note if you researched, developed or taught courses for continuing education in specific topics. Note: Be certain to include any type of community service education events even if you were acting in the capacity of a volunteer. Professional Development Seminars, Conferences, Workshops List all of the seminars, conferences, workshops, inservice sessions, and community workshops you have taken For example: New methods of IV therapy management Special Projects List any special projects where you have been a team member, co-faciliitator, or have lead. These don't have to be nursing related as the skills you learn in other areas, equally can be transferred to your clinical practice. Prevention Projects List any health promotion or prevention projects you have been on, whether in your institution or in your community. You might decide to list a number of training projects, or educational projects, or research endeavors here. For example, you teach CPR in the community. If you want to include scanned items be sure to include them in an appendix at the end Degrees List your degrees including the date it was awarded, and then insert a comment that the original is available on request Note: it is not required to insert scanned items for this assignment Remember that a scanned item within the body of the portfolio should be treated like a figure for APA formatting Reflective Practice Association Continuing Competence Standards Each association may have different standards, or different points they feel are important in continuing competence. These are taken from CARNA, (2013). CARNA (2013, April 2). Practice standards for regulated members. Edmonton, AB: Author. Full document including the CNA Code of Ethics (2008) available for viewing at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.nurses.ab.ca/Carna-Admin/Uploads/Practice_Standards_Code_Ethics_2013.pdf" http://www.nurses.ab.ca/Carna-Admin/Uploads/Practice_Standards_Code_Ethics_2013.pdf NOTE: if you are LPN to BN student you should be using the entry to practice competencies; available at  HYPERLINK "https://www.nurses.ab.ca/docs/default-source/document-library/standards/entry-to-practice-competencies-for-the-registered-nurses-profession.pdf?sfvrsn=15c1005a_12" https://www.nurses.ab.ca/docs/default-source/document-library/standards/entry-to-practice-competencies-for-the-registered-nurses-profession.pdf?sfvrsn=15c1005a_12 For each one of these competence standards, comment on how you achieve this standard, or where you believe you excel and any areas you believe you need to work on or develop, Professional Responsibility and Accountability The nurse is personally responsible and accountable for their nursing practice and conduct. (CARNA, 2013, Standards section, para 1) Knowledge Based Practice The nurse continually acquires and applies knowledge and skills to provide competent, evidence-informed nursing care and service. (CARNA, 2013, Standards section, para 2). Ethical Practice The registered nurse complies with the Code of Ethics adopted by the Council in accordance with Section 133 of HPA and CARNA bylaws (CARNA, 2012). (CARNA, 2013, Standards section, para 3) Provision of Service to the Public The nurse has a duty to provide safe, competent and ethical nursing care and service in the best interest of the public. (CARNA, 2013, Standards section, para 4). Self-Regulation The nurse fulfills the professional obligations related to self-regulation. (CARNA, 2013, Standards section, para 5) References A good reference can make all the difference in a worker's job search. Keep a list of those who have agreed to serve as references. Remember you don't have to supply these names and often you can say, Available on Request. Notes of Appreciation Items to include here are notes of appreciation received from supervisors, colleagues, students, families, or clients. Remember these should be related to nursing practice You dont have to include this section but it is nice to have a place to keep your mementos Brochures and Pamphlets If you were responsible for developing items that became part of a project or incorporated into the work setting, be sure to include these as well You dont have to include this section but it is nice to have a place to keep copies of various artefacts     PAGE  PAGE 14 PROFESSIONAL PORTFOLIO Copyright, 2013 Athabasca University Updated, January, 2017 Running head: PROFESSIONAL PORTFOLIO PAGE 1 $op \ , / 0 - . ͼllXlXlXlX&h65B* CJOJQJ^JaJph,hh65B* CJOJQJ^JaJphhnhQh6OJQJ^Jh}h6OJQJ^J h}h6CJOJQJ^JaJh6CJOJQJ^JaJ hnhQh6CJOJQJ^JaJ/hnhQh@5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph?KhnhQ h7h] h)R5\h7h@\$\ 0 L,Y+` $  $ gd)Rgd6 d[$gd6gd6gd@gd)R a b H r PQ ijijijijijijijxfNN/hnhQh)R5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph?K#hnhQB*CJOJQJ^JaJph?K hnhQh)RCJOJQJ^JaJ)hhB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)hh6B*CJOJQJ^JaJph hnhQh6CJOJQJ^JaJh6CJOJQJ^JaJ'hnhQh65B*CJOJQJ\ph?Kh6)hh6B* CJOJQJ^JaJph  !,-GHIJKLcd~лв{j{Y{ jh_>UmHnHu j}h_>UmHnHu/h]h_>CJOJQJaJmHnHsH tH u jh_>UmHnHujh_>UmHnHuh_>mHnHu)hfz5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph?K2jhfz5B*CJOJQJU\^JaJph?K)h)R5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph?K   '()*+,9:TUVWXYhiأؒ؁p jkh_>UmHnHu jh_>UmHnHu jqh_>UmHnHu jh_>UmHnHuh[fsh_>mHnHu/h]h_>CJOJQJaJmHnHsH tH uh_>mHnHujh_>UmHnHu jwh_>UmHnHu*  &'()*+@A[\]^_`z{د؞؍| jh_>UmHnHu j_h_>UmHnHu jh_>UmHnHu jeh_>UmHnHu/h]h_>CJOJQJaJmHnHsH tH uh_>mHnHujh_>UmHnHu jh_>UmHnHu*`4[,e 4i%i68Dgdfgd $  $ /01234;<VWXYZ[bc}~د؞؍|k jh_>UmHnHu jMh_>UmHnHu jh_>UmHnHu jSh_>UmHnHu jh_>UmHnHu/h]h_>CJOJQJaJmHnHsH tH uh_>mHnHujh_>UmHnHu jYh_>UmHnHu*  '()*+,EF`abcde{ j; h_>UmHnHu j h_>UmHnHu jA h_>UmHnHu j h_>UmHnHu jG h_>UmHnHu/h]h_>CJOJQJaJmHnHsH tH ujh_>UmHnHuh_>mHnHu/   ./0234HIcdeghiأؒ؁p j h_>UmHnHu j/ h_>UmHnHu j h_>UmHnHu j5 h_>UmHnHuh[fsh_>mHnHu/h]h_>CJOJQJaJmHnHsH tH uh_>mHnHujh_>UmHnHu j h_>UmHnHu* !#$%HIcdeghiyz01د؞؍|k jh_>UmHnHu jh_>UmHnHu jh_>UmHnHu j#h_>UmHnHu jh_>UmHnHu/h]h_>CJOJQJaJmHnHsH tH uh_>mHnHujh_>UmHnHu j)h_>UmHnHu*1245678:DE\45MѷrrdSE7E7hCJOJQJ^JaJh[CJOJQJ^JaJ h@nh@nCJOJQJ^JaJh QCJOJQJ^JaJ h@nhCJOJQJ^JaJ hrh)RCJOJQJ^JaJ hnhQh)Rhfz/hnhQhf5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph?K2jhfz5B*CJOJQJU\^JaJph?K/h]h_>CJOJQJaJmHnHsH tH uh_>mHnHujh_>UmHnHuDE\[\pq   m gdnhQgdf[$gd[gdfzgd)RZ[\pqӿwwfQD2Q#h@nB*CJOJQJ^JaJphhnhQh)ROJQJ^J)hnhQh)RB*CJOJQJ^JaJph h[h)RCJOJQJ^JaJ h[h[CJOJQJ^JaJhnhQh[OJQJ^J#h[B*CJOJQJ^JaJph hrh)RCJOJQJ^JaJ hnhQh)R&h@nh@n6CJOJQJ]^JaJ h@nhCJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJh)RCJOJQJ^JaJSvw      , / ط؈ؚؚؚve h7h)RCJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJhnhQ#hB*CJOJQJ^JaJph hnhQh)RhnhQhnhQOJQJ^Jhfh)RKHhnhQh)RB*CJaJph#hB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)hnhQh)RB*CJOJQJ^JaJph#h QB*CJOJQJ^JaJph"/ : L X Y Z l m !-!.!/!L!!!!!"H"J"K"u"~"""ɵᒁi\\K h7hnhQCJOJQJ^JaJhnhQh)ROJQJ^J/hhnhQ5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph?K hhCJOJQJ^JaJ hh)RCJOJQJ^JaJhfzhnhQ0Jhfzh)R0J'hnhQh)R5B*OJQJ\^Jph?K/h7h)R5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph?K h7h)RCJOJQJ^JaJh CJOJQJ^JaJ"""########$$$$$$$%%%%%3%f%g%h%}%%%%%%%᳨p[p[)hnhQh)RB*CJOJQJ^JaJph!hnhQh)RB*OJQJ^Jph hnhQh)RCJOJQJ^JaJ hnhQh)Rhfh)R0J>*B*phhnhQh)RCJaJhnhQh)ROJQJ^Jhfzh)R0JhnhQOJQJ^JhCJOJQJ^JaJ h7h)RCJOJQJ^JaJh QCJOJQJ^JaJ!m #%%3%g%h%}%%%%!'"'#''|(}())))*[$gdZd`gdZd`gdfzgdfgd[$gd)R [$\$gd)RgdnhQgdfgdfzgd)R%%%&)&*&&&' '!'"'#'V'''(|(}(((() ))P)))))))))ӷshaa hnhQhZd`hnhQhZd`CJaJ hnhQhCJOJQJ^JaJ hhCJOJQJ^JaJ&hh5>*CJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJh)RCJOJQJ^JaJh QCJOJQJ^JaJ hnhQh)RCJOJQJ^JaJhnhQh)ROJQJ^JhnhQB*OJQJ^Jph?K!)))***A*B*********+++++++++++++,j,ٱęuunZĆĆ'hnhQhZd`5B*OJQJ\^Jph?K h~ghZd` hnhQhZd`CJOJQJ^JaJ$hnhQhZd`>*B*OJQJ^Jph?K/hnhQhZd`6B*CJOJQJ]^JaJph%hnhQhZd`0JB*OJQJ^Jph?K)hnhQhZd`B*CJOJQJ^JaJph2jhnhQhZd`B*CJOJQJU^JaJphhnhQhZd`OJQJ^J**+++++,,,,--- -G-b- $Ifgd? $Ifgd?gdfgdfgdZd`gdfzgdZd`[$gdZd`j,,,,,,,---- -9-:-F-G-b-c-v-w-±±s[WF?F4hi%hi%CJaJ hhi% hi%hi%CJOJQJ^JaJhi%/hdqfhi%6B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph?K)hi%5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph?K/hnhQhi%5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph?K hi%hZd`CJOJQJ^JaJ hfhZd`CJOJQJ^JaJ h~ghZd`hnhQhZd`B*CJaJph)hnhQhZd`B*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hqqB*CJOJQJ^JaJphb-c-w-tg  & F$Ifgd?kd$$IflP0#b0#344 lapyt?w-x-------------....6.7.J.L.M.Z.ŭw__OwH h~ghZd`hi%hi%6OJQJ^JaJ/hnhQhi%5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph?Khi%hi%6#hi%hi%6CJOJQJ^JaJ hhi% hi%hi%CJOJQJ^JaJhi%/hdqfhi%6B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph?K2hi%hi%56B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph?K/hi%hi%5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph?Khdqfhi%aJw-x---z $Ifgd? $Ifgd?skd$$IflP##0#344 lap yt?----tkk $Ifgd?kdO$$IflP0#b0#344 lapyt?--.6.z $Ifgd? $Ifgd?skd$$IflP##0#344 lap yt?6.7.L.tk $Ifgd?kd$$IflP0#b0#344 lapyt?L.M.Z.[.\.g.h.....~~~~~ul $Ifgd? $Ifgddqf gdNBWgdfskd/$$IflP##0#344 lap yt? 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