ࡱ> ~} bjbj = XX8:KKKxzzzzzzfzKKKKKz4K^xKxV@<ކEFv d0T  < <(KKKzzKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKX a: Current Event Outline & Rubric Current Events are due every Monday. Each article will deal with any interesting information (politics, sports, fashion, technology...) about the countries within the region you have been assigned to. Then refer to another event any place in the world that may share similar world history themes (Social, Political, and Religion. Economic, Intellectual, Arts) and discuss the connection between the two. Please follow the outline for maximum credits. Review Rubrics I Source/Organization - written in paragraph form (5 points) Name of Publication Title Author Date of Publication State Internet source II Summary (15 points) Summarize your article. Your summary should be 2 - 3 paragraphs long and written in paragraph form. Make sure you identify Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. Give details. Do not copy the article. Plagiarism is unacceptable. III Connections (20 points) Write 1 - 2 paragraphs relating your article to your studies whenever possible. Use your textbooks, notes, or handouts as references. You may have to research similar events Past or present in history that will help you make a connection. Cite your source in parenthesis. You may initially use events in the U.S. until you build your world historical background knowledge. For example, if the article discusses a natural disaster then you must identify a similar event either in that same region or elsewhere (Hurricane Katrina) and discuss any comparison or differences within the world history themes identified from the first article. You must clearly identify the themes that tie the two events together in one or two sentences. Do Not Summarize Two Articles nor just state they are both social because people were hurt (Review your P.E.R.S.I.A. handout for clarity). Make sure you use vocabulary learned in class throughout your writing. IV OPINION (10 points) This is the time to write how you feel whether it is constructive criticism, amazement, or concerns. One paragraph minimum. Notes Assignments must be typed, Name and assigned Region included. Neatness counts No spelling/ grammar errors (use software spell/grammar check) Choose an article of appropriate length. Articles must be no more than 2weeks old. Use the UN News Center but if the article is not long enough, then use a newspaper, preferably from a country within the boundaries of your region. Use BBC International, Christian Science Monitor or NPR.org        ! 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Arial NarrowA BCambria Math 1h'2F)2Fp4p4!4d J#Q?R~2Current Event Outline WRHSCruz   Oh+'0`   , 8 DPX`hpCurrent Event Outline WRHSNormalCruz3Microsoft Office Word@Ik@JrF@AFp4GVT$m S&" WMFC#' UulVT$m EMFuM\KhC   % %  Rp@"Arial Narrow`"%D#P`2%",$%O`2%" jEU1"% FU1A. Arial arrow0C"PM1,#,#=RK1T#dv% % %  TKKKAJALxCurrent Event Outline     TTKKKAJALP T|KKKAJAL\& Rubric  TTKKKAJALP TTKKKAJALP  T$7KKKAJA1yL@Current Events are due every Monday. Each article will deal with any interesting information (politics, sports, fashion,                                 T>a^KKKAJAXpL,technology...) about the countries within the region you have been assigned to. Then refer to another event any                         Tpb>^KKKAJAbXLXplace   T$dKKKAJA~yL@in the world that may share similar world history themes (Social, Political, and Religion. Economic, Intellectual, Arts)                                   TPKKKAJA+Land discuss the connection between the two.          TTKKKAJALP  TpKKKAJA=LPlease follow the outline for maximum credits. Review Rubrics               TTq}KKKAJAqLP  TT"KKKAJALP  TX(HKKKAJABLPI TT(]HKKKAJABLP WT^(,HKKKAJA^BLtSource/Organization     TT-(2HKKKAJA-BLP TT3(:HKKKAJA3BLP-TT;(@HKKKAJA;BLP TA(HKKKAJAAB L`written i T(HKKKAJABLn paragraph form (5 points)         TT(HKKKAJABLP  TLlKKKAJAfLtName of Publication      TTLlKKKAJAfLP  Tpr,KKKAJALXTitle  TT-r9KKKAJA-LP  TxDKKKAJAL\Author   TTEQKKKAJAELP  TPKKKAJA+LDate of Publication State Internet source              TTKKKAJALP  TTKKKAJALP  TT%KKKAJALP T`%KKKAJALTII TT_%KKKAJALP OT`9%KKKAJA`LtSummary (15 points)        TT:F%KKKAJA:LP !"  TtH hKKKAJAb1LSummarize your article. Your summary should be 2                TT HhKKKAJA bLP-TTHhKKKAJAb&" WMFC 5uLP THhKKKAJAb Ld3 paragraph    TTHhKKKAJAbLPs TTHhKKKAJAbLP T`H|hKKKAJAb.Llong and written in paragraph form. Make sure             TTo KKKAJALPy T oKKKAJA L|ou identify Who, What,     TTo KKKAJALPWTp oRKKKAJA LXhen, W TpSoKKKAJASLXhere,  TToKKKAJALPWTXoKKKAJALPhy TToKKKAJALP,TToKKKAJALP TdoKKKAJALTand TToKKKAJALPHTo(KKKAJA9Low. Give details. Do not copy the article. Plagiarism is                 TKKKAJALhunacceptable.   TTKKKAJALP  T`KKKAJALTIIITT]KKKAJALP KTT^cKKKAJA^LP TdZKKKAJAdL|Connections (20 points)       TT[gKKKAJA[LP  % % % Tp>>KKKAJA8LXWrite  TT?K>KKKAJA?8LP1 TTLU>KKKAJAL8LP TTV]>KKKAJAV8LP-TT^g>KKKAJA^8LP Ths>KKKAJAh83L2 paragraphs relating your article to your studies             Rp@"Arial Narrow`"%D#P`2%",$%O`2%" jEU1"% FU1A. Arial arrowD"PM1,#,#=RK1T#dv% % % TtE>KKKAJAt8Lpwhenever possible    % % % TFf>KKKAJAF8L. Use your textbooks, notes       TTgl>KKKAJAg8LP,TTmv>KKKAJAm8LP T`w>KKKAJAw8LTor  TTE eKKKAJA_LPh TEeKKKAJA_rL0andouts as references. You may have to research similar events Past or present in history that will help you make                               TmKKKAJAsL4a connection. Cite your source in parenthesis. You may initially use events in the U.S. until you build your world                         TKKKAJALhistorical background knowl       TdKKKAJAYLedge. For example, if the article discusses a natural disaster then you must identify a                      TKKKAJAhLsimilar event either in that same region or elsewhere (Hurricane Katrina) and discuss any comparison or                     &" WMFC u        TpKKKAJA?Ldifferences within the world history themes identified from the                 TTqwKKKAJAqLP TxKKKAJAx9Lfirst article. You must clearly identify the themes that                 % % % T -KKKAJA'5Ltie the two events together in one or two sentences.              % % % T  -KKKAJA '8LDo Not Summarize Two Articles nor just state  they are               % % % T@5UKKKAJAOSLboth social because people were hurt (Review your P.E.R.S.I.A. handout for clarity                    TT5UKKKAJAOLP)TX5UKKKAJAOLP.  % % % Td5UKKKAJAOLTMake TT5UKKKAJAOLP T5UKKKAJAO Lhsure you use   T] }KKKAJAw5Lvocabulary learned in class throughout your writing.            TT]}KKKAJAwLP  TTKKKAJALP T`KKKAJALTIV TTcKKKAJALP GTd;KKKAJAdLtOPINION (10 points)     TT<HKKKAJA<LP !"  TPNKKKAJAVLThis is the time to write how you feel whether it is constructive criticism, amazement                      TTOTKKKAJAOLP,TTUZKKKAJAULP T[}KKKAJA[Lor concerns. One paragraph        T|e/KKKAJA)L\minimum.  TTfr/KKKAJAf)LP  Tl=KKKAJALXNotes  TT>JKKKAJA>LP  Rp@Symbol!%"P`2%!h#$O`2%! jEU1!% ,FU15Symbol`2A`2 B,"PM1h"h"=RK1",dv% % % TTKKKAJALP Rp@"Arial! %"P`2%! h#$O`2%! jEU1!% LFU1#3. * Arial`2@A`2,C,"PM1h"h"=RK1"Ldv% % % TT+KKKAJALP %% % % T,KKKAJA,!LAssignments must be typed, Name a          TKKKAJALnd assigned Region included.       TTKKKAJALP !"  % % % TTKKKAJALP % % % TT+KKKAJALP %% % % T,KKKAJA,LlNeatness counts     TTKKKAJALP !"  % % % TTKKKAJALP % % % TT+KKKAJAL &WMFCuP %% % % T,KKKAJA,?LNo spelling/ grammar errors (use software spell/grammar check)                  TTKKKAJALP !"  % % % TT>KKKAJA8LP % % % TT+=KKKAJA8LP %% % % TD,>KKKAJA,8)LChoose an article of appropriate length.              TT>KKKAJA8LP !"  % % % TTBdKKKAJA^LP % % % TTD+cKKKAJA^LP %% % % TH,DdKKKAJA,^*LArticles must be no more than 2weeks old.            TTDdKKKAJA^LP !"  % % % TThKKKAJALP % % % TTj+KKKAJALP %% % % T,jKKKAJA, L`Use the U  TTjKKKAJALPNTTjKKKAJALP TtjKKKAJA1LNews Center but if the article is not long enough             TTjKKKAJALP,TTjKKKAJALP TjKKKAJA L`then use a   TTjKKKAJALP T, jKKKAJA %Lnewspaper, preferably from a country           !"  T ,KKKAJA,#Lwithin the boundaries of your regio        TdKKKAJALTn. U TKKKAJALse BBC International, Chri      T  KKKAJA Lstian Science Monitor or NPR.org         TT KKKAJA LP TTKKKAJALP !"  TTKKKAJALP % % 666666666666666666666666  ~."System--@"Arial Narrow--- +2 \}Current Event Outline 2 \q} 2 \t}& Rubric 2 \}  2 \} 2 |gy}Current Events are due every Monday. Each article will deal with any interesting information (politics, sports, fashion, 2 gp}technology...) about the countries within the region you have been assigned to. Then refer to another event any 2 0}place 2 gy}in the world that may share similar world history themes (Social, Political, and Religion. Economic, Intellectual, Arts) L2 g+}and discuss the connection between the two. 2 } g2 g=}Please follow the outline for maximum credits. Review Rubrics) 2 f}  2 f} 2 f}I  2 k} #(2 }Source/Organization 2 }  2 }- 2 } 2 }written i42 }n paragraph form (5 points) 2 {} (2 f}Name of Publication  2 } 2 f}Title  2 z} 2 f}Author c 2 } L2 (f+}Date of Publication State Internet source  2 (}  2 6f}  2 Df} 2 Dg}II  2 Do}  )2 D}Summary (15 points)  2 D} ,}'U2 _h1}Summarize your article. Your summary should be 2  2 _=}- 2 _@} 2 _B }3 paragraph 2 _t}s 2 _y} P2 _|.}long and written in paragraph form. Make sure  2 oh}y.2 ol}ou identify Who, What,   2 o}W2 o}hen, W 2 o}here,  2 o }W2 o}hy 2 o}, 2 o} 2 o!}and  2 o3}Ha2 o:9}ow. Give details. Do not copy the article. Plagiarism is  2 h}unacceptable.  2 } 2 h}III 2 p}  2 } /2 }Connections (20 points)  2 } ---2 h}Write  2 }1 2 }  2 }- 2 } X2 3}2 paragraphs relating your article to your studies @"Arial Narrow---%2 g}whenever possibleo---42 }. Use your textbooks, notes 2 2}, 2 5} 2 9}or  2 h}h2 nr}andouts as references. You may have to research similar events Past or present in history that will help you make 2 hs}a connection. Cite your source in parenthesis. You may initially use events in the U.S. until you build your world 42 h}historical background knowl2 Y}edge. For example, if the article discusses a natural disaster then you must identify a 2 hh}similar event either in that same region or elsewhere (Hurricane Katrina) and discuss any comparison or j2 h?}differences within the world history themes identified from the 2 f} a2 i9}first article. You must clearly identify the themes that o---[2 h5}tie the two events together in one or two sentences. ---_2 E8}Do Not Summarize Two Articles nor just state they are ---2 (hS}both social because people were hurt (Review your P.E.R.S.I.A. handout for clarity 2 (})2 (}. ---2 (}Make 2 (} 2 (  }sure you use [2 8h5}vocabulary learned in class throughout your writing. r 2 8>}  2 Tf} 2 Th}IV  2 Tt} )2 T}OPINION (10 points)  2 T} ,}'2 piV}This is the time to write how you feel whether it is constructive criticism, amazement 2 p}, 2 p} 42 p}or concerns. One paragraph 2 i}minimum. 2 } 2 i}Notesu 2 } @Symbol--- 2 f}@"Arial--- 2 k} ---=2 z!}Assignments must be typed, Name a 52 }nd assigned Region included. 2 } ,}'--- 2 f}--- 2 k} ---#2 z}Neatness counts  2 } ,}'--- 2 f}--- 2 k} ---j2 z?}No spelling/ grammar errors (use software spell/grammar check)  2 } ,}'--- 2 f}--- 2 k} ---I2 z)}Choose an article of appropriate length.  2 } ,}'--- 2 f}--- 2 k} ---J2 z*}Articles must be no more than 2weeks old.  2 +} ,}'--- 2 f}--- 2 k} ---2 z }Use the U 2 }N 2 } U2 1}News Center but if the article is not long enoughn 2 r}, 2 t} 2 v }then use a 2 } C2 %}newspaper, preferably from a country ,}'@2 z#}within the boundaries of your regioy2 }n. U22 }se BBC International, Chri;2  }stian Science Monitor or NPR.org 2  }  2 } ,}' 2 (f} --}}||||||{{{{՜.+,0 hp  WRHS  Current Event Outline Title !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstvwxyz{|Root Entry F`EF1Table/ WordDocument=SummaryInformation( DocumentSummaryInformation8uCompObjy  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q