ࡱ> a C=jbjbtt $\5RRRRRRR $D LNNNNNNN,R՛-RNNNNN RRNN; NrRNRN fd@RRRRN iWRR̕ U!n̕Q0.q q̕ R  Lab Report Format A report written in the correct format will have the following sections, in this order: Title Abstract Introduction Methods and Materials Results: withTables Figures and separate results text Discussion Acknowledgment (optional) References (or Literature Cited) Title Compose a good title that provides specific information about the variables being tested. Newspaper-, or headline-style titles have become popular in recent years. Be sure to tell the reader what the major finding is. The major finding is often called "the take-home message". Compare these two example titles: "Response of Patients to Different Doses of Ice Cream" "Frequent Administration of Ice Cream Boosts Patients' Morale" The second one tells the reader much more about the findings of the study than does the first, which is a bland, non-committal statement that tells little other than the subject matter of the report. Abstract (all one paragraph and single-spaced) The abstract is a concise summary of 1) the goal (hypothesis) of your investigation (1-2 sentences), 2) the general methods used (1-2 sentences), and 3) the specific, major findings of your study. The main results make up the major part of the abstract. Introduction (1-1.5 pages) - double spaced One of the most important aspects of your paper should be continuity. The Introduction should give the reader a sense of "why" you did the research, its general theme, and how your study fits into existing research. Then, you should carry that theme throughout the paper, creating a "red thread" that runs throughout and leads logically to each new piece of info you present in the Results, and interpret in the Discussion. Do not report your findings or interpret them in the Introduction. The introduction should provide the reader with background information that is important in order to understand your investigation as well as to understand the purpose of your study. Most of this information will be based on outside readings and MUST be CITED. The last paragraph should clearly and succinctly state the goal or the hypothesis of the experiment you conducted. For example, you may want to include relevant information about the species or different soils that were the focus of your study and what the literature says about these interactions. Most often students paraphrase what they have read and cite at the end of the statement or paragraph. Do not use any quotes in this report. Be sure you cite the source of all background information in proper format. Citation Format Within the text of the intro, results or discussion In the body of your paper the sources are cited as follows: e.g.: one author (Albie, 2004), 2 authors (Cline and Sedeski, 2007) more than 2 authors: (VandenBos et. al, 2001) Alternatively, the sources can be cited as follows: Albie (2004) found that .... In contrast, Hummel and John (2000) reported that ...... Others have found that . (Hold, 2004; VandenBos et al., 2001; Mayer, pers. comm., 2005) . First authors last name et al. (year) is used when there are more than two authors (e.g., VandenBos et al., 2001) Methods and Materials-double spaced For the second lab report you will attempt to follow the directions below to inform the class about your experimental procedures: In this section accurately report the final procedure(s) used. Briefly summarize the materials (your plants or insects, controlled conditions etc) and methods that were employed to collect and analyze your data. Provide enough detail so that a reader following this section could repeat your experiment. Use subheadings to help organize your methods. Examine the reference articles you have read for lab for ideas on organizing a methods section. Have a separate paragraph for each subheading. For example, the experimental design paragraph on measureing height might be written: The total heights of the plants were measured in cm weekly or biweekly along the main stem of the plant. The final heights were measured more precisely using calipers. Remember It is impossible for your laboratory instructor to evaluate the results if s/he cannot figure out how you did the experiment. It is more important to be honest and accurate than that you followed the correct procedure. Many experimental errors can be explained by mistakes made in methodology. Include in Methods and Materials a section on the statistical analyses you used. Tell the types of tests used, and for what they were used. What a-level (threshold significance probability) was used? Were the data transformed in any way (by taking their logarithms, e.g.)? Results  double spaced (except table and figure caption and legends (these are single spaced). The length should be about 1 page of text and separately Tables, Figures and their legends/captions. The result section should contain your data presented in the form of figures or tables and must include an equally important narrative description of the results. Tables and figures should be able to stand alone in a scientific paper. Number each table and figure consecutively (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Table 1, Table 2, etc.). Table numbers and legends go above the Tables. Figure numbers and legends go below the graphs or other figures. You must use some statistics to confirm apparent differences between your experimental groups. When reporting the statistical significance of your results in the Results text include the name of the test, the test statistic, the degrees of freedom and the p value. For example: Plants grown in pro-mix alone began flowering at least 3 days sooner than those grown in (1:3) compost:promix (Excel t-test, t-stat=3.2, df = 3, p=0.023) All the plants grew well in the 4 soil types but flowering was much earlier in the plants grown in promix (Anova, F=22.7, df=3,7, p=0.002; Tukey HSD) Discussion (1.5-2 pages double spaced) Writing a good Discussion section is the most challenging part of composing a scientific paper. Organize your Discussion around the major points that you want to make and use your results (refer to each table and figure by number as you discuss their data) to support these points, but avoid simply restating the results. In this section you try to explain what the data mean. You attempt to interpret the data and draw conclusions. You might compare your data to published reports from similar experiments (cite them). Look at your data: Do they support your hypothesis? Do they agree or conflict with published research? Mention the results from your experiments that support or conflict with your hypothesis or related studies, and offer plausible explanations. The Discussion is where you "make your case", much as a lawyer might do in a trial, based on the evidence (Results) you have presented. Considering the overall goal of the experiment, your "case" might consider: How might the various treatments contribute to the plants ability to prevent pest infestations? Or an even broader perspecitive: How do these plant species illustrate evolutionary adaptation to environment? An excellent way to organize your Discussion, as well as your Results and Introduction sections, is to lead off each paragraph with a topic sentence, a sentence that summarizes the main point, or take-home message, of the paragraph. This is a straightforward statement that basically condenses all that is to follow in the paragraph. Then, the rest of the information in each paragraph flows in illustration of those main points. As an example this one appropriate for a Results section: "Increasing the dose of ice cream elevated the morale of patients in all groups, but the effect declined with increasing total daily intake of ice cream. In groups A and B the positive effect of increased dosage was especially pronounced (Fig. 1, Table 2)" The underlined sentence is the topic sentence here. It is the "take-home" message of the paragraph. Can you imagine the details that might follow in the rest of the paragrgaph. Try to do this for all paragraphs you write, especially in the Introduction, Results, and Discussion. Start the Discussion with the most important finding of your research, and its interpretation. Dont dwell on difficulties encountered in the study. Another useful rule of thumb to help you compose your Discussion is to answer the question: What are the three principal findings I can discuss here? Of course, there may be more or fewer than three, but the point is to focus on the main results and their implications. Literature Cited (References used) Only references actually cited in the paper are included in the Reference section at the end of the paper. This should not be a bibliography of interesting sources. List the references in alphabetical order by first author, or title if an anonymous document. In addition to books and the lab manual, scientific studies or reviews in peer- reviewed journals provide excellent information. Be careful when using information from the Internet since it is unscreened and could be biased or unreliable. Never use or cite a .com web address. There are many valid styles of citing literature and other information sources that you actually used in the writing of your research paper. An important point is to choose one style, and to be consistent with it. Each scientific journal has its own rules, but for convenience, we will use the following guidelines, drawn mostly from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edition. See (http://www.apastyle.org/elecsource.html) and ( HYPERLINK http://www.liu.edu/cwis/cwp/library/workshop/citapa.htm) http://www.liu.edu/cwis/cwp/library/workshop/citapa.htm): APA Citation Style Journal or Magazine Article, Single Author Dubeck, L. (1990). Science fiction aids science teaching. Physics Teacher, 28, 316-318. Journal or Magazine Article, Multiple Authors Hokum, H., Jokum, I., & Hilarity, K. (1991). True fiction: Science fiction aids science teaching? Physics Teacher, 29, 111-113. Article from an Internet Database (for more details, see the American Psychological Association's official site) Mershon, D. H. (1998, November-December). Star Trek on the brain: Alien minds, human minds. American Scientist, 86, 585. Retrieved July 29, 1999, from Expanded Academic ASAP database. Book Okuda, M., & Okuda, D. (1993). Star Trek chronology: The history of the future. New York: Pocket Books. Campbell, N. A. & Reese, J. B. (2002). Biology, 6th ed. (pp. 216-223). Redwood City, CA: Benjamin/Cummings. Book Article or Chapter James, N. E. (1988). Two sides of paradise: The Eden myth according to Kirk and Spock. In D. Palumbo (Ed.), Spectrum of the fantastic (pp. 219-223). Westport, CT: Greenwood. Personal Communication Mayer, H., pers. comm., March 2005. Try to avoid using Pers. Comm. All unpublished sources, such as your lecture notes, something your lab instructor tells you or you hear in a lecture, or information from one of your classmates presentations is an example of a personal communication, but if this information is available in your text or some other source, cite that source instead. Lab Manual BISC 108 Environmental Horticulture. (2008). (Labs 3, 4, & 5). Dept. of Biological Sciences, Wellesley College. Labs 8 and 10. Websites Regarding e-resources Try to find an author, a host site, a page title and the date last updated. Then cite in a similar fashion to above. Cite articles found on the web as for Reference articles but include a working web address following the citation. If the document has no identified author and no date you need to find the host site and provide as much information as possible. You also need to be sure the web address you include actually links to the appropriate page of the website or provide instructions on how to find the page.. Author: Lynch, T. (1996). DS9 trials and tribble-ations review. Retrieved October 8, 2005, from Psi Phi: Bradley's Science Fiction Club Web site: http://www.bradley.edu/campusorg/psiphi/DS9/ep/ 503r.html no author: Host, date updated. Title of page. Retrieval date. Web address. GVU's 8th WWW user survey. (n.d.). Retrieved August 8, 2005, from  HYPERLINK "http://www.cc.gatech.edu/gvu/usersurveys/survey1997-10/" http://www.cc.gatech.edu/gvu/usersurveys/survey1997-10/ n.d. = no date VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, J. (2001). Role of reference elements in the selection of resources by psychology undergraduates. Journal of Bibliographic Research, 5, 117-123. Retrieved October 13, 2006, from  HYPERLINK "http://jbr.org/articles.html" http://jbr.org/articles.html. For additional information refer to the Wellesley College librarys suggestions for citing electronic sources found in the Style Manual section of the following page on the library web site:  HYPERLINK http://www.wellesley.edu/Library/Research/refbks.html#style http://www.wellesley.edu/Library/Research/refbks.html#style General notes on citations Single-space citations. Use sentence-case for titles. Spell journal names out completely (no abbreviations). Include all authors. Arrange the items on your reference list alphabetically by (first) author, interfiling books, articles, etc. Indent the second and following lines 5 to 7 spaces or one half inch. Use only the initials of the authors' first (and middle) names; never use first or middle names. If no author is given, start with the title and then the date. Underline or italicize all genus and species names. Magazine (not scientific journal) articles: include the month (and day) as shown under Newspapers. Websites: if the date the page was created is not given, use (n.d.). q![ r w 0 : ;IJKao&5n$%WҵҙҍhHhF\W6OJQJhHhF\W>*OJQJhF\WOJQJ h<hF\WhhF\W5 hF\W6hF\W5>*OJQJhF\W>*OJQJhF\W6OJQJhF\WOJQJh7<hF\W5OJQJ hF\W5CJhF\W5OJQJhF\W hF\W51kqz"[  !d^$da$1$7$8$H$dd  p@ P !C= a;wxIJKop&gdF\Wh^h & F+ & F+d P !dddgdF\W & F+dd&rGH  %WX)#*#%^ 1$7$8$H$gdF\W  !dd & F,d & F,dWcZ"""(#%%(()k)"+v,,,,,,:-;-<-t-u-v-w-----. ..G.H......?/ȼ|pii hHhF\WhF\W0J5B*ph-jh<hF\W5>*CJOJQJU!jhF\W5>*CJOJQJUhF\W5>*B*phhF\W5>*CJOJQJ hF\W5>* hF\W6hF\WhF\W>*OJQJhF\W6OJQJhF\WOJQJhHhF\W6OJQJhHhF\W56OJQJ)%%&&4'5'(()!+"+w-y-z-----..gdF\W ^` !$da$  !d P !dh^hd Z^`Z^.G.H......>/?///00 0 0M0z0{00011F1 d^` ! h^h`gdF\W ^`?///0 0 0*0K0R0`0{00011s1111Y3d33333444 666)6N66687z7{7777777 888 9 9 9(9ӷӠӷ,jh<hF\WB*OJQJUphhF\W0JOJQJ,jh<hF\WB*OJQJUph jhF\WB*OJQJUphhF\W5OJQJ\hF\WB*OJQJph hF\W6 hHhF\WhF\WhF\W6OJQJhF\WOJQJ2F111111X3Y3d333344466Z6666677 & F/dhd^hZd^Z d  h$ 8@"$d7787z77 8 8S8+9,9-9.9t:u:::::;;; & Fhd^h & F hd^gdF\Wd^h^h & F h`gdF\Wd^d(9)9+9,9.9995:6:7:r:s:t:u::;;f<o<s<|<B=C=۽ϲϤ۟ۖۖۍۉhF\WhF\W6OJQJhF\W>*OJQJ hF\W5hF\W5B*OJQJphhF\W0J>*OJQJ#joh<hF\WOJQJUjhF\WOJQJUhF\WOJQJhF\WB*OJQJph jhF\WB*OJQJUph;'<f<<<B=C= & F":pF\W/ =!"#$%DyK yK rhttp://www.liu.edu/cwis/cwp/library/workshop/citapa.htm)DyK yK phttp://www.cc.gatech.edu/gvu/usersurveys/survey1997-10/DyK yK :http://jbr.org/articles.htmlDyK  yK lhttp://www.wellesley.edu/Library/Research/refbks.htmlstyleD@D <NormalCJOJQJ_HmH sH tH |@| < Heading 1D$ # p@ P hd@&^h` >*OJQJ@@@ < Heading 2$@& 5OJQJh@h < Heading 30$  th$ 8!@&] 5OJQJh@h < Heading 40$  th$ 8!@&] 6OJQJv@v < Heading 59$ p@ P d@&^6CJOJQJh@h < Heading 60$  th$ 8!@&] 5OJQJ|@| < Heading 7?$$ p@ P d@&^a$6CJOJQJj@j < Heading 81$ & h$ 8@"$@& >*OJQJH @H < Heading 9 $0@&]0 CJ,OJQJDA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List4@4 <Header  !4 @4 <Footer  !LC@L <Body Text Indent ^OJQJlB@"l < Body Text7$ & p@ P !da$OJQJR@2 <Body Text Indent 2;$ P !hd^h`a$OJQJ.)@A. < Page NumberbP@Rb < Body Text 2% P !d 5OJQJS@b <Body Text Indent 3<$ # p@ P !d^a$ 5OJQJB@rB < Footnote Text CJOJQJDQ@D < Body Text 3d CJOJQJ0U@0 < Hyperlink>*B*5\ z z z z z z 3&-5 /kqz"[a  ; w x I J K o p &r23pq 23!!!##(&*&+&>&i&j&&&&&&z'{'|'}''''3(z((((((+),))))))>*l*m*** , ,,,,,,,-.. /N//////+000011111%3&3A3Y3w33314w445K55550@܀0ʀ0@܀0@܀0N@܀0N@܀0N@܀0N@܀0@܀0@܀0@܀0@܀0@܀0@܀0@܀0@܀0@܀0@܀0@܀0@܀0ʀ0@܀0@܀0@܀0@܀+ 0ʀ+ 0ʀ+ 0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ@0ʀ@0@܀@0@܀A+ 0A+ 0ʀA+ 0 @܀@0@܀0ʀ0ʀ0 ʀ0 0 ʀ0 @܀, 0 ʀ, 0, 0, 0 @܀, 0 @܀0 @܀0 0 @܀0 @܀0 @܀00ʀ00ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0 ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ00 @܀0 @܀0 @܀0 @܀0 @܀0ʀ0 @܀0 @܀0ʀ0@܀0ʀ0@܀0@܀0@܀00@܀0ʀ0ʀ05%@܀05%@܀05%@܀0ʀ0ʀ0%@܀0%@܀0%@܀0%@܀0ʀ0%@܀0%@܀0%@܀0%@܀0%@܀0%@܀0ʀ0ʀ0'@܀0'@܀0'@܀0'@܀0'@܀0ʀ0ʀ0(@܀0(@܀0(@܀x0(@܀x0(@܀0`)@܀0ʀ0`)@܀x0(@܀0ʀ0y*@܀0@܀0*@܀0*@܀/ 0*@܀/ 0*@܀0*@܀0*@܀0*@܀0*@܀0*@܀0*@܀0*@܀0*@܀0*@܀0*@܀ 0*@܀0*@܀0*@܀0*@܀0*@܀ 0*@܀0*@܀0*@܀0*@܀0@܀ 01@܀ 01@܀ 01@܀ 01@܀ 01@܀ 01@܀ 01@܀ 01@܀ 01@܀ 0 1@܀ 0 1@܀0ʀW?/(9C=!&), &%.F177;C="$%'(*+-C=#%%%&+0r0011122#35XXXX  $ 0 9 #CI5C_a~r|j&p&' '''****..&/)///000000555  x y q w <I.F<Cqyr}##&&&%''''(8(Q(R(n((()),)R)S)r)))D*F*++,9,A,T,U,,,,..../////000000011@1n15::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::4    T?m3 ol  ~W[^0\e7Ҽ k|l:7>F)+<::-D$'2D 3H'vZ/,b4>PƷa@(PDtKBLhvB4#|EQrY GlHsEAG^5MnI>4u4IN %.OaT`qU, Up?lW"L85![VA(_.Zi5rdf({gz %[-hFfkH.QkMpEJlXl _qS&Fr>y,!J}P#O*hh^h`o(. hh^h`OJQJo( hh^h`OJQJo( hh^h`OJQJo(^`o()^`o()h ^`OJQJo(h pp^p`OJQJo(oh @ @ ^@ `OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(oh ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(h PP^P`OJQJo(oh   ^ `OJQJo(^`o(.^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.h hh^h`B*o(ph.h88^8`56B*CJOJ QJ o(ph.hL^`L.h  ^ `.h  ^ `.hxLx^x`L.hHH^H`.h^`.hL^`L.^`o(.^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.h ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo(o pp^p`OJ QJ o( @ @ ^@ `OJQJo( ^`OJQJo(o ^`OJ QJ o( ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo(o PP^P`OJ QJ o(h ^`OJQJo(h pp^p`OJQJo(oh @ @ ^@ `OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(oh ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(h PP^P`OJQJo(oh   ^ `OJQJo(^`o(.^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.h^`o(.^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.h ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJ QJ o(oh pp^p`OJ QJ o(h @ @ ^@ `OJQJo(h ^`OJ QJ o(oh ^`OJ QJ o(h ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJ QJ o(oh PP^P`OJ QJ o(h ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(oh pp^p`OJQJo(h @ @ ^@ `OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(oh ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(oh PP^P`OJQJo(^`o(.^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.00^0`56B*CJOJ QJ o(ph.^`.hLh^h`L.88^8`.^`. 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