ࡱ>  %' !"#$'` DbjbjLULU ..?.?I  4448lp jp@"ҔҔҔEGGGGGG$0hk ̸̸̸k ҔҔTTT̸* Ҕ ҔET̸ETT6 Ҕd 4(L0jj8j   T9kkX̸̸̸̸ D0 0  Registered with the Writer's Guild West 1421554 Screen play by: Sean OBrien (415) 328-8122 2 20 12 #SMSPC 30077 117 UFO MOVIE SCRIPT Earth A New Awakening This is a good old fashion chase movie. This suspenseful thriller has chases captures and escapes each one is more and more elaborate. This film has lots of(PMO) Product Marketing Opportunities in it to help cover our film production cost. Some of the (PMO) have already been sold and many others are still looking for their sponsor. A basic description of all the products that are being marketed in this film are at the back pages of the script. A storyboard version of the script is available to show potential sponsors how their products will look in this new 3D film. Filming will be done with Canon 3D cameras. Everything in this script is based on todays technology and everything in this film is real. Synopsis: The story is about a group of people from earth who operate flying saucers from a secret location. There are chases captures and escapes and 3 love stories. There is also a strong message about the earth and the environment. There are several stories with in the movie that flow from one to another. There are two young people in love but also in competition with each other. Haley is a young girl who wants to become a member of the flying saucer team. She takes one of the saucers out for a joy ride in order to prove that shes is as good as the others on the team. But, she gets into trouble and has to hide the saucer in the ocean in Monetary Bay. A Navy ship is searching for her trying to catch the saucer she is hiding around as they try to find her. Haleys boyfriend Apollo has to sneak into this Navy secured area and rescue Haley and get her and the saucer back to their secret base. Our flying saucers are a real aircraft under construction now and will be available for filming. Powered by a Subaru J25 engine burning 4.3 gallons per hour. They takeoff from land or water in 48ft at 18 MPH The current top speed is 200 mph but will go faster in our film. They can hover in place and land vertically or a very slow landing speed of 18mph stopping in 48 ft or less. No runway required. Description of Cast: Apollo Carrington 19 M air show pilot & member of the team Haley Masters 17 F Apollos girlfriend Leo Masters Haleys Dad Star Masters Haleys Mom & member of the team Sky Masters 14 years old & Haleys sister Cassiopeia a girl at the party who likes Apollo Ryan ONeal 29 M member of the team Connie Cooper UFO investigator Pentagon General Who is investigating the unknown DR. Newnen NASL Newnan Aero Space Lab Jack Jones JMJ UFO Research & Development Div. Mark Murdock JMJ UFO Research & Development Div. Randy Pollard JMJ UFO Research & Development Div. Pilot (Sean OBrien) Extras: NEWS REPORTER HELOCOPTER PILOT CAMERA MAN INVESTIGATOR MAN IN BLACK 2ND RADIO REPORTER 3RD RADIO REPORTER 4TH RADIO REPORTER AMERICAN ANNOUNCER RADIO BRIGADIER GENERAL PENTTAGON GENERAL CIA DIRECTOR EXTRAS GUARD 1 GUARD 2 GUARD 3 GUARD 4 FILE CLERK MEN IN BLACK UFO Weapons Focused sound wave generator Magnetic field generator Tesla coil shoots high power electricity UFO Defense Hologram generator Cold Air turbine (no Heat) Radar reflective shape and surface UFO Flying In the air, underwater or outer space plays music for the crowd (Beethovens 5th) Ba Ba Ba BAAAA Ba Ba Ba BAAAA Sets Tranquility Base - military air base Computer room - launch control room In the saucers - Monetary Bay Istanbul turkey - Florida keys Oshkosh Air Show SCRIPT COLOUR CODE ORIGINAL WHITE 1ST CHANGE BLUE 2ND CHANGE LEMON 3RD CHANGE OLD GOLD 4TH CHANGE PINK UFO MOVIE SCRIPT Registered with the Writer's Guild West 1421554 Screen play by: Sean OBrien (415) 328-8122 BLACKED OUT OPENING: NARRATION: Deep Voice crisp and sharp You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. 2 seconds of silencescreen still blacked outjust the sound of a radio MUSIC FADE UP PLAYING IN DARKNESS (Music ending) And Now the NEWS and weather. NASA reports a brake in at the JMJ propulsion laboratory what was stolen has not been disclosed. But rumor has it that it was an alien artifact known as a PU 36 space modulator. This artifact was recovered from a crashed UFO in Roswell New Mexico. The FBI investigation on subliminal messages implanted In the radio broadcasts resulting in the arrest of two people at Radio City broadcasting Station. The FBI warns us that these subliminal messages have been going on for a wile. Its up to us to find these subliminal messages and what they mean. What effects this is having on our youth is still unknown. There are several, strange reports of lights in the sky over Dallas. Wild stories are coming out of Las Vegas of UFO sightings and UFO abductions. (The news reporter jokes over the air) I think these people have been sitting in the hot sun too long. And a little bit of good news after a week long search the missing boy Barry has been found safe. His mother who reported that the boy kidnapped last week. The police and a hundred volunteers searched the area and turned up no evidence. Barry has been returned to his mother. One minute of music playing in the back ground. Music builds to a climax and ends. Reports are coming in from all over the world. Several large UFO have been tracked traveling at incredible speed. This announcer keeps talking, but his voice fades out, and now we hear the words the American announcer is saying... AMERICAN ANNOUNCER (staccato with excitement) We still have no official word from our government on the UFOs but there seems to be no question that there is a large, unidentified object traveling at incredible speed. 3 SECONDS SILENCE & BLACKOUT OPENING DISSOLVE TO: THE TITLE APPEARS: 5 seconds each title page FADE UP: EARTH 2012 FADE OUT: FADE UP: A NEW AWAKENING FADE OUT: FADE UP: THE FOLLOWING EVENTS NEVER HAPPENED OR DID THEY? THE AIRCRAFT YOU ARE ABOUT TO SEE IN THIS FILM FADE OUT: FADE UP: ARE REAL! FADE OUT: END MAIN TITLES. 2 seconds black out DISSOLVE TO: EXT. SKYDIVER NIGHT - SECURED AIRBASE Wide shot from a distance A descending shot from 6000ft looking down into a high security military airbase. The hangers and runway lights are flashing. A lone skydiver sneaks in to a secured airbase. The skydiver swoops in for a landing and a repack. The rig back on his back gives him an unusual appearance as he moves through the shadows of the airbase. Sneaking around on the ground he is spotted by one of the guards that are guarding the JMJ RESEARCH laboratory a special classified hanger. GUARD 1 Look over there - something is moving. GUARD 2 Where? I dont see anything. Youre always jumping at shadow men. The two guards are shot with a small beam of light. The men are frozen in time and in place for the next 5 min. They will awaken with out any memory of the event. The shadow figure of a man opens a door and slips in to a hanger. A few people standing guard off in the distance but no one else has seen him. CUT TO: INT. NIGHT- SECURED AIRBASE Inside the hanger a gloved hand pushes buttons on a keypad 2 3 6 4 5 the lights on the keypad changed from red to green and the word approved appears on the display. Then he pushes the OPEN button for the big hanger doors to open. The motor noise and the hanger doors opening draws some attention to the hanger and a few people off in the distance get into a jeep and drives over to the hanger. Hanger doors wide open now and the two guards still standing in a frozen state. The jeep pulls up and someone gets out to talk to the guards who are just waking up. Standing in front of one of the guards he slaps him across the face to wake him up. GUARD 3 (ARCHIE) Wake up you jug head. Who open the hanger doors? They just stand there with a dazed look on his face. Their movements are slow and clumsy. A clank noise from inside the hanger. GUARD 4 Archie I think someone is in the hanger! GUARD 3 (ARCHIE) You figured that out all by yourself. Just a blur comes screaming out of the hanger and up into the air. Trace of light following the object through the sky. GUARD 4 Damn what the hell was that? GUARD 3 ARCHIE Thats classified. And I thing we are in trouble now! CUT TO: EXT. HELICOPTER EARLY MORNING Helicopter passing by the camera. The news helicopter flies over the crop circles. CUT TO: INT. HELICOPTER camera view looking out the helicopter windows at crop circles passing underneath the helicopter. CAMERA ANGLES GRADUALLY WIDEN, revealing more and more crop circles going on to infinity throughout the fields. CUT TO: INT. HELICOPTER NEWS REPORTER Looking into the camera For seven days now we have been reporting on strange events. Now hundreds of crop circles have are appearing over night with out explanation. CUT TO: Pilot points to something out in the distance. NEWS REPORTER Looking into the camera There is a line of cars backed up for over ten miles. For some unknown reason they have all lost electrical power and died leaving people stranded along this stretch of road. Pause Large groups of the People who have been stranded here are standing along the edge of the road. They seem to be pointing at something in the field. INT. HELICOPTER - SAME TIME. The pilot and News reporter react to something they see in the cornfield. HELOCOPTER PILOT What is that? NEWS REPORTER The proof we have been looking for, Lets get down there! CAMERA MAN It looks like some sort of disk shaped spacecraft. NEWS REPORTER Not at all like the orbed ship that was found in Oregon. HELOCOPTER PILOT We're going to be the first ones their! CAMERA MAN First contact? Thats crazy What if they are not friendly? NEWS REPORTER This could be the most important discovery in mans history. CAMERA MAN I hope its not the end of mans history! The helicopters instrument starts to reed wildly and then go blank. HELOCOPTER PILOT We have lost all electoral power I am going to have to auto gyro down. Hang on this could be a rough landing! NEWS REPORTER This is not good. CAMERA MAN I knew this was a bad idea. HELOCOPTER PILOT Tighten your belts were going down fast. Cameraman tries to put a seat belt around him in a hurry but can only find one half. CUT TO: EXT. HELICOPTER - SAME TIME. The helicopter make an emergency landing in the middle of the road and go running through the cornfield to see if they can get a closer look. As they approach, they can almost get a good look, but the UFO pops up, spins around twice and bugs out, flying low, and gets away. Now several people walking around in a crop circle. An unknown civilian shows up in the crop circle almost appearing form nowhere. CUT TO: INVESTIGATOR You Again? Who Are You? What are you doing here? JACK JONES Jack Jones I was just delivering a few pizzas to my friends. INVESTIGATOR You dont look like a pizza delivery boy? JACK JONES Like everyone else here my car lost Power. I have been stuck here all night. (Pause) You want to here something funny? INVESTIGATOR Whats that? JACK JONES All those people stranded on the road. Nobody wants to leave! INVESTIGATOR What do you mean by that? JACK JONES There is a strange seance of belonging. like something very familiar, or you knew you had been here before. The Investigator looks at jacks hand holding a hot (STARBUCKS)(PMO)cup of coffee. He knows jack is lying if he had been there all night the coffee would not be hot. INVESTIGATOR Well hit the road jack and dont come back. This is a government investigation. The new reporter finds a debit card on the ground as he is looking at debit card as a man in black grabs the card and runs the card through a scanner. The scanner reeds the card with a $10,000,000 available. MAN IN BLACK Put one word of this on the news and it will be the last Report you make. CUT TO: 2ND RADIO REPORTER (voice off scene) This is not another "flying saucer" scare. Scientists and military men have already agreed that. Whatever this is it's something real. One minute of music playing in the back ground. Music builds to a climax and is interrupted. CUT TO: EXT. SUBURBAN GAS STATION The Person, who is filling a car with gas, As the gallon click up he begins to wipe his windshield and he hears the news bulletin he leans around to hear the car's radio. 3RD RADIO REPORTER (voice off scene) We interrupt this program to give you a bulletin received from one of our naval units at sea. "A large object, traveling at supersonic speed, is headed over the North Atlantic toward the east coast of the United States." CUT TO: EXT. Las Vegas LATER A UFO enters from the right to the left of frame and the camera pans slightly with it. We now see a clearing in a wooded area the UFO comes down for a landing in the center of the clearing, moments later the takes off the only evidence left its impressions on the ground. People in Las Vegas see a flying saucer fly overhead and think something has escaped from Groom Lake Area 51 and call the Department of Defense (DOD). 4TH RADIO REPORTER (staccato with excitement) We still don't know what it is or where it's from. but we do know there's something there. It's been tracked around the world by radar traveling at a rate of four thousand miles an hour. CUT TO: INT. PENTAGON OFFICE - CLOSE SHOT A Brigadier General speaks in clipped tones into the telephone. Their are a couple of other officers in the room. BRIGADIER GENERAL (into phone) Get me the Chief of Staff and the CIA director The board meets on Friday so you will appreciate the urgency of this matter. CUT TO: INT. CIA OFFICE ROOM CIA DIRECTOR President Eisenhower put you in charge of project black book. (alt line) project blue book (alt line)all Black book operations (alt line)all Blue book operations. You were ordered to capture and evaluate the flying saucers. We need to know if they are a threat to the earth. Or if they have advanced offensive weapons. PENTTAGON GENERAL As soon as one is sighted its gone. They go in and out of our hemisphere faster than we can scramble fighters. We have enough trouble trying to track of them on radar. CIA DIRECTOR You havent captured one since 1957? PENTTAGON GENERAL In 1957 we chased two flying saucers all across America. They made a mockery of our defense, moving in and out of our top secret military bases and classified areas. They seem to be checking out our nuclear missals. We engaged in a battle with the flying saucers. One of the saucers had a mid-air collision with one of our aircraft. The saucer crashed landed in a field just out side Roswell, New Mexico. Someone walks in the room and all conversation stops. He delivers some files and places them on the desk and exits the room. FILE CLERK Computer readouts available from today. PENTTAGON GENERAL Have them put straight through to me. FILE CLERK I'll take the files back when your ready sir. PENTTAGON GENERAL We removed all the evidence from the crash sight and we discredited the news paper reports. All of the recovered saucer parts were taking them to Dawson airforce base. Four females aliens were removed from the crash. The engines were removed for study and reverse engineering. Twenty years later a high school student broke in to a secured facility and stole one of the UFOs engines and all hell broke out. CIA DIRECTOR If you cant keep a lid on this you might have a bigger problem. PENTTAGON GENERAL The last few days, people have been flooding my office with these flying saucer sightings. CUT TO: INT. WASHINGTON RADIO STATION 4TH RADIO REPORTER (with deliberately controlled calm) Here in the nation's capital, there is anxiety and concern, but no outward sign of panic. As a matter of fact, there are signs of normalcy that seem strangely out of place; the beautiful spring weather, the tourist crowds at the various monuments and public buildings... CUT BACK TO: PENTTAGON GENERAL Look at all these reports of fireballs, meteor showers and the strange weather ongoing in recent weeks. Look at these newspapers headlines Out of this world visitors knocking at your door? REAL UFO threat from space. Flying saucer over Las Vegas. Space Invaders walk across America. American defense network helpless. INVASION EMANATE CIA DIRECTOR HE GLANCES UP TO THE GENERAL. GENERAL Here is the clincher look at these photographs. CIA DIRECTOR (slowly) These photographs could be a fake? GENERAL The camera was found at a crop circle landing sight. The film was found undeveloped, still in the camera. It's genuine. Every photograph matches the area the camera was found. Take my word for it The evidence is absolutely conclusive. CIA DIRECTOR What happened to the person who took the photographs? GENERAL Unknown most likely abducted. CUT TO: EXT. F-18 two people in flight gear removing the camouflage netting off the aircraft. The jet engine flames explode out the tale of the aircraft. The aircraft rapidly taking off on a narrow dirt road with a very fast climb up into the air. INT. F-18 cockpit PILOT (Radio communication not loud) We made it were out of their climbing to 7000 on heading 060 Manhattan party is in progress all targets Identified. Surveillance equipment is in place and working. Returning to the carrier. CONTROL (Radio communication not loud) Well-done operation Tales of Manhattan completed. Lets get you out of there fast. Come right to 090 PILOT (repeating order) right to 090 Some unusual heavy vibration on the aircraft. CONTROL (not loud) Youre right on course Maintain present speed. You will be in international airspace in 13 minuets. (Pilot background noise in controllers headphones) Everything OK? PILOT Yes, sir. So far no sign that they are aware of our presents. Explosion out side the aircraft PILOT Weve been hit Weve been hit were going down. (COPILOT VOS) Air Speed 1500 knots .... altitude 5000 PILOT (Radio communication loud almost a panic) Mayday Mayday were going down ejecting Sector 5 (COPILOT VOS) Get us out of 5 altitude 4000 PILOT Shes coming apart Eject Eject Eject EXT. F-18 shot down and pilots ejecting from theyre aircraft two parachutes floating down to the ground. CUT BACK TO: CIA DIRECTOR It only takes a few people to create a panic. PENTTAGON GENERAL I need undeniable proof for Washington not the fears of a few crazy people. CIA DIRECTOR Still people are getting panicky out there! PENTTAGON GENERAL Someone find captain Nelson and bring him to my office. CIA DIRECTOR He is talking to the News reporters PENTTAGON GENERAL As my teenage daughter would say everyone needs to chill out. CUT TO: Radar control room OPERATOR Radar contact Captain! CAPTAIN What? how many? OPERATOR Three bogies! They're coming this way! Confirmed CAPTAIN What are there Trajectories? OPERATOR Intently tracking a target. Without interrupting he speaks with tense excitement into a transmitter. Coming up ... Intruder entering visual speed range. Radar and visual alert. She pushes a button on the console and a map is illuminated up. A curved line indicates the UFO potential flight path Heading for the North Atlantic. OPERATOR (glances down from map and speaks into mike) predicted trajectories North Atlantic speed Sub light .8 going for intercept - out. CAPTAIN Interceptors - immediate launch. CONTROL TOWER Roger, Captain (speaking in to microphone) fighters 4, 5 & 6 You're clear to launch. LEAD PILOT Hang on, gentlemen. Your about to become famous. One of the space trackers, calls out the progress of a UFO. The computers flash and spew out data. Three of Interceptors close in on the UFO space craft. CUT BACK TO: CIA DIRECTOR The department of homeland security has changed the threat Level down to yellow regarding these UFO sightings until their is more substantial evidence. PENTTAGON GENERAL Theyre such fools What else can we do? Captain Nelson comes in to the office and stands by a space ship model. CIA DIRECTOR Several times someone has pushed the panic button. Our alert status jumps to level 5 RED ALERT. Last week People miss identified birds for UFOs. They were shooting guns wildly in to the air. MIB is all over this one. PENTTAGON GENERAL We have our best top gun pilots available with the latest in fighter aircraft. We send them up to try to capture or bring down the UFOs. PENTTAGON GENERAL Yet they returned without locating their target. They seem to be able to cloak them selves or worse they could be traveling inter dimensionally going from one place to another in a micro second. PENTTAGON GENERAL We have got to put a stop to this. We cant have Americans panicking like in 1938 or 1959 CIA DIRECTOR What happened? PENTTAGON GENERAL It Started in October 30th 1938 the night America panicked. Jack Benny, Edgar Bergen and Orson Welles were on the radio and strange over lapping signals from a source unknown, messages from a contact we knew as two K one two. CIA DIRECTOR Two K one two? PENTTAGON GENERAL Two K one two these broadcast were confusing our best scientist of the time. CIA DIRECTOR And Now? PENTTAGON GENERAL Honestly we still dont know. CIA DIRECTOR What happened in 1959 PENTTAGON GENERAL A gothic looking rocket ship landed in central park New York. The visitors had a meeting with seventy people in Washington. President Eisenhower was rather shaken up by the meeting. Lets just say we held our breath and waited. CIA DIRECTOR The President? There is no official record of what happened then? PENTTAGON GENERAL Everyone who met the visitors that day had changed. They all knew their future. Look how corrupted and greedy everyone in Washington is. CIA DIRECTOR You were at that meeting then werent you! PENTTAGON GENERAL Yes you and the rest of the world are better off not Knowing Whats on the future horizon? PENTTAGON GENERAL There would be mass hysteria! as people around the world panic. There will be no place that will be safe. The generals aid walks in handing him a report. The general reeds to him self. PENTTAGON GENERAL It seem that operation Tales of Manhattan was completed but our pilot and his gunner had to eject behind enemy lines. No other information on their status. MAJOR WHITE What have you got against him? He went through the proper channels. . . COLONEL CHAFFEE Because of a security clampdown no one on base knows the purpose of this Project. He is a civilian from a private corporation. He shouldn't have been allowed access to any information. HE COLLECTS HIS PAPERS, PUTS THEM IN THE FILE AND HE TURNS AND PUTS THE FILE INTO A DOCUMENT DESTRUCT DEVICE. CAPTAIN GLEN I don't like it any more than you. The security here is a joke. Information leaks to the press and we end up on the wrong side. We're going to install a voice print identification mechanism. MAJOR WHITE He still wants to see the President. The President must be told that the UFOs can pass through the outer defenses. CAPTAIN GLEN What I want to know is How the hell did the UFOs get past our outer defenses? OPERATOR Airforce one call for you, general line two CAPTAIN GLEN Captain Nelson Your mission to Jupiter has been approved. Caption Robinson crew will deliver your team to Jupiters 2ed moon. Your team lifts off is in 3 days. CAPTIAN NELSON Will there be a radio beacon to guide us in? CAPTAIN GLEN Robinsons last mission to Jupiters 2ed moon. Had to fly in blind and arrived out of gas. We thought he was lost for sure. Caption Roger will be you back up! CAPTIAN NELSON We will be ready sir. PENTTAGON GENERAL (interrupts) Don't tell me this mission is over. My men have completed a complex and hazardous mission. They will not be abandoned when they need us most. (Still on the phone) CAPTIAN NELSON Trouble? PENTTAGON GENERAL Why else would I send for you. CAPTIAN NELSON The majestic 12? PENTTAGON GENERAL You read the OBONE report on the New Laser weapons? CAPTIAN NELSON Yes Sir! also the X Project files. PENTTAGON GENERAL You know how important this is to our whole operation. CAPTIAN NELSON WATCHING THE DOORWAY AS AN ATTRACTIVE BLONDE UNIFORMED BASE STEWARDESS IS PASSING THE DOORWAY -- SHE SMILES. CAPTIAN NELSON If youll excuse me, sir. My wife Jeannie is expecting a baby and I need to check up on her. (the general Off the phone) The presence of civilians in the area could easily jeopardize our security procedures. CAPTAIN GLEN They provide the best intelligence for the operation. PENTTAGON GENERAL I've been avoiding the President calls all morning. CAPTAIN GLEN How do you know if they are even still alive. PENTTAGON GENERAL We work on the assumption that the Captain Baker and Lieutenant Murphy are still alive and that they will be rescued OK? COLONEL CHAFFEE (to General & Major White) It was Bad luck, that our captured saucer was stolen form the JMJ laboratory We informed the White House over an hour ago. What are Baker & Murphy chances? The door to the corridor opens and a worried young captain enters. CAPTAIN GLEN 50 to 1? ... maybe 100 to 1! Excuse me. (to the General) What about the reporters, General? They're swarming all over the lobby. The Colonel turns, in deference, to the General. OPERATOR (VOS urgent) Captain we have a radar trace. GENERAL Do you have the report on the space probe? COLONEL CHAFFEE (quietly) Captain Glen tell them there won't be any statement tonight. CAPTAIN GLEN Yes, sir.(glancing down the corridor) GENERAL Where's that report? CAPTAIN GLEN Mr. Grissom is here from the White House. GENERAL All reports eyes-only to me. We need to control this situation. This is a need-to-know operation. Our mission has the highest national security priority. COLONEL CHAFFEE GeneralMr. Grissom is here from the White House. You know the vice President just appointed head of the program. Mr. Grissom appears in the doorway, a brief case under his arm. He's a dignified, intelligent member of the White House. He proceeds into the room, nodding cordially to the General. Unlocking the brief case giving papers to the general. General (VOS - distort) Send him in. KELLY Take a look at this, sir. GENERAL Underwater flying objects. KELLY The C.I.A. has known about 'em forever. They abduct people all the time. GENERAL Wait-A-Minute Picking up his cell phone (P M O) Get all the news people in to the conference room. COLONEL CHAFFEE You do realize, they can never know the truth. CUT TO: INT ROOM press conference room filed with news reporters Two Men dressed in Black standing in the Background PENTTAGON GENERAL COMES INTO THE PRESS ROOM CARRYING A CASE. TWO MEN IN BLACK STANDING NEAR A DOOR LEADING INTO A TOP SECURITY CONFERENCE ROOM. THEY HAVE CIA WRITTEN ALL OVER THEM. CUT BACK TO: NEWS REPORTER General most people think that UFOs are coming to take over the earth. SOME ONE STANDS UP SHOUTING OUT Flying Saucers are coming Believe it! Guards remove him from the room. Are we just going to sit around and wait for an invitation? PENTTAGON GENERAL There is no such thing as a flying saucer. NEWS REPORTER The Earth is faced with a threat from extra terrestrials. Science fiction is becoming science facts. PENTTAGON GENERAL I agree that the facts as presented are convincing. We cant be irresponsible and cause people to panic. CUT TO: NASA Space shuttle in orbit. There are a lot of objects moving around in the background. NEWS REPORTER General people are reporting sightings, abductions and things just disappearing in to nothing. We see your fighters flying enough missions making out skies look like a combat zone. PENTTAGON GENERAL There is nothing unusual going on. NEWS REPORTER What was stolen at the JMJ propulsion Laboratory Saturday? Hands all go up at the same time PENTTAGON GENERAL The FBI is investigating the Brake in at JMJ I will let you know when the facts are in. NEWS REPORTER How do you explain the power blackout last week? 45 minutes seven states. According to the power companies everything was working properly. Something just sucked all the electricity out of the lines. PENTTAGON GENERAL An underground sub station failed. The power company had to rerought the power That all. CUT BACK TO: INT Space shuttle looking out the cockpit windows Radio communications between Space shuttle & Houston SPACE SHUTTLE Houston we are tracking several bogies over the North Pole. Tracking three bogies entering the earth atmosphere. Coordinates are 83-17-04 North and 148-21 West. THE OPERATORS AND TRACKERS GO ABOUT THEIR DUTIES. HOUSTON Its beyond your control... well... track it and report any change. HOUSTON TECHNICIAN Do we have any idea on where its going to land? HOUSTON We copy tracking three UFOs. Waiting confirmation of trajectory termination. . . We will intercept if they enter American airspace. RADAR MAN I have them 3000 miles north west of Alaska entering over the Arctic Ocean. 3 UFOs has been spotted flying at reduced speed and altitude. HOUSTON We have fighters in the area can we catch them? RADAR MAN (with the slightest trace of a question in his tone) Interception negative. HOUSTON TECHNICIAN We tracked the UFOs but contact was lost over a remote area of Canada, and it is presumed to have landed. FIGHTER PILOTS Interception negative. RADAR MAN (vos) Interception negative. Repeat. Interception negative. All aircraft return to base. The three aircraft break formation and peal off, one by one taking a new course returning to base. The third aircraft joins up with the other two as they regain formation on their way back to base. FIGHTER PILOT 1 Whats going on we have plenty of fuel to keep our pursuit. FIGHTER PILOT 2 What the hell's going on? How come we got recalled? FIGHTER PILOT 3 Hell if I know. I got it. They dont want us to catch them! Its a matter of national security. AN INTERCEPTOR PILOT AT THE CONTROLS, WAITING FOR THE ORDER THAT WILL NOT COME. Three blips can be seen on the radar screen SPACE SHUTTLE Houston we are being scanned by a glowing object off out port bow. THE ASTRONAUT LISTENS AS THE INFORMATION COMES OVER. HOUSTON COMMANDER What are they up to? Where are they going? HOUSTON TECHNICIAN (slowly) Its anybody's guess, sir. HOUSTON COMMANDER EXPLODES AT THE IMAGE IN FRONT OF HIM. HOUSTON COMMANDER (vehemently) You Guess? With sixty million dollars in computer equipment at your fingertips you still have to guess? HOUSTON TECHNICIAN (firm) We put all the facts together and try to figure what is going to happen. We pay attention to every detail to fill in the blanks and sometimes we guess! HOUSTON COMMANDER (almost accusatory) It's your job to find out. You would not travail a thousand light years through space for nothing. HOUSTON TECHNICIAN Yes sir. We have made a computer study of UFO approaches and the general pattern is marked, as you can see. HOUSTON COMMANDER NASA is on full alert for the next few days. 2ed HOUSTON TECHNICIAN (VOS) UFO passing outer defenses We can't stop it! The UFO now entering Earth's atmosphere. HOUSTON COMMANDER More UFOs approaching the earth? ASTRONAUT (VO) Roger control. HOUSTON TECHNICIAN (VOS) It looks that way sir! HE TOUCHES A BUTTON ON HIS CONTROL. Coffee girl walks in serving coffee to everyone. (PMO) MURDOCK Give me a computer read out on there Projected course. HOUSTON TECHNICIAN UFO signal is now negative, sir. Presumably landed. HOUSTON COMMANDER I want the whole area secured, There not going to get away this time. alert mobile units 1, 2 COFFEE GIRL Is this some kind of invasion? CUT TO: 2 SECONED SHOT - THE UFO STATIONARY IN THE CLEARING. ALL IS SILENT. CUT BACK: JACK JONES Maybe theyre just dropping their kids off at school? MURDOCK They did not come here to drop Their kids off at school. CUT TO: BACK AT THE CIA OFFICE The generals aid walks in handing him a report. GOVERNMENTAL OFFICIAL Updating Captain Dan Baker and Lieutenant Frank Murphy status ALIVE 30 miles behind enemy lines No rescue options at this time. PENTTAGON GENERAL Damn them in Washington those pilots risk their lives everyday and now we dont have the courage to back them up. GOVERNMENTAL OFFICIAL Picking up a phone off the desk I want to speak to the President. This is important.(listens for a moment) I'm sorry -- you'll have to interrupt him. FADE OUT: INT Locker room before the college football game The coach wants to know where one of his players is? The team is getting dressed for the football game. EXT. HELICOPTER High above the football game standing on the skid of a hovering helicopter a skydiver signaling to the helicopter pilot waving him to move more sideways as he drifts diagonally towards the camera at 6,000ft in the air. EXT. The marching band takes the field playing (the music star spangle banner.) The radio call to the helicopter and he gives a hand signal to the skydiver who falls away from the helicopter camera following him down in free-fall. Camera view following him down in 3D top view then front view then camera passes below him and is looking up at him in free fall as he reaches behind him to release his pilot chute and the main canopy opens Making a few steering corrections to place him over the game at 3000 ft hes hands drop down and reach behind him to release the deployment bag. As the bag drops and the slack runs out the American flag deploys below the skydiver under canopy now circles above the football field Everyone is watching the American flag coming in to the game that is timed to the music. He lands in the football field near the 20-yard line now on the ground a couple people on the ground gather up the flag. FRIEND ON THE FIELD If the coach finds out about this stunt he will probably kick you off the team. SKYDIVER Relax we are starting with the defensive team and I am a receiver that gives me 15 min go get ready. FRIEND ON THE FIELD Still the coach is mad when you are not in the locker room on time. CLOSE UP Skydiver removes his helmet and waves to the applauding crowd of people. He turns to go to the locker room (this is the first time the audience gets to see Apollo) FRIEND ON THE FIELD Dont forget about the dance tonight and dont be late! CUT TO: Dance scene 2 songs (P M O) Apollo and Haley are dancing together while the songs, Neon Moon and Doing the Cowboy Cha Cha and Chattahoochee play. When the last song is ending, 3 different people say one line each. AT THE DANCE Person 1 Look over there. Person 2 What is that? Person 3 Its a flying saucer! Haley dancing with Apollo her head on his nestled into his shoulder. She opens her eyes. APOLLO Its time for us to go home. HALEY Apollo, just one more dance. APOLLO I promised your dad you would be home by midnight. Walking to the exit of the dance a few of Apollos friends walk in the door. Apollos eyes look to the door where three girls are standing looking at him. He smiles a little more than polite A trace of interest CASSIOPIA WATCHING, A LITTLE JEALOUS PERHAPS. HALEY Oh no here comes trouble. APOLLO Rocky Jerry what do you hear what do you say? You two rascals staying out of trouble? ROCKY Oh sure Say youre going to be at the rally Saturday? I hear they made the course harder this year. JERRY Looks like 23 entries in the rally so far. You will have some good composition. Remember last year 3 people were hospitalized. My prayers will be with you. ROCKY Great partycan I have the next Dance? HALEY A dance with you? Not a chance I can hardly wait to leave. ROCKY Awa youre killing me! HALEY Ill put it on my things to do. ROCKY Watch out for the police car at the Dart St intersection. HALEY You two juvenile delinquents going to stay out of reform school? ROCKY Oh sure they will never catch us. JERRY Did you here the weeks broadcast? Guess whos making good bank at the show? Jack! APOLLO Benny & Rochester were picked up with a hot violin, a vintage Rolls Royce convertible. JERRY Just drive it like you stole it with red lights in the rear view mirror. APOLLO Some getaway Jack had one bought one gallon of gas. As they start to walk away. APOLLO Dont be mad at Rocky & Jerry they mean well. HALEY You think their just angels with dirty faces. Those two are a couple of dead end kids. Walking to the exit of the dance Apollos eyes look to the three girls. He smiles a little hello to someone he knows. Apollo gives a long look at a beautiful girl as thy walk by. HALEY You had better keep you mind on me or Im going to kick your butt all the way to Ireland. Haley holds on to Apollos hand as they walk to the exit. CASSIOPIA Apollo are you and Haley going to the rally on Saturday? Haley reacts by trying to pull Apollo back to the dance floor. Apollo stops to talk to the girls. APOLLO I would not miss it for the world. CASSIOPIA You almost won it two years ago. HALEY He taken Cassi Go find your own boyfriend. Haley is ready to start a fight but Apollo puts his hand out to calm her down. Apollo & Haley walk to the exit. APOLLO Cassiopeia is only a friend and I have known her family for years. HALEY She is a cheep bleach blond boyfriend stealing party girl with no respect for her self or anyone else. APOLLO Lets go before we are late again. CUT TO: Apollo and Haley driving back home from the dance, he comes to a 4-way intersection and makes a complete stop. Apollo takes Haleys hand and looks at her. APOLLO I love you Haley Its you and me forever. HALLEY Youre forgiven but dont let it happen again! APOLLO Baby, You're The Greatest. Haley smiles and grips his hand tighter. Apollo has now been at the intersection for 2 seconds and drives through the intersection. All of a sudden, there are police lights behind them. Apollo pulls over and waits for the police officer to walk up. CUT TO: POLICE OFFICER (Mooney) I smell alcohol! APOLLO Well quit drinking and you wont smell like alcohol! POLICE OFFICER (Mooney) Are you being a Smart ass with me boy? APOLLO NO sir If you were an honest cop you would not have pulled us over. POLICE OFFICER (Mooney) I pulled you over for running the stop sign back at that intersection. License & registration, please. APOLLO (Talking in a soft voice.) As I said This has got to be the most crooked police officer I have ever met. POLICE OFFICER (Mooney) The ticket should cost you about $200 dollars. Have a nice day. APOLLO I dont believe this! HALEY Take it easy, Apollo. 15 minutes later, at the same intersection, the police officer sits in his car and waits for the next victim. The policeman, sitting in his patrol car having a drink of Starbucks coffee. (P M O) All of a sudden, a very bright light is shining down on the police car. The car starts to shake violently from the UFOs sound wave generator (osculating sound wave three fast pulses and two longer ones repeating every 5 seconds) The coffee lid flies off his cup and hot coffee spills all over his uniform. The car continues to shake violently, and it starts to fall apart. When the doors fall off, the officer gets out of the shaking police car and goes running down the street trying to escape. The bright light follows, and the police officer tries to run into the wooded area. The police officer then falls down into a mud hole. Covered in mud and sitting in the mud hole, he looks up at the bright light, talking to himself POLICE OFFICER (Mooney) How am I ever going to explain this? A laughing noise is heard from above as the saucer leaves, playing musical notes (Beethovens 5th) Ba Ba Ba BAAAA Ba Ba Ba BAAAA CUT TO: (Night time with a full moon) Standing on the balcony of Haleys room Apollo and Haley are kissing heavily. Haley is held against the wall. Apollo is kissing her as he gently fondles her breasts. Haley is dressed in only a loose, open shirt and skimpy, bikini underwear. (Back lighted so you see only a dark silhouette) Apollo, getting into his blue Subaru, looks back at the balcony, then gets into his car. The sound of a racing engine going through its gears as he drives off. (Rally Day) ANNOUNCER(on PA system) Welcome to the King of the mountain rally race Drivers will race the clock trying to be the fastest car to get to the top of the mountain. The driver with the lowest time on the clock will be crowned the winner of the King of the mountain rally race. Car number one take the starting line. On the sidelines Rocky & Jerry taking bets on the race. Haley gets Apollos attention to look at his friends. HALEY Apollo look at your angels over there their bent halos and tarnished wings are showing. They have set up a bookie operation here at the races. APOLLO Rocky has an angle or a racket on everything! HALEY He will never do an honest days work. There always after the Easy money. Several cars have raced and some have rolled over in the turns. SEAN Driving in a Zap electric pickup (P M O) loaded up with coolers in the pickup bed and painted like a vending service on wheels ZAP Vending the driver pulls up in-between Apollo and friends. Sean talking to Apollo handing Apollo a drink of _______________(P M O) Apollo looks over the over loaded electric pickup. Apollo and his friends are trying to figure out a way to be the fastest to the top. SEAN Who is in car 13? (VOS) Thats Chuck Jgermeister the fastest man on wheels. (ALT Name) (Chuck Yeager) APOLLO Yes he has also survived more crashes than anyone else on record. SEAN To be the best you have to be willing to live on the edge. APOLLO Not this race looks like the Jgermeister is bottoms up he has rolled over on turn seven and is now out of the race. SEAN Seven cars have made it to the top. The time to beat is eleven minutes and twenty five seconds. Watch out on the turns - 9 cars have rolled over on 5 & 7 Apollo, looking across at a horse feed truck. APOLLO I have an Idea. I need ten of those bags of grain. HALEY What are you up to Apollo? APOLLO The cars are rolling over on turns 5 and 7. I am going to use the bags of feed to make my car heavier so I can get better traction and be less airborne in the jumps and on the turns. Apollos name and car number 17 is called on the loud speaker. Apollo moves to the starting line, and the clock is set and the flag drops. Apollo hits the gas and shifting gears, the mud flies and the crowd roars. Haley and friends watch on the big screen TV (P M O) As the camera view changes during the race, Apollo is performing very well. The roadway shows markers noting times set by others in the race. As Apollo passes each location, he shows a lower time. Apollo makes it to the top of the mountain with a time of 10:22 (ten minutes and twenty-two seconds.) Car 23 is screaming up the mountain The last car in the race number 24 has just passed a digital check point and the clock shows he is faster than Apollos time at the same location. Someone talking to Apollo (OS) Voice Number 24 is now 15 seconds faster than you. Damn he is fastThats Amirs car when did he enter the race? APOLLO He will roll over and get killed if he dont slow down in the turns. (VOS) Hes now 18 seconds faster. APOLLO He is not at the finish line yet? As he approaches the last turn loses control and flies off the road. Car 24 has spun half way around near the top and has come to a stop. The driver hits the gas tires spin and gets back on the road and crosses the finish line. Car 24 has finished with a time that is 30 seconds slower than Apollos time. People rush over to number 24 car on the side of the road. The car and driver are fine. The door opens and the helmet comes off, its Haley who almost had beaten Apollos time to the top of the mountain. (Haley has only 5 bags of grain for ballast.) Apollo has been declared King of the mountain, the winner of the road rally. Apollo & Haley standing on the podium Apollo reaches down to shake hands with Haley. She takes his hand as he pulls her up on to his level of the podium and gives her a big long kiss. Only being interrupted by the cameras and the news reporters. CUT TO: NEWS PEOPLE Congratulations Apollo on winning the king of the mountain road rally race. NEWS PEOPLE (Women reporter) Congratulations Haley on taking 2ed place in the rally. You turned in a very impressive time I might add. You were a last minute entry in the race. And you were the only women to enter the race. Tell me how do you feel? HALEY I am just a down to earth girl who believes that women should not put limits on what they can do. What one women can do another can do. (ALT line)What one women can do any women can do. The women in the crowd go wild with cheer! Big screen at the starting line of the race shows Haley on the big screen. What one women can do another can do. (ALT line) What one women can do any women can do. The women at the bottom of the mountain go wild with cheer! The sound of women cheering can be heard for miles. Apollo and friends removing the bags of feed grain from Apollos car. Haley gets in the passenger seat. Apollo puts the King of the mountain rally race trophy in the back seat of his car. Haley leans out of the window to talk to Apollo. HALEY It smells in here. Lets go to the car wash. Apollo gets in to the drivers seat of his car. HALEY It would have been funny if they had had to call it the Queen of the mountain this year. APOLLO I am hungry lets get a pizza. CUT TO: EXT. FIORE PIZZA RANCH - DAY Apollo and Haley arrive in a clean car at Fiore Ranch Pizza. Apollo & Haley are sitting at a table eating pizza. INT. FIORE PIZZA RANCH DAY APOLLO You could have been hurt in the race. Your car was pulling out of shape on the last turn. APOLLO That is why you lost control and went off the road. HALEY I almost beat your time up the mountain. APOLLO You almost rolled the car. You could have been badly hurt or even killed. Some of their friends walk into the pizza place. (Voice OS) She almost beat you Apollo! (Laughing) INT. INSIDE THE MASTERS HOUSE - NEXT DAY Sky walks into the kitchen. Star and Haley are there. SKY Mom, we are going to be late for my drill team. Lets go! STAR Ok, lets go! CUT TO: EXT. SUBARU CAR DRIVING -DAY The three of them drive to an indoor, skydiving, wind tunnel location. Camera shows the last two turns of the car arriving at the indoor skydiving place. (Camera view across the room looking towards the viewing window. The Instructor and Star can be seen through the window.) INT. WIND TUNNEL Sky enters the room standing on the outer edge of the flight area. She stands there for a few seconds then leaps forward into the wind. She starts to float on the air and moves to the center of the area and performs several maneuvers on her own in the wind tunnel. Then, the second little girl enters the air chamber and leaps into the column of air and joins Sky for a few maneuvers together. Then, the third girl walks into the room and leaps into the air and floats over to the other two. Next, a fourth girl joins them. They all start their drill team maneuvers, performing in perfect formation. The four 10-year-old girls are in the wind tunnel doing maneuvers in body flight. The Instructor and Star are standing on the outside of the room chatting and looking in through the viewing window into the flying chamber. INT. INDOOR SKYDIVING INSTRUCTOR Your daughter has formed the perfect drill team. Those 4 girls have all the right moves. They move together in perfect formation. The four girls, floating on a column of air, wave for Haley to join them. Haley walks into the room and jumps into the column of air and joins the girls to form a Five-way star in the wind tunnel. STAR Its hard to keep up with my girls. The two of them are so competitive. INDOOR SKYDIVING INSTRUCTOR They will most likely take the Nationals this summer. Its the end of their drill practice. The five girls, floating on a column of air, wave for Star to join them. Star walks into the room and jumps into the column of air and joins the girls to form a six-way star in the wind tunnel. Star is not wearing a helmet so her long hair is flying towards the top. (Camera view from across the room as Star enters the wind tunnel. After she joins the five girls, the camera view is on top of all the girls looking down at the star formation, and the camera completes a half circle to reverse the view looking up at all their faces. Camera view back to the side as Star lands on her feet) After a minute Star breaks off and lands on her feet. The five girls do one more maneuver holding hands in a straight line in body flight. They all back up and land on their feet together. Exiting the room, helmets come off all five girls as they look at their instructor and their moms. INDOOR SKYDIVING INSTRUCTOR You four are almost ready for the nationals. Have you picked a team name yet? The four girls smile back. SKY The Flying Angels or something like that. CUT TO: EXT.ATLANTIC OCEAN -DAY Haley and Sky are swimming underwater with dolphins. They are also on the surface of the water playing ball with their dolphin friends. STAR Have you seen Sean? SKY Sean is training with the new girl Alyssa. STAR You two have been playing all day. Its time for you to come in. CUT TO: EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN - DAY Sean and Alyssa having some wake boarding fun behind a ski boat. Camera shots are in slowed to speed motion for the air jump shots. as well as a few still frame shots frozen on the screen. (Seans Favorite song plays in the background) CUT TO: INT. TRANQUILITY BASE - DAY Apollo entering the room APOLLO Is Haley home yet? LEO She is flight training with Clark. APOLLO She is up with Clark? I thought Bird Dog was retired. LEO He wanted to give her something special for her 18th birthday. Did you have a good trip? CUT TO: A camera shot Cessna 337 in the background and Haley giving Birddog a big embrace and a kiss on the cheek. CUT BACK TO: Apollo gives a Visa signature (PMO) credit card to LEO. APOLLO We have 11 million on this one. APOLLO I will go back in a few weeks. LEO How many are remaining? APOLLO A little over 23lbs. LEO The sound wave generator on eagle 3 has been repaired. APOLLO Sean and I will go collect more. We have located a new deposit. LEO We have 2 meteors to harvest from this week. So keep our public sightings down to a minimum. APOLLO If they knew how many are lying on the ocean floor. They would do massive dredging and destroying the ocean floor to get them. LEO They do enough damage with their bottom net fishing. THE CAMERA PANS FROM LOOKING HIGH UP AT A STRETCH OF LIMITLESS SPACE PANS DOWN TO THE EARTH. BUT AS WE WATCH THE UFO MUSIC BUILDS. AS THE MUSIC WARNS US. A UFO HURTES TOWARDS CAMERA. SILENT. MOVING FAST THROUGH SPACE. EXT. FIELD - NIGHT - (SPECIAL EFFECTS) a brilliant white light glow in the distance. The light goes out suddenly and a strange humming sound fills the air. CUT TO: EXT. SUNSET - Back on earth 3 visitors A saucer is sitting in the side of a cliff with two tall slim figures standing on the out side looking down the valley below at a city that is in a black out. Only the car headlights working and a few gas generator powered search lights in the air. THE UFO FLYING THROUGH SPACE RIGHT TO LEFT. EXT. SUNSET - VISITOR #1 See how easy they panic. Afraid of the Dark they are! (ALT line)Afraid of the Dark and we did not even cause the blackout. VISITOR #2 We did not even cause the black out yet they will blame us in for there own weakness. With a galaxy of intelligent life forms, why these primitive people? All they seem to do declare war on each other and us. VISITOR #3 Child size What is war? VISITOR #2 War is stealing other peoples property and using other peoples childrens lives to pay for it. VISITOR #3 Child size We came here in peace to help them. VISITOR #1 Peace will only happen when the politicians find a way to make a profit from it! VISITOR #3 Child size Can we not find someway to save all of them? VISITOR #1 Only a small number can truly be saved. CUT TO: EXT. SUNSET - A horse rancher spots a saucer that is hovering over the lake. FADE TO BLACK: 1 second FADE IN: Searchlights comb the night sky. Unidentified UFOs have been seen and fear is running rampant. WE HEAR A NOISE OVER, NOT LOUD, BUT CONVEYING INTENSITY AND POWER. (VOS) I Have 3 UFO on positive track maintaining course and speed. Stand by. DISSOLVE TO: PAN SHOT - SPECIAL EFFECTS - NIGHT - of star-studded heavens at night. Scattered cumulus clouds alternately obscure and disclose a three-quarter moon and vast open deeps of glittering constellations. (VOS) I saw it -- it landed in our field! The lights seen in the night sky move at incredible speed and hover for several minutes at a time. People panic as the towns lights go out. Investigators arrive at a landing sight in the night. Deep in the woods, a bright light illuminates the area. Two truckloads of people get out and carrying flashlights, rush through the wooded area heading toward the landing site. Before they can get too close, the saucer lifts off and hovers just above the trees, the lights bright below the saucer. The policemen look skywards through some binoculars. Then the saucers lights dim, and the saucer rises up very fast into the air. The people go down in the valley where the ship had been sitting and see three indentations in the ground in a triangular pattern. A flying saucer is passing over a town and the power blacks out the whole area. A saucer is hovering over the towns lake with a hose down in the water sucking up water in to the ship. 5 police cars approach with there headlights off. Getting out of the police cars and using them for cover they get in to position to launch a rifle assault on the saucer. The policemen have their guns and flashlights pointed at the flying saucer. The policemen open fire on the hovering spacecraft hoping to bring it down the bullets just seem to bounce off the saucers magnetic shield. When the six police men open fire on the saucer. The saucer wobbles in flight as the hose reels up in to the saucer. Under the saucer a round area lights up and the red lights start to rotate around. Suddenly all the weapons the police are shooting at them are magnetically ripped out of their hands along with handcuffs flashlights Pistols keys badge off the shirts and stick to the bottom of the saucer. The saucer moves back over the water and the guns flash lights badges and handcuffs fall into the lake. The police try to leave in a hurry but the police cars will not start The flying saucer returns towards the police officers as they abandon their police cars. The saucer The magnetic beam picks up the cars one at a time and drops them in to the lake. The police officers have to walk back there uniforms are shredded from the magnetic field that had striped them of their belongings. The policemen end up walking home guns badges flashlights missing. CUT TO: INT. MASTERS HOUSE LIVING ROOM - DAY - FULL SHOT Leo walks into the room and gives his wife a kiss on the cheek. LEO I got a surprise for you. STAR What is it? LEO You have 30 minutes to get dressed. STAR Dressed? Where are we going? LEO We have dinner reservations in Paris. STAR How did you manage that? Youre such a romantic husband. LEO Its our 20th anniversary together. STAR Who is going to watch the girls? LEO The girls can be on their own for one night. SKY I am spending the night at Suzies house. LEO All right but you and Susie had better wake up in time for school tomorrow. HALEY I am going to a movie with Apollo tonight. LEO You finished your homework yet? HALEY Yes LEO You see, everything will be just fine. Star comes back in to the room. She has changed into a very attractive long dress. Leo & Star dressed for dinner LEO If there are any problems, you know how to reach us. Leo and Star arrive in Paris at night passing by the Eiffel Tower and landing in Le Bourget. CUT TO: INT. RESTARUANT EIFFEL TOWER LATER THAT NIGHT Dining at the Eiffel Tower, there is a lot of loud chatter among all the Restaurant the guest as they gaze out the windows. VOICE(off scene) Any chance of getting a cup of coffee? LEO What has happened? Talking to the Waiter WAITER A Flying Saucer has been seen in Paris an hour ago, it is all the rage. We are all trying to get a picture of one. LEO Do you think we will get to see one? Leo, looking at Star, smiles as he cups his hands together to cover his smile and almost laughs. LEO Twenty-two years together and I am still in love with you. You look lovely tonight. She looks up at him. Saying a lot with her eyes she smiles. STAR I cant believe you brought me to Paris for our 20th anniversary. CUT TO: Apollo and Haley lying on a blanket after having a little frisky fun. Haley stands up and Apollo rolls a little on his side and looks up at Haley. APOLLO You know, your father would ground me if he found us together like this! Haley pulls her blue jeans up over her butt and jumps back on Apollo, straddling him hip-to-hip, putting her hands on his forearms and pushing him back to the ground, pinning his hands to the ground next to his head. HALEY You think that he is going to ground you? You have no idea of what my daddy will do to me! Haley leans in for a long kiss then jumps off Apollo and puts on her cowboy boots. CUT TO: (Next movie scene) (night time with a full moon) (Title break in movie scene) Location: somewhere near Amsterdam A saucer is reported landing in the area - standing outside his ship talking on a cell phone (P M O) He completes his call, then using the touch pad on his cell phone. He remotely pilots his ship and hides the ship in the river, He puts the cell phone in his outside coat pocket as he turns to walk away. He thinks he sees someone watching him. He moves fast to blend in with the crowd outside the wooded park. CAMERA FOLLOWS him as he move through the crowd. DIAMOND MERCHANT 1 All the diamond deposits of any value were located long ago is just wasting time and money! It is 10pm, and he walks down the street entering a building, then an office. DIAMOND MERCHANT 1 We are about to close for the night. DIAMOND MERCHANT 2 Its okay; he is an old friend. Now, just the two of them are in the room. The visitor drops a hand-size cloth bag on the table. The man on the other side of the table opens the bag and looks at the rough diamonds pouring them onto a scale. He picks up several and views them through an eye magnifier. DIAMOND MERCHANT 2 These are some of the finest I have ever seen. How do you keep come up with such quality stones? No Reply. DIAMOND MERCHANT 2 I will give you 15 million. He slides a Visa signature credit card across the table. (P M O) He picks up the credit card and exits the building. Not far away, someone is watching. BAD GUYS There he is - follow him! As he walks away, he does not notice the men following him. Shortly thereafter, he will. As he gets to the street corner, 4 men try to grab him. In a short fight, all 4 men are laid out on the ground. He did not notice that his cell phone has fallen out of his coat pocket during the fight. He picks up his pace to get back to the ship. Entering the park, a few people see him as he stands next to the river he reaches for his cell phone in the pocket but its not there? He looks at several people in the park. He approaches a few people Do you have a cell phone I can use for a minute? Someone offers him an older style cell phone he looks at it thinking that one wont work for me. Never mind. He sees someone on a newer style phone I can use your cell phone for a minute? He rapidly types in a bunch of things on the screen. The people in the park watch as the saucer rises out of the water and lands next to him. Thanks. He then tosses the cell phone back to the person. A few people try to get his picture as He looks around quickly as he boards his ship and takes off. Several people see the ship flying over the city, and the local people try to get good pictures of the ship. As it speeds off, a Russian jet gets a visual on the UFO and gives chase. The plane is identified by a red star on the fuselage. The UFO pulls into the clouds and engages a cloaking device, and the jet cant find his target. CUT TO: (Title breaks in the seen) Chukotka, Soviet Union. INT. RUSSIAN RADAR ROOM - NIGHT The radioman is tracking an object on his radarscope. He points it out excitedly to the pilot. The pilot adjusts his oxygen mask and starts making a report back to his base in Russian. Seven Russian MIGs are sent after it. They give chase until they reach the border as the saucer crosses over into Alaskan airspace. Alarms go off in the Alaskan airspace as they see the incoming fighters headed to the Russian border. What their radar cant see is the Saucer they were chasing. Jets scramble in Alaska, thinking that someone has gotten through their defense. AIRBASE DUTY OFFICER We have put up a defense screen that no aircraft can get through. Just then, a low-flying saucer goes buzzing by the tower without a sound. AIRBASE DUTY OFFICER Red Alert Launch the interceptors immediately! Pressing the button calling for full red alert. The Alaskan duty officer orders jets to follow. The jets that follow are chasing the saucer at a low altitude. Two things are happening: the first is they are burning too much fuel to keep up and the second the jet noise has started several avalanches. The jet pilots pull up to avoid causing an avalanche that will bury a populated area. The saucer streaks across Canada and enters the United States air space and almost makes it to Las Vegas before more fighters are chasing the saucer. AIRBASE DUTY OFFICER We've picked up a UFO! SECOND OFFICER Let me have the trajectory co-ordinates... STATION WORKER Oh My God that was a real flying saucer. (fiercely) We must get the tracker working! Emergency equipment checks. Cocktail lounge in the (Stratosphere hotel in Las Vegas) (P M O) People having dinner see a flying saucer. The saucer is being chased by a fighter jet. The jet cant fire a rocket that might enter the city of Las Vegas and hurt innocent people. The pilot can only give chase at this point. The saucer gets very close as it is going to fly by with the fighter following. The saucer rotates 45 degrees and performs a tight turn around the cocktail lounge in the (Stratosphere hotel in Las Vegas) The fighter cant turn as fast and over shoots. The saucer is now chasing after the fighter and circles him. Twice, the fighter cant seem to make his weapons work. The saucer stops alongside as in flying in formation. The pilot looks at the saucer as the saucer rolls in behind for a kill shot. The pilot thinking, This is it. He waits for the kill shot to take him out. A few seconds pass by, and the pilot opens his eyes. The saucer is now on his other wing. The pilot maintains straight and level flight as he looks over at the saucer and sees the saucer drop low to just above ground and escapes again. People in the cocktail lounge stand up and point out the window, not believing what they have just seen. (Title breaks in the scene) At secret base located deep in The Bermuda Triangle called Tranquility Base computer room (P M O) TV in the background (P M O) There are news reports of strange lights in the sky over Central California & Nevada. CUT TO: Back at Pentagon CIA director & a Congressman upset at the newspapers. CIA DIRECTOR Viewing a TV screen they see some home footage of 15 to 20 white objects crossing the sky at high rate of speed in formation. Then the objects are doing radical direction changes in the air. Some dropping to the ground and disappearing from view. Others seem to move up and backwards. PENTAGON GENERAL Look at this; theyre all over the place, and we cant catch them. CONGRESSMAN One was just seen going underwater in Monterrey Bay, PENTAGON GENERAL Get the Navy to close off the area. Let no one in or out. Weve got one now, CUT TO: (Title break in movie scene) Location: Tranquility Base Large room with computers and several people are working at their stations. APOLLO Walks into the room asking How is Haley doing with her flying lessons? LEO She is doing really well, DR. NEWNAN Reacting to something he sees on the TV Monitor. LEO Turns to see the TV monitor. APOLLO Where is Eagle 5? Pause and where is Haley? LEO Haley took Eagle 5. APOLLO Where is she? DR. NEWNAN She is in trouble? LEO She is in trouble? Now what? DR. NEWNAN The Navy has her cornered. She will have to hide the ship. APOLLO I will go and get her. LEO She went down in Monterrey Bay. DR. NEWNAN The entire area had been closed off by the Navy and ATC. The NAVY is bringing more ships into the area to start searching for her. LEO Haley will keep moving her location around until you get their. With a little luck you will get there before she captured. DR. NEWNAN Lets hope you get there before she gets captured. LEO Its up to you to bring her back. But be careful Apollo we cant afford to let the eagles fall in to the governments hands. SKY Bring back Haley, Apollo. Bring her back. Tears well up in Skys eyes. APOLLO I will. DR. NEWNAN Try not to cause an international inquiry this time. LEO God speed Apollo Bring Haley back but above all dont let the eagles fall in to governments hands. APOLLO Do you have a fix on Haleys location? CUT TO: Apollo runs towards the back of room getting in to his Eagle ship. The eagle taxis to the water and submerges under water leaving the base. Apollos Eagle braking through the water and starts to climb in to the air a burst of flame from the engines and he is moving at mock 6 speed. His ship is making a trail through the sky like a being seen by people on the ground and causing him to be seen on radar. Radar tracking station informs object is heading for California central cost. CUT TO: COMMAND OFFICER Alert the fighters in the area to intercept. CUT BACK TO: Back at tranquility base RYAN Was Haley checked out in one of the Eagles? DR. NEWNAN I thought Haley was not cleared to fly Eagles. LEO I think somebody had better have a good explanation for this. CUT TO: Apollo speeds his ship to Haleys rescue his ship is seen by several people who make reports of seeing a UFO or strange lights in the sky. A Boeing 737 experienced a "near miss" with a "glowing white" object traveling almost directly toward the cockpit at very high speed. The airliner was in level flight at 32,000 feet and cruising at 370 knots indicated speed in a cloudless sky. CUT TO: Captain of the airliner radios UFO is hovering just outside of Monterrey Bay. Several people see the UFO as it drops down and sits hovering just above the water. Then, some say it submerged. News reports of strange lights in the sky over Central California. News Reports of UFOs sighted in Nevada and Texas. Scuba divers radio a report of seeing bright lights under the water. People in fishing boats see lights deep in the water passing below them. They point down saying, Look there. Strange appearances are seen by guests who report seeing an object moving fast underwater. Haleys saucer is hiding underwater. She keeps moving around to keep from being detected by the Navy sonar. Apollos saucer is coming to the rescue, but he sees he cannot enter the restricted area without being detected. And risking both saucers he sees a Navy ship heading for the restricted area at a fast pace. CUT TO: Apollos saucer drops into the water and sneaks into the restricted area. He closes in on the Navy ship that is headed into the secure area. Coming in behind the big Navy ship, Apollo rides through the wake turbulence that is created by the propeller screws. The wake turbulence is pushing him around a lot. CUT TO: APOLLO You would think they would have figured out propulsion with out disturbing their environment. He performs a half roll and extends the ships arms and grabs hold of the ship stabilizer underwater. Camera pulls back from cockpit to out side view overall picture of his ship connected to the NAVY view on Apollo in upside down position camera pulls back from the in Ship. As the ship steams towards the restricted area, he rides under the ship holding on for a free ride in the restricted area. The ship buffets in the wake turbulence. Once inside, he gets a fix on Haley in saucer #5. Giant 5ft squid in Monterrey Bay surround Haleys saucer and several have grabbed onto different parts of the ship making it hard for her to maneuver under water. APOLLO Eagle 3 to Eagle 5 Haley can you hear me? HALEY Eagle 5. Apollo, I thought you would never get here. I am turning on the locator beacon. APOLLO Tranquility Base this is Apollo in Eagle 3 I found her. She is at 75 ft. sitting on the bottom. CUT TO: DECK OFFICER Captain we are approaching restricted the area. we are also tracking two Russian attack subs within 14 miles of here. The Navy closes in. They prepare to drop in a mini-sub to try to catch the submerged UFO. The ship sound detection equipment picks up Haleys locator beacon. [Sonar Pinging] SONOR OPERATOR Bogie is moving Sixteen knots? It's a really strange I dont here any cavitation noise. No reactor noise. Very strange signature It doesn't even sound like screws. [Sonar Pinging] [Turns Up Volume] [Hum Resonating] DECK OFFICER What the hell is it? 2ed DECK OFFICER I'll tell you what it's not. It's not one of ours. DECK OFFICER Russian? CAPTAIN The Reds don't have anything this advanced. SONOR OPERATOR Sir, contact changing to heading to Zero Two Niner. Speed: eighteen knots. CAPTAIN Helm, come right to Zero Two Niner DECK OFFICER Coming right Zero Two Niner HELMSMAN Zero Two Niner aye CAPTAIN What ever this one is Its Hard to track this one. CUT TO: APOLLO Haley what is the condition of your ship? HALEY Main engine wont restart and I cant pump out my ballast tanks. The squids are attaching to the hull of my ship. OUT SIDE OF SHIP VIEW SAUCER COVERED WITH GIANT SQUID. HALEY They keep trying to drag my ship over the edge of the canyon wall and pull me over it. My thrusters are keeping me ahead of this tug-a-war so far. All other systems operating normal. APOLLO Are your skis down? HALEY Yes. Apollo sends a focused sound wave at the squid to try to scare them off, but they come right back to her hull and re-attach. INT: NAVY SHIP SONAR ROOM SONAR OPERATOR What was that sound wave? Did that - Did that sound wave come from our ship? The NAVY ship sound detection the sound wave from Apollos ship and has a fix on Haleys location. CUT TO: HALEY I can blow my hatch and swim into your emergency escape tube. CUT TO: APOLLO What if the giant squid get to you before you get to the escape tube? We cant let them capture your ship and I am not willing to louse you or your ship. Not to the squid or the whole dam Navy. CUT TO: HALEY What are you going to do? CUT TO: Apollo Detaches from the bottom of the navy ship and rolls upright and moves quickly coming in behind Haleys ship. The sonar operator now sees two under water bogies. One moves from the center of the sonar screen over to Haleys location. CUT TO: INT: NAVY SHIP SONAR ROOM SONAR OPERATOR Son of a B There was one right below us! Captain we now have two bogies. SHIPS CAPTAIN All hands to battle stations. Launch the zodiacs over the side! Lets not let this opportunity get away from us. CUT TO: SONAR OPERATOR Bogies are close we are almost on top of them. 2ed SONAR OPERATOR If they were Russian subs we would have been sunk by now. CUT TO: EXT: UNDERWATER APOLLO I am coming in behind you. I am going to push your ship to the surface, then up on the skis. That Navy mini-sub will be here in less then 5 minutes. CUT TO: The squid have gotten thicker now on the hull of Haleys ship. Apollo flips a switch pushes a button to charges up the Tesla coil. CUT TO: APOLLO Well, if the sound wave generator wont drive them away. Lets see how they feel about Mr. Teslas coil. I think 10% power should do it. I hate to do this to you. Apollo turns down the power setting to 10%. He pushes a button and an electric charge comes off the Tesla coil. The sound of electricity crackling through the water as the squid scramble away fast (Recorded with surround sound to a point that shakes the floor & walls) CUT TO: APOLLO Thats works for me. On the Navy ship that is dropping in the submersible mini sub, his radar screen reacts to the electrical jolt from the Tesla coil and goes blank losing track of the underwater UFOs. Radar mans voice becomes inaudible. His radar equipment react violently to the electoral charge sent out be the tesla coil Then the screen goes completely blank. There is a LOUD ELECTRICAL HUM and the ship shudders. The radar operator tries to reset the radar controls. The whole ship VIBRATES VIOLENTLY FOR AN INSTANT -- then all the panels in the room flash simultaneously and the LIGHT'S GO OUT. SONAR OPERATOR Loss of signal! . . .Running equipment check! In the back ground adjusting frequencies and throwing switches SHIPS CAPTAIN Scotty where is my power? SONAR OPERATOR Switching to backups. Close up on radar screen to see its dead Blackness flickers and crackling noise as the radar tries to come back to life. The radar operator reacting to what he had seen before the screen went blank. The radar crackles again and starts to fill the screen working normally. SONAR OPERATOR Contact reestablished Captain. radar is now functioning normally. I've got 'em! They're back on my screens! APOLLO (Talking to himself) Not very friendly but gets the job done. HALEY You will never get us off the water pushing my ship. APOLLO When we are up on the skis, open the drains to your ballast Tanks. When they are empty, we will liftoff and push you fast enough to get an engine restart. Switch your fuel too magnetic. INT: NAVY SHIP SONAR ROOM SONAR OPERATOR Sonar is back I have them their close port side port side 300 yards. Their coming up to the surface targets are coming shallow. Port side 400 yards speed is 18 knots. Looks like they are going to make a run for it. SHIPS CAPTAIN Recall the F-18s I want air cover over us. The Navy ship slows near the submerged UFO. Apollos ship has been riding the stabilizer to get him in close to Haleys saucer. Just then, the Navy radar picks up the second UFO underwater appearing from under the ship. Apollos flying saucer releases from the stabilizer arm of the Navy ship and moves behind the other UFO and clamps the arms to the rear of her ship, and he lowers his skis and starts to push her to the surface. As they break the surface of the water, they are only a few hundred feet away from the Navy ship and one thousand feet from a Zodiac boat. The zodiac moves in to intercept them. Apollo pushes her until she and Apollo are riding on the skis faster as their ballast tanks empty. Apollo hits the fuel boost switch. A jet of blue flame blasts from Apollos main engine. The engine noise rises to a high-pitched scream as they leave the water. Jumping from 18 mph on the water to 200 mph leaving in a high arch, and all the Navy can do is watch them and call in the Navy fighters. The computer in Apollos ship reads Full Power. Apollo pushes her up in altitude to 15,000 ft where a fighter jet is closing in on them. Haleys engine is now running at full speed and under magnetic power. The fighter pilot is given orders to bring down the UFOs. He fires two stingers and misses them. He is moving into gun range. APOLLO What is your rpm reading? HALEY 30,000! 40,000 PSI, holograms are off line. APOLLO Make a run for home base. I will make a diversion for you. Apollo & Haley separate into two separate targets. Apollo changes course and heads towards the jet at high speed. PENTAGON GENERAL I dont care what it costs. Capture that flying saucer. The Navy pilots are closing in on a saucer. PILOT Tally Ho! I have the bogie in sight. Weapons locked. A flash of green light just went over the navy aircraft. CO-PILOT I think the bogie just shot something at us. PILOT Our weapon system just went down. I cant fire the stingers. The guns wont fire either. Aircraft canopy cracks and blows out a small section, letting in a lot of wind in the cockpit. Pilot breaks off pursuit and reduces speed to slow down his aircraft to keep the rest of the canopy from blowing out. PILOT I will have to slow down and break off pursuit or we are going to lose the canopy and maybe our ship too. What kind of weapon is that? CO-PILOT Some kind of energy weapon, I think! (He takes a deep breath) Were still alive! CUT TO: IN LONG SHOT WE SEE AN UNMANNED SPACE PROBE MOVING THROUGH SPACE. SOLAR CELLS ON WING-LIKE STRUCTURES. ANOTHER ANGLE WE GO IN CLOSE AND FEATURE A DOMED STRUCTURE AT THE FRONT. AS THE PROBR HAS MAJOR DAMMAGE TO THE FRONT OF THE PROBE. AS IT SENDS OUT A BROKEN SIGNEL. OPERATIVE The transmissions are in broken and off course, sir. TWO PEOPLE REACT AND WALK OVER TO A RECORDING DEVICE. AS THE CONVERSATION CONTINUES IN THE B.G. WE TRACK IN ON THE SLOWLY TURNING SPOOL OF TAPE AS IT RECORDS THE SIGNALS. OPERATIVE (VO) Signal strength fading sir TEC (VO) What's that distortion in the background? OPERATIVE (VO) Computers working on it. It sounds organic in nature. TEC (VO) Keep tracking OPERATIVE Checking all equipment. Radar gives me noise. Sonar gives me noise. Infrared noise, noise, noise CUT TO: Back at the Pentagon MURDOCK I need a cup of coffee. Someone delivers a stack of folders and places them on a back table in the room. CUT TO: EXT. TRACKING STATION. ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSIONS OVER AS THEY ARE PICKED UP BY THE GIANT DISH AERIAL. Tracking station report GENERALS AID Pulling a page of the teletype machine he reeds them unhurriedly, Taking in the information, Blur his face shows some of the controlled fatigue of 10 hours of continuous duty. Then he stamping it Classified and hands it off to Murdock MURDOCK Tracking station report we have lost two more deep space probes. PENTAGON GENERAL Mister Murdock, would you please locate those flying saucers and find a way to get through their defense. MURDOCK Yes Sir. Murdock stares at the radar screen and drinks his Starbucks Coffee. (P M O) Two empty cups of coffee are on the side of Murdocks workstation. MURDOCK General we just received a Tracking station report on our deep space probes. We have lost guidance control, It seem that something is pulling them off course. PENTAGON GENERAL Dont just sit their find them! There out there somewhere! JACK JONES Yes there out there. They have been pulled in to THE TWILIGHT ZONE Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do. Jack swipes a chocolate donut off a tray as it is being delivered to the back table with coffee. JACK JONES Or imagine if you will a big black hole swallowing up the Galaxy (Jack takes a big bite out of the donut.) MMM delicious. Coffee girl sneaking a look inside some classified files on the back table. She looks at the names on the files COFFEE GIRL (Talking to her self in a low voice) Elliott - The majestic 12 - First contact procedures - Operations Reports Confirmed Abduction cases MIB Ops the language of crop circles Animal Mutations Manhattan Project Think Tank Report OBONE report NASA Space Shuttle Enterprise 01 Report X Files UFONT & MUFONT Investigation Startled by jack she hides the file she was reading Is there any thing else I can do for you. JACK JONES Get rid of this mess before the general gets back. she pushes a button on the machine and a conveyor belt takes the trash in to a shredding incinerator machine. (Sign above the shredding incinerator machine to reed)(86 all garbage No trash to leave the building) The general walks back into the room. PENTAGON GENERAL I want those saucers Keep scanning theyre out there. The Radar tracking a few small blips far out in space. JACK JONES It's travelling too slowly for a UFO. Pull back to include Murdock in the shot. MURDOCK Meteor? JACK JONES Looks like it. He leans back in his chair rubs his eyes and flips a switch to a different radar screen. The blips are moving down the screen. MURDOCK Definitely a meteor JACK JONES May be ET has returned to pick more flowers. The radar screen now has no moving objects. MURDOCK We have to give the general something. JACK JONES Can you fake a bogie? MURDOCK There is nothing on radar Jack Jack Jones takes a drink of his Starbucks Coffee. (P M O) PENTAGON GENERAL Has the files I requested arrived yet? COFFEE GIRL (speaking in a low voice to jack) I think they may have gone in the 86 file You said get rid of this? MURDOCK What? That girl is going to get us fired! JACK JONES Dont be mad at her it was an accident. You dont like women do you? MURDOCK Women are an emotional train wreck just waiting to happen! Its best not to be there when it happens. COFFEE GIRL The files were on the belt. JACK JONES I meant the coffee and donut mess. Jack & Murdock looking at each other then answering the generals question at the same time with a kind of OOPs grin on their faces) JACK & MURDOCK Not Yet! The coffee girl stands in front of the shredder trying to hide it. JACK JONES General, everyone is dead tired. We have been at our stations 14 hours. Jack and Murdock are seated at their consoles, conversing with while they watch their instruments. PENTAGON GENERAL Keep scanning theyre out there somewhere. JACK JONES (Humming) somewhere over the rainbow Murdock looks at jack annoyed. Jack Jones looking at a different viewing screen Jack is startled by a beep from his console. He flips a switch and looks towards a different screen. JACK JONES Murdock what is happing with the Magna Spectrometer? MURDOCK Were picking up a magnetic disturbance Jack. Thats it! General, we can track them looking at the magna Spectrometer Give me a map. CAMERA VIEW ON MAP WITH HANDS ON MAP INT. - DAY - CLOSE SHOT - as he picks up a map which he's holding in his lap and studies it intently. His head moves up and he smiles. MURDOCK We need more sensors at these locations if you are going to get close enough to capture them. AMERICAN REPORTER Ms Georgia is about to come out of the hotel... Paparazzi jostle roughly for position, and raise their cameras as the doors open, and a Bentley limousine pulls up into position. INT. HOTEL Ms Georgia and her boyfriend leave the public part of the hotel, and walk down a flight of stairs. EXT. HOTEL - FRONT ENTRANCE - NIGHT Pandemonium breaks out as Miss Georgia and her Boyfriend emerge from the hotel. The engines of the Bentley limousine roar into life. Ms Georgia climbs into a waiting Bentley limousine and the door slam. The crowd surges. As the camera light flash from dozens of cameras trying to get a picture. Boyfriend turns to the Paparazzi.. BOYFRIEND Don't bother following. You won't catch us. Boyfriend gets into the waiting Mercedes. The driver of the Bentley limousine hits the gas and tires burn. The squeal of rubber as the Bentley limousine pulls off. The swarms of Paparazzi give chase, kick-starting their motorcycles. The Paparazzi give chase. EXT/INT. BENTLEY LIMOUSINE - NIGHT The Bentley limousine pulls up at a traffic light. ALL AROUND THEM: the glare of Paparazzi motorcycles and camera flashbulbs around the car. An explosion of flashing lights. Popping flashbulbs. The traffic light turns amber. Boyfriend tells the driver to take the road to the airport. EXT. EXPRESSWAY - NIGHT The car roars ahead, and then speeds down into a tunnel, followed by the Paparazzi motorcycles. On the other side of the tunnel Ms Georgia says is there any thing we can do? Boyfriend picks up his cell phone and calls Nor Cal Air Taxi Service. BOYFRIEND Diver pull in to the Airport. As the Bentley limousine pulls into the airport. The aircraft request is turning around with the back of the aircraft facing the airport security gate. The car moves through the airport security gate and drives right up in to the back of the aircraft and the door ramp closes up behind them and all the Paparazzi can do is to stand at the security gate and watch them fly off to destinations unknown. (Nor Cal Air Taxi Service CASA CN235 has cargo ramp will seat 40 VIP passengers and still have room for the limousine in the back of the aircraft.) CUT TO: (Title break in movie scene) Back at Tranquility Base LEO We need to find out how much they know about us? DR. NEWNAN UFONT is having a big gathering at a private estate in Washington DC. Maybe, we could crash the party and see what we can find out. Leo looks over to Ryan LEO What we need is one of them on our side. At the party, they mingle and have conversations to see if they know anything. (Music playing in back ground RED NICKOLES and his Five Pennies) Jack Jones is walking and talking with the Senator. The camera passes by several groups of people and you get a little bit of everyones conversation at the party. Two men in black standing in the background one raises his hand as if he is talking to someone with a hidden microphone in his sleeve. SENATOR Jack its good to see you. Several key people have been reported missing. You are to be restricted from classified material. I have no doubt they have you under investigation. JACK JONES Thanks senator but I am not afraid. Any honest investigation will only expose the truth. SENATOR It is strange that the a lot of the files have disappeared. They captures Red Nickoles and the Five Pennies. But he wont give up the notes. JACK JONES With out the 5 notes they will be lost in time and space. SENATOR As long as there are sightings there will be hunters looking for you and the others. JACK JONES The galaxy is a big place to get lost in. SENATOR You cant hide from these people forever they will find you. JACK JONES Maybe in time they will be educated enough to understand. SENATOR I still say watch your back Jack. JACK JONES I Will Camera wide angle shot through the party looking at a man in black. His finger in his ear he is trying to here over the party noise. MAN IN BLACK I have them under surveillance moving through the crowd. (voice on ear piece) Dont louse them. SENATOR (With a sigh talking to him self in a low voice) So many girls, so little time. JACK JONES Senator I would like to introduce you to some of the greatest minds in the.. Interrupting Jack SENATOR Who is that incredible looking woman over there? JACK JONES She is one of our special guests at the party Miss Georgia 2010. SENATOR Miss Georgia 2010 I got Miss Georgia on my mind. Introduce me. Dr Newnan and Miss Georgia are talking to a small group of people. Jack and the Senator walk up to join the conversation. DR.NEWNAN Its up to us to save the planet earth from destruction. JACK JONES Dr Newnan, Georgia excuse me Miss Georgia this is Senator Charlie McCarthy. SENATOR I am very pleased to meet you Miss Georgia. Have you been to Washington DC before? You should let me show you around. MISS GEORGIA Senator McCarthy I would like to talk to you about the family programs that were cut out of our state budget. WOMAN AT THE PARTY Senator Do you believe in little green men from Mars? SENATOR I say get them registered. Give a green card and put them to work. WOMAN AT THE PARTY Senator McCarthy Are you married? SENATOR I had a wife once But her husband came and got her! MAN IN BLACK The subject has made new contacts. Now tracking 4 probable Jack walks away to join a new conversation. The camera follows Jack to a new conversation at the party. JACK JONES I think the Senator should be happy. JULIE PENRY What's that? RANDY POLLARD That's the pendulum it shows how much the earth is tilting on its axis. At this point the earth is tilted 24.5 degrease towards the sun and its getting worse everyday. The Earth is protected from solar redaction by the north magnetic Pole field located near HYPERLINK "/wiki/Ellesmere_Island"Ellesmere Island in northern Canada. This fact is why North Magnetic field is being warped out of shape and letting in more suns redaction and heating up the northern America to new record levels. RANDY POLLARD Jack this is Julie Penry. She is a writer for the New York Tribune. (P M O) JACK JONES Are you doing news story on Aliens, UFOs or the end of the world? JULIE PENRY All of it would make good news stories. This is my first real reporter assignment. Before this I was just a copy girl. If I turn a good story I can become a full reporter. JACK JONES This is more than just a NEWS story. What you learn today will either change the world or destroy it. RANDY POLLARD Jack do you think we should tell her everything? JACK JONES Oh yes everything (Jack is trying not to smile) RANDY POLLARD The factories on earth put out so much carbon dioxide that the earth is heating up at an alarming rate. Soon it will be. Jack Interrupting Randy JACK JONES Its the end of the world as we know it. RANDY POLLARD There is nothing we can do to stop it from happening. RANDY POLLARD Global warming will totally melt the polar ice caps, and the seas will rise 35 ft higher, and the oceans current flow will stop. The earth will turn into a tropical swampland with high humidityjust like when the dinosaurs were here. JACK JONES Fire in the sky is our biggest fear. JULIE PENRY What is Fire in the sky? RANDY POLLARD When the earth air temperature reaches 120 degrees spontaneous combustion will ignite fires all over the planet at the same time the planet will get super heated and all life will end. Then after a thousand years or so, the next Ice Age will begin that will cover the northern hemisphere and possibly the whole planet with ice for the next 2000 years and all evidence of man will be erased from the earth. I base this on the amount of greenhouse gases put out worldwide that will increase, and we will continue to pump vast amounts of these gases into the atmosphere. The earth will rebel and wipe man back into the Ice Age! Just think, if you had to live without one thing like if there was no electricity how would your life change? How about if there was no oil to make gasoline? How would your life change? The possibility of mans survival the next 100 years is ZERO. JULIE PENRY How much time do we have? RANDY POLLARD There is a point where the damage will be irreversible. JULIE PENRY When? RANDY POLLARD December 25, 2012. JULIE PENRY 2012. CUT TO: Pentagon general and two men in black standing in the background. PENTAGON GENERAL Jackie who is that boy you were dancing with? GENERAL DAUGHTER Chill out! Dad he is just a nice boy. PENTAGON GENERAL You want me to have someone drive you back home? GENERAL DAUGHTER I like him his name is Scott Carpenter PENTAGON GENERAL Where is he from? GENERAL DAUGHTER West Point PENTAGON GENERAL What happen to the young boy you were with last week? GENERAL DAUGHTER You worry too much you cant save the world and you cant stop me from having a little fun! You need to chill out! PENTAGON GENERAL There's only one answer. He's been taken... by the aliens. CUT BACK: Ryan is talking with UFO Investigator, Connie. The Pentagon general is watching them as they walk to the back of the room where there is a big sliding glass door leading to the backyard and the lake. JACK JONES Are you aware of the Earth to Galaxy alignmentthat will occur in 2012? 65 million years ago the dinosaurs were wiped out. Some say from a meteor that hit the earth in the Gulf of Mexico. The meteors impact on the earth is recorded in a thin layer of dirt. JACK JONES However no fossils are found in that layer in fact the dinosaurs were killed of thousands off years earlier. JULIE PENRY Why? JACK JONES The sun aligned up with the Milky Way galaxy and the earth. The Earth magnetic fields had collapse allowing the suns radiation to heat up the earth. With a steady stream of charged particles . . . protons or electrons . . . emitted by the sun. During intense solar activity - so-called flares or sunspots - there is a dramatic increase in radiation . . .Killing off 90% of the dinosaurs food supply. The dinosaurs were unprotected from the suns radiation. They died from starvation and radiation sickness. This collapsed magnetic field allowed thousands of meteors to impact the earth. One of them was so big that the shock wave was felt around the world. Eventually the earths magnetic fields had flipped the south & north pole locations and restored the protective layer from the sun and cosmic shooting galaxy. All the meteors that impacted the earth brought new DNA to the earth. The earth went through a new ice age then evolved into the world we know today. It happened before. It will happen Again. Starting in August of 2012, the sun will once again rise in line with our Milky Way galaxy. This alignment will cause the Earths magnetic fields to collapse leaving us unprotected from the suns radiation. The earth will heat up to a point where all the crops will fail. Over the next seven years, most to the life on earth will die of starvation and radiation sickness. The earth will start to heal itself by causing the North and South poles to flip their locations, causing the earth plates to change shifting directions. This will release enough volcanic Activity at the same time that it will choke off the atmosphere and all remaining life on earth will become extinct. The gravitational pull could also change our earths rotation from a 23 degree to a 90 degree rotation to the sun. In any case, the chances for human or any life form to survive this is ZERO. JACK JONES Just last week a flying saucer was tracked from Houston Texas to Miami Florida then just despaired. JULIE PENRY According to the AP account, the National Transportation Safety Board (NSTB) identified the object as a weather balloon. JACK JONES Like you would ever get the truth from any government office. Everyone lies all the time. The check is in the mail. Free offer. Your Money Back garnered. Smart meters will save you money on your energy bill. Oh and my personal favorite you said you were on the pill! RANDY POLLARD There have been over 30,000 Flying saucers sightings this year alone. The stories of UFO abductions are out of control. JULIE PENRY I have never seen so many people worried about flying saucers from outer space. Has this kind of thing happen before? JACK JONES Several times. JULIE PENRY When? JACK JONES October 30th 1938 - Flying saucers landing, some say crash landed in Grovers Mill, New Jersey. That was the war of the worlds. July 8th 1947 - Flying saucers had a mid-air collision with one of our top secret aircraft. The flying saucers crash landed in a field in Roswell, New Mexico. Four females were removed from the crash. Auguest 3rd 1959 - A gothic rocket ship landed in New Youk or was it Washington DC anyway it was a very intense 73 hours. April 1, 1966 - a man named Jim, boarded a flying saucer in Iowa and boldly went Where no man has gone before. He has not been seen since. October 25th , 1975 - 8:20 PM Flying saucers landed in New Jersey. That was the night that panicked America. 1977 witmness reported an encounter of the third kind. Dozens of Flying Orbs seen around the country. Several witnesses reported that a man named Roy boarded a unusual space craft. flying orbe in montanna and A missing kidnapped child was found safe. 2005 We were attacked by saucers from Mars again and our military kicked their butt. Someone from outside the group says (V. O.S.) Youre full of it. Jack looks back at the group of people JACK JONES If you cant dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. Connie walks over joins the group CONNIE Who is your friend? RYAN Jack Jones he is a commercial Pilot. hes also works for the pentagon doing extraterrestrial research & alien aircraft development. Ryan smiles back at the group VOS Hi Jack. Where is your plane? RYAN Now that is funny. JULIE PENRY Jack what business are you in? JACK JONES Welcome to planet earth My card Julie looks at the 4 way fold out business card on the front side is the planet earth with an arrow pointing saying you are here. Opening it to the backside is our solar system arrow pointing to the 3ed planet saying you are here. Flipping it over to see our galaxy with the arrow saying you are here At the bottom of the card it says Star Voyager Jack Jones U F O S E MISS WALKER I need anther drink would you get me a drink Jack? Jack DOES NOT ANSWER pretends that she is not there! Mark tries to walk to the exit Miss Pollard is in her late twenties dark & sensuous. She gives the impression of a women who has been around but at the same time hard to get. Her clothing and the car suggest money. A women who is used to having her own way with men. MISS POLLARD Darling? RANDY POLLARD Look .... Not tonight... I have to leave. an important conference up North. MISS POLLARD Important conference? I'll walk you to your car. RANDY POLLARD Yes. I thought I mentioned it. I'm flying up there tonight! Why don't you go home and have a nice relaxed evening. MISS POLLARD What do you mean? RANDY POLLARD Go back in side and ask some of the aliens round for drinks. (On his cell phone) Have my car brought round right away. Camera pans past anther group of peoplethe conversation within the group What is wrong with opera? Someone else answers Opera is when a man gets stabbed in the back and instead of bleeding to death, he starts to sing. Camera pans over to Ryan and Connie as they walk off together. MAN IN BLACK The subject has made new contacts, Who is that man. Find out who he is. Track him. CONNIE What is UFOSE? Pause U. F. O. S. E? RYAN United Federation of Space Exploration. CONNIE I want facts you are talking science fiction. RYAN You dont believe there is life out there? Over one million life forms on earth and a billion out in space you dont believe? CONNIE And what planet are you from? Ryan smiles RYAN Im from the earth cant you tell? Their are so many life forms in the galaxy. Evolution has made the biggest Difference between humans and other life forms. And yet we all have DNA in common. We all started from the same place. Every drop of water on earth originally came from deep space. Every time a new meteor arrives on earth. It brings new DNA new life forms to grow on the earth. All DNA needs a host to grow in. Heat water air earth even different natural gases can give the DNA a chance to grow into a new life form. CONNIE I am a UFO investigator and you are talking science fiction. Ryan walks her through the big, glass, sliding door, and they walk together through the grass down to the lakeside where the moon is rising over the lake while stars twinkle in the background. RYAN The people of earth have learned about atomic power, and their first use of it was for destruction. Later, they learned to use atomic energy to give us electricity. But, you still did not understand how to make it clean energy. Now the earth chokes on the pollution that is pumped into the air and water everyday. The earth is traveling through space at well over a hundred thousand miles an hour. Its only source of propulsion is a magnetic field. Clean energy that is forever renewing it self. As they walk across the green grass headed for the lake Ryan tells her stories of traveling through space and other worlds and spacecraft that can fly through space at greater than light speed and power sources that are brighter than a thousand suns. RYAN So, you are still skeptical? CONNIE Lets just say there is no believable evidence. Two little girls upstairs looking out a bedroom window LITTLE GIRL Do you think she is going to kiss him? RYAN Have you never questioned the reality around you? Ryan takes her right to the edge of the grass area next to the big tree. Ryan reaches for his cell phone (P M O) and hits one button on the phone BEEP BEEP. The ship uncloaks, and Connie is staring in amazement. RYAN Would you like to go for a ride? Two men in black way off in the background watching one talks in to his cell phone but you are not able to here his conversation. CONNIE Yes! The Pentagon general is watching them through the window. Little kids looking out a bedroom window see the saucer that has just uncloaked. (DING DONG DING DONG) The front door bell rings in the background noise. Little Girls Voice (OS) THEYRE HERE! PENTAGON GENERAL Oh, my GOD! Theyre here! PENTAGON GENERAL She's been taken... by the aliens. The generals mouth opens slowly in shock. As they get into the ship and take off, the general is on the phone. PENTAGON GENERAL (On the cell phone) (P M O) Scramble the Black Knights. I want them here in 2 minutes. 3 F-18 Hornets close in on the flying saucer. The generals orders are to capture, if possible, or destroy, if necessary, but dont let them get away. PENTAGON GENERAL F-18 interceptors will be in range . . .. 40 seconds. CAPTAIN OK - Range on target. Switching to computer link for course corrections .. pentagon authorization for missile firing sequence. In the ship, Connie asks a lot of questions. CONNIE How were you able to arrive here in Washington DC, the most restricted air space in America, without being detected on radar? RYAN Our aircraft has natural stealth in its design. Radar just reflects off in other directions. CONNIE Were going very fast with out engine noise. What is the source of your propulsion? RYAN It is a high intensity magnetic field generator. Spinning magnets create a magnetic field around the ship warping the space around out ship. This allows us to travel high speeds without generating noise, heat or air friction. CONNIE How come I could not see the ship when you walked me right up to it? RYAN Our cloaking is just hologram projectors along the wings edge. The computer can make us look like anything we want. Connie is looking at this simple laptop computer (P M O) on the dash. Connie opens up the laptop to see the holograms that are available. RYANS COMPUTER TALKING Detecting unauthorized transmission in the ship. Ryan takes a long suspicious look at Connie as to why there is a radio signal coming from with in his ship. The F-18s are closing in, and the ship warns Ryan of the incoming aircraft. CAPTAIN Missile launch! As the missile burst out of the launch tubes off the wing of the F-18s RYANS COMPUTER TALKING Jamming transmission signal now. Ryan takes evasive action RYAN Looks like we have company. We will to have to hide in the clouds for a few minutes. Suddenly their are a set of explosions in the air where the bogie aircraft should have been. Ryan engages the cloak on the laptop (P M O) the ship glows with a sudden energy surge and turns invisible blending in with the clouds. Ryan makes a call to home. RYAN Tranquility Base, this is Ryan in Eagle 4. We have been engaged by 2 navy fighters. We are cloaked. The F-18s lose sight of them and circle back. For the moment the F-18s have lost sight of the saucer. Connie is looking at the hologram selections available on the laptop. (P M O) She touches the W on the keypad. The hologram changes outside the saucer from the clouds to a whale swimming in the sky. The two F-18 pilots see the whale in the sky and chat. F-18 Pilot That must be our bogie, He pulls the trigger and a stinger is sent out after the bogie. RYANS COMPUTER TALKING Incoming stinger missile arriving in 12, 11,10, 9 RYAN They dont even say hello first they just keep trying to shoot us down and we have never been a threat to them. Ryan hits the gas and gets ahead of the explosion. The ship tail rocks up in the air from the explosion. Fighter 1 banks hard to try to get a second shot at the flying saucer. Ryan can see that the Navy fighter is circling back to come up on his six a clock position. RYAN The American government has declared war on the grays and has launched several attacks on their secret underwater locations killing many of them. The grays responded by causing the earth plates to shift causing massive earthquakes and tsunami waves destroying everything in its path. The biggest problem with the Americans is they cant tell the difference from the grays and the others who visit the earth. Ryan looks at Connie RYAN You want to have a little fun? CONNIE Those are Navy fighters out there. Ryan matches his turn 180 degrees away as they look at each other circling. FIGHTER 2 (Voice on the radio) That bogie is just playing with us, Take evasive action - Bogie coming in to attack. On the 2nd revolution Ryan pulls up hard in an ark and rolls in behind the Navy fighter. FIGHTER 2 (urgent -- into mike) He is behind you at your 6 Oclock. FIGHTER 1 I dont see him How close? FIGHTER 2 Oh I would say about 4ft behind you. FIGHTER 1 I dont see him. RYAN I saw this in a movie once. Ryan performs a half roll in the saucer and closes in on the F-18 until they are canopy-to-canopy. The F-18 pilot looks straight up into the canopy of the flying saucer looking back at them. CONNIE Is this your Idea of fun Ryan? Ryans computer talking Magnetic tractor beam engaged. RYAN Life is too short not to have fun! Ryan and Connie wave to the F-18 pilot. FIGHTER 1 (In a panicked voice) Get him offGet him off me Ryan rolls backup right above the F-18 Computer talking Magnetic tractor beam locked on. The f-18 pilot tries to pitch down and away rolling hard and the saucer stays right with him He jams his stick over to the left- the cockpit swings over to the side and the saucer is still with him. FIGHTER 2 I dont have a shot Youre a too close together Pitch Out Pitch Out Pitch Away. RYAN This ride is getting a little to wild lets put a stop to this. Ryan hits a few buttons on the laptop (PMO) and his ship and the F-18 that is in his tractor beam come to a screeching stop in mid air. Fighter 2 passed by at 1,200 MPH The pilot removes his mask his face looks panicked! The F-18 has the afterburners on and having effect at all. Ryan punches the gas and he and the captured F-18 go screaming off in a different direction. Ryans computer calls out air speed Sixteen hundred MPH CONNIE Ryan what are you doing? RYAN One of the best rules of nature is to capture and release. He is shaken but unharmed. And he will have a story to tell. CONNIE If they dont lock him up in a nut house somewhere! RYAN That should be far enough if he conserves his fuel he should make it back to his airbase. Ryan slows down the eagle and the captured F-18 to 800 MPM. As he released the captured F-18. Ryans computer talking F-18 Fighter approaching from 80 miles to the west and closing at 1,200 MPH Ryan tries to change the image to something else, but only the front half of the image is projected. The F-18 that was captured is now falling down and away from Ryans eagle. Ryan computer talking The rear hologram projectors are offline. Incoming sidewinder at 240 degrees. Ryans Eagle curves away in a tight arc. Ryan adds more speed and out runs the F-18s before they can get another shot at them. CONNIE How fast are we flying? I didnt feel any G-forces on us. RYAN We are traveling about 3,000 mph fast enough to out run any governments aircraft that might be chasing us. We can go much faster. Ryan makes a radio call RYAN Tranquility Base, this is Eagle 4. We are coming in. CONNIE Where did you come from? How many of you are there? Where are we going? RYAN Dont panic; we will be going under water. CONNIE How come we were able to do all those maneuvers, and we did not feel any G-forces pulling on us? RYAN Our ship generates its own Magnetic field that surrounds the ship, and counteracts the earths gravitational pull on us. In effect, we push against the earths magnetic fields and we create anti-gravity to work in our favor. Connie arrives at Tranquility Base. She is amazed at a hidden under water base and nobody knows about it. LEO Mrs. Cooper I must apologize for bringing you here like this. We will explain our reasons for bringing you here. in the meantime, please make yourselves comfortable. I think you'll find everything you need. You are welcome to ask anything you like and we will show you everything. CONNIE Who are you? LEO We are a small community of people who work to achieve world peace. CONNIE One thing I don't understand. If your organization is so secret. Why did you bring me here CONNIE Where is this place? Somewhere in the Atlantic ocean? How can all this be real with out people knowing about it? RYAN We are very selective on who we let in to our little community. COMPUTER TALKING Detecting unauthorized transmission Technician waves a scanner over Connie to detect the bugging device. TECHNICIAN Please remove your shoes. Technician breaks off the short spiked heal of the shoes revealing the tracking transmitter. RYAN Why are you being tracked and by who? CONNIE I have no idea why anyone would want to keep track of me. RYAN You are the leading independent UFO investigator and a threat to the governments cover ups on past UFO events. I am not surprised that they are keeping track of your movements. Now that you have been brought into our community the government will not be able to track you again. TECHNICIAN You are safe here. RYAN I will take your word that you did not know about the tracking transmitter. CONNIE I swear I knew nothing about it. Leo in the background LEO Relax Ryan let her see what we are all about for her self. She can stay as long as she wants too, or return to her world anytime she wants to leave. RYAN The government keeps track of anyone they feel is a threat to their security. I wanted you to know the truth about us before they got to you. Ask anything you like and I will show you everything. CONNIE What kind of power sources do you have? RYAN All of our power is based in Green Power technology from solar and Geo thermal to magnetic Power Plant. Its endless free clean energy. CONNIE You have remarkable power sources here that could change the world. How come you dont let other governments know about it? LEO Your government has known about our power sources since the 1920s. Powerful lobbies keep you from using this technology because they cant make money from it. There is no way to tax it. No way to control the flow of clean energy that is 100% free and renewable. CONNIE Ryan, what do you do here under the sea? RYAN We try to protect the sea life from man. We do our best to free them from entanglement from all the garbage man dumps into the ocean. CONNIE Do you go into outer space? RYAN Sure, would you like to see the moons of Jupiter? CONNIE Not today. (Connie smiles) I am not ready for space travail. What if you get lost is Space? RYAN You can be lost in time but not lost in space. CONNIE Where did all this come from? It would take years to build all this and cost a fortune. RYAN We salvage what we need from asteroids, old ship wrecks, and we harvest minerals from the ocean floor. The earth produces everything we need. RYAN Sean and Apollo have found some very large rough diamonds along the Mariana Trench. The underwater volcanoes create them and deposit them on the ocean floor. CONNIE What powers the ship we were just in? RYAN We operate on 2 types of clean energy magnetic fields & dark energy. Its basically a cold air turbine Cryogenic Power Plant. Electro Magneto Compression turbine or Hydro Magneto Compression turbine when we are underwater with an optional jet fuel for a burst of power when we need it. It works like a jet engine that will run forever on zero fuel. As a bonus, our engine creates a lot of electric power that we convert into magnetic energy. It will work in the air, at any altitude, underwater or outer space. Magnets surround the turbine blades and drive compressor blades. We can add jet fuel for a burst of extra speed or run on magnetic power and have unlimited flights. There isn't any atmosphere in space therefore -- no friction. Magnetic energy is free and a great source of propulsion through space. CONNIE What are your people up too? RYAN We have discovered 7 uninhabited planets within a light year travel time. That will support human life. Many people have already gone to start new worlds. When there is an asteroid passing near the earth, we harvest materials from it. Ryan shows Connie a cut slice of iron meteorite. Sometimes, we salvage materials from the all the junk rockets your people have left in orbit. CONNIE What is the future going to be like? RYAN Who can say what lies on the future horizon? We must take care of each other and not destroy the world we live in. Common sense is seeing things as they are, and doing things as they should be done. CONNIE Do you have any women pilots? RYAN There are 99 women pilots right now. When Haley is qualified, she will be #100. Connie is about to ask another question but hesitates. She has that look on her face. RYAN What? CONNIE Are there flying saucers and aliens from other planets? RYAN What do you think? CONNIE I just dont know anymore after what I have seen and heard today. RYAN There are 57 different alien species that we are aware of and most of them are friendly. Your government has met many of them and cover up the stories. Dont worry; were not one of them. Some of them travel in ships and others travel inter- dimensionally. Going from past to future in a second or two, but in your time, it would have been five to seven days. Many of them live here on earth in peace. CONNIE Come on, I dont believe that. I would have heard something. RYAN You have. You just call them a yeti or Sasquatch or Big Foot and a dozen other names. Its a very big crowded universe out there! CONNIE What do they want from us? RYAN The same things you wanta place to call home, to be able to raise a family and to live in peace. CONNIE What are they like? RYAN I would say they fall into 5 categories. The first group of aliens looks humanoid for the most part. You could pass one of them on the street and never know they were from a different planet. They fly a typical saucer shaped ship and live normal lives here on earth. The second group of aliens are the Hybrids, a cross-breed of a human and one of the 57 different aliens out there. There are childrens dolls that are made to look like the hybrid children. So normal children wont be afraid of them when they meet them. CONNIE What Dolls? I have never seen a hybrid doll? RYAN Have you never seen kewpie dolls? Or friendly looking aliens on childrens lunch boxes or in Cartoons? CONNIE I really never thought about it that way. Yes I have seen the funny looking babies dolls with the big head and big eyes. RYAN The third group of aliens are called the Grays, not too friendly, large heads, and big eyes and small body. Very intelligent, they communicate telepathically and have problems reproducing on their own. The grays have the ability to travel through time, as well as molecular transformation. That is why when people say they were abducted by aliens, they claim to float into the air and time seems to only be a few minutes but, in reality, several days will pass by without any notice. The grays fly a triangle shaped ships and live in underwater bases in the north arctic ocean and the south pacific ocean. They have had several engagements with the U.S. Navy. Now their secret base in the South Pacific Ocean is in danger from the rapidly expanding south pole. The forth group of aliens are gigantic ape-like humanoids with thick fur over their entire body and a savage mentality. Its best to leave them alone. They live here on earth in heavily wooded areas in north America and other countries Its best to leave them alone. They can be very aggressive. Their ship looks more like an orb. The Fifth group of aliens are the Neptune people. They fly a cigar shaped spacecraft. This is where the stories of Atlantis and people that live underwater begin. Half man half fish also called mermaids and mermen. Many of them have been wiped out by man and natural disasters on Earth. Some of them have left the earth to go to other worlds. CONNIE Ryan where do your people come from? RYAN Atlantis is where a lot of our technology came from in the 1920s We are the descendants of the nautilus people. Earth people that have adapted to living under water as well as on land. Connie notices a reflection of her self in the glass, her face is smother, She looks over her arms and feels her face, CONNIE What has happened to my face and arms? TECHNICIAN After two weeks here, you'll feel on top of the world. RYAN When you were in my ship you were surrounded by a high intensity magnetic field. That is why you did not feel any G-forces on you in all those flying maneuvers. The high intensity magnetic field aligns your molecules and your aging slows down and your wrinkles all tightened up like new skin. If you had any Cancer cells growing they would start to shrink and go away. Your mind will become much sharper and focused and you will feel much stronger and be amazed at all you can do. CONNIE Is there someplace where I can clean up? LEO Let me show you around, as well as your room, while you are staying with us. Connie enters a luxurious room with a big glass view of the undersea world around them. Looking in to a mirror she examined her face up close and is pleased with her younger look. INT. COMMAND CENTER Connie returns to the computer room - there is lots of activity going on. The operators feed data in to the computers. Technician waiting intensely. Connie walks up to Leo CONNIE Have you tried to share this with the medical community. LEO 6 of our members have tried and they met with a mysterious death within a week. The drug manufacturing companies dont want you to stop buying there products even if they dont work. The truth is they dont want to make people healthy. Healthy people dont buy their drugs. TECHNICIAN Technician makes some rapid calculations on a celestial map. Leo we have a problem? Leo and Connie look at the big View screen. CONNIE Whats wrong what has happened? TECHNICIAN Meteor 2248 is on collision course with our Milky Way  HYPERLINK "http://www.maa.clell.de/Messier/galaxy.html" galaxy. The image of the meteor comes in to extreme CLOSE UP on their big TV monitor and pops out into the room in 3D projection flying towards the screen and passes out of shot. Tense. Everyone is staring at the big Screen. A tight shot of the meteor flying towards the camera. Then a second tighter shot, Then a third even tighter shot to fill the whole screen in 3D it will look like you were just run over by the incoming meteor. TECHNICIAN Trajectory determined LEO Is it headed for the earth? TECHNICIAN Yes traveling at a High rate of speed it should pass very near the earth in 300 days. LEO What is its composition? TECHNICIAN Mostly iron ferrite. Its radiating High levels of Magnetic energy it will cause great damage to the earth as it passes by the earth. There is enough magnetic fuel there to power 10,000 of our ships for a hundreds years. LEO Is the American government aware of the meteor? TECHNICIAN No - we should warn them of its trajectory. LEO Can you reposition The Hubble Space Telescope so the Americans will see the Meteor and start tracking it? TECHNICIAN I can but they would be able to trace the control inputs back to us here. RYAN What if we reposition one of the earth telescopes? LEO The Benjamin Franklin Observatory is unmanned and automated. TECHNICIAN We can see what that telescope is looking at. But we cant reposition it from here. RYAN Apollo and I can do this. Looking at a map of the area TECHNICIAN Bad idea Franklin Observatory is in the army restricted area. LEO You can go from here to the controlled airspace at 1200MPH and you will have to go through this area at tree top level to stay off radar. TECHNICIAN The safest place to land without being detected is in this valley below the observatory. You will need to come up with other transportation to get you to the observatory. LEO Do you want to take Sean and the Sultan as a back up? (Alt Line) the ORCALE as a back up? RYAN No it will be easier to hide one of the eagles and less risky if we should be discovered. LEO There are lots of farms and ranches where you could borrow a car. If you leave now you can be there by 2 in the morning. Ryan and Apollo pass over their landing area and there is no near by ground transportation available. Up a head a single set of headlights driving down the road. RYAN I have an Idea! (P M O) The trucker is alone on a road with no other traffic. Suddenly the truck has lost all electrical power and dies on the road. The trucker tries to call on his CB radio then his cell phone (P M O) nothing works. A bright light shines down on the truck from above. The truck starts to shake wildly. The driver jumps out of the truck looks up in to the bright light sees the flying saucer. The saucer is starting to land right in front of his truck. The trucker runs away up the road in fear. APOLLO Do you think it was wise to show him our ship? RYAN What is he going to do run back 5 miles to the truck stop and say a flying saucer hijacked my truck? He would never be able to live it down. Besides he will get his truck back and make his deliveries a little late. APOLLO I will take the ship to our landing area. I will see you at this point on the road. RYAN Grab our gear first and put it in the truck. APOLLO Look at the time (P M O) where falling behind schedule. RYAN No worries there is no other witnesses and this truck will be found in the morning. Apollo lifts off in the saucer and leaves the area. The trucks power comes back and Ryan starts up the truck and drive down the road. Driving on Franklin road. The electric eye that crosses the road sets off a silent alarm at the army base. ARMY OFFICER Security Alert Security Alert unauthorized persons heading to the observatory. We have 2 suspects in a van on Franklin road. Army guard looking at a video screen can see a truck with two men inside. He calls for an officer to come see the screen. 2ed ARMY OFFICER Looking at the TV monitor Scramble security we have a security alert two suspects braking in to the observatory. Stopping just before the electrified security gate they park their borrowed truck and get their gear together. Apollo and Ryan standing up on jumping jack stilts. One at a time they run on the jumping jack stilts towards the electric fence. Apollo and Ryan do a flip as they cross over the 6ft high electric fence clearing it with ease. EXT. BEN FRANKLIN OBSERVATORY TRACKING STATION. EARLY MIORNING. Dominated by a huge dome and the telescope tracks in towards the single Story attached building witch houses the control room. Ryan and Apollo pick the lock on the observatory. The interior of the observatory foyer is illuminated in low key lighting. Ryan stands at the computer console and types in new position instructions to the telescope. EXT. BEN FRANKLIN OBSERVATORY - NIGHT - LONG SHOT Large telescope pivoting against the sky. EXT. BEN FRANKLIN OBSERVATORY TELESCOPE ROOM - NIGHT - MED. SHOT - opening of upper aperture and dome rotating slowly to a new position approximately sixty degrees, Then the telescope changes angles and stops. Ryan turns in the big TV monitor (P M O) shows the meter and the computer begin to track the moving meteor. The telescope zooms into MED. LONG SHOT and sharpens. As the morning sun rises in the east the light grows brighter outside, RYAN We must hurry were late. He flips several switches on the instrument panel lights flash from red to green. APOLLO Do you think the trucker has reported his truck was stolen yet? RYAN This is such a remote location he is probably still running down the road. Lets get to work before someone finds out What we are doing. Apollo sits down at a computer station and resets the automated controls for the telescope. Increasing the range of view making the Telescope more effective. Ryan turns on a second big TV monitor and starts the tracking. APOLLO Now the government should be aware of this meteors possible threat to planet earth. Apollo activates the video recorder on the control panel. As the alarm sounds and all the light brighten up in the observatory. RYAN Plan B Lets get out of here? APOLLO This way! hurry. Ryan and Apollo exit thought the opening where the telescope looks at the stars. They are Repelling down the side of the dome of the observatory. And remain out of view of the Army guards that have entered the building as Army guards enter with guns, looking for the intruders who have left the building in a hurry. Now running on the jumping jack stilts they are able to gain a distance advantage on the army men that are chasing them. CUT TO: INT. TRUCK STOP DINER EARLY MORNING. Douglas Corrigan crashes through the door all out of breath. WAITRESS Douglas Corrigan what happen to you? FOOD COOK Did you get lost? Driving the wrong way? CORRIGAN My truck was stolen. I was driving... when I saw this glow object and there was a noise... strange, intense... TRUCKER Bubba What where did this happen? CORRIGAN I dont believe it I dont believe it. TRUCKER Bubba Call the sheriff. Weve got trouble. WAITRESS Bubba what you have is bad grammar. TRUCKER Bubba Will you just call the sheriff. WAITRESS All right all right you dont have to bust my chops. CORRIGAN A flying saucer came down and stole my truck! TRUCKER (Back male) You wanna say that again? 2ed TRUCKER (Back male) What you talkin about Douglas? Several people in the diner laughing at Corrigan. CORRIGAN A flying saucer took my truck I saw it land and they stole my truck! WAITRESS An inter galactic high jacking? Or is unemployment so high they would want your job. I cant wait for you to tell this story to the sheriff. CORRIGAN I barely got away I Swear it was a flying saucer. TRUCKER (Irish) You here that wrong way Corrigan has lost his truck to some little green men in a flying saucer. Several people in the Diner laughing at Corrigan. TRUCKER (Irish) I have herd some whoppers before but this one is going to get you on the cover of one of those tabloid rags. Got anything to back up your story? 2ed TRUCKER (Back male) I don't believe you - I don't believe you at all. CORRIGAN Well I ain't got a witness and I can't prove it. But that's my story and I'm stickin' to it. CUT BACK TO: EXT EARLY MORNING. Army guard looking out the observatory dome. He can see two men running for the trees and the cliff he calls on his radio to the other army people. ARMY GUARD Talking into his hand held radio Their out side two of them their heading for the cliff Wall. We have them trapped is no where to go. Picking up a phone Hello, Colonel -- this is __________ at the Observatory... We need Professor Pearson up here. We need to know why they broke in to the observatory and what the computer is now tracking. Apollo makes a cell phone call (P M O) APOLLO We are headed to the cliff we could use an extraction right-a-way. Heading down the mountain on the wrong side, he can here a airplane flying near by as he looks up at the airplane he knows that aircraft. Apollo makes a cell phone call (P M O) to the airplane. APOLLO Bird dog Bird dog is that you. We are headed to the cliff - we could use an extraction right-a-way. The sound of dogs barking and people on foot behind them is getting louder. Haley is flying in bird dogs small airplane, she can see that they will be caught before someone can pick them up on the side of the cliff. Haley makes a pass and sees Ryan and Apollo as they break through the trees at the edge of the cliff. HALEY Its Me Apollo I am passing on the west side of the observatory. The Army has you cut off on the main road. APOLLO Haley what are you doing here? HALEY Someone had to be your backup. You boys need a ride? There is no place for me to land to pick you up. I am going to drop you the BMS but you will have to hurry theyre almost at your location. Haley reaches over a duffel bag on the passenger seat and releases the door on that side. The door flies off the airplane. Haley makes a low pass over Ryan and Apollo and banks her airplane 45 degrees, the duffel bag falls out of the airplane very close to Apollo as she pulls away to a safe distance. (music in background -Van Halen Jump) Apollo and Ryan put on the birdman suits. (P M O) Apollo stretches a rope from a tree branch to a rock. RYAN Ill bet you $50 bucks she misses. APOLLO I will take that bet. Clark would give you 5 to 1 if you wanted to bet with him. Placing the UVERX helmets with full face mask (P M O) Ryan & Apollo turn to face each other. RYAN Live to jump. APOLLO Jump to live. They do a high five just as the dogs arrive Apollo and Ryan make a birdman base jump flying in the birdman suits as some of the Army men brake through the wooded area to see them flying away. Cameraman following the two birdman flyers as they jump off the cliff and start to fly away. They are able to travel 2 miles away and land under parachutes in a safe area near their saucer. The Army Guard reaches down to pickup the duffel bag that has the rest of their gear in it. Suddenly hitting the deck as Haleys airplane makes a low pass by and snags the rope with her left landing gear. The Army guard gets up reaching down to pick up the bag. The rope runs out of slack and the bag is gone. Its now being towed by the airplane. So there is nothing for Army men to prove they were even there. A family camping down in the valley setting up breakfast at the picnic table little girl looks up at the two bird man flying. LITTLE GIRL Mommy look angels flying. Mom looks up as the two birdmen flying across the sky. They open their parachutes not too far away. CUT TO: A horse rancher spots a saucer that has landed in a far off field. He goes to his truck to get his shotgun but before he can get close enough, the saucer takes off and leaves in a different direction. ARMY GUARD We need More men to search every inch of the forest. If there's a UFO and we're going to find it - intact. CUT TO: Back at Tranquility Base CONNIE The Navy is putting on a show for fleet week in San Francisco. The best of the Navy fighter pilots the Blue Angels will be performing. LEO I always wanted to perform for the Blue angels. We will have to arrange something for them to see. CUT TO: CASA 235 or CASA 212-200_Airplane (The flight back to Georgia) Senator sitting in the airplane next to Miss Georgia who is trying to retain funding for her program that is facing funding cuts? The Senator is pressing his own issues; he is wants to have a sexual relation with Miss Georgia. Later on, on the airplane ride back, the Senator is pushing to score. She gets up and goes to the back of the airplane and while putting on a pink jumpsuit and a parachute, says her last few words to the Senator. MISS GEORGIA Senator just exactly how old are you anyway? SENATOR McCarthy I am old enough to make an old women feel young and a young girl feel good MISS GEORGIA Senator McCarthy I see that there is only one thing on your dirty little mind. Sorry, Charlie, you wont be getting anything from me! She pushes the open door button, and the back door opens and she jumps out. She skydives, doing graceful ballet moves in the air, in free fall, on her way down and lands in a nearby field close to her office. Skydiving camera men follow her down to the ground. The Senator stands at the open door as he watches her exit and thinks got to get me some of that. CUT BACK IN TIME: Back at the Pentagon Operation zebra is in trouble COMMUNICATION OFFICER General operation zebra has been accomplished; however Captain Baker and Lieutenant Murphy were shot down. They are still alive and trying not to be capture by the enemy. Here is their current location a rescue attempt cant be made till night fall. PENTAGON GENERAL They wont make it that long. Get me SACK commander on the phone. PENTAGON GENERAL Mister Murdock. Set us to orange alert. . . MURDOCK Yes sir. Murdock stares at the radar screen and drinks his Starbucks Coffee. (P M O) (Eight empty cups of coffee are on the side of Murdocks workstation.) The magna Spectrometer starts reading wildly. MURDOCK General, I think we have them. Tracking them to George town It looks like they are returning to corn field landing site behind the Washington Square shopping center. around 28 miles away from us! Jack Jones takes a drink of his coffee. (P M O) Star bucks coffee (Two empty cups of coffee are on the side of Jacks work station.) CAMERA picks up young women as she delivers more coffee to all the staff. COMMUNICATION OFFICER But what are they up to? (VOS) Message from Control, General - Yellow Alert MURDOCK (slowly) I wish I knew. . . Jack is at his desk. Other operators are looking at the different tracking screen. JACK JONES Do you think they are going shopping at the mall? Maybe they are going for the All you can eat steak dinner. MURDOCK Very funny, Jack. PENTAGON GENERAL I'm going out there. Tell everyone to stand by. I want the entire area surrounded. I want them captured alive, and I want you to secure the saucer at all costs. We can't afford to take any chances. Murdock I'm making you responsible for the security of the entire operation. We'll be in the area in eight minutes. Keep me informed of the progress. MURDOCK (VO) Yes, sir. Yellow alert for the Washington Square shopping center area. All trackers to be fully operational everyone is on standby. make sure everyone understands its not a drill. MURDOCK (In a low voice) I need a cup of coffee. YOUNG GUARD Im ready for a little action. (VOS) Be careful what you wish for! YOUNG GUARD Do you think they'll attack? You never did tell me what happened last time? CUT TO: Haley & Star are flying in a saucer known as Eagle 2. They make a landing (radio call: Tranquility Base, Eagle 2 has landed.) CUT TO: ARMY CAPRIAN We're in position. Our team has been thoroughly briefed. Star and Haley backing down a ramp of the back of the saucer. They cross the field to get on the side road. As they brake through the ground cover and on to the road. (driving in ZAP Alias a most unique car) (made by Zap Electric Cars) (P M O) Suddenly, surrounded by military-type trucks, and guns are focused on them. Star & Haley open the gull-wing doors of the Zap Alias Car as the Army men move in closer. On the army mans radio at the saucer location ARMY GUARD (Voice on the radio) We have captured the saucer in the field. It looks like the G E O bat we captured last year and was taken from us before we could examine it. This one seems to have some new features. ARMY CAPRIAN What's wrong? ARMY GUARD There seem to be some kind of shield around it. We have the area secured. ARMY CAPRIAN We have captured the two of the saucer people near the road. Star pushes two buttons on her cell phone (P M O) and the saucer, remotely, takes off and flies off without them. Army personnel put Haley and Star in a car. CUT TO: camera view from the side of the freeway showing the convoy passing by. 2ed camera view aerial camera view showing the convoy and the Zap Alias cars following. The Army convoy is traveling on the freeway with a flat bed truck carrying the ZAP Alias car. Unknown to the Army of a mile behind them 4 more ZAP Alias cars are weaving in and out of traffic to catch up with the convoy. Wide angle camera view from the centerline of the rear wheel showing the side of the ZAP Alias and the three other ZAP Alias as they pass the first. Wide angle camera captures then weaving in and out of traffic on the freeway. Star & Haley are sitting in the back seat behind the army driver. She can see the rear view mirror reflection of the cars behind them. She can see her people in the other Zap cars following them. She slowly shakes her head side to side as a signal to the others not to attempt a rescue. CAMERA FOLLOWS the rear of the convoy as it races down a main freeway. As the convoy reaches each intersection, the last vehicle peels off the column and, turns into the side street moving in to the secured air base. (Yelling at his men) PENTAGON GENERAL I told you I wanted you to secure the saucer. ARMY GUARD We captured these two. The saucer appears to have some kind of shield that wont allow us touch the ship. Then, the saucer just seemed to fly off all by itself. PENTAGON GENERAL I want those two saucers. Your saucers have made a fool of me and our government. The Army men put them in separate, secure rooms where they are questioned, and their personal effects are examined. Haley is in a locked room in handcuffs by herself while a guard outside sits and waits. After the general enters the room that has Star in it, the guard thinks this is his chance. The Army guard opens the door, enters the room with Haley. He looks at her as if she was some weak little girl. ARMY GUARD I always wanted to have sex with a beautiful alien woman from another planet. HALEY Get your damn hands off of me! The army guard tries to attack her, trying to force himself on her. She fights him off. She is prepared to defend herself. She gets in a self defense position. HALEY Where I come from the men have great respect for women. ARMY GUARD You have to be an officer to be a gentleman. HALEY You are no gentleman. ARMY GUARD Thats right! HALEY Time to send you back to school and teach you how to treat a Girl. The army guard tries to attack her again. She performs two round-house kicks, the first striking him across the face, and the second one bending his knee as he falls to the ground in pain. In a fast move like Houdini she is able to remove her handcuffs. Haley toss the handcuffs on the floor. The army guard lying on the floor tries to get up. Haley opens the door slowly. The hanger is huge, the flat bed truck carrying the ZAP car (P M O) is parked in side the hanger. With no one around, she heads outside where a small Yellow Gyrocopter is sitting on the ground outside the hangar. Haley hops in the gyrocopter turns the key and taxis away at about 20 mph. The army guard gets into one of the cars and, he calls on his radio and tries to get some help. Haley taxies around the hanger at a very fast speed trying to get to an open area so she can take off. The car chasing her gets ahead of her, and she has to change directions to avoid hitting the car. Meanwhile, 4 more cars are heading toward her. One car cuts off her escape, and she is forced to taxi into a hanger. One car follows her into the hanger while the 4 other cars block her exit. She gets turned around in the hanger. At this point, her main rotor is almost at full speed. She heads straight for the cars that are blocking the hanger door. Just as she is about to crash into the cars, her gyro lifts off just enough to clear the cars and under the hanger roof. She flies low and fast, maneuvering to keep them from getting a shot at her. The cars scramble and try to follow as she gets away. COMMUNICATION OFFICER General here is an update on the status of operation zebra. Captain Baker and Lieutenant Murphy are still alive. We are tracking them on satellite view. Here is their current location. A rescue attempt has been put on hold. PENTAGON GENERAL What do you mean its on hold? COMMUNICATION OFFICER There are too many enemy soldiers in the area to make a rescue at this time. PENTAGON GENERAL I will go and get them my self COMMUNICATION OFFICER Headquarters said no rescue option at this time, I am sorry general. Pentagon General in the other room talking to Army officer PENTAGON GENERAL You say that she just had this cell phone in her hand when the saucer took off?(P M O) PENTAGON GENERAL Im going to allow you one phone call. I want you to bring me those two saucers. STAR Picking up the phone, Star calls Tranquility Base and tells them whats going on. (P M O) Leo snaps his fingers at the technician LEO Activate the video camera on Stars phone. Star slowly turns her head moving the video camera in her phone to show the rest of the people in the room. TECHNICIAN I have located three other cell phones in the room. LEO Lock on to all the cell phones capture the numbers and activate the video cameras and the microphones on them lets see and here all we can in the room. Two of the cell phones are in pockets and the video shows nothing. However the Generals cell phone is lying on its side and they are able to activate the video and microphone on it giving them a better view of the room. The picture is sideways on the monitor. The technician puts two hands on the monitor and rotates the large TV 90 degrease to straighten out the picture. LEO What is our status? TECHNICIAN We have 3 eagles out of the nest the sultans and little Nelly are here. (ALT LINE) 5 Oracles LEO Get everyone back here as soon as possible. We are going to need to be able to respond to this emergency. I will set up the meeting. Back at the secured airbase STAR General, they will be calling you back in one hour. The army guard comes into the room with a severe limp. ARMY GUARD She got away General. PENTAGON GENERAL What? You go find her and bring her back! ARMY GUARD Ah, ummshe took one of the gyrocopters. Leo looks at the technician smiling TECHNICIAN It looks like Haley has taken matters in to her own hands and is on her way back to us. LEO Thats my girl. PENTAGON GENERAL (The general picks up his cell phone yelling) She has stolen one of our Gyrocopters! Go get her NOW! LEO Get everyone back here as soon as possible. We are going to need to be able to respond to this emergency. I will set up the meeting. Back at the secured airbase STAR General, they will be calling you back in one hour. Big helicopter chase scene - 4 helicopters go after Haley. She out maneuvers them all. HELOCOPTER Pilot 1 On the helicopters radio This is army cobra helicopter calling the girl who has stolen the yellow bird gyrocopter can you hear me? HALEY (On the helicopters radio) Yes I hear you. HELOCOPTER Pilot 1 I am ordered to bring you back to the airbase. HALEY I dont think so. You army people are not very nice. Your guards need to learn how to treat a girl. HELOCOPTER Pilot 1 radio Your authorization for weapon release is approved launch code One alpha Charlie X-ray Yankee Bravo you are free to use any and all means to recapture destroy if necessary but do not let escape. HALEY No person should ever be mistreated or attacked by those who have taken them prisoner. HELOCOPTER Pilot 2 (On the helicopters radio) There she is at your 2 oclock low. HELOCOPTER Pilot 1 (On the helicopters radio) I must bring you back to the airbase. HALEY You will have to catch me first. HELOCOPTER Pilot 1 If you will not return to the airbase, I have orders to shoot you down. HALEY Ive seen your army hospitality, I like the open sky better. HELOCOPTER Pilot 1 I dont want to have to shoot down a girl return to the airbase. Army helicopter tries to pull in behind her and she pitches away fast and hard turns and is flying her gyrocopter as good as the Army pilot. ARMY HELOCOPTER (Gunner Radio) Cobra leader this girl can really fly. HELOCOPTER Pilot 2 Yes, She's good. She's very good. HELOCOPTER Pilot 1 She sure can fly maybe we should have her teaching the new cadets. (Radio call to army pilot 1) You are cleared to shoot down yellow bird. HELOCOPTER Gunner Get me closer. He aims and prepares to fire a rocket at yellow bird. HELOCOPTER Pilot 1 (On the helicopters radio) This is your last chance to return to the airbase HALEY Would you give up your freedom? Or would you fight with all you have to keep and protect it? I am not going to give up my freedom with out giving it all I can to remain free. HELOCOPTER Pilot 1 He pulls the trigger and a rocket is after Haley She can see the launch of the rocket and banks her copter hard and the rocket just misses her rotor blades. The rocket hits a ride at a closed Palisade amusement park. HALEY That was my favorite ride at Palisade amusement park. I hope you are well insured. HELOCOPTER Pilot 1 (Talking to his gunner) If I launch a rocket with out arming the rocket first will it still explode? GUNNER I dont know. Haley drops in to the canyon and hugs the canyon walls as the army cobras look for her. She pops up on the far side of the canyon. Haley changes the Gyrocopter radio channels to a channel that Tranquility Base monitors. She calls for backup and heads for a location set up by Leo. She arrives and sets the Gyrocopter down in an open field next to a saucer that is waiting for her. HELOCOPTER Pilot 2 (Radio call to army pilot 1) Looks like she is going to land in Palisade Park. Two army cobras move closer to the park. As they cross a line of trees to see yellow bird in on the ground. HELOCOPTER Pilot 2 (Radio call to army pilot 1) We have a Flying saucer on the ground. Secure the area, secure the area. Two of the army helicopters arrive and hover, trying to secure the area. Thinking that they have them and have now captured one of the saucers, they call to the base. HELOCOPTER PILOT We have the area secured. At that moment, four other saucer ships uncloak and have the helicopters surrounded. One is positioned right over a helicopter. The helicopter pilots dont want to back down. Leo sends a focused sound wave at one of the helicopters that is hovering. The helicopter starts to shake violently, and that pilot backs off and moves a short distance away as Leos saucer turns to the other helicopter. He can see that they are already moving out of the way. BACK AT THE AIR BASE Stars phone rings one hour later. (P M O) STAR General, this call is for you. (Voice on the phone) We will be at the Navys weapons test range at 2:30 EST. Bring Star and Haley, and we will make the exchange. PENTAGON GENERAL Perfect. I will have enough personnel there to capture them all. The General calls the DOD and puts the air base on alert, telling the men to stand ready for combat. Phone rings in the DOD building, asking the other general to come to the Navys weapons testing area. The General gets in to the lead car snapping his phone in to a holder on the dashboard. He and several of his staff get into their car and drive to the test area. 10,000 ft above, the car is being tracked, and a laser-targeting beam is focused on top of the cars roof, following every move the car makes. The video screen on the generals phone and his GPS unit activate with a live video feed of the convoy on the road two different views one on the phone one on the GPS unit. On the Generals phone at the top of the screen it says Tracking Targets, and across the bottom of the view screen it says Target Locked on. The General looks out the car window Trying to see what is creating the video feed on his cell phone They arrive at the test area. The general and staff arrive at the Navy Weapons test range and some people are already there. There is a long table set up with three men and 5 laptop computers (P M O) that are hooked up to a big TV monitor. TECHNICIAN LAPTOP COMPUTER TALKING Two incoming predator drone aircraft at 270 degrease. Weapon systems have been activated. The technician hits a few keys on the laptop TECHNICIAN LAPTOP COMPUTER TALKING Aircraft weapon systems have been deactivated. predator aircraft changing course new heading 090. TECHNICIAN (Sitting at the table) Not a friendly way to start off general. We have brought you here for the exchange you asked for. The general looks around and sees only a folding table and three men sitting at the table with 5 laptop computers and a big TV screen. (P M O) On the big TV, he sees an aerial view of their location. The laser that was tracking the generals car is now focused on the top of his hat. The General watches the big TV and sees that he is set up as a target. PENTAGON GENERAL This is not a satellite image. Where is that coming from? I want to see it. He looks around PENTAGON GENERAL I dont see anything. (He gives orders to scan the area.) GENERAL AIDE There is nothing on radar. PENTAGON GENERAL Where are my saucers? TECHNICIAN 10,000 ft., General PENTAGON GENERAL General asks his staff to look around. I dont see or hear anything. One of his staff pulls out a scanner and starts to sweep the area. GENERAL AIDE The area is clean, general. Old tanks in the test area. The technician switches to the second laptop and says that he sees the tank. He hits one key on the laptop (P M O) and small cluster bombs pulverize the tank. TECHNICIAN We are surrounded by your rockets and men. That rocket you have over there that is a maverick rocket capable of going over mach 5. Am I correct? GENERAL Yes. The technician hits a few keys on his laptop and that rocket launched into the air. A small ROV unclokes in front of the general and he watches it as it jets off catching up with the maverick rocket in under a minute they can see a green laser beam from the saucer hitting the maverick rocket in flight. Several seconds pass by and the maverick rocket flight becomes unstable and wobbles in the air and self destructs. TECHNICIAN We are not a threat to you or your government. We can control your weapons of destruction and use them as agents against you if that is what we wanted. We can also disable all your systems and make you helpless, too. We are not space invaders from another World, here to take over the earth. We have been here all along. You have barely noticed our influences on the earth. You have also been visited by others from different galaxies, who have come in peace. You have captured them and locked them up, tortured them and have learned a lot from their technology. (P M O) The technician hits a few keys on his laptop, and a ROV that was hovering near the general is now chasing the rocket that just took off. Catching the rocket at mach 5 and fires a green laser beam at the rocket. The rocket wobbles in the air and self destructs. TECHNICIAN I would like you to have your men to holster and sling their Rifles we are not armed and not a threat to you. GENERAL I give the orders around here not you. The technician hits a few keys on his laptop and an oscillating sound wave makes everyone drop their guns and put their hands over their ears to try to block out the sound. The Guard that had a hold of Star lets go to cover his ears. Then, the technician hits a few keys, and the sound waves stop. (P M O) Star takes a seat at the table with one of the laptop computers. The technician points their eyes to the big TV screen. STAR Maybe we can help you General, What is the location of the two pilots you were worried about. General reaches in to his pocket and pulls out a folded paper Hands it to Star. She hits a few keys on the laptop and one of the 2 man saucers takes off traveling at over mach 5 STAR I need to be able to ID them what are their names and rank GENERAL Say to them operation Manhattan completed. STAR Their names and rank! GENERAL Captain Dan Baker and Lieutenant Frank Murphy GENERALS AIDE What are you up to general? GENERAL You were asking about Captain Baker and Murphy chances of survival. I'd say the odds have improved. I have to give Baker and Murphy a chance. They see their location on the Big TV. (P M O) The staff scans the sky. They still see nothing. The General looks back at the big TV and says, CUT TO: GENERAL Where is this image coming from? TECHNICIAN I will bring it down to 5,000 Ft. (P M O) He types in the laptop and the TV image gets much closer, and the target green dot is still on the generals hat. TECHNICIAN General, our ROV is 100% undetectable by radar, or heat seeking rockets. Our ROV can stay airborne for 60 hours on recon missions or 40 hours with a 600 lb. payload and can hover over a target as long as needed. (P M O) The tech hits a playback on the laptop. The aerial view starts showing the general on his trip to the test range with a green dot on the roof of his car. As they watch the TV screen, one notices that a small flying saucer aircraft is now just 1,000 ft overhead and descending and lands only 20 ft away from the General and his staff. They are very impressed. The view screen changes images and its over the area where the missing pilots were to be. The pilots are hiding and trying not to be captured. A voice on a PA over head Captain Baker, Lieutenant Murphy your pickup L Z 300 yards to your right. Now move it. Captain Baker and Lieutenant Murphy are on the move and headed to the L Z as they break through the trees they see a strange aircraft with the canopy open the voice says. Captain Baker, Lieutenant Murphy get in. As they climb in cockpit of the saucer the two of them look at each other. LIEUTENANT MURPHY Do you know how to fly one of these things? They settle in to the seats and look over the ship, The communication video monitor has a face telling them what to do. On the keyboard (PMO)push the following keys in order C T S R G The canopy closes and the ship cloaks and starts to fly on its own returning to star. A few seconds in to the flight Captain Baker and Lieutenant Murphy look over the ship that they are trusting their lives to just then a gas fills the cabin and they pass out in their seats. Back at the test range the Pentagon general and staff watch the view screen in amazement the rescue that no one thought would happen. STAR Your pilots are safe general they will (checks her watch) They will be here be arriving here shortly. (Alt line)They will be here be arriving here in 30 minuets. One of the Eagles uncloaks, the two rescued pilots are inside still passed out from the gas. As the saucer people remove them from the ship they regain consciousness but have no memory of flying in the saucer and have no idea how they got there. The generals staff collects their pilots and puts them in a car. GENERAL So much for you... so much for you and your odds. Get them to debriefing. GENERALS AIDE Why? GENERAL Don't you realize, they have been inside a UFO They could give us vital information... if not details... impressions, a sketch we can build on. TECHNICIAN There are many alien life forms living on earth some you know about others you dont. There is also powerful forces in the galaxy that can wipe out the earth from an incredible distance away. The earth is headed for its own self destruction by natural causes. The time lives and resources you have wasted over the last 200 years will be the down fall of modern man. GENERAL What is it you people want from us? STAR World peace would be nice. GENERAL You have my word no hostile action will be us taken by us. TECHNICIAN Thats one small step for man. STAR One giant leap for mankind. A larger saucer uncloaks near Star she picks up her laptop and she gets onboard. Then, a larger flying saucer aircraft hovers a few feet away with weapons locked on the Generals staff. They have no chance and have to let Star go. They all board one saucer and leave. The last tech gives the General a very small ROV and a laptop computer. (P M O) TECHNICIAN We cant let you have our saucers. The last tech gives the General a very small ROV and a laptop computer. (P M O) TECHNICIAN On this computer is all the information you will need to build your own ships. There is also the location of a new planet you can relocate your people. Dont waist time in 271 days a magnetic meteor will pass very near the earth causing heavy damage possibly knocking the earth off its aces. In any case mans chances of survival on earth is ZERO. The last tech enters the saucer, and they all take off together, leaving the Generals staff behind. Back at Tranquility Base Connie is talking to all in the room. CONNIE The only way people will stop trying to attack you every time they see you is to go public. Show the people you dont mean them any harm. Leo, talking to the entire room. LEO What do you all think? CUT TO: In the following days at Oshkosh, the worlds biggest air show Aircraft doing a smoke on low pass on the runway climbing fast into the air spinning and doing fancy maneuver. People are watching the air show & Skydiving demonstrations. Announcer on PA system Ladies & Gentleman coming in on the right of field is the Flying Angels the youngest skydiving team to win the nationals are here performing canopy stacking & formation flying give them a big hand. Clapping and cheers form the crowd as the girls brake and land together. The 4 girls land their parachutes right at center stage the crowd is wild with cheer. The 4 girls wave to the crowd as they gather up there parachutes off the ground. SOMEONE YELLS OUT Flying saucers are coming! The crowd gets quiet as 5 saucers approach in V formation. As they get over the center of the show area, Ryan talking to Connie in Eagle 4 RYAN They came here for a show so lets put one on for the people down there. (Ryan turns on the outside speaker in his ship.) RYAN People of earthwe come in peace. (Connie starts to laugh quietly as she looks at Ryan.) Ryan, talking to the other ships RYAN OK, lets give them a real show. All 5 ships put on a show for the crowd. The saucers start to hover. The lead ship starts to back up and climb, tail first, into the air then performs a half turn and goes off in the direction they just came from at a very fast speed. The crowd starts to clap and cheer. Then, the saucer returns very quickly and brings itself back in slow flight, then performs a skidding turn 180 degrees and then off like a shot again. Three of the saucers go from a hover to fast speed and join up with the one that had already left the show. As they return, they are in a diamond formation and perform a show like the Navy Blue Angels team but with a few extra maneuvers that they just cant do. After they complete a 15 minute show, they bring all the ships together into a hover. One of the ships plays music for the crowd. (Beethovens 5th) Ba Ba Ba BAAAA Ba Ba Ba BAAAA. The crowd goes wild with cheering. After 15 minutes, two of the saucers land at the air show. Haley gets out of one and Star get out of the other. They are now the big hit of the air show. Connie and Ryan sit hovering above the show and watch what is going on. (Ryan talking to Connie) RYAN The earth is going through some major changes and no one can save the earth from its destruction. Pause 2012 is not the end of the world Pause 2012 is a new awakening to other worlds. Pause Different worlds. Pause The world is going through some big changes and most of mankind will not survive. Pause I would like you to be with me. Pause We can take fourteen thousand people to their planets. Pause The grays have agreed to take forty-four hundred people to their planet. Pause Humans will be able to return to earth in about 2000 years. Pause We have collected DNA samples of every life form on earth, so that we can rebuild a new world in the future. Connie takes a deep exhale of air CONNIE Ryan is there really a God? RYAN The best way I can explain God is: He is what you believe him to be. Back at the air show The General and several men in black approach Star & Haley. STAR What is with all the men in black general? PENTAGON GENERAL Their just limousine drivers nothing to worry about. STAR Dont forget, General, we are always watching. PENTAGON GENERAL I know. STAR All we want is to live in peace. Haley looks at the Generals aide who was the one who tried to attack her. HALEY How is your kneecap? The Army guard takes an uncomfortable step backwards. HALEY just smiles. FADE BACK TO BLACK: 2 seconds FADE UP: Apollo and Haley sitting in a (Eagle or a convertible car parked on the ground) looking at view of the city with the ocean in the background and the moon shining bright. HALEY (glancing up O. S.) Its a great night for watching meteorites fly through sky. APOLLO (glancing up)Full moon rising. HALEY It has been 42 years since man has walked on the moon. When do you think we will be going back there APOLLO Which moon would you like to go to? HALEY Apollo take me once around the moon. APOLLO I dont believe it! Look down there! It is the same police officer, relieving himself on the side of the road. The saucer sneaks in above him. APOLLO Hey, pal, Im back! Apollo hits a key on the laptop on the dash, and the musical notes play (Beethovens 5th) Ba Ba Ba BAAAA, And, all of a sudden, a very bright light is shining down on the police officer. Close up He looks up, then into the camera. POLICE OFFICER (Mooney) Oh no, not again, and he almost starts to cry. Ba Ba Ba BAAAA Ba Ba Ba BAAAA FADE TO BLACK: If my movie make you think, I have done good. If my movie makes you smile, I have done better. If my movie makes you laugh, I have done my best. If I make you feel bad, I am sorry. I will try to do better next time. Remember Life is too short not to have fun. Live, love, laugh. Sean O'Brien CLOSING CREDITS (Song playing) DURING CREDITS You are a child of the universe Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant. They, too, have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons. They are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is, many persons strive for high ideals and everywhere, life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. THE END Closing Credits: Script by Sean O'Brien Produced by Sean OBrien North Hollywood Production Company Supporting film student education. Directed by Sean O'Brien Cast: Apollo Carrington Haley Masters Leo Masters Star Masters Sky Masters Cassiopeia Ryan OConner Connie Cooper Pentagon General DUTY OFFICER DR. Newnen Jack Jones Mark Murdock Randy Pollard News Reporter Pilot Co-Pilot Used Car Salesman Police Officer Technician Senator Charlie McCarthy Miss Georgia Julie Penry Air Base Duty Officer Women at the Party Alison Arngrim Black Elvis The Earth is in Danger of total distraction from our sun. The suns alignment with our Milky Way Galaxy and the planets Mercury & Venus are creating a grater magnetic pull on the earth. This is slowly pulling our North pole towards the sun. In 1978 the earth was tilted 22 degrees north towards the sun. Now in 2012 we are at 24.5 degrees this allows more of the suns radiation to reach the earth melting the north pole and heating up the earth to new records it also in increasing our weather patterns and earthquakes and volcanic Activity. 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