ࡱ> ceb% mbjbj 4TEdEd77777KKK8<K7,{{lll67878787878787$9<\77ll\777q7F7767673 5R3"770738E=SE=0 5 5&E=7F5l0"lll\7\7lll7E=lllllllll : Candidate Name:Date of Interview:Interview Start & End Times: Notes taken by:Position Title  Interview Guide Part One Welcome to {My Companys Name}. Interview those participating in this interview process. {Names, positions} Explain the Job and the Company: Explain the interview process how much time is allotted, the review of the resume, the note taking, and the opportunity for the applicant to ask questions. Interview Questions Personal and Rapport Building Questions Describe to us what attracted you to this career opportunity? How do you see this role fitting in with your long term career objectives? Walk us through your resume. Tell us about the most important experiences youve had that will highlight your fit for the {Job Title} job. (Listen for what will set this candidate apart from other applicants) Job Specific Questions Describe your experiences with {list the main task from your job description}. What did you see as your strengths? What did you accomplish? How do you think this job will help you improve your skills in this area? Describe your experiences with {list the second most important task from your job description}. Tell us how you decided which work took priority and which tasks could wait a while? How did you make that decision? Describe your experiences with {list the third most important task from your job description}. Tell us how others were affected by your work. Did you work alone or did you work with others? How did you include them? Describe your experiences with {list another task or skills from your job description}. Tell us about a time when you experienced a problem. How did you overcome the problem? What did you learn from that experience? Describe a recent task or project that you worked on with others in your organization. What was your role, what challenges did you encounter and how did it turn out? This position requires the use of {tools and resources list from job description}. How would you rate your skill level in these areas? Can you describe the most complex work youve done with these tools in the past? This position works {Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.}. Are there barriers to meeting that requirement? This position involves {Physical Capabilities}. Are there barriers to meeting that requirement? What are your salary expectations? If you were offered this position, when could you start work? Are there questions about this company or this opportunity that we can answer for you? Interview Guide Part Two Make sure you have contact information for references. Tell the candidate when you expect to have a final hiring decision and how that will be communicated. Thank the person for coming for the interview. Interview Guide Part Three Interviewers Evaluation of Applicant Applicants Name: Date: Position: Time: Position Location: Interviewer: This evaluation form can be completed after each interview. Rate all the items that relate to the requirements of the job, but only those items. Skill Description Exceeds Requirements  Meets Requirements Below Requirements N/AMotivation works hard to accomplish tasks and overcome obstaclesFollows Procedures follows established policies and proceduresCarpentry Skills trained and experienced in building kitchen cabinets    Recommendation: Recommend for Hire: ______ Not a Match: _______ No Decision Yet: _____ Provide your overall opinion of the applicant and make additional comments on any of the above areas. _____________________________________________________________________ Interviewer Signature: Title: Date:     Your logo here The NS HR Toolkit A Free Online Resource to Help Employers Find, Keep and Manage Workers Visit  HYPERLINK "https://workplaceinitiatives.novascotia.ca/" https://workplaceinitiatives.novascotia.ca/ %&CDVWghisxǻwne\RLC9h,h}>*CJh,hOCJ h,CJh,ho5d>*CJh,hMiCJh,h!RCJh,hF`CJh,hF`>*CJaJh,h)5>*CJaJh,h=25>*CJaJh,h!R5>*CJaJh,hpO5>*CJaJh,h!R>*CJaJh#h,>*CJaJh#h,CJaJh#hOCJaJh#h!R>*CJaJh#h!RCJaJ$%&3kd$$Ifl\ r,"` ~ bX t0644 lap(yt# $$Ifa$gd# $Ifgd!R&CDEUV $$Ifa$gd# $Ifgd!RVWfgH?? $Ifgd,kd$$Ifl\ r,"` ~ bX t0644 lap(yt#ghi }rr}mem$a$gd!RgdF` $ & Fa$gd} $ & Fa$gdO$a$gdpOnkd$$Ifl,"" t0644 lap yt#   x y |    M ̾ypg]TGT>4h,h!R6CJh,hOCJh,h!RB* CJphh,h!RCJh,h}6CJh,hF`CJh,h)CJh,h)CJaJh,hF`CJaJh,h!R>*CJaJh,h)>*CJaJh,hV>*CJaJh,h!RCJaJh,h!R5>*CJaJh,hF`B*CJaJphh,hF`>*CJ h,CJh,h>*CJh,hCJ^J z { | M N f g > ? @    $a$gd@* $ & Fa$gdG$a$gdG $h^ha$gd: $ & Fa$gd:$a$gd$a$gd, $h^ha$gd)8 $h^ha$gd} $ & Fa$gd}gd)gdF`M N Z e f g p = ? _ `     6 7 s u Ǿ}qdS h,h@*>*B*CJaJphh,h@*B*CJphh,hG>*CJaJh,h:CJ h,CJh,h((CJh,hA-CJh,B* CJphh,hGB* CJphh,hGCJh,hQxCJh,hQxCJaJh,h>*CJaJh,h!R>*CJaJh,>*CJaJh,h)8>*CJaJ  ruMNOP'()*$a$gdze $ & Fa$gdg$a$gdL|Y $ & Fa$gdze$a$gdO & Fgdxgdx $ & Fa$gdx $h^ha$gdJ $ & Fa$gdG GI#+5qruLMOP^dȾյꯦꯦ{ne\Oh,hgB* CJphh,hgCJh,hL|YCJh,hOB*CJphh,hOCJhxhL|Y>*CJaJhxhgB* CJphhxh,CJhxhgCJ hxCJh,h CJh,B* CJphh,hGB* CJphh,hGCJh,hJ >*CJaJhx>*CJaJhJ hG>*CJaJ'()*Ms;<ƹxqg^P^h,hoo5>*CJaJh,hooCJh,hg>*CJ hJ >*CJh,hg5>*CJaJhJ hJ CJh,hj~CJ hJ CJh,h CJh,hzeCJh,h2ICJh,h2IB*CJphh,hzeB*CJphh,hgB* CJphh,hgCJh,hL|YCJh,hL|YB* CJph*MNOP<gdoo$a$gdoo & FgdJ  & F gdg & F gdJ $a$gdg $^a$gduU $ & Fa$gdJ $a$gdg $ & Fa$gdze.Me[\g,FGW Vǽǽǽܨܜ~~~~vnje h 6hhB*phh<CJaJhU~tjhU~tU hxh] h]6 hgCJh,hoo5CJaJh,hoo6CJh#hooCJaJh#hoo5CJh#hooCJh#hoo5CJaJh,hooCJ hJ CJh,hoo;CJh,hoo5CJ&7Mrs-./BCVW[ $$Ifa$gd#gdoo -DM gdoo[\g,## $IfgdWkd$$IfTlrN >," xxxv t0644 lap2yt#T $IfgdW,## $IfgdWkd$$IfTlrN >," xxxv t0644 lap2yt#T $IfgdW,,## $IfgdWkd$$IfTlrN >," xxxv t0644 lap2yt#T,-./0 $IfgdW0123,## $IfgdWkdz$$IfTlrN >," xxxv t0644 lap2yt#T34567 $IfgdW789:,## $IfgdWkdD$$IfTlrN >," xxxv t0644 lap2yt#T:;<=> $IfgdW>?@A,## $IfgdWkd$$IfTlrN >," xxxv t0644 lap2yt#TABCDE $IfgdWEFGWX,'''gdookd$$IfTlrN >," xxxv t0644 lap2yt#TXVhijgd $a$gdmgdjO^gd]gdoo9:efgijklm hxh]hU~th?h<h  h 0Jjh 6U h 6CJ h 6 h 6CJjklmgdjO2/R :p]/ =!"#$S% $$If!vh#v` #v~ #vb#vX:V l t065` 5~ 5b5Xp(yt#$$If!vh#v` #v~ #vb#vX:V l t065` 5~ 5b5Xp(yt#$$If!vh#v":V l t065"p yt#$$If!vh#v #vx#vv:V l t06,5 5x5vp2yt#T$$If!vh#v #vx#vv:V l t065 5x5vp2yt#T$$If!vh#v #vx#vv:V l t065 5x5vp2yt#T$$If!vh#v #vx#vv:V l t065 5x5vp2yt#T$$If!vh#v #vx#vv:V l t065 5x5vp2yt#T$$If!vh#v #vx#vv:V l t065 5x5vp2yt#T$$If!vh#v #vx#vv:V l t065 5x5vp2yt#Tw2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@6666_HmH nH sH tH 8`8 Normal_HmH sH tH DA`D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List 4@4 pOHeader  !4 @4 pOFooter  !.). 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