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In situations such as this, the probability that T assumes any particular value may be 0, so we are interested in the probability that the outcome lies in various intervals. For example, what is the probability that T will be less than 2 and 3 minutes. A common way to describe probabilities in situations such as this is by means of an integral. We try to find a function f(t) such that the probability that T lies in any interval a ( t ( b is equal to eq \I(a,b, f(t) dt), i.e. (1) Pr{ a ( T ( b } = eq \I(a,b, f(t) dt). A function f(t) with this property is called a probability density function for the outcomes of experiment. We can regard T as a random variable and f(t) is also called the probability density function for the random variable T. Since Pr{T=a}=0 and Pr{T=b}=0, one has Pr{a t + s | T > s } = Pr{ T > t } This follows from the fact that Pr{ T > t } = e--(t. Suppose, for example, the time between arrivals of bank customers is an exponential random variable and it has been ten minutes since the arrival of the last customer. Then the probability that the next customer will arrive in the next two minutes is the same as if a customer had just arrived. The parameter ( in the exponential distribution has a natural interpretation as a rate. Suppose we have N0 identical systems each of which will undergo a transition in time Ti for i = 1, , N. Suppose the Ti are independent and all have exponential distribution with parameter (. We are interested in the rate at which transitions are occurring at time t. The probability that any one of the systems will not have undergone a transition in the time interval 0 ( s ( t is eq \I(t,(, (e-(s ds) = e-(t. So the expected number of systems that have not yet undergone a transition at time t is N = N0e-(t. So the rate at which they are undergoing transitions at time t is - eq \f(dN,dt) = (N0e-(t = (N. So ( = - eq \f(1,N) \f(dN,dt) is the specific rate at which the systems are undergoing transitions. Uniform random variables. A random variable with a constant density function is said to be a uniformly distributed random variable. Example 2. Suppose the time John arrives at work is uniformly distributed between 8 and 8:30. What is the probability that John arrives no later than 8:10? Suppose we let T be the time in minutes past 8:00 that John arrives. Then the probability density function is given by f(t) = 1/30 for 0 ( t ( 30 and f(t) = 0 for other values of t. The probability that John arrives no later than 8:10 is given by Pr{T ( 10} = eq \I(0,10, 1/30 dt) = 1/3. Means or expected values. For a random variable X that only takes on a discrete set of values x1, , xn with probabilities Pr{X=xk}=f(xk), its mean or expected value is (6) m = = E(X) = x1f(xn) + & + xnf(xn) For a continuous random variable T with density function f(t) we replace the sum by an integral to calculate its mean, i.e. (7) m = = E(T) = eq \I(-(,(, t f(t) dt) Let's see why (7) is a reasonable generalization of (6) to the continuous case. Suppose for simplicity that T only takes on values between two finite numbers a and b, i.e f(t) = 0 for t < a and t > b. Divide the interval a ( t ( b into m equal sized subintervals by points t0, t1, , tm where tk = a + k((t) with (t = (b a)/m. Suppose we have a sequence T1, T1, , Tn, of repeated independent trials where each Tn has density function f(t). Suppose s1,s1,, sn, are the values we actually observe for the random variables T1,T1,,Tn, In our computation of  EQ \O(s,_) =  EQ \f(s1 + s2 + ( + sn,n) let's approximate all the values of sj that are between tk-1 and tk by tk and then group all the approximate values that equal tk together. Then we have  EQ \O(s,_) =  EQ \f(s1 + s2 + ( + sn,n) (  EQ \f((t1 + t1 + ( + t1) + (t2 + t2 + ( + t2) + ( + (tm + tm + ( + tm),n) =  EQ \f(g1t1 + g2t2 + ( + gmtm,n) =  EQ \f(g1,n) t1 + \f(g2,n) t2 + ( + \f(gm,n) tm where gj is the number of times that sj is between tk-1 and tk. As n ( ( one has  EQ \f(gj,n) ( Pr{tk-1 < T ( tk} = \i(tk-1,tk, f(t) dt) ( f(tk)(t. So as n gets large it is not unreasonable to suppose that  EQ \O(s,_)(\i\su(k = 1,m, tk f(tk)(t). If we let m( ( then all the above approximations get better and  EQ \i\su(k = 1,m, tk f(tk)(t) ( eq \I(-(,(, t f(t) dt) which leads to (7). For an exponential random variable we have (8) m = eq \I(0,(, t (e--(t dt) = - te--(t | EQ \O(0,() + eq \I(0,(, e--(t dt) = - 0 + 0 -  EQ \F(e--(t,() |\O(0,() =  EQ \F(1,() We used integration by parts with u = t and dv = (e--(t dt so that du = dt and v = -e--(t. In the example above where the time between arrivals of bank customers was an exponential random variable with (= , the average time between arrivals is 1/( = 2 min. Problem 1. The lifetime of a certain type of light bulb has density function f(t) given by f(t) = 0 for t < 100 days and f(t) = 20000/t3 for t > 100 days. a. Find the probability that the lifetime is more than 110 days. b. Find the average lifetime. Problem 2. Taxicabs pass by at an average rate of 20 per hour. Assume the time between taxi cabs is an exponential random variable. What is the probability that a taxicab will pass by in the next minute? In section 5 we considered machine replacement problems using discrete probability. One can also use continuous probability for these problems. Example 3 (Machine replacement). Consider the hard drive on my office computer. It costs c1=$300 to replace if it is replaced before it fails. If it fails before it is replaced, it costs an additional c2 = $1000 in terms of down time for my computer. This is in addition to the $300 replacement cost. Suppose that after it has been installed it is equally likely to fail anytime in the next five years. Suppose every hard drive fails by the end of the 5th year. Let T = the time the hard drive fails q = time at which you replace it if it hasn't already failed C = Cq = the cost of a replacement Tq = replacement time if it is replaced at time q if it has not already failed. a. Find the probability density function f(t) and cumulative distribution function F(t) for T. b. Find the expected cost E(C) of a replacement. c. Find the expected time E(Tq) of a replacement. d. Find the long run average cost z(q) = E(C)/E(Tq) of a replacement. e. When should the hard drive be replaced so as to minimize the long run replacement cost. Since it is equally likely to be replaced at any time in the next five years, f(t) should be constant for t between 0 and 5 and f(t) should be 0 for t less than 0 and greater than 5. Since the integral of f(t) over all t should be 1, we must have f(t) = 1/5 for 0 ( t ( 5 and f(t) = 0 for t < 0 and t > 5. This is another example of a uniform probability distribution which was discussed earlier. It is constant in an interval and zero elsewhere. The cumulative distribution function is just the integral of the density function from - ( to t. So F(t)=0 for t < 0 and F(t) = t/5 for 0 ( t ( 5 and F(t) = 1 for t > 5. E(C) = c1 + c2F(q) = 300 + 1000q/5 = 300 + 200q. Tq is an example of a random variable is a mixture of continuous and discrete. It is continuous for t(q and it is discrete for t = q. It's density function is the same as that of T for t < q, i.e.f(t)=1/5for0(t q. It has a probability mass of f(t)=1 - F(q) for t= q. To compute E(Tq) we combine the formulas for discrete and continuous random variable, i.e. we integrate tf(t) over the region where T is continuous and sum tf(t) over the points where T is discrete. So E(Tq) = eq \I(0,q, tf(t) dt) + q(1 - F(q)) = eq \I(0,q, t/5 R [   B C     W X Y Z { | hJ6 h6CJjhU jh jh h6h5\]hJhOR %=tv^  d^^gdJ     ' C s t "$&'()*+./79;<?@CD   jhCJ hCJ jh jh h] h6] h6hjhUN!$%*+,-4567ABSTUV jhjhUaJhCJEH]h6CJEHhCJEH h6CJ jh h6hjhUG_`Oopqrsh6CJ] jhCJ hCJjhU h6] h5\ jhh6CJEHhCJEH jh h6hC&'()34ABCDLMNOQVWXY`abcmntuv ! jlh6 h5\jhU jhhCJEH]h6CJEHhCJEH h6 h6]h6@(]jhUhA!"#$)*+,3456@AJ"#45Z[lm{}lm¸± h@6] jlh@6] h@] hH*] h] haJ jh h6h h6H* jlh6H* hH*D KvK{/Sw'P H!!$^%  8^8gd@^gd@gd@  ^  ^mnghQRVWZ[\]^_`ȷȯȪȪh@6CJEH jlh@6CJEHh@CJEH h@6 jlh@6 jh@6CJ h@6CJh@jh@U jh@] jlh@6]h@6H*] h@6] h@] h@H*7`./HJbcL˿ jh@h@5\]h@6CJEH jlh@6CJEHh@CJEH h@H* jlh@6] h@6]h@jh@U h@6 h@]BLNOPQRUYZ`abdkmnow'*      $ & ( * , . 0 8 : @ B D ɻɻɻζΩɻΓɻ hEH]h6]aJ haJh6OJQJ]aJ h@] h6H* hH*] h6 h]h5\] h@CJjh@U h@CJ jh@h@ h@6:D F H J L J!L!P!R!b!d!f!h!t!v!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@"A"r"s"x"y""""""""""""""""" jh@ h@6] h@6h@ h6] jhCJ hCJhjhUh6]aJ haJh6OJQJ]aJ h@] h6H* h] h6:""""""""""""""""""""""###############:#;#<#>#?#@#E#F#G#u#v#w#######################$$$$$jh@Uh@6H*] jDh@6 h@6H* h@H* h@6 jh@ h@6]h@K$$$$"$#$*$+$,$/$0$1$4$5$8$9$:$;$<$=$>$d$e$f$x$y$z$|$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%%%%%%% % % %%%%%%%% %!%$%%%(%)% jh@ h@6H* h@6h@6H*] jh@EH h@H* h@6]jh@Uh@ h@EHK)%*%/%0%1%4%5%6%9%:%=%>%?%C%D%H%I%J%M%N%O%R%S%V%W%X%Z%[%\%]%b%c%j%k%l%m%n%q%r%s%t%u%x%y%|%}%~%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%jh@Uh@6H*] jh@EH h@6]h@ h@H*T^%%N'y'&))*6+w++d,,..3/Z// 0<0P  P^ P^gd@gd@  h^hgd@ h^hgd@gd@ x^gd@  F^Fgd@%%%%%%%%%%%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &"&#&$&%&'&*&+&,&-&.&/&0&7&8&9&;&<&=&>&@&A&B&C&E&G&I&J&K&L&M&N&O&P&Q&R&S&T&\&]&&&&&& h@6 jDh@6 jh@ jh@jh@U jh@ jh@ h@H*h@6H*] h@6]h@F&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ' ''''''''''''''''' '!'"'(')'*'+','.'/'0'1'2'3'5'7' jh@CJ jh@ jh@jh@U jDh@6h@6H*] h@6] h@6H* h@6 h@CJh@6CJ] jh@h@ h@EH>7'8'9'N'z'{'(( ((((( ($(((*(,(.(0(2(4(6(:(<(>(L(N(P(R(T(V(X(\(^(l(n(p(r(t(v(((((((((˼˵˨˵ˆ|˼˨ jhEHH* hH* h6H* jlh6H* hH* hH*] h6 jlh6 h6] jhCJ hCJhjhU haJh6OJQJ]aJ h@] h]jh@Uh@0(((((((((((((((((((((((() ) )) )")$)&)j)l)r)t)~)))))))))))))))))))))))_*`*******߻߶ڶڶڶڶڶڶڶʶʶh5\] h] jhEHH* hH* jlh6jhU h6h h6H* jlh6H* hH* hH*]B********++++++!+"+#+(+)++++d,,,,--P-Q-R----....3/4/9/:/;/Z/[/\////////0000 0%0&0'0(0V0W0X0Y0Z0000000ǶǶǶh6H*]aJ hH*aJh6]aJ haJh@5\] hKS]h5\] h] hH*h h6]H<0n0012~3354hhiiiiiiiiiiiiiij P^gdKS P^gdKSP00000000]1^1_1`1y1z111111111111122 2 2222222$2%2&2'21222;2<2M2R2`222*3+3/30363738393C3D3M3N3O3P3T3U3^3_3`3a3b3c3j3k3l3m3w3x3 jhaJ hKS]aJ hKSaJ jhaJ h]aJh6H*]aJh6]aJ haJLx3~3333333333333333333344444414245464f4g4l4m4p4q4w4x4y4z4{4444444444444444444444444555[5]5^5_5w5x55555 jhaJ jh h6]hh6H*]aJ hH*aJh6]aJ haJN555555555555555555555555555555555555555556hhhhhh h hhhhhhhh"h#h$h)h*h-h.h/h4h5h6h7h;hh@hAhBhChDhHhIhPhQhRhUhVhWhXhYhZh[h_h`hahbhdhfhghhhihjhlhphqhrhvhwhxhyhzh|h}hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh۹۹۹۹۹۹۹۹ hH* h6] h6h6CJ] hCJ hH*aJhjhUh6H*]aJh6]aJ haJGhhhhhiiiii i iiiii"i#i$i%i)i*i2i6i7i:i;ii?i@iFiGiRiSiTiWiXiYi_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii󽹽hKSmHnHuh'h[/jh[/UhKSh6H*] hH*aJ hH* h6]h6]aJ haJhjhU@iiiiijh[/hjhUh@mHnHu. 00/ =!"#$% Dd @ 0  # A2ѷ@+q'$sDm`!kѷ@+q'$/O@p1a9xڽoH[WMKga5%֔􏶫aά*-dHKִev2d Y6"d0a)11> WZA{}sϛc8$9zr Pp ߧH# 1_iz!(ױ=͍-7u!;x5G2| ^.8}~7 6``AKPŬމ/W&1;)MvR /zBt\Al ŵ!߇%:U-ئuװmVW29gX,a0$iƿ] /G9m{ep M>8Goݛ"bGÛn}xNeN ^>7Z3sx]+q}ad^y/OM|'bogι~Jٯr|Ib9.8n8󕑯دw9fs(P1lf&Owvy]byX%M6a3vdcv0Gdm3vdMĶ{yZ)=}ڽ/=,{&{)@ڎ>t6{7ٹfq- U7Yl^ӊݿ-b02 KS/Mn39n3[mܖ%r[q[4j ۭpY­naJuk!ŭܚmtk2PwL~)9.T"("Ő"8)8)H1(H1G9E1GyR+yR,bAQ,bˊb+XQ+(2lET"@"D eiUUR SR 8 {Mnmx7B!ų<9qzF3xFɳ5dzRxIU^RI^V!*u2M|6YQP))Z+k;#wF ϿʠDd @ >  # A"2Gp )KQi*B#_m`!p )KQi*B/O@p1axڽoh[UߛYv.kjX7QJtƍHm`Y#jmɂP(B짂Bŭ lBQ/?2!c7gi{ι9OnνkAv*8{w'G, n2NXRe;:q[ ` $&@ck#Z ؉&,A,4F*nEi,>v4dڞדZGp7v?:K[wxbuC1yU;eK} ,6+gc6E,8g` M?CE~HN>9;h;nWڶ N6t_#o32&CO ʝi:/nbt "? 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