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SUBMITTED TO THE SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES WITH THE AIM TO MEET THE PARTIAL REQUIREMENTS REQUIRED TO RECEIVE A MASTERS DEGREE/PhD IN THE DEPARTMENT OF ISTANBUL, MONTH, YEAR NOTICE ON RESEARCH ETHICS AND PUBLISHING METHODS I, NAME SURNAME OF THE CANDIDATE STUDENT; hereby acknowledge, agree and undertake that this PhD / Masters Degree Thesis / Dissertation that I have prepared is entirely my own work and I have declared the citations from other studies in the bibliography in accordance with the rules; that this PhD / Masters Degree Thesis / Dissertation does not contain any material from any research submitted or accepted to obtain a degree or diploma at another educational institution; and that I commit and undertake to follow the "Kadir Has University Academic Codes of Conduct" prepared in accordance with the "Higher Education Council Codes of Conduct". In addition, I acknowledge that any claim of irregularity that may arise in relation to this work will result in a disciplinary action in accordance with the university legislation. STUDENT'S NAME AND SURNAME __________________________ DATE AND SIGNATURE ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL (For PhD Thesis) This study, titled THESIS TITLE, prepared by the CANDIDATE STUDENT'S NAME AND SURNAME, was deemed successful with the UNANIMOUS/MAJORITY VOTING as a result of the thesis defense examination held on the DATE OF THE DEFENSE EXAM and approved as a PHD THESIS by our jury. JURY: SIGNATURE: (Title, Name and Surname) (Advisor) (University) _______________ (Title, Name and Surname) (Co-Advisor) (University) _______________ (Title, Name and Surname) (University) _______________ (Title, Name and Surname) (University) _______________ (Title, Name and Surname) (University) _______________ (Title, Name and Surname) (University) _______________ I confirm that the signatures above belong to the aforementioned faculty members. _______________ (Title, Name and Surname) Director of the School of Graduate Studies APPROVAL DATE: Day/Month/Year ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL (For Masters Degree Thesis) This study, titled THESIS TITLE, prepared by the CANDIDATE STUDENT'S NAME AND SURNAME, was deemed successful with the UNANIMOUS/MAJORITY VOTING as a result of the thesis defense examination held on the DATE OF THE DEFENSE EXAM and approved as a MASTERS DEGREE THESIS by our jury. JURY: SIGNATURE: (Title, Name and Surname) (Advisor) (University) _______________ (Title, Name and Surname) (Co-Advisor) (University) _______________ (Title, Name and Surname) (University) _______________ (Title, Name and Surname) (University) _______________ I confirm that the signatures above belong to the aforementioned faculty members. _______________ (Title, Name and Surname) Director of the School of Graduate Studies APPROVAL DATE: Day/Month/Year ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL (For Dissertation) This study, titled DISSERTATION TITLE, prepared by the CANDIDATE STUDENT'S NAME AND SURNAME, was deemed successful and approved as a DISSERTATION by our jury. APPROVERS: SIGNATURE: (Title, Name and Surname) (Advisor) (University) _______________ I confirm that the signature above belongs to the aforementioned faculty member. _______________ (Title, Name and Surname) Director of the School of Graduate Studies APPROVAL DATE: Day/Month/Year TABLE of CONTENTS  TOC \o "1-5" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc502831897" ABSTRACT (English)  PAGEREF _Toc502831897 \h i ABSTRACT HYPERLINK \l "_Toc502831898"   PAGEREF _Toc502831898 \h ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT HYPERLINK \l "_Toc502831899"   PAGEREF _Toc502831899 \h iii DEDICATION HYPERLINK \l "_Toc502831900"   PAGEREF _Toc502831900 \h iv LIST OF TABLES HYPERLINK \l "_Toc502831901"   PAGEREF _Toc502831901 \h v LIST OF FIGURES HYPERLINK \l "_Toc502831902"   PAGEREF _Toc502831902 \h vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.......vii  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc502831903" 1. INTRODUCTION  PAGEREF _Toc502831903 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc502831904" 2. CHAPTER/SECTION TITLE  PAGEREF _Toc502831904 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc502831905" 2.1 Title of Sub-section  PAGEREF _Toc502831905 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc502831906" 2.1.1 Title of Third sub-section  PAGEREF _Toc502831906 \h 2 Title of Lower Sub-section......3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc502831907" 3. CONCLUSION  PAGEREF _Toc502831907 \h 3 BIBLIOGRAPHY  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc502831908"   PAGEREF _Toc502831908 \h 4 CURRICULUM VITAE HYPERLINK \l "_Toc502831909"   PAGEREF _Toc502831909 \h 5 ANNEX HYPERLINK \l "_Toc502831910"  A  PAGEREF _Toc502831910 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc502831911" A.1 Examples of the Numeric System  PAGEREF _Toc502831911 \h 6  LIST of TABLES Table 1.1 Title of the Table...00 Table 10.1 Title of the Table...00 Table A.1 Title of the Table...000 (Note: Table 1.1 refers to the first table in Chapter/Section 1, Table 10.1 refers to the first table in Chapter/Section 10 and Table A.1 refers to the first table in Annex A.) LIST of FIGURES Figure 1.1 Title of the Figure ... 00 Figure 10.1 Title of the Figure ... 00 Figure A.1 Title of the Figure ... 00 (Note: Figure 1.1 refers to the first figure in Chapter/Section 1, Figure 10.1 refers to the first figure in Chapter/Section 10 and Figure A.1 refers to the first figure in Annex A.) LIST of ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations referred to in the thesis or dissertation should be displayed in the Abbreviations list in alphabetical order, together with its explanation/definition. Abbreviations should be used and typed taking into account the principles set out by the Turkish Language Association (TDK). THE TITLE OF THE THESIS/PROJECT ABSTRACT The objective of an abstract is to give the reader a concise account of the thesis or Dissertation. The abstract should have three main parts: the statement of the problem, methods and procedures, results and conclusion. It must not exceed 300 words for both masters thesis and doctoral thesis, must not include references, diagrams, mathematical formula unless absolutely essential or footnotes. The thesis title must be single-spaced, all in capital letters. The heading ABSTRACT must be centered, and written 1.5 cm below the title without punctuation. Keywords: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, (Maximum 10 keywords) TITLE OF THESIS/DISSERTATION ABSTRACT The Turkish translation of the title, abstract and keywords should be typed on a separate page, following the instructions given in the Thesis and Dissertation Writing Guide. Key words: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, (Maximum 10 keywords) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This section is where the author thanks those who have helped and supported him/her during the research and writing process of the thesis/dissertation. Acknowledgments title should be aligned in the center and typed without using any punctuation. 0THAF To My Dearest Family... 1. INTRODUCTION Successful completion/submission of the master's degree or PhD thesis is compulsory for all master's degree programs at Kadir Has University. A Master's Degree or PhD Thesis is a scientific work that should be approved by an academic committee. The University requires three identical copies of each thesis to be submitted to the Institute in order to protect the achievements of Kadir Has University scholars and to share the gains of their research with others. This guide describes the style and format for the preparation of a satisfactory thesis/ thesis proposal addressing Kadir Has University. The purpose of this guide is to stipulate the standards that all post graduate students at Kadir Has University should comply with. Therefore, it is extremely important for post graduate students to understand and adhere to the instructions stipulated herein while writing and submitting their thesis. Non-thesis post graduate program students are also obliged to follow these guidelines while preparing the texts to accompany their dissertations. 2. CHAPTER/SECTION TITLE All thesis/projects should include three main parts or divisions: the preliminary pages, the body, and the reference material. Students must strictly adhere to the word limitation determined by the Graduate School. 2.1 Titles of the Sub-sections Second level headings should be typed in boldface and with each words initial capitalized, aligned left and without punctuation 2.1.1 Titles of the Third Order Sub-sections Third or lower level headings should be typed in boldface and in sentence case, aligned left and without punctuation. 3. CONCLUSION The successful completion of a masters thesis or doctoral dissertation is required for all graduate degrees at Kadir Has University. A thesis or dissertation is a scholarly work that must be approved by an academic committee of readers. In order to preserve a record of the achievement of Kadir Has University scholars and to share the benefits of their research with others, the University requires three identical bound copies of each thesis or dissertation to be submitted to the graduate schools. This manual describes the style and format regulations for the preparation of a satisfactory thesis/dissertation submission to Kadir Has University. BIBLIOGRAPHY Nugen S., and Baeumner, H.J. (2008). Trends and opportunities in food pathogen detection. Anal Bioanal Chem 391, pp. 451-454 South, J., and Blass, B. (2001). The future of modern genomics. Blackwell, London Bressler, L. (2010). My girl, Kylie. In: L. Matheson, ed., The Dogs That We Love, 1st ed. Boston: Jacobson Ltd., pp. 78-92. ANNEX A A.1 Examples of the Numeric System CURRICULUM VITAE Personal Information Name and surname: Place / Date of Birth: Academic Background Bachelors Degree Education Post Graduate Education Foreign Languages: Work Experience Institutions Served and Their Dates: Contact Phone: E-mail Address:     PAGE 2 PAGE \* MERGEFORMATi Student's Name and Surname PhD (or Master's Degree) Thesis YEAR Students Full Name Ph.D. (or M.S. or M.A.) Thesis 2011 APPENDIX B 78BDbdefhijk|pdXNBhtKQhV5CJ aJ htKQh/O5CJ htKQh!5PJ^JhtKQhZ5PJ^JhtKQh5PJ^JhtKQhV5PJ^JhtKQh}@5PJ^JhtKQhVPJ^JjhtKQhtKQU htKQhtKQhtKQhIPJ^JhWhtKQhIPJ htKQh/OhtKQhVPJhtKQhNaPJhtKQhNanH tH  htKQhVjhtKQh/OU8efghijk dh]gdG$dh]a$gd +$dh`a$gdI $dha$gdI $dha$gdI $dha$gd +$dh]a$gd +$dh]a$gd + ( ) * + , - C D $dh]a$gd + dh]gd$dh]a$gdI$dh]a$gd + dh]gdG  ' ( ) * , - B C D E F G J K M N X Y ] ^ k 볩tmaUUhtKQh+/F5PJ^JhtKQhp5PJ^J htKQh}@htKQh}@CJaJhtKQh/O5htKQh}@5PJ^JjhtKQh/OUhtKQh}@PJ^JhtKQh~|5PJ htKQhI htKQh0=w htKQhZ htKQhB htKQhI htKQh[l htKQh htKQhV htKQh/O htKQhvVR htKQhG D E G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z $dha$gd+/F $]a$gd+/F  ]gd~| $]a$gd+/F $z]za$gd+/F$edh]^e`a$gd+/FZ [ \ ] _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o s  jKdhgd~| $dha$gdOndhgd~|  dhgd~| $dha$gd+/Fk l m o q r s t  / 0 2 5 M g h i ȼ}}vo}h}h_}[}[}WhtKQhWhtKQhE^PJ htKQhs htKQh + htKQh htKQh/O htKQhOn htKQhHhtKQhH5htKQhB5CJ aJ htKQh/O5CJ htKQh05PJ^JhtKQhH5PJ^JjhtKQh/OUhtKQh/O5htKQhp5PJ^JhtKQh+/F5PJ^JhtKQh~|5PJ^Js t  0 1 2 3 4 5 $dha$gd +$dh]a$gds dh]gd{$dh]a$gd$dh]a$gd + $dha$gdOn $dha$gdG5 i  * + V H  hi$ & F)hLdh]^h`La$gd+$dh]a$gd+$dh]a$gd+$dh]a$gdH$dh]a$gd + dh]gdXV$dh]a$gd +   ) + U V G H   gj6Wp 伳| htKQh@htKQh/O5htKQh@5aJhtKQh@CJaJhtKQh/OCJhtKQh/O5CJhtKQh$~PJhtKQh@PJhtKQh+PJhtKQhIPJ^JjhtKQh/OU htKQh/O htKQh{ htKQhH htKQh~|0ij  LM  EF dh]gdu dh]gd@$dh]a$gd@$dh]a$gd+  KM DEF,-JMdNfy?A{} 89Icɾ htKQhW htKQhuhtKQh/O5htKQhu5aJhtKQhuCJaJhtKQh/OCJhtKQh/O5CJhWhtKQhuPJhtKQh@PJ htKQh/O htKQh@=F-KLM$dh]a$gdugdu$dh`a$gd@ $dha$gd@dhgd@ dh]gd@ dh]gdu@A|}9d$dh]a$gd dh]gdI $dha$gdW$dh`a$gdu $dha$gdudhgdu dh]gducd 7CPRnop12B\]z{ǾxqmdhtKQh4PJhW htKQhWhtKQh:LPJhtKQhTWPJ htKQh)_htKQh)_PJ htKQhpEhtKQh/O5htKQh)_5aJhtKQh'CJaJhtKQh/OCJhtKQh/O5CJhtKQhIPJ^JhtKQh)_PJ^JhtKQhuPJ htKQh/OhtKQhWPJ"QRop2]{G gd$~,$dhha$gd_i $dha$gdW$dh`a$gdXl $dha$gddhgd dh]gd$dh]a$gd{"#$%&@͹|j||a]O|jhtKQh/OUh!AhtKQh~0J"j}htKQh/O0JUjhtKQh/O0JUhtKQh/O0J h!A0JhtKQh/O0JjhtKQh/OU htKQh/OjhtKQh/OUhtKQh:0JjhtKQh:0JU$htKQhZ)5B*CJOJQJph$htKQh/O5B*CJOJQJph@ABDEFGVWuvwxyʶՖʶvʶhjhtKQh/OU"jkhtKQh/O0JUjhtKQh/OU"jqhtKQh/O0JUjhtKQh/OU htKQh/Oh!AhtKQh~0JjhtKQh/OUhtKQh/O0JjhtKQh/O0JU"jwhtKQh/O0JU(G:n,i \  W # 5dh]^5`gd:$dhha$gd:$dh]a$gd}] $]a$gd}] gd$~456789:IJhijklʶʘk\PAPhtKQh/O0J>*B*phh!A0J>*B*phhtKQh~0J>*B*ph.j_htKQh/O0J>*B*Uph(jhtKQh/O0J>*B*UphhtKQh/O0J>*B*phjhtKQh/OU htKQh/Oh!AhtKQh~0JjhtKQh/OU"jehtKQh/O0JUhtKQh/O0JjhtKQh/O0JU 2347LMNhĶ妑yj\妑jhtKQh/OUhtKQh~0J>*B*ph.jYhtKQh/O0J>*B*Uph(jhtKQh/O0J>*B*UphhtKQh/O0J>*B*phjhtKQh/OU htKQh/OjhtKQh/OUhtKQh*80J>*B*phh!A0J>*B*phhtKQh/O0J>*B*phhijklmnoӸyaӸSyjhtKQh/OU.jMhtKQh/O0J>*B*Uphh!A0J>*B*phhtKQh/O0J>*B*phjhtKQh/OU htKQh/OhtKQh~0J>*B*phjhtKQh/OUhtKQh/O0J>*B*ph(jhtKQh/O0J>*B*Uph.jShtKQh/O0J>*B*Uph   &'()*+,4CDNQRhijثàsscSD= htKQh/Oh]Uh*80J>*B*phh]Uh$~0J>*B*phh]Uh]U0J>*B*phh]Uh]U0J>*B*phh]Uh/O0J>*B*phhtKQh~0J>*B*phjhtKQh/OU.jG htKQh/O0J>*B*Uph(jhtKQh/O0J>*B*UphhtKQh/O0J>*B*phh!A0J>*B*phh]U0J>*B*ph˻xqj\滦D.j; 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