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Two helium balloons will be fixed on the cart, on the first one will be written Challenge of the Day, on the second will be written Dfi du jour. A poster located in plexiglass holder will be placed on the cart. The educator will go around the museum and offer visitors to participate. This way, visitors will not see the solutions that other visitors came up with. The activity is roaming for 30 minutes to an hour, twice a day on the designated days. Introduction1 minuteBernouilli bag5 minutesEgg in a bottle 5 minutesCherry in the cup 5 minutesConclusion 1 minute Target Audiences: Families with young or schools aged children Students from 4 to 15 years old Adults What you sayBackgroundIntroduction Hi! Welcome to Challenge of the day. I have a challenge for you. There are rules to my challenge, youll have to listen carefully and tell how or show me how you will go about to solve it. Challenge #1: Blowing a full bag I need at least two volunteers. I have these big bag (show the Bernouilli bags, hand one to each participant). My challenge is: Can you blow up completely using only one blow? Q. Do you think it is possible? Are you ready to try? Are you clear on the rules? Ready to start the challenge? Ready, set, GO! If a participant does it, ask how he did it, if you participant succeed, demonstrate how. To fill this bag with air with only one blow, you cannot fill it you fill a balloon, it would take more than one deep breath to do that. Instead I used Bernouilli principle. Bernouilli was an 18th century scientist who studied the dynamic between speed and pressure. Now this may sound odd, but he actually understood how airplane could fly before airplanes were invented! By blowing the air in front of the bag, but not directly into it, I created a stream of low pressure air which brought behind it enough of the surrounding air to fill the bag in only one blow. Bernouilli observed a relationship between air and its pressure. Bernouilli said that the faster the air moves the lower pressure it has. So I blew a very gentle and slow stream of low pressure air. I knew that the surrounding air had more pressure than my stream and that this higher pressure air would force its way into my low pressure stream, because high pressures zones will always try to lessen its pressure. No one likes pressure, not even air. And thats how I did it. Q. Do you want to try using the Bernouilli principle this time?  Bernoulli's principle: Bernoullis principle helps explain that an aircraft can achieve lift because of the shape of its wings. They are shaped so that that air flows faster over the top of the wing and slower underneath. Fast moving air equals low air pressure while slow moving air equals high air pressure. The high air pressure underneath the wings will therefore push the aircraft up through the lower air pressure. Other experience with the Bernouilli principle to suggest to participants: Using a hairdryer, or blowing in a straw, to float ping-pong or polystyrene balls in the air. (straw and hairdryer must be underneath the ball) Challenge #2: Egg in a bottle My challenge today is: I have a hard boiled egg. I will place it at the top of this Erlenmeyer. Can you make it fall inside the container without touching it? Q. Do you think it is possible? Ill help you out. You have to use a piece of paper and a match for this experiment. Q. What should I do with the paper and the match? A. I need to set fire to the paper and quickly put in the Erlenmeyer. Q. And then what? A. Place the egg on top of the opening. I need a volunteer for the next part. Ask the volunteer to hold the egg. Ill set fire to the paper and place it inside the container. Once the piece of paper is inside, you need to do is place the egg at the opening very quickly. Are you ready? Put the egg when I tell you, not before, I dont want you to burn yourself. Q. What happened? A. The egg went in the bottle Q. Can someone tell me why the egg moved and got inside the bottle? A. Inside the Erlenmeyer, there was air, but then I added the paper on fire, and you blocked the opening with the egg, so no more air could go in. The fire burned using all the oxygen in the container. What this did is decreasing the pressure in the air and creating a vacuum. A vacuum is a space entirely devoid of matter, completely empty even or air. The presence of this small vacuum lowered the air pressure in the container. So if the pressure inside the container became low, that means that the pressure outside the Erlenmeyer was higher right? So there was a difference of pressure inside and outside the Erlenmeyer when the egg was blocking the opening. Q. Would you say that the egg what sucked in the Erlenmeyer, or was it pushed inside? A. It was pushed inside, what happen is the high pressure outside the jar pushed the egg to the opening of the jar, because high pressure always wants to reach the low pressure. So in summary, the high pressure outside the bottle pushed the egg inside the Erlenmeyer, it wasnt sucked in. Q. Now the question you all must have. How will I get the egg out? A. Easy, I need to do the opposite reaction. I will create a high pressure inside the jar so that the egg will be pushed out. To do that, I need to add some gas; that will increase the pressure. I have here vinegar and baking soda. I add baking soda in the Erlenmeyer, place the bowl on my cart to contain the mess if there is one, and quickly I will add vinegar inside and turn the Erlenmeyer upside down. Q. Are you ready? Ask a volunteer to pour the vinegar. Ta Dah! (the egg should slip out). Q. What happened exactly? A. The baking soda and the vinegar created a chemical reaction when placed together, and that reaction released carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is trapped inside the container which made a high pressure environment. As I said earlier, high pressure always tries to go to the lowest pressure. So the egg was pushed away from the high pressure into the low pressure environment, which this time was the outside of the Erlenmeyer. An air pressure difference causes movement of particles. The amount of pressure is determined by the difference of pressure in the air and the amount of area affected. This is also a good experiment to show that the use of oxygen molecules in a particular area causes a loss of air pressure (egg in a bottle reference) Challenge #3: Floating cherry Here we have an empty cup and we have a maraschino cherry. Lets just say I want to create a nice table centerpiece for my party and I want to have a cherry float in the middle of my vase. Not at the top, not at the bottom, in the middle. One thing to remember is I dont care what liquid is in my vase; my goal is to make the cherry float, so the cup needs to be filled. Q. How can I do that? First, lets put cherry in the cup. Q. What will happen if I add only water in my cup? Will the cherry move from the bottom of the glass? Lets see. Ask a participant to add a third of water in the cup. A. The cherry sit still at the bottom and wont budge. Q. How can I bring it up? A. By adding a liquid which is denser than water. You see, all liquids are not the same. Just by looking at them, we can see difference between liquids some are coloured, some are transparent, other opaque, some are runny, other are thick. But for this experiment, we need to focus on one attribute: density. The density measures the mass of the liquid present within a specific space, this space is also called volume. The mass is measured in grams and the volume is measured in millilitres, so density measures how many grams of particles there are per mL of volume; the density is measured in g/mL (grams per millilitres). Water has a 1 g/mL density. We tend to see water like a baseline. So a liquid which has more than 1 g of particles of liquid per ml has a higher density than water, while a liquid with less than 1 g per ml has a lower density than water. For example, lets take ketchup: it is made of vinegar and tomato paste. Q. Do you think ketchup is denser, less dense or as dense than water? Do you think there is more than 1 g of ketchup particles per ml? A. It is denser than water. One way to find out quickly would be to weigh the same volume of both water and ketchup. So If I put 100 ml of water in a cup, and 100 ml of ketchup in another and weight them I would find that the water weight 100g, while the ketchup weight 140 g. Q. What is the density of ketchup? A. We have to divide the mass by the volume; 140 g / 100 ml is 1.4 g/ml. Q. So lets see if we all understand what density is, what is the density of 100g of substance with a volume of 100 ml? A. 1 g/ml. The difference of density of liquid means that the less dense liquids will float above the denser liquid. For example, whip cream on a hot chocolate, the cream floats on top right? Because the cream is less dense than the hot chocolate. Q. So how can we apply this to our challenge? A. We need to find a liquid which is denser than the cherry and the water. I have a two liquid to try here: corn syrup and oil. Q. Which one should we start with? If participants say oil, only pour a bit. Depending on the age of participant, you can ask for a volunteer. Pour in the liquid, add a cherry Q. Are the cherry moving up? A. No. If the participants say corn syrup, pour a good amount, and then drop the cherry in. Depending on the age of participant, you can ask for a volunteer Q. Is the cherry at the bottom of the cup or at the top? A. At the top, so lets put some more syrup until we get to the middle of the cup. Q. So we can see that the cherry floats on top of the corn syrup, so what does that tells us about the density of the cherry? Is the cherry density higher or lower than the corn syrup? A. It is lower, because the cherries dont sink in the layer of corn syrup. Q. But earlier when we added water, the cherry would sink to the bottom, so is the cherry more of less dense than water? A. Is it denser than water, because it sank. Q. Now that the cherry is where I want, what should liquid should I add to the cup to make sure the cup is filled and the cherry remains in the middle of the glass? A. We could add some oil; oil is less dense than water. The oil will float on top on the water, creating a new layer. Well be sure the cherry will stay in the middle layer since the cherry is also less dense than oil. But we could also fill it with water since the cherry is denser than the water, it will remain at the bottom of the water layer. As long as we dont add anything denser than water, the layer containing the cherry will remain at the same place. Thanks for participating.  Note on the material: Empty the corn syrup in one when done and use a clean cup. How does it work? The same amount of two different liquids will have different weights because they have different densities. The liquids that weigh more (have a higher density) will sink below the liquids that weigh less (have a lower density). Material Density Vegetable Oil .92 Water 1.00 Dawn Dish Soap 1.06 Light Corn Syrup 1.33 To test this, you might want to set up a scale and measure each of the liquids that you poured into your column. Make sure that you measure the weights of equal portions of each liquid. You should find that the weights of the liquids correspond to each different layer of liquid. For example, the honey will weigh more than the Karo syrup. By weighing these liquids, you will find that density and weight are closely related. The table shows the densities of the liquids used in the column as well as other common liquids (measured in g/cm3or g/mL). Density is basically how much "stuff" is smashed into a particular area... or a comparison between an object's mass and volume. Remember the all-important equation: Density = Mass divided by Volume. Based on this equation, if the weight (or mass) of something increases but the volume stays the same, the density has to go up. Likewise, if the mass decreases but the volume stays the same, the density has to go down. Lighter liquids (like water or rubbing alcohol) are less dense than heavy liquids (like honey or Karo syrup) and so float on top of the more dense layers. (Steve Spangler, 7 layers experiment) CONCLUSION1 minute As you can see, to solve the challenge, we needed to use our observation skill. A big part of science is being able to observe.  Vocabulary translation: Challenge: dfi Stream: courant Vacuum: vide Density: Densit Materials: Bernouilli bags (6) Plastic Cups (6) Cherry in a jar Bottle of water (tap water in fine) Oil Hard boiled eggs Erlenmeyer (2) Pieces of paper Lighter Corn syrup Vinegar Baking powder Spoon References: Egg in a bottle:  HYPERLINK "http://camillasenior.homestead.com/files/egg_in_a_bottle.pdf" http://camillasenior.homestead.com/files/egg_in_a_bottle.pdf Seven Layer experiment:  HYPERLINK "http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/seven-layer-density-column" http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/seven-layer-density-column 9 layers experiment:  HYPERLINK "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CDkJuo_LYs" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CDkJuo_LYs     Challenge of the Day, March Break 2012, last updated on March 1, 2012 Page  PAGE 6 of  NUMPAGES 7  :NOPQRXdr  }od`[VQIhy@Kh,-5 hK5 hV5 hu5h'}5h&0h,-CJ(aJ(h&0h,-6CJ^JaJhWI CJ^JaJhY!CJ^JaJh,-CJ^JaJh*UCJ^JaJhP1CJ^JaJh&0h,-CJ^JaJh,-hh&0h,-CJ`^JaJ`hVCJ`^JaJ`h&0h,-CJ(^JaJ(hP1CJ(^JaJ(h,-CJ(^JaJ(hi:OPQe=kd$$Ifd4 \=S54 damf4yt$d$Ifa$gd,-$Wd$If^W`a$gd$a$gd,->p?r? = J K  : ; C D H I $IfgdRgdgi<gd-8$a$gd'}5 = J K M m w  8 9 : ; C D y | m G H i 븰~wg~wg~wch00hACJOJQJaJmH sH  hNsihAhAh.}kdg $$Ifl01QH2 t0H644 layt5i<;=;G;R;S;a;;;;;;;;;;;;< <<#<$<;<<<=<><J<K<L<˿~vk`TLvhRo2mH sH hj]hr5mH sH hj]hjmH sH hj]hjmH sH hrmH sH hjmH sH hj]h1mH sH h1mH sH h h1mH sH h1 h h1h0Dh~h15mH sH h~hr5mH sH htmH sH hR#hbq} hbq}hbq} hbq}h}5ph hMp5h h}5p5 h hP;;;;;<<#<$<<<=<><J<zuuugd1gd0D}kd $$Ifl01QH2 t0H644 layt5i J<K<L<`<q<<<<<<<<<<======t>>>>>>>> & Fgd & Fgd6L<\<_<`<<<<<<<<<======.=/=y=z======(>)>r>s>t>>>>>>ĻIJ|xpldldjhmFUhmFhmFhmF5hb h 0Jh jh Uh 5mH sH  hlN*0JhlN*jhlN*UhlN*5mH sH hwJw5mH sH ht5mH sH hN'ht5mH sH h\ mH sH hfmH sH h CmH sH h*MmH sH h@mH sH hlN*mH sH $>>>>>>>>>>>> ????!?3?:?@?B?Q?R?X?Y?Z?[?_?`?j?k?l?m?o?p?q?r?s?º¶ݶhChcJmHnHujhbUhbhRpB*phh -hbB*phhbB*phh:_B*phh*vjh*vUhmF5mH sH jhmFU hmF0J%>>>n?o?p?q?r?s?< 0&P1h0:pN /!n"n#$% @ 0&P1h0:p0DN /!n"n#$% P < 0&P1h0:p0DN /!n"n#$% < 0&P1h0:pjN /!n"n#$% < 0&P1h0:pjN /!n"n#$% o$$Ifm!vh5S5#vS5:V d45S5/ 44 damf4ytq$$If!vh5 5: #v #v: :Vl t65 5: / ytAu$$If!vh5 5: #v #v: :Vl t65 5: / ytAq$$If!vh5 5: #v #v: :Vl t65 5: / ytAq$$If!vh5 5: #v #v: :Vl t65 5: / ytAq$$If!vh5 5: #v #v: :Vl t65 5: / ytAc$$If!vh525#v2#v:Vl tH6525yt5ic$$If!vh525#v2#v:Vl tH6525yt5ic$$If!vh525#v2#v:Vl tH6525yt5ic$$If!vh525#v2#v:Vl tH6525yt5i $IfK$L$!vh5I5o#vI#vo:V 4 `` 6 -0 6-,545/ 34 ` pyt5$IfK$L$!vh5I5o#vI#vo:V  6 -0 6-,5/ 34 ` pyt5$IfK$L$!vh5I5o#vI#vo:V  6 -0 6-,5/ 34 ` pyt5$IfK$L$!vh5I5o#vI#vo:V  6 -0 6-,5/ 34 ` pyt5$IfK$L$!vh5I5o#vI#vo:V  6 -0 6-,5/ 34 ` pyt5c$$If!vh525#v2#v:Vl tH6525yt5ic$$If!vh525#v2#v:Vl tH6525yt5iH@H Normal CJOJQJ_HaJmH sH tH Z@Z   Heading 1$<@&5CJ KH OJQJ\^JaJ ^@2^ P Heading 3dd@&[$\$5CJOJQJ\aJmH sH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No List4@4 Header  !4 @4 Footer  !j@j P Table Grid7:V08O!8 Papple-style-span.O1. 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