ࡱ> `b_a jbjb ($ 22222227;j:::::::,<R>:2:.22:... 22:.F$j2222:..622: R^8":;07;8?.?D:.2&d& Jacob Flees (Genesis 27:41 30:24) Main Point: God is faithful to keep His promises, even when people fail. Key Verse: Lord, You are my God. I will honor You. I will praise Your name. You have been perfectly faithful. You have done wonderful things. You had planned them long ago. - Isaiah 25:1 Materials: Test on Life worksheet for Jacob and a red marker, index cards Personal Connection Say: Do you know one of the reasons God gave us the Bible? Its so we can learn from the examples of other people, just like us, who made right and wrong choices. God shows us that through Him, those very people were used to accomplish His purpose and plan! He can and will do the same for us! Leader, please share a verse or a situation where God has shown His faithfulness in your life. Group Discussion Say: No one in this room is perfect. The only One who has never sinned is Jesus. Show the group the Test on Life worksheet for Jacob. Say: Even though at times Jacob made great choices to trust God, many times he failed. Lets look back at the many choices Jacob made, and grade each one as if we were his teacher. Read each choice that Jacob made, and discuss what his grade should be for each one. Using your red marker, write a letter grade on each choice. After grading, say: Even though Jacob failed many times, God still used him to become the father of the entire nation of Israel - Gods chosen people. And just as God had promised, all people on earth would one day be blessed through him. Hands on Application Pass out an index card to each child. Say: As we said earlier, each one of us has failed to follow God perfectly. We have each sinned. I want you each to think of a time when you failed to do what God wanted you to do. (For older kids, make suggestions such as: Perhaps a time when you knew God wanted you to tell a friend about Him, and you didnt. For younger kids, you may suggest: Maybe a time when you knew you should be kind to your brother or sister, but you werent.) Say: Now everyone hold up your special pencil. Hold up your FINGER, and have the kids each hold up one FINGER. Say: Using your special pencil (finger), write down on your card a time when you failed to obey God. Leader, be sure to do one for yourself! Say: God is powerful and forgiving. He sent His Son, Jesus, to take away our sins and failures. When we believe in Him, and place our faith in Jesus, our sins and failures are washed away like this. Tear up your card, and have the kids do the same. Say: Isnt it amazing that when we trust God, we dont get the punishment we deserve, and He will even use us to accomplish His great plans? Conversation with God (Prayer) During prayer time, have a time of praise! Remind the group of Gods grace and that Jesus is worthy of our praise. Thank God that He is powerful enough to use us even after we have failed. Also, pray that the group will have a true understanding of Gods love for them. Close in prayer, and fill in your prayer journal. 2007 BibleLessons4Kidz.com All rights reserved worldwide. May be reproduced for personal, nonprofit, and non-commercial uses only. Jacobs Test on Life Valued his fathers blessing & birthright Bought the birthright from Esau Tricked his father Had to run away from his brother Did not marry a Canaanite woman Loved Rachel and wanted to marry her Married Rachels servant girl Married Leahs servant girl Worked hard for Laban for many years Believed Gods promises &')5rs~./<|}   * + 0 } ȶucuSuSSuSSSh$hv<5CJOJQJ^J"h$hv<6CJOJQJ]^J h$hv<CJOJQJ^JaJ h$hv<CJOJQJ^JaJh$hv<CJOJQJ^Jh$hv<CJOJQJ\^J"h$hv<5CJOJQJ\^Jhv<5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hkhv<5CJOJQJ^JaJ,jh(hv<5CJOJQJU^JaJ')rs./|}  + ~ ij h^`gdv< & F gdv<^gdv< & F gdv<gdv< j  , UijôâôôôôôôôÀnY)h$hv<B*CJ OJQJ_HaJph#h$hv<5CJOJQJ^JaJ h$hv<CJOJQJ^JaJ h$hv<CJOJQJ^JaJ #h$hv<5CJOJQJ^JaJ h$hv<CJOJQJ^Jh$hv<5CJOJQJ^Jhk2hv<CJOJQJ^Jhk2hv<CJOJQJhk2hv<5CJOJQJ^JWXYnop $h^ha$gdv< $ & Fa$gdv<$a$gdv<gdv< 0^`0gdv< ^gdv< ^`gdv<UVWYnoԿ|u h^3hv< hhv<CJ,OJQJ^JaJ4#hyhv<5CJ4OJQJ^JaJ4hv<CJ4OJQJ^JaJ4#h$hv<5CJOJQJ^JaJ)hMqhv<B*CJOJQJ_HaJph)h$hv<B*CJ OJQJ_HaJph,h$hv<>*B*CJ OJQJ_HaJph =>\]yzgdv< $ & F a$gdv< $h^ha$gdv< $ & Fa$gdv<$a$gdv< &1h:pv</ =!"#$%6DdsF23\  C 8A Huddle 2 Headerb5a)B8Ӎ|u5Dn5Uu o߮a)B8Ӎ|uPNG  IHDRsXgAMABO pHYs  "tEXtSoftwareQuickTime 7.5 (Mac OS X)tIME )7 IDATxt\yo^J("EU(RiE#yOycŖ_DvO%y)'c'cɶb˪%٪$N -}.:\~Ggsf|3sYQAAj`B~o2"d5aO?jl< gһ2  :ko`SBu4}gaDs{LG   t  2 EDŒ(AA%P2`0Q  KP|>_@AYBM LG  .AX ÙAAd] 5-,z3  ȺjZ,?  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