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Knowledge of medical terminology enhances a students ability to successfully secure employment or pursue advanced education in health science. Medical terminology is offered in a variety of formats: computer based, online, independent study, guided instruction and project learning. General Requirements: This course is recommended for students in grades 1012 and is anatomy and physiology based. It is not a prerequisite for other courses in a health science technology education program. This Dual Credit course requires that students be at least 16 years of age CREDIT: 1 unit high school credit /3 credit hours York Technical College The course also provides 1 unit computer credit required for high school graduation RESOURCES: AHS 102 Online Curriculum York Technical College AHS 102 Medical Terminology Workbook York Technical College; Tatro, Sue Stedmans Medical Dictionary Stedman COURSE OVERVIEW: This course is a self-paced course delivered through the use of varied computer-based technologies, guest speakers, and project-based assignments. COURSE COMPETENCIES Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: Module 1: Getting Started Terms, Prefixes, and Suffixes Class 1 Terminology 1. Define the following terms: root word prefix suffix compound word combining form plural words Eponyms 2. Identify parts of words 3. Use a simple formula to pronounce medical terms Class II Prefixes 1. Identify prefixes according to: Type Time and place Position and location Direction Number and quantity Size and amount Color Shape Ascending order 2. Define the prefixes and root words presented in this class. 3. Identify the correct pronunciation for each prefix and root word by dictionary. 4. Construct medical terms using these prefixes and root words. 5. Define medical terms using these prefixes and root words. Class III Suffixes 1. Describe functions of suffixes. 2. List and define suffixes for each function. 3. Construct medical terms using these suffixes. 4. Define medical terms using these suffixes. Module 2: The Bodys Framework The Cell, Tissues and Organs, Body Structure and the Skeletal System Class I The Cell, Tissues and Organs Describe the basic structure of the body. Identify root words that related to the structure of the cell. List and describe types of body tissue. Name the body systems, listing the organs in each system. Define the terms related to the physical structure of organs or the system of the body. Pronounce key terms related to the cell, tissues, and organs of the human body. Spell terms related to the cell, the tissues, and the organs of the human body correctly. Class II The Structure of the Human Body Define terms that relate to body position. Define terms that relate to the surfaces or depth of body parts. List and describe the major cavities of the body. Identify the quadrants and regions of the abdomen. Describe the anatomical division of the back surface of the body. Identify terms that are associated with specific areas of the body. Identify planes and directional aspects that are related to the body. Class III The Skeletal System Discuss the functions of the skeletal system. List the parts of the skeletal system. Define terms and describe the structure of bones. State the functions of specific bones. Discuss selected terms related to diagnostic procedures of bones Discuss terms related to diseases and treatment of bone disorders. Spell terms related to the skeletal system correctly. Pronounce key terms related to the skeletal system. Module 3: The Bodys Movement Muscles, The Brain and Nervous System Class I The Bodys Movement Muscles Define muscle. Describe three types of muscles in the body. Define terms which relate to the action of muscles. Define terms used in naming the major muscles of the body. Describe diagnostic terms related to muscle disorders, including signs and symptoms. Describe terms related to disease of the muscles. Describe terms related to the treatment of muscle disorders. Correctly spell terms used in this module. Class II The Bodys Movement Nervous System Describe the nervous system. List the parts of the nervous system. Describe the structure that makes up the nervous system. Discuss terms related to diseases involving the nervous system. Discuss terms related to the diagnosis and treatment of disease of the nervous system. Discuss terms related to signs and symptoms of diseases of the nervous system. Describe the drug treatments that affect the nervous system. Correctly spell terms related to the nervous system. Module 4: The Bodys Plumbing Circulation (Blood, Lymph, Heart and Vessels), Kidneys and Bladder Class I The Blood and Lymph List the functions of blood. Provide a brief description of the composition of blood. Describe the process that occurs in the formation of blood. Define terms related to blood cells. Discuss selected terms related to disease of the blood. Discuss selected terms related to treatment of diseases of the blood. Describe the structure and functions of the lymphatic system. List the organs in the lymphatic system and describe their function. Describe terms related to the diagnosis and conditions of the lymphatic system Describe terms related to disease of the immune system. Correctly spell all terms. Class II The Heart and Vessels Describe the parts of the cardiovascular system. Identify the structures and chambers of the heart. Trace circulation through the heart. Discuss the mechanisms involved in the initiation of the heartbeat. Describe the vascular system. Name the major arteries of the body. Discuss diagnostic terms, diseases, and treatments of cardiovascular diseases. Discuss terms related to cardiac drugs. Spell terms correctly. Class III Kidneys and Bladder List the organs in the urinary system Define medical terms related to the kidneys and their functions in the body. Define terms related to the formation of urine. Define terms related to the ureters, bladder and urethra. Discuss the process of urination. Describe selected terms related to disease conditions of the urinary system. Describe selected terms related to diagnosis and surgical treatment of the urinary system. Spell the terms in this class correctly. Module 5: The Bodys Fuel Respiration, Digestion and Absorption, and Hormones Class I Respiration Discuss the functions of the respiratory system Name the structures involved in respiration Define terms related to the organs in the system. Define respiration and terms related to respiration. Discuss terms related to diseases of the respiratory system. Discuss terms related to diagnostic and surgical procedures performed on the respiratory system. Correctly spell terms in this class. Class II Gastrointestinal System Discuss terminology related to the structure and function of the GI tract. Describe the terminology needed for a physical exam of the GI tract. Discuss test that help diagnose GI disorders. Discuss GI disorders and their treatments. Spell terms correctly. Class III Hormones Describe an endocrine gland. List the common functions of the endocrine system. Define terms that are related to the endocrine system. List and describe the endocrine and exocrine glands. Discuss terms related to the disease conditions and treatments of the endocrine diseases. Spell terms correctly. Module 6: The Bodys Camera and Sound System, etc. Class I Eyes Define the terminology related to the structure and function of the eye. Discuss the terminology related to the physical exam and diagnostic tests for common disorders of the eye. Describe the common disorders of the eye and surrounding structures. Spell all medical terms correctly. Class II Ears, Nose, Skin and Tongue Define the terminology related to the structure and function of the ears, the nose, the tongue and the skin. Discuss the terminology related to the physical exam and diagnostic test for common disorders of the ear, nose, tongue and skin. Describe the common disorders of the ear, the nose, skin and tongue. Spell all terms correctly. Module 7: Male Class I - The Male List the functions of the male reproductive organs. Describe the organs and structures in the male reproductive system and define terms related to each. Discuss selected terms related to conditions and disease of the male reproductive system. Describe selected terms related to the diagnosis and treatment of conditions and disease of the male reproductive system. Spell terms correctly. Module 8: Female Class I The Female List the external and internal organs in the female reproductive system. Describe the menstrual cycle, fertilization, implantation, and processes of labor and delivery. Define terms related to the breast. Describe selected terms related to gynecological conditions. Define selected terms related to the diagnosis and treatment f gynecological conditions. Describe selected terms related to obstetrical conditions and treatments of obstetrical patients. Spell all terms correctly. Module 9: Specialty Shops Drug Store, Photo shop (X-ray) and Laboratory Class I Drugstore Discuss selected terms related to the classification of drugs. Discuss terms that describe the action of preparations, agents, or drugs. Discuss terms related to the interpretation of abbreviations on scripts (prescriptions). Spell all terms correctly. Class II Photo Shop (X-Ray) Discuss selected terms related to diagnostic procedures. Discuss selected terms related to view sna anatomical positions used in radiology. Spell all terms correctly. Class III The Laboratory Discuss selected terms that apply to weights and measures, clinical laboratory equipment, body fluid analysis, and clinical microbiology. Spell all terms correctly. Grading Scale A - 100 93 B - 92 85 C - 84 77 D - 76 70 F - 69 0 Assessment and evaluation of the dual credit will be in the form of completion of graded quizzes and completion of graded modular tests and projects according to the following percentages: Module tests/Projects: 80% Final Exam: 20% of the final grade (for high school credit only) For example: [ { 1st term * 2 }+ {2nd term * 2}+ Final exam ]/5 = Final grade [85+85+92+92+87]/5 = 88.2 Grades submitted to York Technical College will include: 9 Module tests less one module test score (lowest grade) 80% Final Exam 20% York Tech Grade 100% A grade of 70 should be considered a minimum passing grade. Students are expected to complete modules and quizzes and utilize the workbook to prepare for exams. Students who fail to take the test on time without the instructors prior permission will receive a zero for the missed exam. Each Module test can only be taken once. All students are responsible for attaining course competencies by completing the following requirements: Use of computer program, the quizzes and workbook. Complete 9 multiple-choice computerized tests. Complete assigned projects/homework/class work. Costs Involved in Dual Credit Workbook/printed slides (from York Tech) - ~$20.00 Course Registration (to York Tech) - $50.00 Miscellaneous supplies for projects, notes, etc. varies per student Course Requirements Students are responsible for attaining competencies through completion of the following course requirements: Attendance (as per District #3 policy) If a student misses a class, the student is responsible for obtaining the material that covered during the absence. Students with absences during tests will be allowed to make up the test. It is the burden of the student to see that arrangements are made with the instructor for taking the makeup test. Participation in class discussions Participation in on-line curriculum and assessment Completion of workbook exercises and other assignments Completion of any assigned individual or group projects Completion of assigned tests Maintenance of Academic Honesty (Any student caught cheating or involved in any other academic dishonesty will be given a grade of zero and will be subject to further disciplinary action.) Projects/Internet Research/Exam Projects will be assigned for some modules. The due dates will be posted in the Pacing Guide. Students may select the manner in which the project will be delivered (PowerPoint, poster, written report, etc.) unless otherwise specified. There will be great flexibility in the presentation method. The purpose of the project is to enhance the curriculum for all the students. Internet usage will be limited to classroom research. Any deviation must be approved by the instructor in advance. Research sources must be documented, including author, site, page numbers, URL, titles, etc. Projects/Internet Research found to be copied and pasted and or otherwise plagiarized will received a score of 0. The student may choose a disease, career, or other topic related to one of the modules during the term. The topic must be approved in advance of the due date by the instructor. Examples might include: Cardiac Catheterization, Radiation Therapist, Holistic Medicine, Osteoporosis, Sports Medicine, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, etc. Content for disease projects must include definitions, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, frequency of occurrence, etc. Career reports must include job description, working conditions, education required, salaries, expected job growth, etc. Any questions about content should be referred to your instructor. Final Exam will be comprehensive and will include knowledge and application questions. Required Supplies 3-ring binder Paper Blue or black pen or pencil (no red, green, yellow, etc. pens to be used for assignments except as appropriate for projects). Computer headphones Emergency Procedures Emergency evacuation procedures are posted in the classroom near the entrance door. Fire extinguishers are located throughout the room near each exit. Classroom Rules Participate in classroom activities. Class lab time is expected to be spent in lab work and projects. This is not free time. Attendance and concerted work effort on assignments are required. Work at home will be required in addition to work during lab time (work at home should not substitute for work during lab periods). Internet usage is limited to classroom assignments. Any other use must be approved in advance by the instructor. iPods and MP3 players may be used in class according to the Audio policy as stated on the Medical Terminology homepage . The Applied Technology Center is not responsible for electronic devices brought to ATC and lost or stolen. Food and beverages at not permitted in the classroom. This includes plate lunches, drinks, candy, etc. whether open or not. Maintain all your hard copies within your own 3-ring binder. You are responsible for submitting all work in the appropriate box and retaining any returned work should it be necessary to validate completion of your work. The instructor will not be responsible for storing student work. Your ideas, comments, suggestions, questions, grade challenges, etc. are welcome. Your discretion in these matters is expected. These matters should be addressed in a respectful, mature manner. Be present and on time, prepared each day to gain as much knowledge as you possibly can. Finally.. This course is very rigorous and requires study during class and outside of class. It will require diligence and hard work on your part. It will require time management and self-motivation as most of this course will be self-directed. The instructor will act as a facilitator and resource. Students will be expected to complete all work assigned and plan their time accordingly. Your success in this course will greatly depend on your efforts. I wish you much success!! Lisa Carrigan, RN, Instructor/Program Coordinator     The Applied Technology Center offers authentically engaging career and technical education programs that provide all students the opportunity to acquire the skills, knowledge and motivation to achieve success in an ever changing world. 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