ࡱ> 7 bjbjUU "7|7|l4\' z44444444$! #44444444:444F:B,4( `Dn"n 0' x.E$E$INTERVIEW WITH SPETCNAZ COMMANDER YAMADAEV: (It is interview with Russia - Spetcnaz is secretive, thus Sulim Yamadaev should be told what to say by the Russian Command. The Third Force is lead by Russia pseudo-International that is assaulting Caucasian race and Human Civilization, starting with CIS countries.) August 22, 2008, 00:55, (www.utro.ru/articles/2008/08/22), by Yuriy Kotenok (a pseudo-reporter, a Fable-scribbler assigned to the Spetcnaz battalion by Russian High Command). Commander of battalion Vostok, in an exclusive interview to Utro, telling about the war in Southern Osetia: Sulim Yamadaev: Georgians were running from us in underwear (Russia is not only lying and deceiving Civilized World it is trying to look like Great Superpower in her own mind, by smearing small countries that it attacks. Russia also use telepaths, Lemurs and rumors about coming genocide, substantiated by memory of the recent genocides, like some that Russians did in Afghanistan and in Abkhazia that is accompanying their Special Forces and other forwarding army units, putting under hypnosis police, peacekeepers and civilians before kidnappings, killings and provoking. Russias mass invasion made some Georgian military leave behind few spare NATO and USA instructors uniforms and a computer disk that Russians stole. By the way, so far they said they found on the disk only contingency instructions in case Russia would invade, in such case Georgians would attack head of invading Russian army and slow it down, than brake through forwarding Russian Spetcnaz units around Tchinvali to defend Tbilisi, without killing too many Russians that were waiting for such an excuse to use atomic bombs on Georgian cities. 33 That would give Georgians time to show to the deceived and blackmailed by Russia World the truth about Russian invasion and 72 hours to involve the International Community.) Today, August 22, a source in the headquarters of operative group of armies in the Northern Caucasus informed that commander of Vostok, lieutenant-colonel, Sulim Yamadaev, was retired to reserve from active duties with his military rank intact. Minister of Defense of Russia, Serdukov, signed the order yesterday. The motivation for such decision wasnt given yet. (Motivation is obvious - methods used by Russians comprise from the interview and in tradition of the old Russia and the new, Bolshevik Russia. They discharge personal for secret missions, probably to go to places like Georgia or Palestine. For instance, shooting at Polish and Georgian presidents near occupied by Russians South Osetia, trying turn enemies out of the natural allies - brothers by blood that running out of their veins for Centuries of the bloody Russian Empire.) It is necessary to remind that battalion of Chechen Special Forces (Russian Federation Armys) during the Operation to force Georgia to accept peace played important role, beating out of Tchinvali the aggressor (Russian aggressors mean operation to force on Georgia annexation of Georgian provinces by Russian invaders, using as diabolical excuse the children of raped by Russia local women, children later trained in Russian special spy and commando schools. Russians also call aggression actions of Georgian peace keepers and police in their own country that defended their own villages from shelling by infiltrated Russian military units around Tchinvali and from invading Russian 58 army through the Northern border of Georgia.) and accomplished marching to Gory (City inside Georgia, not far from Georgian Capital Tbilisi) to cut the Georgian military communications 34 (Russias intention was not to cut communications, but annex all Georgia by invading tanks, army and Russian strategic bombers, threatening officially to use atomic bombs on Georgian cities). Hero of Russia (Rather a hero of Russias aggression), Sulim Yamadaev, told about short time war in South Osetia in an exclusive interview to Utro. Yu: How the operation began for the battalion? Sulim Yamadaev: Vostok acted under orders of the Commander of the North Caucasian Military Region and the Commander of General Headquarters of Arm Forces of Russian Federation. (Neither Russia nor Occupying Northern Caucasus Russian invading armies had any legal or moral rights to invade Georgia, or even Northern Caucasus, and grab its land and property.) We (heroes) have act by orders, not withstanding danger and possible loss of lives. We (heroes) have not time to reflect on it. (Russian Special Forces murdered their own for reflecting instantly, as they did in Beslan, in Northern Osetia, when one of their men and two women reflected with surprise at assignment to murder children. By the way the whole Beslan operation was a punishment for Northern Osetia as being unwilling in helping Russia to annex Georgian Osetia. Killings in Beslan resulted in reinforced control over Northern Osetia Government by Russian Gauliters.) On the received order for moving-out to South Osetia (Georgia), we assembled in an hour and were thrown to Hinkala. 8 PM we found ourselves in Dzhava (North-West part of South Osetia district of Georgia). August 9, in the morning, we were already in Tchinvali. Situation in the City was heavy. 35 But we were handling well the situation, because for one and a half year our fighters, changing shifts every three month, were in zone of conflict, as peacekeepers at Pauk (spider) and post at Eredvi. (Spetcnaz Vostok was there: August 1, US time, Eredvi-Heiti road, two remote controlled bombs damaged Jeep of Legal administration of South Osetia Autonomy, recognized by Georgia, one man is badly wounded. August 2, at night, South Osetia peacekeepers and separatists shelled Georgian village Nikozi by grenade launchers and bazookas with serious damage, 4 Georgian villagers wounded, Georgians were forced to return fire. August 2, at night, separatists fired at Georgian villages Kvemo, Nikozi, Avnevi, Eredvi, Ergneti and Georgian police and peacekeepers with automatic firearms, grenade launchers and large caliber bazookas, 6 (9) villagers wounded, 14 houses and two cars damaged, club building destroyed. August 2, Russian peacekeepers didnt interfere, probably participating also in firing, supply and logical support against Georgians, read also interview with Timerman. August 4, US time, Russia publicly admits (Evtuhovich) ordering reinforcement by Special Forces South Osetia. August 4, US time, three shells sent at Georgian village Nuli. 36 August 1-2 violations against Georgia verified by EU monitoring group (August 5), signed by EU and even Osetia peacekeepers Commander Kulahmetov (because aggression came from Russian peacekeepers and other Russian forwarding units more than from Osetins themselves): appearance of illegal formations with large caliber weapons being illegally brought through Roksky tunnel and fired at Georgian villages. August 6, US time, large weapons firing at Georgian village, peacekeepers and police, population in village Nuli is being squeezed out, establishing a beachhead strategic hills for invading Russian armies.) During combats we were holding that positions, being surrounded by Georgians, without losses. For three days we had no food and water, but it is no big deal for us. (August 8, about 600 Georgian military already taken number of Tchinvali areas, probably only the houses-fortresses, used by Russian forwarding units that were shelling many Georgian villages, squeezing Georgian population out and totally destroyed one Georgian village. Sure, Russian Special forces were professionals and they hold tough there, but also because the bomb-sheltered basements of houses-fortresses were well supplied by those Russian units that played uniformed peacekeepers, while ambushing Georgian police and peacekeepers in the same time - read interview with Timerman.) Yu: What was going on in Tchinvali, when you entered the City? Sulim Yamadaev: It was non-understandable-ka. 37 (It is strange for so informed insurgents being one and a half year in Georgia, unless they for years were provoking, committing acts of terror and shooting at Georgian villages, having no real support from pure South Osetia slaves of Russian occupants, that have no other place to go. Only support from few children of raped by Russia local girls, grown-up in Russian Special Schools and inserted in Russian units assigned to each of such hose-fortress.) It was shooting. We entered, reported to Supreme Commander, received assignment and carried it out - we cleaned City from enemy snipers and their smaller spread groups, liberated women, children and elderly. Nobody from the hostages was harmed. We destroyed Georgian Special Forces. Also we took back military hardware that Georgians took from our peacekeepers. (Georgians said they would not abandon their villages, shelled by Russian forwarding units, Georgians called separatists for a reason - to leave an excuse for Russia to leave, as Russia did sometimes in past history. Russian forwarding units, did the firing, ambushing, supplied ammo, arms and logistic, as comprised from news and interview of Timerman and Yamadaev, not that much Osetia separatists. Russian news on August 4 declared that up to 2,000 various nationalities insurgents were coming to South Osetia - not nationalities, but as it is done in Russia - the KGB and Spetcnaz reservists, not unlike Sulim Yamadaev and his men, at present reservists that doing job on Georgians in and around Abkhazia, Southern Osetia, in concentration camps, enslaving most of Osetins and Abkhazians, local hostages of Russia that have no other place to go. 38 Georgians needed 72 hours to alert International Community, already polluted by Russian lies for many years, blackmailed by stolen from Tartars and Turkmen gas and oil and by energy sabotage of Europe by Russia and some in the West, while watching, used by Russia all too well, opening of games in China. Georgians hold fire under increasing shelling from Russian forwarding units and separatists till Russian army started to brake through Rokskiy tunnel - to cleanse Georgia and to repopulate it by Russians. At this point Georgians made public declaration that they would suppress fire from fortresses around Tchinvali and would take them. They were ambushed by Russian forwarding units, like Vostok and Timerman battalion that pretended to be peacekeepers, according to Timerman interview, and killed about 70 Georgian peacekeepers. Russian peacekeepers were lead out of conflict zone by Georgians, leaving behind some military equipment, found by Yamadaev. Georgians slowed Invading Russian armies at the Rokskiy tunnel, but Russian army moved later around by a new road. Georgian peacekeepers moved out - not to provoke Russians to bomb Georgian cities with A-bombs, but they had to move through Tchinvali, running into ambush at government buildings, hold by Russian forwarding units - Georgians had to take them out, moving back to defend Tbilisi. There were no civilians or hostages to liberate for Vostok. Georgians helped most of civilians to leave Tchinvali, but Russian army was holding Civilians at Rokskiy Tunnel as hostages and for possible body count. 39 Most of people staying in Tchinvali were Russian units like Vostok, Spetcnaz, GRU and KGB insurgents and separatists, shooting in the back Georgians, when they were leaving the City, hiding in fortified basements, and of coarse Telepaths and Lemurs units, it could be that about 10% of all military and spying Russian personal were psychics, even more so in forwarding units. Because Georgians wouldnt cleanse the City, as Russians would, Georgian president lost his cool when he visited Tchinvali - hiding Russian telepaths blinded him for a moment. Vostok didnt destroy Georgian Special Forces, thought about 70 Georgian peacekeepers and police were ambushed and killed by Timerman battalion, according to Timerman. Maybe up to thirty Georgians, covering for leaving Tchinvali Georgian units, were killed by Vostok and alike Russian units. If so, Russians would use telepaths and sitting in basements, long in advance, Russian snipers. Possibly invading forwarding units used telepaths or also long range heavy super-rifles, that snipe for several kilometers, the concept was a thought stolen from me several years ago by Russian mind readers in my apartment building in USA.) Further on we worked together with 58-th army in Georgian villages, moving almost as far as Gory, but we could go even further. There wasnt a problem. Main Georgian forces were concentrated around Tchinvali that they entered from three sides. In (rest of) Georgia they hadnt any trenches. They were prepared only advance and didnt think that we would enter there. It is why it was mach easier there. (Yes, they could move even further, if not the International Community, because Georgia did not start the war, Russia did! 40 Georgia didnt have any trenches even between Tchinvali and Georgian villages before Russians fortified even more and intensified fire at Georgian peacekeepers and villages. Only then Georgian peacekeepers made few trenches to take cover from Russian fire. Georgians didnt enter Tchinvali right away, but took out firing fortresses of Russian forwarding Units when Russian army moved through Rokskiy tunnel, according to 72 hours contingency plan to slow down Russian invaders, while alerting International Community. It is just happened to be from three directions, because it is where Russians were concentrating fire at Georgian villages and peacekeepers. Who cooked this lies? It looks like the greatest Russian military mind, the Russian defector Resniyak-Suvorov, that blames Stalin for aggression against Hitler, enlightened again Russian military Command and the World, using the Georgian 72 hours contingency from stolen computer disk - plan to defend Georgia in case of Russian invasion.) Yu: Is it true that Georgian units were running away from rumors that such a force goes against them? Sulim Yamadaev: Ahead of us was spread rumor about Chechens-Head-cutters, one and a half thousand men. Thought among us where Osetin and Georgian translators that showed themselves normal, the enemies panicked, they appeared not ready in generally to take losses, didnt think about them, was frightened and lost balance. (Typical Russian provocation. Russia publicly and formally declared that Atomic bombs would be used, if Georgia effectively destroyed overwhelming many times in size and military hardware Russians, and that Georgian cities and towns would be destroyed. 41 Russians started to make good on their threat by using non-atomic bombing and strategic bombers in increasing mode. Thus Georgians destroyed and slowed down enough Russian army and special units to alert International Community and moved back their relatively small force to defend Tbilisi. Sure Georgians didnt start war and didnt expect Russia invade Western Georgia from Abkhazia. But Russians didnt get many spoils. They got only few uniforms, including few forms of USA instructors, left in some sergeants closets as extras, a computer disk and they stole toilet bolls from Georgian villages and towns. By the way, Russian cannibalistic threats shouldnt be taken lightly, they did bestially torture, desecrated and murdered about 40 thousands Georgians in Abkhazia in 1993, mostly civilians, by whole families, including elderly, women and children.) In Tbilisi they thought that America stands behind them, they thought that America would put on brake on the border with Russia. (Just to contrary, European Union and NATO were weakened by Russian blackmail and energy crises, distancing themselves from Georgian security. Georgians were talking about it for quite a time before Russian invasion - it is Russia that was encouraged by European Union fear of Russian blackmail, moving large armies to Northern Caucasus to invade Georgia. Georgia just hoped that Russia would not invade. But even Kodori gorge, where Georgia started humanitarian and economic revival of local population, made Russia totally hateful - Russia couldnt allow Georgia encourage locals - Russia breeds not freedom and dignity - Russia breeds desecration and death.) 42 But we got them by surprise. We went deep inside. In the same time we started movement in Kodori gorge of Abkhazia. (Not a surprise. Russia planed aggressions and annexations again since 1953-54 and they since carrying it out in all Euro-Asia.) Georgian military inside Georgia were running from us in underwear. We took good trophies; we transferred all to higher Command. (Not in underwear. Russians marauders just stole only some Georgian and USA instructors spare uniforms from sergeants closets and a computer disk and stole many toilet bolls from civilians.) Yu: Will that end confrontation with Georgia? Sulim Yamadaev: It is clear to anybody (among Russian expansionists) that it isnt end of it. If our Command will mastermind it normal (as Russia masterminds aggression) the work is cut out for us. (The work they did from Afghanistan through Georgian Abkhazia.) We received information that Georgians increasing their military affords, bringing in foreign soldiers for hire. The America is preparing them again. (The were in Georgia only instructors, approved by International Community, and few volunteers from the potential victims of Russia, like Ukraine.) Tbilisi wasnt quieted. (In Russian quieted means a peaceful nation was desecrated by genocide and repopulated by Russians.) If it will go that fast, the war with America will start not in year 2014, as predicting fortunetellers, but earlier. (Did Yamadaev mean fast expansion of Russia or resistance by Georgia, Ukraine and the rest of Euro-Asia? Probably both. The rest is Russian propaganda, read Russian media, press, Internet and Official Russia - Russia to conquer and to dominate the World and the coming of World War, predicted by some Wanda from Bulgaria, tailored by Russian propaganda.) 43 Yu: In Tchinvali you said that it would be interesting to have some war with Georgians that were prepared by Americans. It didnt ended, after all, as a real war, did it? Sulim Yamadaev: The way we wanted - it didnt ended that way. But we are not too bitter. The good combat in any possible ways will be yet. I estimate that in South Osetia USA is testing power of Russia and her preparedness for war. (Russia wanted to invade and to unleash war that would end in genocide and repopulation of whole Georgia, as they did in Abkhazia. It didnt happen because of slowing down Russians at the border and timely involvement of International Community. But Russia will try again. The rest is Russian propaganda and self-prizing: USA never intended to test Russia in Eastern Europe. NATO technical help was minimal in Eastern Europe, just NATO for Peace assistance by insistence of threatened neighbors of Russia and International Community, including EU and UN, and maybe some nostalgia by few Georgians in the West and in Georgia to remind contribution by Alexander Kartveli and George Balanchini, that angers Russians. It is Russia that testing USA and the West on impudence - first they provoking by treachery and terrorism the technology-wise response of USA army, than Russia attacking peaceful nations as challenge by USA, using lies, treachery and terrorism.) It is why we need to work more and rectify our imperfections. It was a bordello, it were a lot of problems. This time the Almighty helped us, but the next time we must act better. (Almighty did not help Russia. It was another way around. Patients of Almighty is not endless - repent Russia, leave, repay for your crimes against CIS nations, change your ways!) 44 Yu: What conditioned Russian army losses in this campaign? Sulim Yamadaev: Any commander, acting according to conditions, must achieve his goal with minimum losses, following his orders. In this war most of losses our army suffered when it moved forward in columns. As for example, was wounded Commander of 58th army and reporters (following army letopistcy). It needs to extract solutions, to think. Wounded should be evacuated fast and so on. Yu: In Tbilisi they frighten themselves that Chechens were cutting off heads to hundreds of Georgians. Sulim Yamadaev: You were the witness; you indeed spent three days with us. (Not a witness, but appointed by Spetcnaz letopisetc.) If we would carry out vengeance, all would be different. (It was different timetable than in 1993 in Abkhazia, but if Vostok did its job on civilians in villages, towns and in concentration camps and on prisoners of war, it would take time to investigate it in the occupied territories.) We do not have losses, except three wounded, and (but) for killings of peaceful inhabitance and peacekeepers we didnt avenged yet. (That is a lie, Georgians killed in combat only few shooting at them Russian army terrorists in fortresses near and in center of Tchinvali and they helped most of civilians and Russian peacekeepers to leave the area.) Yu: In Zemo-Nikozi and Kvemo-Hviti Vostok got under strong fire of Georgian artillery. How did you escape losses? Sulim Yamadaev: It just happened that Vostok in the village was calling on itself the (Georgian) firing positions (They called fire by increasing since at least August 1 intensity of firing at Georgian villages and peacekeepers). We know what it means to take cover in time. We were saved by the good basements, he said laughing. 45 (Georgians, since Khrushchev and Brezhnev times didnt know where and didnt cleanse, as Russia would, many fortresses with bomb shelters, built in Tchinvali and around by Russian occupants and being staffed by Russian KGB, GRU and Spetcnaz.). But it is in a combat. It is worst when (aggressors invading) army took losses still at the entry, on moving out to Tchinvali. Vostok is not just lucky. I have in front of me one group one more group is covering, and so on. (They move in topographic circles. Outer circle is made of telepaths, mostly living locally among nations-victims of Russians and their allies that make people sick for many years, putting spell on locals at list since 1953-54. Such experiments on me by Russians started at least since 1945-46. Using loyalty spell of WW2 times on former USSR citizens and co-patriots, Russians blind vigilance of their victims. Second circle is made of moving along telepaths, Lemurs and quiet assassins and kidnappers, dressed as the local crowd. The inner circle moves covering each other, but also with telepaths and local snitches. Such locals created by Russia, including Russian Spetcnaz, secret police, military spies and KGB from children of raped local women or raped local boys.) Any of my fighters is responsible for his position and acting with knowledge according to situation. If everybody will rush forward it will end up a bordello. Yu: There are in the battalion some presented for honors? Sulim Yamadaev: Certainly. Boys showed themselves not bad. Part of the people well present for Order for Courage and medal For Bravery. Lists already prepared, we will transfer them to the High Command. I personally expressed my gratitude to fighters for the good job. Yu: Is it true that battalion Vostok and Zapad will be retired to reserve? 46 Sulim Yamadaev: The Third Force is working on it. But the Supreme Commander, Minister of Defense, anywhere, will take all decisions. They themselves must make evaluation and soberly weight all for and against. From me personally, I will say that in battalion Vostok already for many years fighting patriots of Russia and to deny this people - means to deprive the Gosudarstvo (Imperial-like State) professional Spetcnaz specialists that can accomplish assignment in any location of the World. (The phrase Third Force was presented by me to UN and some governments in number of letters-articles since 1980th, mostly since Estonian and Georgian claims for independence. I meant the secret pact by ethnic Russia to resurrect Empire. It started as agreement with British monarchy and Bechtel family in 1954, when in the summer children camp Vaduluy-Vody, in republic of Moldova, Russians kept a kidnapped youngster from Bechtel family. It was cemented by sale to Russians a set of blueprints of an atomic enrichment power plant, to make more small atomic bombs. The conspirators agreed that instead of transforming USSR back to CIS, according to 1936 Soviet Constitution, they would restore Russian, British and German-Austrian colonial empires. The non-Russian nations would be destroyed and their countries repopulated by ethnic Russians. Execution of 150 thousands, mostly Georgians, provoking and crushing Hungary with USSR army, usurped by ethnic Russians, than Checks, than genocide of millions in Afghanistan, than attacks on CIS nations, like Georgia, Chechnia and Moldova. It was the third force deeds. Part of it was Spetcnaz: In 1960-th the Special Forces of USSR were changed into ethic Russians only Spetcnaz, trained with help of British to cut off heads, horrifying whole nations in USSR and Euro-Asia. 47 Russia would conquer and destroy, repopulating such countries by ethnic Russians, as they tried, for example, in Afghanistan and Abkhazia. It is what Sulim Yamadaev calls patriots of Russia - professionals that will do same in any place of the World.) Yu: There is information, that in the same time, when Georgia attacked (It is Russia that attacked), it should be uprising of Vahabists in Northern Caucasus. They didnt succeed to open Second Front, did they? (Vahabists are the Russian Spetcnaz and Intelligence, not unlike Abver, SS and Gestapo - Russias version of pretenders.) Sulim Yamadaev: We were reporting (informing) that with movement in Georgia it is possible the same time confrontation in Chechnia, Dagestan, Kabarda and Ingushetia. (Sulim Yamadaev named nations in relative peace that Russia wants yet to provoke and to destroy, like Abkhazia, or Chechnia, or at least like Northern Osetia that is taking over by Russians after Russia murdered children in Beslan.) But they (Georgians) didnt succeed, because Russia didnt sunk in combats in South Osetia and army was fast accomplishing its mission. (It is Russia that didnt succeed to conquer whole Georgia by surprise treachery.) Even here the Almighty helped us. But we are ready to any confrontation. (God didnt helped Russian treachery. Large enough Russian armies, thousands of tanks, hundreds of planes and threat of atomic bombardment prevented, already bleeding and disarmed by Russia Northern Caucasus, to act. Also Caucasus was prevented from going to International Community in public support of Georgia, because Russian Spetcnaz and other armies of death pretending to be Vahabists and other Moslems, cutting off heads of conscious Caucasians.) 48 It is all the same to us where to fight, on this or on another side of the Ridge. Most important - we cannot leave undefended our borders, so we will not receive blow from the rear. (The justification is arrogantly cynical, because: 1.Northern Caucasus was illegally annexed by Russia, in violation of all agreements, starting with agreement between Peter the Great, nephew of Georgian King, and Georgia, by which the Northern Caucasian nations and principalities would remain free and independent, with one exception - geo-strategic necessity to remove from North Caucasian nationalities, based on military pacts with imperial powers in Moslem world, military bases and armies that were attacking their Christian neighbors, South and North from Caucasus 2. After Russian Revolution Russia tried to reestablish more rigid annexation mode In Northern Caucasus and even invaded during Lenin the traditionally united with Georgia Northern Osetia, Cherkessia with City of Sochi, unleashing genocide against Georgians and forcefully repopulated Northern Caucasus in part by Russians, Cossacks and barbarous cut-throats from South-West Russia. Northern tip of Abkhazia and Southern Osetia were soon after return to Georgia 3. With restoration of CIS, after Lenin resigned, Northern Caucasian nationalities moved to secular autonomous states and universal education, interrupted by treasonous pact of ethnic Russians and nazis, using Vlasov and Germans to destroy emerging extended Autonomies or limited independence. 49 4. The process of emerging nations in Northern Caucasus continued after WW2, but in 1947 Stalin was placed under virtual house arrest and the process was sabotaged by ethnic Russia. Since 1953-54 Russians reviewed the sentiment in Northern Caucasus and were surprised by the intelligence, education and knowledge of most of Caucasian nationalities, including their knowledge of common history of Iberian-Caucasian heritage between Black and Caspian Seas. To destroy such heritage became a corner stone of Russian expansion in Caucasus. They forged the Russians only Spetcnaz with a few Caucasian guides-snitches and a few units, pretending being in turbans, not unlike Basaev, Yamadaev, Umarov and others, to use them as pseudo-Moslem terrorists and pseudo-Vahabists to create impression of violation of Peter the Great - Georgia agreement about foreign Moslem bases and armies - to deny Caucasians limited independence and repopulate them by Russians. 5. It is why lying Russia forged artificially local wars in Chechnia, between Northern Osetia and Ingushetia and invaded Georgian provinces Abkhazia and Southern Osetia, using the pseudo-Moslem pretenders from Russian Spetcnaz. 6. While the Great Caucasian ridge is most defended border by nature, they invaded Georgia further south from Northern Caucasus to build and to expand genocidal corridors through the last two big valleys between Black and Caspian Seas. 50 How far will Russia expand to defend its ever enlarging, huge and aggressive rear?) Yu: Are young people flow-out for mountains in Chechnia continue? Sulim Yamadaev: There is information that 20 girls from 15 to 20 years left for woods in Chechnia. Such a misfortune we have. Flow-out continues. We have information on those that are leaving for mountains. In Djamaats that are fighting in Chechnia there are people from Saudi Arabia. We know who is feeding them. If their forces were decreasing before, they received many people this year. Number of clashes increase also, there are losses. Djamaats became active in Dagestan and Ingushetia. If now we will not do good job on Northern Caucasus, another Southern Osetia will repeat itself in other places or a third campaign in Chechnia will be unavoidable. Straggle with our own and squeezing out undesirables comprised that Vahabists are rising again. (Russian made fiction - versus reality: 1. Since 1953-54 Russian dark evil forces planed conquest of non-Russian countries and nationalities in Europe and Asia. One of the contingencies in Caucasus was to turn World opinion against nationalities in the Northern Caucasus, while expanding annexation further South-ward through Georgia and Azerbaijan. Russians created fiction about murderous breed of Caucasian Muslims and it is the language that Russians use in interview with Yamadaev: 51 Djamaats; Saudi Arabia; We know who is feeding them; Dagestan and Ingushetia; rising again Part of it is true, but only because it is the suffering and death accompanying Russian-created reality, infiltrated and controlled by Russian Army, Intelligence and Spetcnaz. 2. Nature of reality, however, could be different. Beside girls and boys that taken by Russian Spetcnaz for pleasure, to snitch and to be used as remote controlled bombs, there could be also a spark of national soul preservation - to go to deserts, mountains and forests from the desecrating eyes of Russian occupants - only to fall for a language that Russia use to label such Nations. However, because Russian and former USSR control is so strong, it is hard to predict to what degree it is simply Russian provocations and to what degree Russia use soul preservation mode on the youngsters. When Russian Spetcnaz murdered children in Beslan, to force on Northern Osetia participation in invasion into Georgia, it was alleged that they also kidnapped number of children. Few days ago some guy waited me up in elevator with two young girls. He was dressed like it was a bulletproof west under his jacket and he was staring at me, while I had to size him up. Girls looked like dressed up boys from Beslan. Mentally they looked like they were dragged through hell. One of them said, when they left: He will be killed. 52 Another one replied: He has no pity on himself being killed. It is one of the way Russia tried prevent me from writing Chronology to UN and USA that stopped Russian expansion into Georgia and trying to stop me now to add this pages to Chronology.) Caucasus is sensitive-woundable place of Russia. (It is sensitive-woundable only in the eyes of despotic Russian criminal minds that have to keep their victims in Caucasus down using them in Russian expansion game.) Many want to blow it up, intending to weaken Russia. (It is Russia that formed additional Spetcnaz units from some Northern Caucasians and trained them to participate with Russians to cut off human heads and commit other crimes against humanity under Russian command. Evolving once, during Stalin time, national republics with limited independence in Northern Caucasus made them friends with the other CIS nations, but the Russian conquest of Caucasus makes Russia their worst enemy - so Russians brought large armies with thousands of tanks and strategic bombers and invaded Georgia, as justification of anger, deliberately produced by Russian hate in Northern Caucasus - as Russia planed it, anywhere, since 1953-54.) Yuriy Kotenok: Thank you for conversation. 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