ࡱ> Y cqbjbjWW g===F. An Organized Approach to Evaluating Drafts In addition to the workshop form, I provide each student at the workshop with a specific assignment grade rubric. I briefly review the grade method and expectations at the beginning of class as a reminder and as a preparation for peer review. Once these packets are prepared, then I have them trade as I discuss the evaluation focus for the first round. See the page three foci following this description. Providing this critical structure helps alleviate the tendency towards quantitative comments and helps reassure students that they are doing the right thing during the workshop. Remember that these are future engineers, scientists, and doctors, not future writing teachers. Make sure your focus list covers the major objectives of the assignment and is tied to the rubric for consistency and so students have a record of what you did during the workshop for future reference as they revise. The rubrics I provide also show students that I am up front about my expectations, I'm not hiding anything or trying to trick them into lower grades. I also use the rubric to guide the focus of each evaluation round. For more, see the section on Designing and Using Grading Rubrics (see p. 37). A Time Structure Once students are prepared to actually begin the workshop, you need a time structure to help move thingsalong at a relatively even pace. Some students will skim through a draft and make quick comments; others will pour over every detail, taking an hour on each draft if you let them. My system is to time each workshop exchange. I announce how long they will have to complete their reading and comments, then I announce when one minute is left to finish up what they are writing. Sometimes this last minute may be drawn out longer so students can get their last comments in. On relatively simple assignments, each evaluation round may take only seven or eight minutes. For complex assignments, ten to twelve minutes may be required. The time limit may also vary according to your focus. For example, reviewing page design may only take a five minute round, while critically evaluating writing style may take ten minutes. I have included time designations on the same focus list that follows (p. 36). What if This Doesnt Work Well? Obviously different schools and different student populations have different needs. My students like structure and want to feel guided. Yours may want more independence and may have the skills to use it. What is clear is that preparing a draft ahead of schedule and getting feedback on it are always valuable steps. So consider the characteristics of your classroom and tweak this process to best fit your needs. Remember also that the first time you do a workshop with any class, you must take the time to explain its purpose and process. Subsequent workshops are much easier as students understand your expectations and the reasoning behind the work. Finally, if you are worried about workshops (and giving students the grading rubric ahead of time) creating grade inflation, then I can tell you that after years of using these, I see no proof of this happening. If anything, these workshops give me further support for holding my students to the high standards set by my department and university. Workshop Form Name: Assignment #:  Evaluator #1: Evaluator #2: Evaluator #3: #1 Strengths #1 Suggestions#2 Strengths #2 Suggestions#3 Strengths #3 Suggestions Workshop Form With Sample Comments Name: Holly Stewart Assignment #: Progress Report  Evaluator #1: Elizabeth R. Evaluator #2: Brynn M. Evaluator #3: Sam C #1 Strengths Nice specific wording (see words circled in paragraph 2) Good variation of sentence structure (see check marks on paragraph 4) #1 Suggestions Consider using a bit more active voiceparagraph two is almost all passive, for example Watch negative wording (not uncommon, not unexpected)#2 Strengths Clear wording on headings #2 Suggestions Use lists when describing tasks completed Consider bolding your contact info at the end of the memo Remember memo format doesnt have a signature block at the end #3 Strengths Looks great! Wish my draft were this far along! #3 Suggestions Note to the Instructor: Discuss the relative uselessness of this last commentit doesn't provide any helpful information and will frustrate the draft author, especially if she worked hard to help others with her workshop comments. Note the detail and reference used in the other comments for comparison. While students should write on each other's drafts, they need to be directive in their comments as well. Sample Workshop Page Focus List for a Progress Report Memo Note: These focus lists are directly related to the progress report reading, assignment sheet, and grading rubric. Focus 1: Writing Style Time Limit: 10 min. Progress report is written using Concrete wording? Active verbs and voice? Positive wording? Concise writing (no repetition, empty wording)? Appropriate tone (no pompous wording)? Appropriate formality (relates back to audience!)? Focus 2: Page Design Time Limit: 5 min. Progress report is designed using Headings? Spacing? Lists? Highlighting? An appropriate level of design (not overused)? Focus 3: Content Thoroughness Time Limit: 10 min. Progress report communicates Project overview? Work completed? Analysis of work to date? Work remaining? Recommendations? In an order appropriate to project (by phase, by time, etc)? Minimum number of Qualitative Comments per Round: 4 Designing & Using Grade Rubrics What Are Rubrics and Why Should I Use Them? Grading rubrics are simply checklists of grade criteria that you use as you evaluate student work. They are based on the objectives found in the reading and/or in the assignment instructions (or both). Although rubrics vary in design, all of them have the following benefits: Good grading rubrics Tie your expectations back to concrete issues (in the reading, instructions) Help ensure your grading is thorough Make your grading more consistent Help you standardize grades, across groups of students, small or large Demonstrate to students that your grading is not totally subjective Reinforce the relationship between course goals and grades. Nonhumanities students especially think that a writing teacher has tendencies to grade based on emotion--whether he likes a topic, a student, or even a paper's aesthetics. The process of reviewing information and assigning it a numerical grade is a mystery to those who are used to scantron exams with blackandwhite answers. In truth, grading can be an intimidating task for a new teacher as well. Using a rubric can help alleviate that stress and can help you reassure your students that you are providing accurate and consistent feedback. How Do I Design a Rubric? Although you have a number of options for rubric design, one element is mandatory: your rubric must reflect the objectives laid out in the assignment, whether this be through the reading, through the instructions, or both. So, good rubric design begins with good assignment design. Check the objectives listed in the reading. Ask yourself what course goals you want to achieve through the assignment. Prioritize these goals as much as possible. The next step then is to design the rubric. Here are a few ideas: General groups of characteristics, with point values assigned. Specific list of characteristics, with point values assigned. Either general groups or specific lists, with spaces for (+, (, or ( notations but without actual point values assigned. Either general groups or specific lists, with space for commentary but no ( or point system. Each of the above has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, the point system approaches can support a grading system that is more standardized. However, you may also find yourself getting a feel for a grade and working backwards to make the points add up (This paper really fits a B category overall, but the points total 90 . . . I have to find areas to make a few more deductions.)! When using a ( system, youll notice that not everything lends itself to a + or -; for example, memo format is generally right or wrong. Students also may try to make a point system out of checks. The comments approach is great but is not as handy when comparing feedback to grades across larger numbers of students. So the choice is up to you. Following this section is a set of grading rubrics that use specific lists but no point system. Whichever you choose, make sure to at least provide a bit of space for an endnote that will emphasize a strength and an area for improvement. My students especially like to know how to apply current grade feedback to their future assignments, so I have a little note saying When drafting the next assignment, make sure to . . . at the end of the grade sheet. How Do I Use a Rubric? Again, this advice is meant to be tailored to your needs/philosophy and to the environment in which you teach. I use the check system because of the temptation to work backwards with the numerical system. So I first take a blank rubric and make notes according to which elements will receive a yes/no response (like the memo format example above) and which elements will receive a (+, (, or (- notation. I then grade about ten at a time and usually dont assign actual grades until one or two of these groups is completed (I have about 100 students per semester). Waiting to assign grades allows me to provide feedback and, at the same time, to get a feel for the overall class response to the assignment. When assigning actual grades, make note of any expectations standardized by your department. For example, our technical writing courses have a universal set of general grade guidelines very similar to those listed in the syllabus-writing section of this manual (see p. 16). Sticking to these will ensure a better level of consistency across writing classes at your school. Once you have assigned grades, then taking a few minutes to go back through them to ensure consistency is a good idea. The rubrics give you a quick overview response so you wont need to flip through pages and pages of text for comparison. Rubrics can also come in handy if a student feels a grade is unusually harsh. Make sure to generally explain your grading methods to your students as a group, and consider having a structured means of submitting an assignment for a re-grade/rewrite (see p. 14), as this can save you from the crying or yelling sessions a small subset of students can bestow upon you. Grade Rubric: Web Site Audience Analysis Format : Uses correct memo format? Correctly uses page continuation headings? Includes a helpful, descriptive, but concise subject line? Uses a clear system of welldesigned headings? Uses white space, lists, and highlighting to make information accessible? Content: Introduction Contains a clear, concise, "news" announcement introduction? Body Compares two appropriately chosen sites? Thoroughly describes each sites audience and purposes? primary and secondary audience? education, attitudes, points of view, habits? short and longterm purposes? Analyzes sites using at least the six style and design characteristics? Demonstrates a good understanding of the characteristics used? Uses specific quotes and examples from the samples to support the analysis? Is wellorganized? Includes top level printouts with project? Uses a clear, consistent method of referencing reader to site locations? Draws connections between characteristics used and audience and purpose? Closing Includes a brief goodwill closing? Overall/Mechanics: Uses good mechanics? Is wellorganized? Uses appropriate and consistent tone and style? Includes all requested documents? Includes clear web address label for each site? Comments: How to Improve Your Next Assignment: ______________________________________________________________________________ Name: Project Grade: Workshop Participation: Complete Workshop Draft: Yes/No Grade Rubric: Cover Letter and Resume Cover Letter: Cover letter format? Contains all address information? Appropriate greeting? Clear, consistent spacing? Clear enclosure notation? Introduction: clearly and efficiently states the news? Body: Uses specific examples, information? Clearly indicates importance of specifics? Relates qualifications back to position? Takes advantage of opportunity to sell author? Closing: Makes desired action clear? Uses a professional tone and formal style? Uses You Attitude? Uses clear, active writing? Avoids all mechanical errors? Makes an excellent first impression of author/applicant? Is printed on quality paper? Resume Content Contains all useful address information? Clearly states education information? Clearly states all experience information? Contains other useful, appropriate information as needed? Lists skills appropriately (most to least importance)? Uses good verb phrases which begin with clear, accurate action verbs? Is grammatically parallel? Avoids all mechanical errors? Makes an excellent first impression of author/applicant? Design Clearly highlights name? Uses a clear system of headings? Emphasizes most flattering information (to left, top down)? Employs highlighting pattern in education/experience? Uses attractive margins? Avoids large blocks of white space? Avoids overusing bullets, highlighting? Generally promotes skimming, selective reading? Is printed on quality paper? Comments: How to Improve Your Next Assignment: ______________________________________________________________________________ Name: Project Grade: Workshop Participation: Complete Workshop Draft: Yes/No Grade Rubric: Proposal Format, Style, and Design : Is in an appropriate and correct format? Uses clear, precise, and specific wording? Lacks pomposity (no empty wording, elegant variation)? Demonstrates good sentence structure (active verbs and voice, point of view, length, complexity)? Avoids overusing design elements? Promotes selective reading (headings, subheadings, lists, highlighting, font size, spacing) Content: Summary/Introduction Is concise, but consistent and informative? Overviews main points of proposal? Rationale/Significance Elaborates on projects significance? Persuasively sells solutions approach? Work Plan Addresses editors questions concerning topic, purpose, relevance, etc.? Provides and understanding of the proposed final project? Clearly describes the proposed project process? Leaves the audience without any significant questions? Assures the audience that product will be of high quality? Timeline/Task Breakdown Breaks project planning into thorough, organized goals? Assigns a specific and realistic schedule to correspond with task breakdown? Has clear start and completion dates, progress report date? Reinforces author credibility? Problems Identifies anticipated roadblocks in proposed work? Provides solutions to expected problems? Inspires confidence for editor? Qualifications Are well-tailored to the proposed work? Inspire confidence that project will be excellent? Costs Are thoroughly and accurately broken down? Are justified by the previous proposal sections? Conclusion Reiterates the strengths of the proposed project? Helps to persuade the audience to approve? Comments: How to Improve Your Next Assignment: ______________________________________________________________________________ Name: Project Grade: Workshop Participation: Complete Workshop Draft: Yes/No Grading Rubric: Instructions Introduction Includes subject, purpose, scope, audience Refers to any necessary problem background Reviews rationale behind the project Reviews theory of operation as needed List of Materials Lists all necessary materials or supplies for project Is wellorganized in a logical order for the audience Instructions Are clearly divided into steps or phases Use imperative commands in parallel form Demonstrate use of clear, precise wording and detail Highlight any cautions, warnings, or other danger notations Are designed to allow quick reference of specific steps Anticipate and answer reader questions Trouble Shooting/Tips Thoroughly identify possible problems Clearly direct reader to solutions Are wellorganized If necessary, refer reader to source(s) for further information Graphic(s) Is audience appropriate Is fully labeled (graphic parts and figure/table number) and titled Is appropriately placed in the text Is fully integrated into discussion or instructions Comments: How to Improve Your Next Assignment: _____________________________________________________________________________ Name: Project Grade: Workshop Participation: Complete Workshop Draft: Yes/No Grading Rubric: Recommendation Report Introduction Includes subject, purpose, scope, plan of development Refers to problem background Reviews rationale behind the report Methods Reviews and justifies all research methods Establishes credibility for the audience Discussion Is clearly divided into topics Is coherently organized Incorporates information from all interview questions Provides authors own opinions, insights, experiences, analyses if appropriate Clearly refers to appendix documents for support/evidence Anticipates and answers reader questions Conclusions Are thorough and justified by preceding information Are arranged in a clear, purposeful order Provide a logical bridge into recommendations Recommendations (if appropriate) Are requests/calls for action for audience Directly correspond to the conclusions Are arranged in a clear, logical order Graphic(s) Is audience appropriate Is fully labeled (graphic parts and figure/table number) and titled Is appropriately placed in the text Is fully integrated into discussion or instructions Comments: How to Improve Your Next Assignment: _____________________________________________________________________________ Name: Project Grade: Workshop Participation: Complete Workshop Draft: Yes/No     PAGE  PAGE 42 /02wy3FUrvi U V 7]^Fe÷ëë÷÷÷ß÷ßÄxßqe÷5CJOJQJmH nH  CJmH nH 5CJOJQJmH nH 5CJOJQJmH nH  CJ&mH nH 6CJmH nH 5CJOJQJmH nH CJH*OJQJmH nH 6CJOJQJmH nH CJOJQJmH nH CJ(OJQJmH nH 5CJ0OJQJmH nH 5CJ(H*OJQJmH nH 5CJ(OJQJmH nH '012rstuvfghi| $ $ $ $ $ $ $012rstuvfghi|^QRop 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