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ФЦЦЦЦЦЦ$ћhcЎъђддђђъддџœœœђpддФœђФœœœдІ рь[+ЦFbdœФ0EœЦrœœ("d†ўœ„ЬPЂ"""ъъ8d"""Eђђђђ"""$ F"""F"""џџџџ NORTH HARRIS MONTGOMERY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT LIBEX Meeting March 23, 2006 Tomball College Present: Michael Stafford, Mark Harris, Mary Jean Webster, Lonna Beers, Peggy Whitley, Maryann Readal, Ron Stauss, Janice Peyton (Recorder) Guest: Wendy Schneider Invited Guest: Linda Luehrs-Wolfe, Associate Vice Chancellor, Instruction, NHMCCD Distributions: Sections D, E of Texas Academic Survey (Mark Harris) ACRL Statistics 2004-05 Worksheet ACRL Supplemental Statistics 2004-05 Worksheet NHMCCD-Recommendations_2006_final.xls (email Maryann Readal) NHMCCD Faculty Assessment for Librarians and Counselors NHMCCD Libraries Faculty Survey Spring 2006 Minutes from February LIBEX meeting were accepted and forwarded to Luke to post on NHMCCD Library website. Mark gave a status report on cataloging. Mark believes that the flow is improving. He reminded LIBEX that Carol should be notified of cataloging or processing errors. He reported that a 19.5 hour/week student had been hired to do processing. Mark indicated that Carol’s workflow should meet previously specified timeline. There was some discussion on the “In Transit” notation. Mark reminded the group that at the request of LIBEX, the term “In Transit” had been discontinued. If user sees “In Process”, they will not recognize it as available. Mark Distributed Sections D and E of the Texas Academic Survey. He indicated that he had sent out statistics that were available to him and asked the directors to complete as much information as possible, verifying with the previous statistics. Mark indicated that Horizon and Harmonic showed the same statistics. Mark will secure the official FTE for each college. There was further discussion about what was considered to be interlibrary loans. It was decided that as in past years, all public library transactions should be considered as ILL transactions. Maryann recommended that a report of “item holdings” and “items added” be generated on September 1 for the previous year. It was noted that Brenda Matejowski’s monthly acquisition report is manually collected. As a result of the discussion, Mark agreed that the AV will be added to Brenda’s monthly report. The Texas Academic Survey is due April 28. Mark asked that all statistical information for the report from the colleges be sent to him by April 15. LIBEX discussed the database committee’s recommendations, as well as several specific databases, including Encyclopedia Britannica. Since pricing information about some of the databases was unavailable, LIBEX agreed that the next step would be to get price quotes for each recommended title and send spreadsheet to directors. There was a suggestion that we monitor TexShare. Ron reminded us that the first budget lock had been set at an earlier date this year. LIBEX recommended that the database committee be commended for their work. The group discussed electronic books and how these items would appear in the catalog. With the Gale books, HIP displays a URL in the 856 field. On-campus access is automatic. Off-campus access requires authentication. Some vendors also provide e-copies of books. Mark explained that upon purchase and cataloging, the e-book could theoretically be accessed from either vendor server or local server. Peggy said that she would purchase an e-book and report back to the group after the purchase. LIBEX noted that anyone who purchases an e-book should pass on information to the group. Mark cautioned the group to review carefully the license agreements before purchasing, as intricate license arrangements exist. LIBEX reviewed the district library website. It was decided again to have the page function as a true gateway page. In the center of the page should be a rotating picture of the district libraries. Underneath the picture will be a brief description of library services. Maryann will write the description. A link to the 5 libraries will be prominent links as well as a link to the chat button. The Faculty Library Survey will run the first two weeks in April. HCPL expressed discomfort with the Children on Campus Policy draft. It was noted that as the property holder, NHMCCD is liable and must manage risk. Mary Jean announced that the Tomball/HCPL agreement had been signed. ALS was asked to facilitate database training. Mark indicated that Luke could work on training. It was suggested that librarians can do training. Maryann Readal will charge the reference committee to list databases where training is needed. Mary Jean reported that she is unable to cancel orders in ACQ. Mark indicated that this was a passkey problem and that he would fix it. Peggy Whitley recommended that the group investigate Visual Thesaurus for ESL, as it helps users understand nuances between words. It was reported that Luke had verified that the Visual Thesaurus could be authenticated through RPA. Peggy will follow-up on pricing. Peggy will facilitate the discussion of support staff development event by the end of April. There was extensive discussion of delivery routes, including a clarification of the flag system. Montgomery County has requested that because of space, South Branch can no longer be a delivery/pick-up point. Instead, NHMCCD and MCPL couriers will pick up and drop off bins at Tomball College. HCPL will also pick up at Tomball College. TC/HC joint library indicated they can accommodate this change because they have the space and a loading dock. A Horizon Upgrade (7.33) will take place April 23, using push technology. Staff will need administrative rights in order to complete the upgrade. Each college’s IT department may have to complete the upgrade because of the “rights” issue. This upgrade requires no hardware upgrade. This upgrade fixes bugs with requesting un-requestable items. Linda Luehrs-Wolfe, reviewed the Faculty Assessment for Librarians and Counselors and the Librarian Assessment Form. She would like to have form reviewed and returned in two weeks. LIBEX agreed to reconvene and discuss changes. Some of these suggestions included removing the numerical rating scale, as it has not worked well for librarians. It was confirmed that the timelines apply to librarian evaluations. It was also noted that the same form should be used for adjuncts and full-time librarians, including the classroom observation form. Adjuncts should be evaluated the first semester and as needed after that. Linda will send the form, along with the Faculty Assessment Form for Librarians and Counselors and the Faculty form and timelines. LIBEX recommended that once the forms are reviewed and revised, the forms pass through faculty senate. LIBEX will meet and their suggestions will include input from librarians. Janice will arrange for the group to meet at Montgomery College. LIBEX discussed eligibility for health benefits. Part-time librarians are classified as part-time professionals. Ron Stauss suggested that LIBEX meet with Jean Grove to review job description to ensure that the descriptions state that adjuncts perform similar functions as full time librarians. Open Items: Ron described the status of the RFP to increase bandwidth. He indicated reporting tools would be available. Peggy Whitley shared information on “Beyond Google”, and invited the group to see a performance at Kingwood College by Carlyle Floyd, an opera composer. The regularly scheduled meeting will be at Kingwood College, April 20.     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