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Take classes in subjects that interest you; education is associated with decreased Alzheimer’s risk, learning a new language may be very good. d. Do mentally stimulating activities, including puzzles (like crossword puzzles, sudoku, but also learn new things). 2) Maximize and continue your physical exercise: a. Have a regular exercise program. b. Physical exercise is best 10-30 minutes after each meal for 10-30 minutes, 3 times per day. c. Do both aerobic and strengthening exercises. d. Stretching improves flexibility. 3) Maximize your social network and spiritual interactions: a. Stay active with your friends and in your community. b. Focus on interdependence with others. 4) Continually monitor and improve your diet: a. Take your vitamins daily. b. Take at the morning meals: Vitamin E 200 iu; Vitamin C 250 mg; ( Multi-vitamin (with folate 400 mcg and no iron) For discussion, see: Willet WC, Stampfer MJ, “What vitamins should I be taking, Doctor?” New England Journal of Medicine, 345, 1819 (2001) c. Check with your clinician yearly to be sure your homocysteine levels are not high and you have no signs of or risk factors for B12 deficiency. d. Ask your doctor to make sure your B12 level is above 400. If diet doesn't help, take oral supplement. If oral supplement doesn't work, get monthly B12 shots additionally. e. Maximize your vegetables. f. Increase your dietary intake of omega-3-fatty acids. g. OPTIMIZE Plant products and fish: Fruits - citrus, blue berries; Vegetables - green, leafy; ( Fish - deep sea, finned, oily, at least 3x/week; ( Nuts - especially almonds, and also dark chocolate h. MINIMIZE other animal products: Red meat (no more than once per week) Dairy (limit to low-fat) Poultry (limit eggs to 7 or fewer per week) 5) Keep your Body Mass Index (BMI) in the optimal range (19-25): ( -------- BMI = 703 * weight (pounds) / height (inches) squared --------( To optimize your BMI, control your food intake and exercise. 6) Physically protect your brain: a. Wear your car seat belt. b. Wear a helmet when you are riding a bicycle or participating in any activity where you might hit your head. c. Decrease your fall risk through physical exercise; improve your balance. d. Make your environment safe. 7) Visit your clinician on a regular basis. Know your body and your health risks. See your clinician at ages 30, 40, 50, 55, 60, and 65. Catalog your family history of diseases including dementia. Check blood pressure, cholesterol, fasting blood sugar, B12, BMI. Review your health habits, diet, sleep, avoidance of tobacco and smoke. Beginning at age 65, see your clinician annually and have each area checked. a. Decrease your risk of type II diabetes. Monitor your fasting blood sugar yearly. If you have diabetes, make sure that your blood sugar is optimally controlled. b. Consult your clinician about your joint and muscle pains (treat arthritis with ibuprofen or indomethacin). c. Keep your hormones stable. Check with your clinician about your thyroid hormone. Discuss sex-hormone replacement therapy with your clinician (such therapy is not currently recommended for Alzheimer prevention, but may help memory and mood). 8) Optimize your cardiovascular health: a. Take your blood pressure regularly; - be sure that the systolic pressure is always less than 130, diastolic blood pressure is less than 85. b. Watch your cholesterol; if your cholesterol is elevated (above 200), talk to your clinician about appropriate treatment. Consider “statin” medications and be sure your cholesterol is fully controlled. c. If approved by your clinician: 1 enteric coated baby aspirin each day. 9) Optimize your mental health: a. If you have difficulty getting to sleep, consider trying 3 - 6 milligrams of melatonin at bedtime (consider different brands if not helpful at first). b. If you snore, consult your clinician about sleep apnea. c. Get treatment for depression if needed. d. Keep your stress level under control. Severe stress is bad for health; - some stress is needed to maintain motivation. e. Avoid excess alcohol use. 10) Optimize your cognitive health: a. Monitor your memory regularly. b. Have your memory screened yearly after 60 year of age. c. Be sure the people around you are not concerned about your memory. d. If you think that you have significant difficulty with your memory, talk to your clinician about further evaluation and therapy. e. Attend book clubs, local museums and/or art show THE SWISS PLAN – A REGIMENTED LIFESTYLE FOR BETTER HEALTH (7 days per week) - get up every morning at the same time - have breakfast, similar quantity, same time every day - rest on back for 20-30 minutes - excercise for 20-30 minutes (as tolerated) - have lunch , similar quantity, same time every day - rest on back for 20-30 minutes - exercise for 20-30 minutes (as tolerated) - have dinner, similar quantity, same time every day - rest on back for 20-30 minutes - exercise for 20-30 minutes (as tolerated) After evening exercise, measure weight (scales): - write down weight in a diary. - write down what was eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks. - write down amount of exercise after each rest period. - majority of time: aerobic and stretching. - minority of time: isometric, weight-lifting. - compare weight with weight from 7 days before. - go to bed at same time every night (should get 8 hours of sleep) Target weight should be based on BMI (example: range 150 – 180 pounds) If above target weight: - weight should be 1 pound less than 7 days before - if weight is not less than before: - slightly reduce quantity of food consumed at each meal - slightly increase the amount of aerobic exercise. If below target weight: - weight should be 1 pound more than 7 days before - if weight is not more than before: - {™ХЮ  4 V X Z \ ˜šджиDF~–bdfєіЅІп>\^iƒЃЄЅАЬшёѓ—˜гдхѓ"#LN01ъыP„7:>?ЇЈ@RSИТќјќјќєќ№ќхиќдќхиќхќдќхЪќхќдќЦќЦдќЦєЦќдќдќЦќЦќЦќЦќЦќЦќЦќЦќТќЦќєќєќТќОКЖКЖhQTќh;Pxh`x#h%ьhihTR№OJQJ^Jh9LhTR№OJPJQJ^Jo(hTR№OJQJ^Jo(h ­hTNЋh€jHhTR№H;yЯа A k З ў 8 v Ї Ы + [  Л ѓ 8 ” а \ њњњњњњёёфзЮњёзёёњёёњёХ„а`„аgdTNЋ„ ^„ gdTR№ „ „0§^„ `„0§gdTR№ „а„а^„а`„аgdTR№„а`„аgdTR№gdTR№9:§\ Т lџЎЬTиDВјJ‚рbј:]zъ6UЇпњњээфффњњњлњњњњњЮњфэффњф „а„а^„а`„аgdTR№„а^„аgdTR№„а`„аgdTR№ „ „0§^„ `„0§gdTR№gdTR№п]Ѕђ—д%\ќ$LД‚ЬьђхмгЪСДЇЪЇž™ЪСДЪ™gdTR№„p^„pgdi „ „а^„ `„аgdi „ „0§^„ `„0§gdi„ ^„ gdi„а`„аgdi„а`„аgd9L„ ^„ gd9L „а„а^„а`„аgdTR№ „а„а^„а`„аgdiь‡Тэ8h…ЉЫMб@RSƒУь!"_ˆђщщщмщзщщщђщщЫТТТТТТТТ„а`„аgd;Px $„а`„аa$gdQTќgdTR№ „ „а^„ `„аgdTNЋ„а`„аgdi „ „0§^„ `„0§gdiТ!"ˆ”МН# / W X ` ˆ Џ А љ њ ћ 9!:!;!š!б!в!г!"7"O"e"g"L#T#щ#898P8Ф8Х8ў8y9Ќ9Х9Ь9ъ9я9::,:-:8:9:ќјќјќјќјќєј№јєјєјьєьєјєјєјєјєјєјъјьќцьєьјєјьјєјьјтh†kh`x#UhЪ^ЇhŸљhмZhQTќh;Px2ˆМНњ# W X ‰ Б ћ ;!i!š!г!""h"‡"Т"№")#_#~#Й#іііііііііііііэшііпівіЩп„а`„аgdQTќ „ „а^„ `„аgdQTќ„а^„аgdQTќgdмZ„а`„аgdмZ„а`„аgd;PxЙ#ч#98:8Q8’8Х8џ8D9y9Ќ9ъ9:9:іщфпжжЭжРжИАЈ & Fgd†k & FgdQTќ & FgdQTќ „ „а^„ `„аgdмZ„а`„аgdмZ„а`„аgd;PxgdмZgdЪ^Ї „ „а^„ `„аgdQTќ„а`„аgdQTќ slightly increase quantity of food consumed at each meal Other recommendations: - minimize TV watching (reading, computer surfing is OK) - watch TV at same time every day. - maximize intellectually stimulating activities. - best aerobic exercise is swimming (best for chronic pains) - also good are walking, running, biking with others - maximize interactions with other people. between meals, may drink water, normally sweetened beverages avoid artificial sweeteners consider electrolyte enhanced beverages (Gatorade) ,1hАа/ Ар=!А"А# $ %ААаАа а†œD@ёџD NormalCJ_HaJmH nHsH tHDAђџЁD Default Paragraph FontRiѓџГR  Table Normalі4ж l4жaі (kєџС(No ListH™ђH €jH Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ"<џџџџ;yЯаAkЗў8vЇЫ+[ЛѓJhЎсlџЎЬ*lЂйќ%ApБќ: ] z ъ 6 U Ї п  ] Ѕ ђ  — д  % \ ќ $LД‚Ьь‡Тэ8h…ЉЫMб@RSƒУь!"_ˆМНњ#WX‰Бћ;išгh‡Т№)_~Йч"#:{Ўш-b•гя$˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0~€˜ 0€€SЙч:{$š@0€€Z‘00 h4Z‘00Z‘00X‘00€Z‘00”Т9:\ пьˆЙ#9:9:џџtР„\:$E$9*€urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags€place€  u)QW•—Ќ­ХЫ  ЌjkЂЃБВњћї  ;Aіџ‡$y—ПШИС9=ЛМ—ЁJWŽŸЂиБће к …‰:>Эбіџ18im’š-5X‰?Gmuнп@F‘—ЬЮђњ-5ˆŽУХщёђі/3$3333333333333333333333333333333333ќ $Ьь…Љ@[o_†гя$‡$qО#\ВКЎџџџџџџџџџ„„˜ўЦ^„`„˜ўOJPJQJ^Jo(-„ш„˜ўЦш^„ш`„˜ўOJQJ^Jo(‡hˆHo€„И „˜ўЦИ ^„И `„˜ўOJQJo(‡hˆHЇ№€„ˆ„˜ўЦˆ^„ˆ`„˜ўOJQJo(‡hˆHЗ№€„X„˜ўЦX^„X`„˜ўOJQJ^Jo(‡hˆHo€„(„˜ўЦ(^„(`„˜ўOJQJo(‡hˆHЇ№€„ј„˜ўЦј^„ј`„˜ўOJQJo(‡hˆHЗ№€„Ш„˜ўЦШ^„Ш`„˜ўOJQJ^Jo(‡hˆHo€„˜„˜ўЦ˜^„˜`„˜ўOJQJo(‡hˆHЇ№qО#џџџџџџџџš|V^        ДхГ›K†kœ%NXЗIвAЂ oыLЄ<$O!ЮmюhEgˆLџMзr +пV!`x#M?$Q%Рe&Gl&м*Я:*Аf+cZ,.S&.6/љ!3r4г6x7К:пj;EX=—>з+>ЫE­FcGИ&G€jH_K­IK9LYMc!P|#PчqPtyQэRП&WЭzWрmZie\Н]MM_Ї7`Мqc˜wcЁeў/eН\eдmeњ7f’sfЬ?h/id2kl5kd:kƒAkЌ`o~p6pwq]ArpAtђNtкxtЗ~vъ{w;PxѕwxxyвzЛ~{)|Љ8}Ag} 0~–8€iT€+c€€iуq?"…ŒK‡§N‡ЭZŠYŒ#E[iЌ+“ј{“„t•Ti–„!˜мZŸтŸ Ё:kЁPЂэPЃЃ1ЄЪ^Ї{{Ї)ЊTNЋњЌ ­\{Ў 8Џ8АУlБ†pГŠ$ЖwPИŠ+К-.КƒeК~ПkРјGРлZРвTТ‰.ФЙ@Ц<Ъ[eЪљЫxЫNiЭЭа а$jгн д_дDйИ^лHdнsPпс|сWу.AхЭKх?bъVыДeы%ьўNэ_@юœZю >яTR№Щa№Kё@HђncѓŸљ$ќQTќџ@€ˆˆX0‰ˆˆX щ"@@@ @@@@@(@@p@џџUnknownџџџџџџџџџџџџG‡: џTimes New Roman5€Symbol3& ‡: џArial]€  MS MinchoArial Unicode MSW BatangArial Unicode MS5& ‡za€џTahoma?5 ‡: џCourier New;€Wingdings"qˆ№аh‹КХІКХІ`КХІ  1  1!№ ДД24d2ƒQ№HX)№џ?фџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ‰.Ф2џџ:MEMORY MAINTENANCE PROGRAM - THE TOP TEN RECOMMENDATIONSwashford vhapalashfoj ўџр…ŸђљOhЋ‘+'Гй0Р˜ ф№, DP p | ˆ ” ЈАИф<MEMORY MAINTENANCE PROGRAM - THE TOP TEN RECOMMENDATIONS washfordNormalvhapalashfoj3Microsoft Office Word@М e@@8†ђМШ@ъїјїМШ@ˆјМШ ўџеЭеœ.“—+,љЎDеЭеœ.“—+,љЎ”P hpЈАИР Шаир ш /ф0Stanford / VA Aging Clinical Research Center1 ' ;MEMORY MAINTENANCE PROGRAM - THE TOP TEN RECOMMENDATIONS TitleL@Ьдмќ@_AdHocReviewCycleID_EmailSubject _AuthorEmail_AuthorEmailDisplayName_ReviewingToolsShownOnceф№ћг”Alzheimer's Conferencewashford@medafile.comJ. 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