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Mader Notebook with paper Pens (blue or black, red) and #2 Pencils Colored Pencils Ruler (12 in. long, must include centimeters, see-through is best) Composition book (4x4 or 5x5 grid, looks like graph paper) USB/flash drive Calculator Please donate one or more of the following items: Tissues, Hand Sanitizer, Paper Towels. Thanks! ( Personal Safety DCPS guidelines dictate that all students must wear face masks. We may have scheduled breaks when you can take your mask off during class. You will be expected to sanitize your hands as you enter the classroom, wipe off your desk area, and sanitize your hands as you exit at the end of class. Six feet of social distancing will be expectation, if possible. Class expectations You, the student, are expected to do your best in my class. I expect you to follow all classroom and school rules, and be an active participant in class. You need to come to class on time, and prepared, bringing all your necessary materials to class. Start your year off strong by being open-minded and believing that you CAN do it. I believe every student can learn the concepts required, earn good grades, and be an important part of this class. Grading Scale A B C D <60 F To calculate your grade, divide the total points earned by total points possible. The percentage out of 100 will be your grade. The Flipped or Hybrid Classroom Regardless of if you are in the physical classroom or at home, our class will be consistent. This will make it as easy as possible to make it through the hybrid schedules or Homeroom learning. You will watch posted videos and lectures and complete the quiz that goes with it. You can retake the video quiz and it will keep the highest score. It is expected that you also read the sections in your book to fill in any gaps, make sure you check out the sample problems. Progress Checks will commence through CollegeBoard.com where students will interact with AP test-style multiple choice and free response questions. Summative assessments will be teacher-created tests and quizzes based on videos, my lectures, and labs to supplement the College Board Progress Checks. Check the Class Website OneNote- to make sure you stay current on assignments and assessments. All section quizzes and chapter tests will be online using Performance Matters (links will be posted on Teams). Video quizzes will be open to take and retake up until the day of the test on that material. Section quizzes can be retaken upon request. You should be doing them when they are assigned in order to stay current in the class. Homeroom and Hybrid labs will be online; some labs will include teacher demonstration. The assignments will be found in Teams and Focus and must be submitted to Focus. You may fix and resubmit labs for full credit if you dont like your score. Homeroom projects will be submitted Focus; Hybrid projects will be presented in class, if possible. You will join your AP Classroom via Collegeboard.com (instructions to follow in class) to access Progress Checks for each section and unit before the in-class unit exam. Supplemental resources including practices exams are available there as well. Submission of Assignments: Homeroom and Hybrid- ALL assignments should be uploaded directly to Focus. Submit as Word or PDF documents; make sure your pictures are upright. The Online Classroom- Heres what to expect in class each day. Youll still have your same schedule of classes, same times, A or B day. Time are subject to change. Before class: Watch video online, take video quiz, write notes During class: 1st 45 minutes- read sections in your book, add to notes, take quiz (if you feel comfortable with the information) 2nd 45 minutes- Live chat with Mrs. Korous on Teams to answer any questions and do some challenge questions for extra points After class: take quiz (if not already done) The goal of the online classroom, like the flipped classroom, is to put more responsibility for your learning on you. Im here as a coach, but youre going to do most of the learning on your own. I may have a short live or recorded explanation of hard concepts, but the learning is mostly on your own now. Attendance and Absences- Homeroom: You will need to visit our class Teams and like the announcement of the day in order to be marked present for that day. Do not use any other reaction or you may be marked absent. You must check in the first 15 minutes of class or risk being marked absent. Attendance records are required at the start of class; Ill take attendance by visual inspection when youre in class. If you are absent from class, make sure you check out the korousbiology.weebly.com for weekly schedule, FOCUS, and Teams for anything that you need to makeup. Feel free to work ahead if youd like. The Secret to Doing Well in Science: Understanding how things work is key. You will have access to online videos that serve as your lessons. You can also glean important information from our scientific textbook. There is math involved as well, so make sure you bring your calculator every day. I challenge you to really think about the concepts and ask questions, because understanding how things work is going to be a big part of Biology. Help Tutoring- Available upon request. Hall Passes Hybrid: Students will be allowed to use the hall pass two (2) times within a quarter. We expect students to be in the class at all times for instruction. Homeroom: you have unlimited hall passes :) Contacting the teacher Email is the best way to contact me. Students and parents may email me at  HYPERLINK "korousk@duvalschools.org" korousk@duvalschools.org or go through the OneView. You may also call me at 904-274-1382 and leave a message. Parent-teacher conferences can be arranged through the Guidance Department 904-693-7583 Class website  HYPERLINK "korousbiology.weebly.com" korousbiology.weebly.com Requested Information Communication is key in any relationship, particularly between a teacher and his students and their parents. Parents/guardians, if you have any questions please email, call, or send a note with your student. I will try to respond promptly. I will periodically send emails to parents and students through FOCUS, so please update in FOCUS if your email address changes. Please go to the class website, follow the link for the Beginning of Year Survey, and answer the survey questions. It will count as their first homework. 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