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If false, explain why. Hardware refers to the instructions that command computers to perform actions and make decisions. Software systems called batches manage the transitions between jobs. Objects are reusable software components that model items in the real world. Fill in the blank The __________ statement instructs the computer to display information on the screen A ____________ is a Python data type that contains a sequence of characters _____________ are used to document a program and improve its readability State whether each of the following is true or false. If false, explain why. The Python function get_input requests input from the user. The != is an example of a relational operator. A variable name identifies the kind of information stored in an object. If parentheses are nested, the expression in the innermost pair is evaluated first. Fill in the blank The if/elif/else structure is a _________________structure. A _________ is a graphical representation of a program. State whether each of the following is true or false. If false, explain why. Pseudocode is a simple programming language. A repetition structure performs the statements in its body while some condition remains true. The exponentiation operator associates from left to right. The symbol = tests for equality. State the order of evaluation of the operators in each of the following Python statements and show the value of x after each statement. x = 7 + 3 * 6 / 2 – 1 x = ( 3 * 9 * ( 3 + ( 9 * 3 / ( 3 ) ) ) Write a program that requests the user to enter two numbers and prints the sum, product, difference, and quotient of the two numbers. Write a program that reads in the radius of a circle and prints the circle’s diameter, circumference, and area. Use the constant value 3.14159 for PI. Do these calculations in output statements. Write a program that reads in two integers and determines and prints whether the first is a multiple of the second. (Hint: Use the modulus operator) Drivers are concerned with the mileage obtained by their automobiles. One driver has kept track of several tankfuls of gasoline by recording miles driven and gallons used for each thankful. Develop a Python program that prompts the user to input the miles driven and gallons used for each tankful. The program should calculate and display the miles per gallon obtained for each tankful. After processing all input information, the program should print the combined miles per gallon obtained for all tankfuls (= total miles driven divided by total gallons used). The output should be similar to the following. Enter the gallons used (-1 to end): 12.8 Enter the miles driven: 287 The miles / gallon for this tank was 22.421875 Enter the gallons used (-1 to end): 10.3 Enter the miles driven: 200 The miles / gallon for this tank was 19.417475 Enter the gallons used (-1 to end): 5 Enter the miles driven: 120 The miles / gallon for this tank was 24.00000 Enter the miles driven: -1 The overall average miles / gallon was 21.601423 Write a program that simulates the roll of two six-sided dice 1000 times. Keep track of the number of 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s, 6’s, 7’s, 8’s, 9’s, 10’s, 11’s, and 12’s. Output the sum of the two dice rolls and the number times each was rolled in a tabular format. 2's 34 3's 58 4's 72 5's 119 6's 140 7's 148 8's 163 9's 102 10's 88 11's 49 12's 27 Review the concepts of string concatenation and string repetition. Review the string manipulation methods listed in the notes from chapter 2. 34l p t y ‡ Ќ А Д Й ч № ‰ ˜ л ь э ( ) ‰  ‘ – ^KЋЌЋOP‘’TUVЋ<=>?Aќјќ№ќ№ќьфьфьжьвьвьвьвЪвЪвУвПвПВПЎЊЎПЊЊ–‰ьќhоbfhоbfOJQJ^J hоbfh =#h =#h =#OJQJ^Jh =#hŸ.шhО}ЕhО}ЕOJQJ^JhО}Е hоbfhоbfhx$hоbf6hоbfhx$hx$5OJQJ^Jhx$hx$6hx$h bsh bs6hJЯh bs+4567IЁёD E “ ѕ : ‡ ˆ š я ; „ … г  > † к л э §§§§ѕэээшѕэээуѕэээуѕээээуѕgdx$gd bs & Fgdx$ & Fgdx$Aўэ ) a b А н ;v—˜ 6_`цчЌ­CDЊЋд№їїђъттттђъттђъђънънънддд„h^„hgdО}ЕgdО}Е & Fgdоbf & Fgdоbfgdоbf & Fgdx$Hd“ЙеOPUV]dks{ƒ‹“›ЃЋЌііііііщіфмзЪЪЪЪЪЪЪЪЪЪЪз „ „а^„ `„аgd =#gd =# & FgdоbfgdО}Е Ц„h^„hgd =#„h^„hgdО}ЕЌ­Ў=>?@Aњњђэшшшgd bsgdоbf & Fgd =#gd =#21h:p =#Аа/ Ар=!Аа"Аа# $ %ААаАа а†œ@@ёџ@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@ђџЁD Default Paragraph FontRi@ѓџГR  Table Normalі4ж l4жaі (k@єџС(No ListA$џџџџ4567IЁёDE“ѕ:‡ˆšя;„…г>†клэ)abАн;v—˜ 6_`цчЌ­C D Њ Ћ д №  H d “ Й е   O P UV]dks{ƒ‹“›ЃЋЌ­Ў=>?@C˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜ 07€˜ 07€˜ 07€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0E€˜ 0E€˜ 0E€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0ˆ€˜ 0ˆ€˜ 0ˆ€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0…€˜ 0…€˜ 0…€˜ 0…€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0л€˜ 0л€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0b€˜ 0b€˜ 0b€˜ 0b€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0˜€˜ 0˜€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜0€€˜ 0 €€˜0€€˜ 0 €€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜ 0 €€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜ 0 €€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€‹“›ЃЋCKˆ00xukKˆ00Kˆ00‘0m.Kˆ00€Kˆ00ЅA э ЌA Aч№єјАКА И g n С Ш ; C CоцC337IˆšМвлэ™А ^" D VЎCCIF6BH J џџџџџџџџџ„h„˜ўЦh^„h`„˜ўo(„h„˜ўЦh^„h`„˜ўo(.„а„0§Ца^„а`„0§o(..„а„0§Ца^„а`„0§o(... „8„ШћЦ8^„8`„Шћo( .... „8„ШћЦ8^„8`„Шћo( ..... „ „`њЦ ^„ `„`њo( ...... „ „`њЦ ^„ `„`њo(....... „„јјЦ^„`„јјo(........IF6Bџџџџџџџџх =#x$ŸNcоbf bsО}ЕJЯŸ.шџ@€џAP@џџUnknownџџџџџџџџџџџџG‡z €џTimes New Roman5€Symbol3& ‡z €џArial?5 ‡z €џCourier New"qˆ№аhкМ‰†Н‰†=Fћ Fћ й№а ДД24::2ƒQ№HP)№џ?фџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ bs2џџ3Introduction to Computer Programming Study Guide #1Michael SchergerMichael Scherger ўџр…ŸђљOhЋ‘+'Гй0Д˜дрќ( DP p | ˆ”œЄЌф4Introduction to Computer Programming Study Guide #1Michael Scherger Normal.dotMichael Scherger1Microsoft Office Word@Ў‡…@єMЏФЁФ@Ђе4ЭЁФFћ ўџеЭеœ.“—+,љЎ0$ hp„Œ”œ ЄЌДМ Ф ф SCHERGER:ц 4Introduction to Computer Programming Study Guide #1 Title ўџџџўџџџ !"#$%&ўџџџ()*+,-.ўџџџ0123456ўџџџ§џџџ9ўџџџўџџџўџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџRoot Entryџџџџџџџџ РFPЎlUЭЁФ;€Data џџџџџџџџџџџџ1TableџџџџWordDocumentџџџџ4$SummaryInformation(џџџџџџџџџџџџ'DocumentSummaryInformation8џџџџџџџџ/CompObjџџџџџџџџџџџџqџџџџџџџџџџџџўџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџўџ џџџџ РFMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8є9Вq