ࡱ> []Z'` FbjbjLULU 4`.?.?>nnnnnnn#####L-(2$ R&R&R&R&-'-'-'k-m-m-m-m-m-m-$/h|1-n(-'-'((-nnR&R&----(nR&nR&k--(k---nn-R&&$ @n#(r-W--0--1G*1--1n3-$-'Ly'6-','-'-'-'--- -'-'-'-((((D##nnnnnn Welcome to the LABSG list 2009-2010 LABSG members: Please read and save this document. It contains answers to the questions most often asked concerning the LABSG list, including where to send the summaries and the preferred format for the summaries. ****************** LABSG List FAQ's Frequently Asked Questions Version: 1 September 2009 List Founder and Manager: Angela King-Herbert ( HYPERLINK "mailto:kingher1@niehs.nih.gov" kingher1@niehs.nih.gov) Summary Coordinator: Stephanie Murphy ( HYPERLINK "mailto:murphyst@ohsu.edu" murphyst@ohsu.edu) Summary Coordinator for Laboratory Animals: Jose Manuel Sanchez-Morgado ( HYPERLINK "mailto:jmsanchez@cnic.es" jmsanchez@cnic.es) Special Projects Coordinator: Angela King-Herbert ( HYPERLINK "mailto:kingher1@niehs.nih.gov" kingher1@niehs.nih.gov) Webmaster: Debra Hickman ( HYPERLINK "mailto:mousedoc98@yahoo.com" mousedoc98@yahoo.com) ******************* 1. What is LABSG? 2. How do I join the LABSG list? 3. How do I submit messages (completed summaries, special projects Q&As and other messages to LABSG? 4. How often are journal summaries assigned? 5. What journals are reviewed and summarized on the LABSG list? 6. What is the format for posting journal summaries to the LABSG list? 7. Who assigns the journal summaries? 8. Can I send my journal summary or special projects Q&As as an attachment? 9. Can I post a message to the LABSG list that contains the summary of more than one journal article? 10. How are the special projects assigned? 11. What is the format for posting special projects to the LABSG list? 12. Can I post a summary to the LABSG list from a different email address? 13. I don't receive very many summaries and review questions from the LABSG list in the summer. Why is this? 14. What happens if I don't complete my assignment? 15. Can I join the LABSG list and not summarize journal articles or write review questions? 16. Who should I contact if I have a question about my assignment? 17. Who should I contact if I have a problem sending or receiving summaries? 18. Who should I contact if I notice a mistake or questionable statement in a summary? 19. Are the journal summaries archived? 20. Is there a web site associated with the LABSG list? 21. How do I access journal summaries and special projects Q&As previously posted to the LABSG list? 22. How do I unsubscribe from LABSG? 23. How do I unsubscribe from the LABSG list, if I am no longer at the address in which I subscribed? 24. How do I temporarily suspend receiving mail from the LABSG list? ******************* 1. What is LABSG? The LABSG list is an on-line study group for individuals in various stages of preparing for the ACLAM board examination. Articles from several journals are assigned to members on a monthly basis and each member is asked to summarize the article(s) and provide questions and answers about the article(s). The summaries are not meant to replace reading the journal articles, but to supplement the articles. The LABSG email list also has a special projects assignment in which members generate relevant review questions and answers from key study resources such as the ACLAM blue book series, the Guide, and other references. All LABSG members are expected to participate by summarizing journal articles or by writing review questions/answers. ********************* 2. How do I join the LABSG list? To subscribe to LABSG email list, send an email to:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mj2@lists.ncsu.edu" mj2@lists.ncsu.edu In the body of the message type: subscribe LABSG Leave the subject line blank. Do not include your signature in the message. After you subscribe, you will receive an email asking you to confirm that you have requested to join the LABSG list. After confirming per the instructions in the email, you will then be added to the list and begin receiving LABSG postings. ********************* 3. How do I submit messages (completed summaries, special projects Q&As and other messages to LABSG? Submit your messages to:  HYPERLINK "mailto:LABSG@LISTS.NCSU.EDU" LABSG@LISTS.NCSU.EDU Remember, when sending messages to the LABSG list, the message is sent to ALL members of the list. ********************* 4. How often are journal summaries assigned? Journal summaries are assigned once a month. Summaries are due on the first day of the month. Summaries not received by first day of the month are considered late. During the summer months the LABSG is on hiatus. The last assignment of the study year is due at the end of May. ********************* 5. What journals are reviewed and summarized on the LABSG list? Comparative Medicine, Journal of the American Association of Laboratory Animal Science, and ILAR Journal are the main journals summarized on the list. Laboratory Animals is reviewed mostly by our European colleagues. Selected laboratory animal medicine relevant articles from JAVMA are also reviewed. ********************* 6. What is the format for posting journal summaries to the LABSG list? The format for posting summaries is very specific. A specific format assists in archiving each summary and ensures that each element of the summary is present. When posting summaries to the LABSG list, in the SUBJECT line of the email message, enter the journal name (i.e. CM, JAALAS, ILAR, LA), Volume #, issue #, page # and year. This will ensure accurate archiving for future retrieval. In body of message include: YOUR NAME & email address JOURNAL NAME, VOL (ISSUE), START PAGE, YEAR TITLE AUTHOR(S) ACLAM TASK DESIGNATION FROM ROLE DELINEATION DOCUMENT ACLAM SPECIES DESIGNATION FROM ROLE DELINEATION DOCUMENT (IF APPLICABLE) SUMMARY QUESTIONS 2 - 5 multiple choice or short answer questions ANSWERS EXAMPLE Stephanie Murphy,  HYPERLINK "mailto:murphyst@ohsu.edu" murphyst@ohsu.edu JAALAS 45(2):49-52, 2006 Gender differences in the blood volume of conscious Sprague-Dawley rats. Probst RJ, Lim, JM, Bird DN, Pole GL, Sato AK, Clayburgh JR Task 1 - Prevent, Diagnose, Control, and Treat Disease Primary Species - Rat Summary: ................ Questions: ................ Answers: .................. To facilitate archiving, each article must be summarized in a separate e-mail message ********************* 7. Who assigns the journal summaries? The summary (assignment) coordinator assigns journal summaries. Stephanie Murphy ( HYPERLINK "mailto:murphyst@ohsu.edu" murphyst@ohsu.edu) is the summary coordinator for 2009-2010 for all journals except Laboratory Animals. Jose Manuel Sanchez-Morgado ( HYPERLINK "mailto:jsanche@nimr.mrc.ac.uk" jsanche@nimr.mrc.ac.uk) is the summary coordinator for Laboratory Animals. ********************* 8. Can I send my journal summary or special projects Q&As as an attachment? Journal summaries CAN NOT be sent as an attachment. Attachments are not acceptable for several reasons: A. Attachments won't be archived; B. Not all mail software can open attachments; C. Attachments can potentially carry viruses. ********************* 9. Can I post a message to the LABSG list that contains the summary of more than one journal article? No. Including more than one summary in just one posting will not allow each summary to be archived individually. ********************* 10. How are the special projects assigned? The special projects are assigned by the special projects coordinator, Angela King-Herbert ( HYPERLINK "mailto:kingher1@niehs.nih.gov" kingher1@niehs.nih.gov). Angela solicits volunteers to generate review questions and answers for special assignments. Volunteers generally get to choose their assignments from a list of potential assignments. Special project assignments are posted at the beginning of the month along with journal assignments and are generally due at the first day of the month unless special arrangements have been made with either the special projects coordinator or the summary coordinator. The summary coordinator, who has final authority on implementing the late assignment policy, handles late or defaulted special projects assignments. ********************* 11. What is the format for posting special projects to the LABSG list? The format for posting special projects questions and answers is specific and is given below. Volunteers should write as many questions as possible (True/False, Fill-in, Short answer, Multiple Choice, etc.). The special projectors coordinator will send each volunteer a word document template after confirming the assignment. Reviewer's Name and Email: Title of Book or Guideline or Policy. Publication Year (if applicable). Chapter # and Title of Chapter (if applicable). Pages or Part Reviewed: Questions: Answers: Example Angela King-Herbert,  HYPERLINK "mailto:kingher1@niehs.nih.gov" kingher1@niehs.nih.gov Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. NIH, Office of the Director. Revised August, 2002. Pages 1-19. Questions: 1. 2. etc Answers: 1. 2. etc. ********** Special Projects are posted to the LABSG list by the reviewer. A separate file (word document) is also sent to the special projects coordinator so she can organize and archive the database for the group's future reference and for the LABSG website. For reviewers only completing sections of chapters, please post your section to the LABSG list, too. ********************* 12. Can I post a summary to the LABSG list from a different email address? No. You must post the summary from the email address from which you subscribed; however, you can subscribe to the LABSG list from more than one address. ********************* 13. I don't receive very many summaries and review questions from the LABSG list in the summer. Why is this? During the summer months the LABSG is on hiatus. The last assignment of the study year is due at the end of May. ********************* 14. What happens if I don't complete my assignment? If an assignment cannot be completed, the summary coordinator Stephanie Murphy ( HYPERLINK "mailto:murphyst@ohsu.edu" murphyst@ohsu.edu), must be contacted ASAP. Late Assignments: If an assignment isn't turned in by the original stated deadline, it will be considered late. Members with late assignments will only be contacted once and will be given 1 week from the date of notification to either post their assignment or contact the summary coordinator regarding the status of their assignment. If the member doesn't do either action by the stated final late deadline, they will be unsubscribed from the list. Members can have no more than 3 late assignments per LABSG year (October to September). If a member has more than 3 late assignments during the LABSG year, they will be unsubscribed. Extensions: If a member contacts the summary coordinator and requests a specific extension date, the extended assignment must be completed by the agreed upon extension date. Only one extension will be given per assignment. If the member doesn't complete the extended assignment by the agreed upon extension date, they will be unsubscribed. Final Appeals: If a member feels they have grounds to appeal the action of being unsubscribed from the list due to extenuating circumstances, they may submit their reasons for appeal to: Angela King-Herbert ( HYPERLINK "mailto:kingher1@niehs.nih.gov" kingher1@niehs.nih.gov), Debra Hickman ( HYPERLINK "mailto:mousedoc98@yahoo.com" mousedoc98@yahoo.com), and Stephanie Murphy ( HYPERLINK "mailto:murphyst@ohsu.edu" murphyst@ohsu.edu), collectively for consideration. The decision made by these individuals regarding the member's status will be final. ********************* 15. Can I join the LABSG list and not summarize journal articles or write review questions? No. When you join the LABSG list, you are expected to contribute by summarizing articles or by writing review questions/answers. ********************* 16. Who should I contact if I have a question about my assignment? If there is a question about your assignment, contact the LABSG summary coordinator, Stephanie Murphy ( HYPERLINK "mailto:murphyst@ohsu.edu" murphyst@ohsu.edu). ******************** 17. Who should I contact if I have a problem sending or receiving summaries? If you have problems sending or receiving summaries, contact: Angela King-Herbert ( HYPERLINK "mailto:kingher1@niehs.nih.gov" kingher1@niehs.nih.gov), the LABSG list manager. ********************* 18. Who should I contact if I notice a mistake or questionable statement in a summary? If a mistake or questionable statement is discovered in a summary, contact the reviewer. The reviewer will determine if changes are warranted and will inform the LABSG list members. ********************* 19. Are the journal summaries archived? Yes. The summaries for 2009-2010 will be archived. These summaries can be accessed through the following website,  HYPERLINK "http://lists.ncsu.edu/cgi-bin/digest?list=labsg&Submit=Show+Archives" http://lists.ncsu.edu/cgi-bin/digest?list=labsg&Submit=Show+Archives . The archived summaries are listed by year and month. ********************* 20. Is there a web site associated with the LABSG list? Yes, the web-site associated with the LABSG list can be found at: the URL is  HYPERLINK "http://www.labsg.org" http://www.labsg.org This website is hosted by Debra Hickman ( HYPERLINK "mailto:mousedoc98@yahoo.com" mousedoc98@yahoo.com) and contains a vast number of previously completed summaries. The LABSG website also contains the completed LABSG special projects (the Blue Book, the Guide, the AWA, etc), the Pacific Northwest and international mock board exam coalition mock board examinations, the quizzes from the CL Davis Seminar in Chicago, and a host of other study resources. This web-site is independent of the NCSU list-server, which hosts the LABSG list. ********************* 21. How do I access journal summaries and special projects Q&As previously posted to the LABSG list? There are two different ways to access archived journal summaries and special projects Q&As. The NCSU list-server (which hosts the LABSG list) archives all postings to LABSG. Summaries, special projects Q&As, and other messages sent to LABSG can be accessed at the following web-site:  HYPERLINK "http://lists.ncsu.edu/cgi-bin/digest?list=labsg&Submit=Show+Archives" http://lists.ncsu.edu/cgi-bin/digest?list=labsg&Submit=Show+Archives 0 The summaries and special projects Q&As can also be accessed from the web site hosted by Deb Hickman ( HYPERLINK "http://www.labsg.org" http://www.labsg.org) ********************* 22. How do I unsubscribe from LABSG? You can leave the list by sending a message to:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mj2@lists.ncsu.edu" mj2@lists.ncsu.edu In the body of the message type: Unsubscribe LABSG ********************* 23. How do I unsubscribe from the LABSG list, if I am no longer at the address in which I subscribed? Send a message to  HYPERLINK "mailto:mj2@lists.ncsu.edu" mj2@lists.ncsu.edu In the body of the message type: unsubscribe LABSG EmailAddress replacing "EmailAddress" with the address you want to remove from the list. If you have problems unsubscribing, send a message to Angela at  HYPERLINK "mailto:kingher1@niehs.nih.gov" kingher1@niehs.nih.gov and she will help you. ********************* 24. How do I temporarily suspend receiving mail from the LABSG list? To stop receiving mail from the LABSG list temporarily, use the "nomail" setting. Send a message to:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mj2@lists.ncsu.edu" mj2@lists.ncsu.edu < HYPERLINK "mailto:mj2@lists.ncsu.edu" mailto:mj2@lists.ncsu.edu> In the body of the message type: set LABSG nomail When you wish to resume receiving mail the LABSG list, send a message to:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mj2@lists.ncsu.edu" mj2@lists.ncsu.edu In the body of the message type: set LABSG nomail-return To be removed from the LABSG email list, send a message to:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mj2@lists.ncsu.edu" mj2@lists.ncsu.edu In the body of the message type: Unsubscribe LABSG    * + v w   ( ) E F o p  !!!2!3!!!!!!!$$*%+%A%B%1*2*]*^*t*u*;/?Uy-\r^x}~7gdC7  i j "!"7"""#o#p###_$u$'''(I)J)K)f)gdCf)g)))))))********v*w*x*y***+ + ++++++gdC++"+#+$+%+.+/+2+3+6+7+<+=+H+I+,,,,,----......gdC.// 22d3e3555 6666677778889999N;O;e;;gdC 555N7O7u7v777B8C8n8o888|:}:::;;;;<<#<$<N<O<x<y<<<??2@3@w@x@@@AAAAAAAAAABBBBBBCCCCCCDDDDDDDE'E(EAEBEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFh~shCjhCU hC0JX;C>D>Z>>?AA3AXAAAAABBBBBBBCC`CCDZDDDDEgdCDEEEfEgE|E}EEFF&F'F?F@FAFBFCFFFFgdC21h:p~s/ =!"#$% 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666J@J ~sNormal dCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k( 0No List 4U@4 C0 Hyperlink >*phJZ@J C0 Plain Text dCJOJQJaJ<< C0 Char CharCJOJQJaJ>`$%;U+7eb=-u= b     & 9 # $ : \ M>?Uy-\r^x}~7ij !7op_u I!J!K!f!g!!!!!!!""""""""v"w"x"y"""# # #######"###$#%#.#/#2#3#6#7#<#=#H#I#$$$$$%%%%.&&&&&'' **d+e+--- .....////0001111N3O3e33C6D6Z6679939X99999:::::::;;`;;<Z<<<D=E=f=g=|=}==>>&>'>?>@>A>B>C>>>>0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 5F$-M7f)+.;DEF%'()*+,./F&*v(Eo  2*A1"]"t";'b't'5,a,x,,,,, --N/u//B0n00|22334#4N4x44728w8899999:::;;;<<<<'=A===>>>>>XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX8@0(  B S  ?)7$*V#+(,$8$-7$55>55>9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsState8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace (>>MO  [6oqg!!!!!!"""""""##!#7#:#u'w'))%4)46677{8~8::;;k=n='>*>>333333333333333333333333333333+7;eibf=B-2"uz= b g  * 9 $ > \ ?Yy-\vj!;Dp_z $$%%%!&-- ....///0011123j33D6_669!::;<Z<>>Z-QCexM~s>>@Tv>`@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial7&{ @Calibri95  K @Consolas"1hLFLFd 5 rd 5 rY24>>2QHX)$PC2Welcome to the LABSG listmurphyst Deb HickmanOh+'0 $ D P \hpxWelcome to the LABSG list murphystNormal Deb Hickman2Microsoft Office Word@@hn@hnd 5՜.+,D՜.+,H hp  OHSUr >' Welcome to the LABSG list Titlel  8@ _PID_HLINKSA$  Wmailto:mj2@lists.ncsu.edu Tmailto:mj2@lists.ncsu.edu Qmailto:mj2@lists.ncsu.edu Nmailto:mj2@lists.ncsu.edu :Kmailto:kingher1@niehs.nih.gov Hmailto:mj2@lists.ncsu.edu Emailto:mj2@lists.ncsu.eduJBhttp://www.labsg.org/U?Ehttp://lists.ncsu.edu/cgi-bin/digest?list=labsg&Submit=Show+ArchivestF<mailto:mousedoc98@yahoo.comJ9http://www.labsg.org/U6Ehttp://lists.ncsu.edu/cgi-bin/digest?list=labsg&Submit=Show+Archives :3mailto:kingher1@niehs.nih.gov+0mailto:murphyst@ohsu.edu+-mailto:murphyst@ohsu.edutF*mailto:mousedoc98@yahoo.com :'mailto:kingher1@niehs.nih.gov+$mailto:murphyst@ohsu.edu :!mailto:kingher1@niehs.nih.gov :mailto:kingher1@niehs.nih.gov%mailto:jsanche@nimr.mrc.ac.uk+mailto:murphyst@ohsu.edu+mailto:murphyst@ohsu.eduX0mailto:LABSG@LISTS.NCSU.EDU mailto:mj2@lists.ncsu.edutF mailto:mousedoc98@yahoo.com : mailto:kingher1@niehs.nih.govhPmailto:jmsanchez@cnic.es+mailto:murphyst@ohsu.edu :mailto:kingher1@niehs.nih.gov  !"#$%&'()*+,-./023456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQSTUVWXY\Root Entry F@n^1Table11WordDocument4`SummaryInformation(JDocumentSummaryInformation8RCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q