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Participate Productively in Science 5.2 Physical Science: Physical science principles, including fundamental ideas about matter, energy, and motion, are powerful conceptual tools for making sense of phenomena in physical, living, and Earth systems science. Strand A. Properties of Matter Strand B. Changes in Matter Strand E. Forces and Motion 5.3 Life Science: All students will understand that life science principles are powerful conceptual tools for making sense of the complexity, diversity, and interconnectedness of life on Earth. Order in natural systems arises in accordance with rules that govern the physical world, and the order of natural systems can be modeled and predicted through the use of mathematics. Strand A. Organization and Development Strand B. Matter and Energy Transformations Strand D. Heredity and Reproduction Strand E. Evolution and Diversity 5.4 Earth Systems Science: All students will understand that Earth operates as a set of complex, dynamic, and interconnected systems, and is a part of the all-encompassing system of the universe. Strand A. Objects in the Universe Strand C. Properties of Earth Materials Strand F. Climate and Weather Strand G. Biogeochemical Cycles Assessment Method The baseline data is based on results from a district-created Science practices and content pre-assessment, covering the districts yearly first grade science curriculum, which is aligned to the New Jersey Core curriculum Content. The pre-assessment consists of __ questions in both performance and written format. The performance items will require students to use equipment, write observations, and record findings during an investigation. The written items will focus mostly on content, vocabulary and basic understandings and will consist of multiple choice, short response and open -ended question. The multiple choice question will to show students background knowledge of concepts covered in first grade. Student Growth Objective 85% of the students who attend 80% of the time will increase their knowledge and skills relating to science concepts as measured by the pre- assessment and the post-assessment for first grade, by one proficiency point. All students will be expected to achieve a target score of at least 65%. Baseline Data (Please include what you know about your students performance/skills/achievement levels at the beginning of the year, as well as any additional student data or background information used in setting your objective.) Pre-Assessment Results Score Ranges Range Proficiency Points # of Students # per Contextual Factors 0-64% 1 65-69% 2 70-79% 3 80-89% 4 90-100% 5 Scoring PlanObjective Attainment Level Based on Percent and Number of Students Achieving Target ScoreTarget ScoreExceptional (4)Full (3)Partial (2)Insufficient (1)Approval of Student Growth Objective Teacher _________________ Signature_______________ Evaluator ________________ Signature _______________  Date Submitted_______________ Date Approved _______________Results of Student Growth Objective (State how many students met the final assessment target.) Score _______ Date _______ Teacher __________________________ Evaluator __________________     SGO Step 3, Form 1 Set Ambitious and Feasible Student Growth Objectives Student Growth Objective Form (Simple) :;<BGHOQR\] Q R ռ𨝙xxmahmhx5OJQJhQhwCJaJjh4UmHnHuhd hQhdh:hwha76hQhdCJaJhehdaJhQhwCJaJ jh4h4UmHnHuh:CJaJhQhwCJaJhP-CJaJha76CJaJ hQhwhehwaJ!":d$Ifgd ~:;H* ud$Ifgdwkd$$Ifl^\p6$   t(044 lap(yteHPQ\1kdB$$Ifl\p6$ t044 layted$Ifgd d$Ifgdnd$Ifgdwd$Ifgd  Q 5''d$Ifgd kd$$Ifl\p<6$,  t044 lapytdQ R & T U 2 Q m vvvkkvvvvvv $Ifgdm$7$8$H$Ifgdmxkd%$$Ifl6$$  t 044 lap ytw   % & / 5 S T U ; < P Q X [ l m s t w ŸŜň|n|b|htqhx5OJQJhtqhx5OJQJ\htqhxOJQJ\htqhx0JOJQJ hmhxhmhm0J5OJQJhmhx0J5OJQJhmhx0JOJQJhmhm0JOJQJhmhm5OJQJhmhx5OJQJhmhmOJQJhmhxOJQJ% +W{b $7$8$H$IfgdrCA˝)@_/4_),!jhji}K\8'.twYP8ba}e=EܢyY|>o[sÙ~)w>9bWTRCaG'ӷ/p# [>i7_E:0Qv~9Do}nEWAvȔǽpN;[(2.7`o_?f>N_97Ҷ%gl pak (q:sʼH?h_Nʣ[=\;z AC~'þڋ"ߠ؏q˕[`z9ޟeZk4sr_g?_``)~||J*}>Y(󿜵t-1K/Fp|g6gn)ï2V&0ю݁84a^zA`Y?*6U4Ob{,3ct@75K|UVng[Dx&6dW5J;ٿ.riXCq8th:E n7(P& +9 }4mޝ~no:3QFSJrď ̡}ip_V^)@o~F'!![hi/?)j*nGY2KpxG mK x3xgW/ݼKK7ȌDtxI*k8?}f<>)>`pc&;,ɇzKA ஽m&]BӤGv{'PDMz\ZC '>V&zKW;= u#*kTf҅3 -^렁}+*}n2՜ KX;;MhWTJk鯜n| WSA WKnώܴo ~G˯N*cGN)yH 8MN飚fȶG8ܔr~T6 [Vs4W'n8\LG/rxy(>RdR{|-p^nN).Lh.y/}5[ڲ,tG(5U7{~4u 8 57jMi9KF/f)p:Eh`KQ y8xIvf:&=٫"!5!5U[c$z\R^y˴ v;"d8dGQqI%./9?c&Fbx0w;5gZo'7![n>ZMpJeiF.%ؗo8{5SOM I;Gu 'y{4ARWn(7lzBqc{Give͔E8^k_n!̤5Q#o?`p/.Дq:qm c j}c척p6S9ڼ6Ჟ9)i㞳:<}MAdM-`3>|_P4^pr0VZr;xaSSI[-gI)>,-Y;:{<݆>e6R_  >JLfGd~JyPctgiF L@xMRJ'lo}|)m;0_JXf5%`9Z S|\^s{5R*4QuRJA=WHJcq6N:dNx]u~b%=` d8F{Gw3wc|őOһ+E05vc%*Р?^-!q>Tɤq^mz53 'Z.=']glZy|0ݲCkk2 L[ʆ}#HV5b4y%@4 ZOZ}t;Bbird]ؐ1`?6>&5-tMG6)=.ccNgF*OEql5o}z؛`,^V;@Bǔ7Ti109([ 5j8|X> LI6dx>1h2 bIsij6ȔK:׀3]~н8+%&(*fb/Ŭ]ɓAiA ^|{9"7'.ʶ:$V܂vqy|>{ZJ!5 a捆9cﰏ2ԭχku{bR59M55dC_RW(~?,\͛߹$2;ܳϏvI9!F# =|Urrz:/ii  NǧH28p/ػ!73lfna良wD~0h,sɀ^zϑIYm6sh` 8_}- ldīckyaxQ^ETCYo0//TOs<<ᰮȱ}wz `[1@}Mh[]餍VoG.@[3`I4/=ʽb7OlӒCc{;C67t ?9j}fqu'*4aa-wMC  ZE1٬Q4p8S\T$z 7q^Xc9:B}+BlQekcSsPl3i;;߇4iǛZzL5xаݡ 5=jÌ,DEBA`w5MSNG҂ 2}Ew <';'%PsQIe!dhW`y 8%z3u1;a/9옅^ǤG_ .ò䶆*@+fC֘0m:p3e'|2T Eaq>30,}2 \ܱӜi5;Mr?7%PO3k&c母b˛snrm^6vlv8S«a (4={9ASn jf:q& CInİ9AiAs}5{FGHě_m䨜3RtH5ӾE#2Qo~.cO-0a?f.;x*TWþZʼ1Yp<z&7߯>0rpjZ$F/>B0v jr}[}njkw4{ 'ke=@&u<ڻ֏ YWy\}Fpb^X&s˵*ol]8GTx|"׊Sj5˖A& %DIgmpJim1\H죣 |Nr2T{ۘ|WZ ) Cp`FҀsYs)0 MnA&gz4Rib:9yߥRgi LpD=}#靈whUd6}륏L݄-ɴsvCʻy:Dʓ3 vvLrb–R_O6;z=18Y`+8;&3UDC7d6y,%)B?8X>p{`YPTԃFBp!]*+a{bv3.]AfD'-\3 Qi !i=@I-E\&R.1'm/YG`6쓳-1"2}/:8IQO2}s#q1*@sW4+"8Q Bbl hIJ ]V0p1Yfхt<=:<քAхYA GM4'k-m I[r5wҚ4 :J :Tl$ժ* n\Ò d>28`DƂZ)')9_cb_t$+Rz5Ҍr|U錥%lt1;mJd0c^)"/мЇ.آXEs(z1MuDqkpEV&-W(2vͤs)LJ:8;#7P> =Ck(LR]zeoL ɥd|B `6@6aYS"i-)]x8e$LʌdlkI#M`SRo$dV=m=[H]S(**[i )qt*t+%6mx7SK'Tt^J^o*y":$D޷v8Z8eMXw kunn!)4wWtޙ} 8ݯP18y0_r&& fO59'7d ,֓- Pڤ+ث:R7j(ZJGyzm,ˎh5^FjiY{)QPҪևk)TixQDŦ4Rsmr9䧓ns0hCD}mr`Ob5||Wo-aC &lYs˜#R p֗7spr wu[YH-'Sip4c $܁{T`5H>10Dxe?/R*z(9pTUְ+@χ ?̀j!?oBqBTfe< bV-=HcrHzh2 )?VQ) ?0]a7Mlױ5hj.:MbJm8~boDVE҅:6H6HޚFͽuv/K A~xr2HܻC~s6]G`הfXy:a.r"U^Gҏ&#DР _a8uہKRl(>%R\+_*@VMWjvD%w&1ke lϬjis$ٽ]}+:v_`c ]ؐ/VS 6hm2ǬPtjԀBX #FDRù=ThHWII{9jNaӾP0h%2(Jk;S ˜2;ݱ|ad8aLi Oք=;-*ɀÒaq1őOp esQFՙUd{xAX:qU+C>Sؤ9:6ɦnKklꦩqNꥄ{{VEfqlfD,¡kʫ~9 p9hE* upr"`F{TlwDp|fr 2j28u3R%+VIu|QD.Usru RG>C4tdZcPuEcp]y0|0p~tw@G@/mL~Yr+o0"_K!YiC9 Z}81ZIF4JaGDS =9.&;,}=Ji`a6}eJiҩc]+}fh&[nƞLj__IgUSAu3=Ȭy;ty ˥L܊T7þTߚrQo2X@ $ Ji$dЀw'G ֊7v338 3s @a!^ND;v#h;ϗH@ع 8 SV1]ҫGTRTE *~ AAԀ7s?Y֓)ͷz8X ٌ5E 仒vw"[7uh:" KOO\,Ra 6'}k2i+|qDkdR=uО|:~fZKdʪe{'j:QF;ZXfsAC땶3'~Eu3@9Я*>!)\uO!Yn8k)=ʂaՑo}A[@#&p/VGt唻 =u{*RBsUSjpߺB]ffQ/p!-VamMn3V~4pK򩶭vDyg3ER|#=GLh Fp8];@~vpxU`)Ȳrr`mM\0/Ab +"$_SSdX~-Gs@+zyzxi, wG[)f`\'TSIC/LK~/y9C?dn%.t)ٵ%uJsA6djGb MfdN7"|)s }QܯyO"pLcj(qK  WAe*ZjYϮﳏ ).7B@V5v6m`E&ϗ((2fH^*,Tm:]L-]YKVH[5;[AxNܚBs[rj$M/o> Gt@g/w3X=>4ԔƖJ{?K50PmT%$K:sem4e9WnXKYj$"~3Da]RI7i=5Wy `4 m؊㈾G~~>;pK1L|4%RES/5ջeRF5R]ʊl?aҝ Pae  +8\ %1GIcsTw~Mv`885AY"Mbަ@e>%r #sj ravD2]sGWT8nMq9"Q(EJ#(Qew}L~K٭,iAGtV~=TѸtD~[;RckL'wQ(¬rXDWOL0ʭD$v(9)l6 $gZ̴|Ղ9@rxֶk](=IM%K`iYӢ夲l$/-Eb ogK:enU1N56wS!}{=W˽i2.NJnd'r k|wF #tW5Tߦ/ 8h69DAFS:t(@#ؔ.,hXcF>5TqAy+).d8wVF *&5V }J0#nD¦{R ;`șQ9&FFpPf]d/2UCt^vk< i.0D }aRrv*w2VJLr]Y"NmTn ѼL rG4(`#3:;FN6~ &EK|TjN9oxje1vR-}I4sHPM}g1Swx0, dځ )Aʢx%0{YlQ WQʀÒ ^N>f(h-Q(ɔQ*+hG+潙M̔o?~AɱhG2oSLjh_X:D`b'b؈ B \*뛺iIk|Nmi8, Mc p8jQ݃Cu&eL3pV&?B>:8X&ױQƝ:wm|J`D7"">)vqMU> ]\ qW熁waYடI{.JR%v^aw+kȉ*0Zn ={zgdNFb5%KQXK+=n:WƔ4Xbgp]8CeprAvUU6,Ke,ai$2pNKDkL;`uDх^}\N9ՀC2.y*r9RpUS;ae ]A[(}?P1$5RGJܴYJF;Xd6QąBs%Vyh)% $T $lYx Vr ;:;Ri,MHx7`T6aX쾈 JW/ *=\ܵ\1VQ=x%#ZLKOfv%޳H~aM=hpp@;. ; 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