ࡱ> #` eYbjbj ;`&t8< #j4"VVV1 !2444444$hiX11XVVQћћћnVV2ћ2ћћ2V ݾ4.g06p]ǚ]h8]P+Z@ћŐ4^  XXyX+++###:^)###^0  acute renal failure Adapted from Up-To-Date Clinical presentation, evaluation and diagnosis of acute renal failure in children and Prevention and management of acute renal failure in children Introduction Defined by a rapid decline in GFR, resulting in disturbance of renal physiological functions including: Impairment of nitrogenous waste product excretion Loss of water and electrolyte regulation Loss of acid-base regulation Pathogenesis and Etiology The causes of acute renal disease can be related to renal anatomy: Vascular Blood from the renal arteries is delivered to the glomeruli. Glomeruli Ultrafiltration occurs at glomeruli forming an ultrafiltrate, which subsequently flows into renal tubules Renal tubule Reabsorption and secretion of solute and/or water from the ultrafiltrate occurs within the tubules. Urinary tract The final tubular fluid (urine) leaves the kidney, draining sequentially into the renal pelvis, ureter, and bladder, from which it is excreted through the urethra. Any process that interferes with any of these structures and/or functions can cause renal disease. The causes of ARF can therefore be categorized as Prerenal, Renal, or Postrenal  Prerenal Prerenal azotemia results from either: Volume depletion due to bleeding (surgery, trauma, gastrointestinal bleeding), gastrointestinal (vomiting, diarrhea), urinary (diuretics, diabetes insipidus), or cutaneous losses (burns). Decreased effective arterial pressure and/or effective circulating volume seen in heart failure, shock, or cirrhosis. Intrinsic renal disorders involve renal vascular, glomerular, and/or tubular/interstitial pathology. Vascular Causes include thrombosis (arterial and venous), hemolytic-uremic syndrome, malignant HTN, vasculitis. Glomerular Principal cause is postinfectious GN. ARF can be observed with most GNs that can occur in childhood. Tubular and interstitial disease Acute tubular necrosis (ATN) results from ischemia due to decreased renal perfusion or injury from tubular nephrotoxins. All causes of prerenal azotemia can progress to ATN if renal perfusion is not restored and/or nephrotoxic insults are not withdrawn The administration of nephrotoxic agents, (aminoglycosides,  HYPERLINK "http://www.utdol.com/application/topic.asp?file=ped_drug/12601&drug=true" \t "side" amphotericin B, contrast agents) is a common cause of tubular disease. ARF can also be induced by the release of heme pigments, as with myoglobinuria due to rhabdomyolysis and hemoglobinuria due to intravascular hemolysis. In children, acute interstitial nephritis most commonly results from a hypersensitive reaction to a drug. Postrenal Postrenal ARF is due to bilateral urinary tract obstruction unless there is a solitary kidney. In neonates, urinary tract obstruction, due to posterior urethral valves is the most common cause of postrenal failure. Children with chronic obstructive uropathies are also at significant increased risk of ARF from ischemic and toxic insults. Evaluation and Diagnosis Serum creatinine concentration Estimation of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), usually by serum creatinine is used clinically to assess the degree of renal impairment and to follow the course of the disease. Due to maternal contributions in the newborn and increased muscle mass with age, the normal range of creatinine varies by age:  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Newborn - 0.3 to 1.0 mg/dL (27 to 88 mol/L)  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Infant - 0.2 to 0.5 mg/dL (18 to 35 mol/L)  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Child - 0.3 to 0.7 mg/dL (27 to 62 mol/L)  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Adolescent - 0.5 to 1.0 mg/dL (44 to 88 mol/L) Serum BUN/creatinine ratio In adults and older children, serum BUN/Cr ratio is normal at 10-15:1 in ATN, and may be > 20:1 in prerenal disease due to increase in passive reabsorption of urea that follows enhanced proximal transport of sodium and water. Thus, a high ratio is highly suggestive of prerenal disease. This ratio is not useful in infants and smaller children as their serum creatinine levels are much lower. Urinalysis The urinalysis is the most important noninvasive test in the diagnostic evaluation, since characteristic findings on microscopic examination of the urine sediment strongly suggest certain diagnoses  Urine sodium excretion Measurement of urine Na+ concentration is helpful in distinguishing ATN from prerenal ARF due to effective volume depletion. The urine Na+ concentration is usually >30-40 mEq/L in ATN and < 10 mEq/L in prerenal ARF. Newborns have decreased ability to conserve Na+, so prerenal disease is usually associated with somewhat increased urine Na+ concentrations (< 20-30 mEq/L). However, since the urinary sodium concentration is influenced by the urine output, there is substantial overlap between ATN and prerenal disease. As an example, a given rate of sodium excretion will be associated with a lower urine sodium concentration by dilution in patients who have a high urine output. Fractional excretion of sodium (FENa) UNa x PCr FENa (%)= x100 PNa x UCr UCr and PCr = urine and serum Cr, respectively; UNa and PNa = urine and serum Na+, respectively. The FENa is a screening test that differentiates between prerenal ARF and ATN in children. <1% suggests prerenal dz, where reabsorption of almost all filtered Na+ represents response to !renal perfusion. A value between 1-2 % may be seen with either disorder. > 2 % usually indicates ATN. In newborns, prerenal disease and ATN are associated with FENa values of less than 2.5 percent and greater than 2.5 to 3.5 percent, respectively, because of their decreased ability to reabsorb sodium. The FENa is most useful in patients with severe renal failure and low urine output (oliguria). It is less accurate in those with a normal or moderately reduced GFR because the value determining a prerenal state changes continuously with the GFR. FENa may also be elevated after the administration of either a distal or loop diuretic due to the increase in urine sodium excretion. A low FENa is not unique to prerenal dz, as it can occur in disorders assoc with normal tubular function but low GFR (e.g. acute GN, vasculitis, acute urinary tract obstruction) or when ATN is superimposed upon chronic Na+-retaining state. Urine osmolality Loss of concentrating ability is an early and almost universal finding in ATN with the urine osmolality usually being below 350 mosmol/kg. However, lower values similar to those in ATN may be seen in prerenal disease and are therefore of little diagnostic help. In contrast, a urine osmolality > 500 mosmol/kg is highly suggestive of prerenal disease. Urine volume The urine volume is typically, but not always, low (oliguria) in prerenal disease due to the combination of sodium and water avidity. In comparison, patients with ATN may be either oliguric or nonoliguric. Response to volume repletion Unless contraindicated, a child with a clinical history consistent with fluid loss (vomiting, diarrhea), a physical examination consistent with hypovolemia (hypotension, tachycardia), and/or oliguria should be administered IV fluid therapy. This fluid challenge attempts to identify prerenal failure that can progress to ATN if not treated promptly. However, such fluid infusion is contraindicated in those with obvious volume overload or heart failure. Commonly used fluids are crystalloid solutions, such as NS (20 mL/kg) over 20 to 30 minutes, which may be repeated. Restoration of adequate urine flow and improvement in renal function with fluid resuscitation is consistent with prerenal disease. However, if urine output does not increase and renal function fails to improve with the restoration of intravascular volume, invasive monitoring may be required to adequately assess the child's fluid status and help guide further therapy. Additional laboratory measurements Complete blood count Severe microangiopathic hemolytic anemia associated with thrombocytopenia in the setting of ARF confirms the diagnosis of HUS. Severe hemolysis, whether drug-induced or secondary to hemoglobinopathies, may also result in ATN due to massive hemoglobinuria. Other abnormalities Hyperkalemia - ability to maintain K+ excretion at near normal levels is generally maintained in patients with renal disease as long as both aldosterone secretion and distal flow are maintained. Hyperkalemia generally develops in the patient who is oliguric or who has an additional problem, such as a high K+ diet and increased tissue breakdown. Hyperphosphatemia - Once GFR falls below threshold, renal excretion of phosphorus !, resulting in ! phosphate. Hypocalcemia. Hypocalcemia can result from hyperphosphatemia, decreased calcium absorption in the gastrointestinal tract (due to inadequate renal production 1,25 HYPERLINK "http://www.utdol.com/application/topic.asp?file=ped_drug/27837&drug=true" \t "side" vitamin D), and/or skeletal resistance to parathyroid hormone (PTH). Acid-base balance is normally maintained by renal excretion of the daily acid load (~ 1 mEq/kg/day, derived mostly from the generation of sulfuric acid during the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids). Elimination of this acid load is achieved by the urinary excretion of hydrogen ions. A metabolic acidosis may therefore ensue with ARF. Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic Abs (ANCA), anti-nuclear Abs (ANA), anti-glomerular basement membrane (GBM) Abs, antistreptococcal Abs, and/or hypocomplementemia is associated with certain inflammatory disorders. Elevated serum levels of aminoglycosides are associated with ATN. Eosinophilia and/or urine eosinophiluria may be present in some cases of interstitial nephritis. Markedly elevated uric acid levels may also induce ARF. Thus, tumor lysis syndrome secondary to chemotherapy treatment of childhood leukemia or lymphoma may result in ARF due to urate nephropathy Renal imaging Renal ultrasonography should be performed in all children with ARF of unclear etiology. It can document the presence of one or two kidneys, delineate renal size, and help survey renal parenchyma. It is particularly useful in diagnosing urinary tract obstruction or occlusion of the major renal vessels. Renal biopsy Obtained when noninvasive evaluation has been unable to establish the correct diagnosis ARF Management The basic principles of the general management of the child with acute renal failure include:  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Maintenance of electrolyte and fluid balance  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Adequate nutritional support  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Avoidance of life-threatening complications  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Treatment of the underlying cause Hyperkalemia The gradient of K + across the cell membrane is the major determinant of the resting membrane potential, which is the basis for the action potential that is essential for neuronal and muscular function. As the extracellular K + levels increase, gradient and membrane potential are affected, resulting in clinical signs of muscle weakness and cardiac arrhythmias. EKG findings: peaked T waves, flattened P waves, increased PR interval, and widening of the QRS.  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/data/images/card_pix/hyperk1.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET  Treatment: Remove K+ from all IVF Stabilization of cardiac membrane with IV calcium (10%  HYPERLINK "http://www.utdol.com/application/topic.asp?file=drug_a_k/40369&drug=true" \t "side" Ca gluconate - 0.5 to 1.0 mL/kg IV over 5-15 min) Promotion of K + movement from the extracellular fluid (ECF) into the cells via three different therapies: IV glucose and  HYPERLINK "http://www.utdol.com/application/topic.asp?file=ped_drug/94664&drug=true" \t "side" insulin (0.5-1 g of glucose/kg over 30 min and 0.1 unit of insulin/kg IV or SQ) IV  HYPERLINK "http://www.utdol.com/application/topic.asp?file=ped_drug/161746&drug=true" \t "side" sodium bicarbonate (1-2 mEq/kg over 30 to 60 min)  agonists, such as  HYPERLINK "http://www.utdol.com/application/topic.asp?file=ped_drug/7273&drug=true" \t "side" albuterol via neb (2.5 mg if the child weighs below 25 kg or 5 mg if above) Kayexalate, an ion exchange resin, is used for net elimination of K + (1 gm/kg PO or PR) Diuretics can be given to patients with continued urine output. Renal replacement therapy should be considered if medical correction fails to improve hyperkalemia. Acidosis In children with ARF, not only is acid excretion impaired, acid production is frequently increased due to underlying co-morbid conditions (shock, sepsis). Respiratory compensation provides some correction of the acidosis. Administration of  HYPERLINK "http://www.utdol.com/application/topic.asp?file=ped_drug/161746&drug=true" \t "side" sodium bicarbonate should be done only in life-threatening situations in which maximal respiratory compensation is inadequate, and/or acidosis is contributing to hyperkalemia. In cases of severe or progressive acidosis following shock, serious infections or other hypercatabolic states, supplemental bicarbonate may be required to correct and maintain arterial pH above 7.2 until underlying disease is controlled. Although the administration of oral or parenteral  HYPERLINK "http://www.utdol.com/application/topic.asp?file=ped_drug/161746&drug=true" \t "side" sodium bicarbonate may provide temporary benefit in children with concurrent hyperkalemia or maximal respiratory compensation, it should be used cautiously b/c it !intravascular volume and may further lower the amount of ionized calcium, with the latter possibly precipitating tetany or seizures. Ongoing administration of sodium bicarbonate can also result in hypernatremia and hyperosmolality. Intravascular volume Appropriate immediate fluid management is crucial in children with ARF. Based upon the underlying cause, comorbid conditions, and possible previous therapy, the child with ARF may be hypovolemic, euvolemic, or hypervolemic (including pulmonary edema and heart failure). Hypovolemic patients require immediate IVF therapy in an attempt to restore renal function and perhaps prevent ischemic renal injury. Commonly used fluids are crystalloid solutions, such as NS (20 mL/kg) administered over 20-30o 30 min, which may be repeated. If urine output does not increase and renal function fails to improve with the restoration of intravascular volume, invasive monitoring may be required to adequately assess the child's fluid status and help guide further therapy. By comparison, an edematous hypertensive child with a history of oliguria, and/or signs of heart failure may require immediate fluid removal and/or fluid restriction. A trial of  HYPERLINK "http://www.utdol.com/application/topic.asp?file=ped_drug/81902&drug=true" \t "side" furosemide (2 to 5 mg/kg per dose) may be attempted to induce a diuresis and convert oliguric to non-oliguric renal failure. However, diuretics should not be continued in an unresponsive child. If a diuresis does not ensue and/or the patient has evidence of fluid overload with pulmonary edema, renal replacement therapy should be initiated. Once euvolemia has been obtained, pay careful attention to ongoing fluid losses (insensible water loss of approximately 300 to 500 mL/m2/day in addition to replacement of urine and GI losses) and gains (fluid administered for nutritional and medical requirements). In addition to invasive intravascular monitoring, ongoing fluid balance evaluation is aided by daily weights, accurate records of fluid inputs and outputs, and findings on physical examination. Hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia Oral phosphate binders and dietary restriction of phosphorus are commonly used to decrease intestinal absorption of phosphorus. Intravenous administration of  HYPERLINK "http://www.utdol.com/application/topic.asp?file=drug_a_k/40369&drug=true" \t "side" calcium gluconate should be considered if hypocalcemia is severe and/or if bicarbonate therapy is required for severe acidosis and hyperkalemia. Hypertension Although peripheral vasoconstriction can be a contributing factor, hypertension in ARF is most likely secondary to fluid overload. The absolute degree of hypertension, clinical presentation, and response to initial therapy (such as diuretics) will determine the choice of antihypertensive therapy. Nutrition ARF is associated with marked catabolism, and inadequate nutrition can delay recovery of the patient's renal function. Children should receive at least maintenance calories or higher. Hyperalimentation can be considered if enteral feeding is not possible. If the child is oliguric or anuric, and sufficient calories cannot be achieved while maintaining appropriate fluid balance, renal replacement therapy should be started. Renal replacement therapy Renal replacement therapy in children with ARF should be initiated for the following: Uremic symptoms - pericarditis, neuropathy or an unexplained decline in mental status Azotemia (BUN greater than 80 to 100 mg/dL [29 to 36 mmol/L] Severe fluid overload as manifested by HTN, pulmonary edema or heart failure refractory to medical therapy. Severe electrolyte abnormalities - !K+, !Na+or !Na+, and acidosis refractory to supportive medical therapy. Need for intensive nutritional support in a child with oliguria or anuria. The choice of renal replacement modality is influenced by the clinical presentation of the child, the presence or absence of multi-organ system failure, and the indication for renal replacement therapy Hemodialysis most rapidly changes plasma solute composition and removes excessive body water compared to the other modalities. However, this may not be tolerated by hemodynamically unstable patients. Peritoneal dialysis less efficient in altering blood solute composition and fluid removal, but it can be applied continuously. Well tolerated by hemodynamically unstable patients. It is the simplest of the modalities to apply Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) Includes several modalities (continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration, continuous venovenous hemofiltration, continuous arteriovenous hemodialysis and continuous venovenous hemodialysis. Rate of fluid and solute removal is slow and continuous. As a result, CRRT is better tolerated than hemodialysis in patients who are hemodynamically unstable. The removal of solutes over the course of 24 to 48 hours is as efficient as conventional hemodialysis. In addition, some prefer this technique in patients with sepsis or multiorgan system failure, since it may enhance the removal of cytokines Prognosis The prognosis of ARF depends upon the etiology, age of the patient, clinical presentation and status of the patient. Hypotension and the need for inotropic support during renal replacement therapy are significant poor predictors for patient survival. Adapted from Up-To-Date: Clinical presentation, evaluation and diagnosis of acute renal failure in children and Prevention and Management of Acute Renal Failure in Children Tumor Lysis Syndrome Definition: A syndrome resulting from cytotoxic therapy, occurring generally in aggressive, rapidly proliferating lymphoproliferative disorders. It is characterized by combinations of hyperuricemia, lactic acidosis, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia with secondary hypocalcemia. These can subsequently lead to renal failure. Hyperuricemia  Uric acid is the end product of the digestion of purines from tumor cells and is normally eliminated through urine. Uric acid is soluble at physiologic pH, but can precipitate in the acidic environment of renal tubules, causing obstructive uropathy and kidney failure. (*xanthine oxidase converts hypoxanthine to xanthine & xanthine to uric acid)  Hyperkalemia  May cause irregular cardiac rhythms and neuromuscular dysfunction EKG findings: Early changes - peaked T waves, shortened QT interval, ST segment depression Later changes - widened QRS complex, increased PR interval, decreased P wave amplitude Without treatment, the P wave eventually disappears and the QRS morphology widens to resemble a sine wave which ultimately leads to ventricular fibrillation or asystole  Hyperphosphatemia  Elevated levels of phosphate can cause hypocalcemia. Complexes of phosphates and calcium can form and deposit in the renal tubules, leading to kidney failure. Calcium phosphate crystals precipitate in the microvasculature and renal tubules when [PO42-]x[Ca2++] > 60 mg/dL.  Hypocalemia  May result in severe cardiovascular effects and neurological dysfunction (e.g. seizures, hallucinations, tetany).  Management Prevention: Hydration at 2-4x maintenance D5 NS + 40 mEq/L NaHCO3 (= NS; No K+ in IVFs!) Adjust bicarb to keep urine pH 7.0-7.5 (alkanize with 30-50 mEq/L NaHCO3) - too low pH precipitates urate crystals; too high pH precipitates limestone, xanthine, hypoxanthine Allopurinol: inhibits xanthine oxidase and decreases uric acid formation < 6yo: 50 mg PO TID 6-10 yo: 100 mg PO TID > 10yo: 200 mg PO TID Rasburicase: recombinant form of urate oxidase, an enzyme that converts uric acid to allantoin Amphogel (phosphate binder) if high tumor burden (e.g. WBC>100K, Burkitts lymphoma) Check lysis labs every 4-6 hours (Chem 10, LDH, uric acid) If the patient becomes puffy, use diuretics to increase urine flow -do not decrease the IV infusion rate Treatment Hyperuricemia: hydration to promote uric acid excretion, alkalinization, decrease uric acid production w/allopurinol (xanthine oxidase inhibitor) & rasburicase (oxidizes uric acid to allantoin) Hyperkalemia: calcium, bicarbonate, insulin/glucose, kayexalate, ?albuterol, dialysis Hyperphosphatemia: phosphate binders (amphogel/alternagel), diuretics Hypocalcemia: replace calcium if symptomatic, diuretics to promote excretion of phosphates in the urine Dialysis indications: uncontrolled hyperkalemia, worsening hyperuricemia, symptomatic hypocalemia/hyperphos, acidosis, HTN, fluid overload, rapidly rising BUN/Cr) Supportive Care chronic Renal Failure/Chronic Kidney Disease Adapted from Up-To-Date Overview of the management of chronic kidney disease in children Introduction - The gradual decline in function with CKD is initially asymptomatic. However, different signs/symptoms may be observed with advanced renal dysfunction, including volume overload, !K+, metabolic acidosis, HTN, anemia, and bone disease. The onset of end-stage renal disease results in a constellation of signs and symptoms referred to as uremia. Manifestations of the uremic state include anorexia, nausea, vomiting, growth retardation, peripheral neuropathy, and CNS abnormalities ranging from loss of concentration and lethargy to seizures, coma, and death. Kidney function < 5 % of normal is believed to be insufficient to sustain life. ESRD is defined as either a GFR of < 15 mL/min/1.73m2, which is accompanied in most cases by signs and symptoms of uremia, or a need for the initiation of kidney replacement therapy (dialysis or transplantation) for the treatment of complications from a decreased GFR. Definitions and Classifications Within pediatric nephrology community, Chronic Renal Insufficiency has been characterized by GFR < 75 mL/min/1.73 m2. In contrast, the K/DOQI workgroup defined CKD in adults and children older than 2 years of age as: Kidney damage for greater than 3 months OR GFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 for  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/ge.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET 3 months, with or without kidney damage. CKD has been classically staged as renal failure that is: Mild (GFR of 50-80 % of normal) Moderate (GFR of 25-50 % of normal) Severe (GFR < 25 % of normal) End-stage (ESRD) (GFR < 10 % of normal). K/DOQI developed a formal staging system based on level of kidney function, independent of primary renal diagnosis: Stage 1 disease is defined by a normal GFR ( INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/ge.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET  90 mL/min per 1.73 m2) Stage 2 disease is a GFR between 60 to 89 mL/min per 1.73 m2 Stage 3 disease is a GFR between 30 and 59 mL/min per 1.73 m2 ( start to become symptomatic at Stage 3 Stage 4 disease is a GFR between 15 and 29 mL/min per 1.73 m2 Stage 5 disease is a GFR of less than 15 mL/min per 1.73 m2 or ESRD Management OF CKD 1. Disorders of Fluid and Electrolyte Balance A. Sodium and Intravascular Volume Balance B. Potassium Homeostasis C. Metabolic Acidosis 2. Renal Osteodystrophy 3. Calcium and Phosphate Mtabolism 4. Hypertension 5. Anemia 6. Dyslipidemia 7. Malnutrition 8. Hormonal Abnormalities 9. Neurocognitive Dvelopment 10. Uremic Complications 11. Renal Replacement Therapy 1. Disorders of Fluid and Electrolyte Balance A. Sodium and Intravascular Volume Balance Although sodium homeostasis is usually well-maintained, failing kidneys eventually lose the capacity to rapidly adapt to a Na+ load or restriction. There also exists an obligatory Na+ loss that can be severe in children with obstructive uropathy and/or cystic kidneys, thereby leading to volume contraction, poor growth, and need for Na+ supplementation. Children with CKD may develop a fixed urine output dependent upon the osmolar load. Although they may continue to have an adequate osmolar clearance, they cannot adapt rapidly to an acute water load or restriction. As a result, they can develop volume overload. This generally responds to dietary Na+ restriction and diuretic therapy. The current daily recommendation for Na+ intake is 1.2 g/day for 4-8 yo and 1.5 g/day for older kids (This amount is substantially lower than the average current intake of a child). At LPCH we often restrict Na+ intake to about 1 to 2 g/day. B. Potassium Homeostasis Hyperkalemia generally develops in children with decreased sodium delivery to the distal tubule because of a low GFR, a high dietary K+ intake, increased tissue breakdown, metabolic acidosis, hypoaldosteronism (due in some cases to administration of an ACE inhibitor) or impaired cellular uptake of potassium. Management consists of a low K+ diet and/or loop diuretic to increase urinary K+ loss or PO sodium bicarbonate to correct acidosis. Infant formula can be mixed with kayexalate and decanted to decrease K+ content of formula prior to feeding. Hypokalemia is uncommon in children with CKD. However, it can be observed in children in the early stages of CKD associated with Fanconi syndrome, renal tubular acidosis, or from excessive diuretic therapy. C. Metabolic acidosis Kidneys play a critical role in acid-base homeostasis by excreting an acid load (produced by cellular metabolism and skeletal growth in children) and preventing bicarbonate loss in the urine. There is an increasing tendency to retain hydrogen ions among patients with chronic renal disease, eventually leading to a progressive metabolic acidosis . In children, overt acidosis is characteristically present when GFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 and can be associated with an increased or normal anion gap. Acidosis is associated with increased protein degradation and oxidation of branched chain amino acids. Thus, its correction is associated with an increase in serum albumin, the plasma concentration of branched chain amino acids and total essential amino acids, and a decrease in protein degradation rate. The presence of acidosis also has the potential of having a negative impact on growth as the body utilizes bone to buffer some of the excess hydrogen ions. This is well-exemplified by children with renal tubular acidosis in whom there is a return of normal growth parameters following normalization of the serum bicarbonate level. Calcitriol therapy is also more effective in the treatment of renal osteodystrophy, if the acidosis has been corrected. Current guidelines are to maintain the serum bicarbonate level  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/ge.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET 22 mmol/L. Sodium bicarbonate therapy may be started at 1 to 2 mEq/kg per day in 2-3 divided doses, and the dose is titrated to the clinical target. Be cautious with citrate preparations, as these may enhance aluminum absorption from gut and increase risk of aluminum toxicity. 2. Renal osteodystrophy Changes in mineral metabolism and bone structure are an almost universal finding with progressive renal failure. These changes are linked to abnormalities in the metabolism of calcium, phosphate, and vitamin D, and increases PTH levels. Principal types of disease: osteitis fibrosa, adynamic bone disease, and osteomalacia. Osteitis Fibrosa and Secondary Hyperparathyroidism Osteitis fibrosa results from secondary hyperparathyroidism, with features on bone biopsy being an increase in bone turnover activity and defective mineralization. The principal goal of therapy is to control elevated PTH levels. The major factors stimulating parathyroid function include hypocalcemia, diminished 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels, and hyperphosphatemia. Combination of dietary phosphate restriction, phosphate binders l, and active vitamin D therapy is required to maintain a normal serum phosphate level and an intact PTH level no more than two to four times normal. In severe cases of secondary hyperparathyroidism, although rare in children, parathyroidectomy may have to be considered. Adynamic Bone Disease Adynamic bone disease is characterized by low osteoblastic activity and bone formation rates. It has become increasingly frequent, particularly among dialysis patients, since it is now possible to suppress PTH with calcium-containing phosphate binders and potent vitamin D analogues. The relatively inert, adynamic bone does not modulate calcium and phosphate levels appropriately. With this regulatory function impaired, calcium is neither released from nor taken up by the bone normally and the dialysis patient typically maintains a low intact PTH level (eg, <100 pg/mL), which is frequently accompanied by an elevated serum calcium level. Adynamic renal osteodystrophy is not benign as it increases risk for fractures and metastatic calcification seen more frequently in adults than children. Best treated by allowing intact PTH level to rise to increase bone turnover by decreasing or discontinuing the dosage of the calcium-based phosphate binders and/or vitamin D therapy. Adynamic bone disease is uncommon among pre-dialysis patients, but can occur with aggressive therapy in dialysis patients. Osteomalacia Another low turnover bone lesion, osteomalacia, is also uncommon among predialysis patients. Previously, this disorder resulted from aluminum toxicity due to aluminum-containing phosphate binders (no longer used). Among children, the inadequate intake of calcium, phosphate, or vitamin D also may result in osteomalacia. Assessment and monitoring Other factors that may impact renal osteodystrophy include corticosteroids, metabolic acidosis, hypophosphatemia from aggressive P restriction or excessive use of phosphate binders, age, race, nutritional vitamin D deficiency, meds that interfere vitamin D metabolism (eg, anticonvulsants), and prolonged immobilization. Monitor for evidence of bone disease by physical examination, with particular attention to muscle pain, weakness, and bony changes such as varus and valgus deformities of the long bones, and following iPTH and serum calcium levels. 3. Calcium and Phosphate Metabolism A. Hyperphosphatemia Phosphate levels are maintained within a normal range in early stages of renal failure, at the cost of elevated PTH. This adaptation is initially "appropriate", since elevated PTH levels enhance phosphate excretion from kidneys. However, it eventually leads to renal osteodystrophy. Thus, iPTH level may be an excellent marker to base the need for dietary phosphate restriction early in the course of CKD, which is a time when serum phosphate levels are still normal. Dietary phosphate should be restricted to age-appropriate recommended daily value. At LPCH, we tend to restrict to 800 mmol/day. Compliance in children is poor as most of their favorite foods are rich in phosphate. Thus, phosphate binders (taken 10-15 min before or during meal) are often necessary to prevent phosphate absorption from GI tract. Good choices include Ca carbonate, Ca acetate, Ca gluconate, and Ca ketoglutarate. Ca citrate should not be administered, since it markedly increases intestinal aluminum absorption. If hypercalcemic, instead use sevelamer (Renagel) alone or together with a Ca-containing phosphate binder. Irrespective of agent used, phosphate binders have a limited phosphate-binding capacity: 1 g of Ca carbonate binds 39 mg P, 1 g of Ca acetate binds 45 mg P and 400 mg of sevelamer HCl only binds 32 mg P. Thus, effective only if the dietary restrictions for phosphate are continued simultaneously. Phosphate binders that should be avoided in children with CKD: Aluminum hydroxide, the previous standard, because of the gradual induction of aluminum toxicity Magnesium-containing antacids (such as magnesium hydroxide), because risk hypermagnesemia and diarrhea As previously mentioned, calcium citrate, since it markedly increases intestinal aluminum absorption B. Vitamin D supplementation  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/vitamins/vitaminD/vitdendo.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  Calcitriol- The final step in vitamin D metabolism is 1-hydroxylation of calcidiol in the kidney to produce calcitriol. This reaction is stimulated by PTH and hypophosphatemia and inhibited by calcium and phosphate. In patients with renal failure, calcitriol production is low, due mostly to loss of the enzyme but also to hyperphosphatemia. Calcitriol is believed to suppress PTH secretion by direct suppression of parathyroid gland activity. It also helps correct the abnormal shift in the "set point" for calcium and may decrease pre proPTH mRNA synthesis in a dose-dependent manner. Thus, calcitriol deficiency may help initiate secondary hyperparathyroidism even in the absence of overt hypocalcemia. Calcitriol (10-20 ng/kg/day) should be prescribed to children who have an !iPTH level !Ca that persists despite correction of hyperphosphatemia and vitamin D deficiency. The serum levels of calcium, phosphate, and PTH should be monitored closely and subsequent adjustments of calcitriol therapy should be based on these levels. Dose should be held or decreased if hypercalcemia or hyperphosphatemia develops/persists, or if iPTH is below target range for the stage of CKD. C. Calcium metabolism Hypocalcemia and secondary hyperparathyroidism is one of the hallmarks of bone disease among children. As previously mentioned, hyperphosphatemia and decreased calcitriol levels develop with progressive loss of kidney function, thereby contributing to low calcium levels. Therapy should be instituted with calcium supplementation such as oral calcium carbonate, calcium acetate, or calcium gluconate; or parenteral calcium chloride. D. Soft tissue calcification The incidence of soft tissue calcification is high when the calcium phosphate product (each in mg/dL) exceeds 70. Soft tissue calcification can be divided into the following:  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Vascular calcification - involves media of the arteries  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Ocular calcification - involves conjunctiva and cornea  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Visceral calcification - deposits of calcium may be found in lungs, stomach, myocardium, skeletal muscles, kidney  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Periarticular calcification  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Cutaneous calcification  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Calciphylaxis E. Aluminum in chronic kidney disease Aluminum-related disorders in CKD, although now extremely rare, can present with the findings of hypercalcemia, osteomalacia, microcytic anemia, and dialysis encephalopathy. Administration of aluminum, historically provided most commonly in the form of phosphate binders, should be avoided and, in hemodialysis patients, the dialysate concentration of aluminum should be <10 mcg/L Patients who are ingesting aluminum-containing phosphate binders or meds such as sucralfate that contain aluminum should not receive citrate simultaneously as the latter med enhances GI absorption of aluminum. Serum aluminum levels should be measured yearly in patients with Stage 5 CKD, and the baseline level of serum aluminum should be <20 mcg/L. A deferoxamine (DFO) test should be performed if there are elevated serum aluminum levels (>60 mcg/L) or clinical signs and symptoms of aluminum toxicity, or prior to parathyroid surgery if the patient has had aluminum exposure. 4. Hypertension The prevalence of hypertension in patients with CKD is high, even when the GFR is only mildly reduced and increases further with a decline in GFR. Treatment of hypertension should include specification of target blood pressure levels, conservative measures such as weight reduction, exercise, and dietary salt reduction, and specific antihypertensive agents with the aim that blood pressure control may help prevent the progression of CKD and the development of cardiovascular disease. 5. Anemia The anemia of CKD, which is due to the reduced production of erythropoietin by the kidney, is principally normocytic and normochromic. By comparison, the finding of microcytosis may reflect iron deficiency, aluminum excess, or certain hemoglobinopathies, while macrocytosis may be associated with vitamin B12 or folate deficiency. Evaluation of patients with anemia should include an assessment of at least the following:  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Red blood cell indices  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Reticulocyte count  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Iron parameters (serum iron, total iron binding capacity, percent transferrin saturation [TSAT] and serum ferritin)  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Test for occult blood in stool Work-up should be done prior to initiation of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) therapy. Whereas iron deficiency in the general population is indicated by a TSAT of  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/le.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET 16 % and/or a serum ferritin  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/le.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET 12 ng/mL, the recommended TSAT is  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/ge.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET 20 % and serum ferritin  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/ge.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET 100 ng/dL (100-800) in patients with CKD who are also receiving rHuEPO. If the baseline iron studies are subnormal, iron therapy (elemental iron 3-4 mg/kg/day) should be initiated; in addition, all patients receiving rHuEPO require iron to prevent the development of iron deficiency. Once iron status is normal, should be monitored q3-6 months, or monthly following initiation and/or increase of rHuEPO dose. The expected increase in Hct after initiation of rHuEPO therapy or after a dose change is between 2-8 % over a 2-4 week period. Ddx Epogen Resistance #1 Iron deficiency ACE inhibitors Aluminum toxicity 2 HypoPTH Infection/Inflammation Carnitine Deficiency Hemoglobinopathies Copper Deficiency Chronic blood loss Zinc Deficiency Folate or B12 deficiency Hepatic failure Osteitis fibrosa Vitamin D Deficiency Malnutiriton Malnutirion Hemolysis Multiple Myeloma 6. Dyslipidemia Abnormal lipid metabolism is common in patients with CKD and adds risk for cardiovascular disease. The K/DOQI guidelines on dyslipidemias recommend that all children as well as adults with CKD should be evaluated for dyslipidemia. The patients should be evaluated with a complete fasting lipid profile to include total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglycerides at presentation, and annually thereafter or two to three months after a change in treatment or other conditions known to cause dyslipidemia. Elevated triglyceride levels should initially be treated with therapeutic life changes alone, as fibrates and nicotinic acid, medications traditionally used for adults, have not been adequately studied in children. On the other hand, a limited number of small randomized controlled trials in children and adolescents from the general population have found that statins (atorvastatin is US FDA-approved in children) are safe and effective in lowering LDL cholesterol. Patients receiving statin therapy should be closely monitored for adverse effects on muscles and liver, and for drug interactions with commonly used medications. In children who do not achieve the desired target lipid levels with statin therapy, the addition of bile acid sequestrants such as cholestyramine, colestipol, and colesevelam hydrochloride, as well as the use of nicotinic acid, can be considered. A common concern pertaining to the use of bile acid sequestrants is their tendency to be associated with an increase in the serum triglyceride level that can lead to deficiencies of vitamin A, E, and folic acid. 7. Malnutrition Malnutrition is common in children with CKD because of poor appetite, decreased intestinal absorption of nutrients, and metabolic acidosis. Children should be provided with 100 % of the RDA for protein, as these diets are safe and palatable for the child and avoid the problems associated with an excessive protein intake. Protein restriction is not recommended in children as it has not been shown to influence the decrease in renal function in children with CKD. Supplemental nutritional support may be needed in a child who is not growing appropriately, is markedly malnourished, or fails to consume the RDA for protein and/or calories. Although supplementation by the oral route is preferred, one may have to resort to tube feedings with a nasogastric tube, transpyloric tube, or gastrostomy. The child should also receive 100 % of the dietary reference intakes for water-soluble vitamins such as thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), pyridoxine (B6), vitamin B12, and folic acid. An intake of 100 percent of the RDA should be the goal for vitamins A, C, E, K, and copper and zinc. A precautionary note should be made for vitamin A as the loss of clearance of vitamin A metabolites by the normal kidney places children with advanced CKD at risk for symptoms of hypervitaminosis A. This should be considered when selecting a multivitamin that contains a combination of water- and fat-soluble vitamins. 8. Hormonal Abnormalities The kidney normally plays an important role in the metabolism, secretion, degradation, and excretion of a number of hormones, their associated receptors, and binding proteins. This leads to either increased or decreased hormone levels, disturbed activation of pro-hormones, altered bioactivity, altered hormone binding to carrier proteins, and/or altered tissue sensitivity at the receptor and post-receptor level. Somatotropic: Abnormalities in somatotropic hormone axis consist of "growth hormone insensitivity", manifested by normal or elevated levels of GH, normal or !levels of total insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), decreased GH receptor activity, increased levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 binding protein -1 (IGFBP-1), IGFBP-2, IGFBP-4, and IGFBP-6 (with a resultant decreased free IGF-1 level), and accumulation of various small- to medium-sized molecules from CKD that can inhibit the somatotropic axis. The following is the current acceptable criteria for initiating Growth Hormone in children with CKD: Height for chronological age < SDS or height velocity SDS for chronological age that is < -2 Growth potential that is documented by open epiphyses There are no other contraindications for rHuGH. The use of rHuGH is continued until the child reaches the 50th percentile for mid-parental height, achieves a final adult height with closed epiphyses, or receives a kidney transplant. Continued close monitoring of growth should occur once rHuGH is discontinued, with the potential for its reinstitution if "catch down" growth occurs. Gonadotropic: Abnormalities detected in the gonadotropic hormone axis in advanced CKD are characterized as a "compensated state of hypergonadotropic hypogonadism" manifested by normal or elevated levels of the gonadotropic hormones, FSH and LH, and the loss of the LH pulsatile pattern. Thus, puberty is frequently delayed in children with CKD. Onset is delayed by an average 2.5 years and delayed puberty is present in 2/3 of adolescents with ESRD. The average time for menarche in adolescent females is 15-16 years compared to 13 years in normal healthy girls. Thyroid: Abnormalities detected in the thyroid hormone axis are characterized by low total and free T4 and T3, with normal TSH, normal or decreased thyroid hormone-binding globulin and normal or decreased TRH test; this is similar to "sick euthyroid syndrome" seen in other chronic diseases. A normal or low reverse T3 in CKD helps differentiate it from the sick euthyroid state of other chronic diseases in which the reverse T3 is elevated. Adrenal: The abnormalities detected in the adrenal hormone axis in CKD are complex. A high index of suspicion is needed to help diagnose adrenal disease in children with CKD.The findings of hypertension, osteopenia, proximal muscle weakness and glucose intolerance can be seen in both Cushing's syndrome and advanced CKD. The findings of adrenal insufficiency of hypotension, weakness, and hyperkalemia can be easily masked by renal insufficiency. 9. Neurocognitive Development Uremia is associated with alterations in cognitive development in children. Previously, the neurodevelopmental outcomes of infants and small children with CKD were dismal, in large part as a result of malnutrition and aluminum exposure. Subsequently, with improvement in nutritional management, avoidance of aluminum, and optimization of dialysis and anemia management, the neurodevelopmental outcome has been more encouraging. 10. Uremic Complications A. Uremic bleeding An increased tendency to bleeding is present in some patients with CKD in association with prolongation of the bleeding time, due primarily to an acquired platelet dysfunction that results in abnormal adhesion and aggregation. No specific therapy is required in asymptomatic patients. However, correction of platelet dysfunction is desirable if actively bleeding or to undergo procedure (e.g.renal biopsy):  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET pRBCs, as an improved hematocrit is believed to facilitate increased interaction between platelets and blood vessels  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET DDAVP (0.3 g/kg intravenously or subcutaneously), the effect of which is transient and lasts for six to eight hours  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Cryoprecipitate (1 to 2 units/10 kg), the effect lasts for 24-36 hrs but increases risk of transmitting infectious diseases  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Estrogen (0.6 mg/kg per day for 5 days), the onset of effect is over 6 to 24 hours, but effect lasts for two to three weeks. B. Uremic pericarditis Uremic pericardial disease (pericarditis and pericardial effusion) is seen only in late stages of CKD and is an indication to institute dialysis. The patient presents with fever, pleuritic chest pain, and a pericardial rub. The characteristic feature of uremic pericarditis which differentiates it from other inflammatory pericarditis, is that the electrocardiogram does not usually show the typical diffuse ST elevation. Therefore, pericarditis in a patient with mild to moderate renal failure or with an ST elevation should suggest some other cause for pericarditis. Uremic pericarditis, although not common in children, should be considered in a patient presenting with the characteristic clinical features, especially in children who have an associated primary collagen vascular disease. 11. Renal replacement therapy Once the estimated GFR declines to less than 30 mL/min per 1.73 m2 and the child is in Stage 4 CKD, it is time to start preparing the child and the family for renal replacement therapy. The family should be provided with information related to preemptive kidney transplantation, peritoneal dialysis, and hemodialysis. As in adults, some form of renal replacement therapy will be needed when the weekly renal Kt/Vurea falls below 2.0, which approximates a creatinine clearance between 9 to 14 mL/min/1.73 m2. However, renal replacement therapy is often initiated before children reach these levels for the following reasons:  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Limitations of total calorie intake resulting in failure to thrive  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Clinical symptoms attributable to uremia  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.utdol.com/application/images/characters/bull.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Delay in psychomotor development and/or educational issues from progressive CKD. Choice of renal therapy Choices include peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis, renal transplantation Peritoneal dialysis is more common in younger children, in large part due to vascular access issues, and hemodialysis becomes more common in older adolescents (but hemodialysis can be performed in very young children as well) Children who are to receive hemodialysis will need evaluation of their vasculature for placement of an arterio-venous (AV) fistula, arterio-venous graft, or cuffed double lumen catheter. The use of AV fistula, the recommended type of vascular access in adults, is limited in children due to the size of their vessels. Adapted from UpToDate Overview of the management of chronic kidney disease in children Some Notes on Blood Products Always remember to Gann Act the patient first! Blood units are tested for HIV/HCV, West Nile Virus (IND 7/1/03), anti-HIV-1 & -2, HIV p24 antigen, anti-HTLV-I/II, anti-HCV, anti-HBc, HBsAg and syphilis. Current estimates of the risk of transmitting viral infections per unit administered (Busch, JAMA 2003; 289: 959): Hepatitis B1 in 220,000Hepatitis C1 in 1.6 millionHIV1 in 1.8 millionHTLV-I/II1 in 641,000 Risks for other infections - babesiosis, malaria, syphilis, trypanosomiasis, yersiniosis - are <1:1,000,000. Packed red blood cells One unit is roughly 200-300ml. Give 10ml/kg over 2-4 hrs to raise Hb by 1-3g/dl. Type and Screen Screens for major antibodies, ABO, Rh Type and Cross Crossmatches additional antigens (patient serum and donor RBCs are mixed to assess compatibility) and reserves desired amount of blood. If you think your patient might need blood, order 2 units to be readily available for emergency purposes. If blood cannot be typed and crossmatched quickly in an emergency Universal donor: O negative Universal recipient: AB positive Platelets One pheresed unit is roughly 250 mL. Give pheresed plts over -1 hr to raise plts by ~40,000-50,000. , = Q p   ] ^ F G P v ^ _ a Ƹ~~pbhthX5>*CJaJhthw5>*CJaJhthwCJaJhthXCJaJhtht,CJaJhth_CJaJhthX5CJ\aJhth_5CJ\aJhth_CJ \aJ hthXCJ \aJ hthX:CJaJhthX5:CJ\aJ hth?)%> p  ^ G _ ` &dPgdw & F hh&dP^hgdw & F hh^hgdX hh^h`gdX & F hh^hgdXgdX$a$gd_$a$gdX>YdY` a dmn<78  & F hh^hgdw & F hh^hgdX & F hh^hgdX$a$gdwgdX 245 #CFcd̋̋hth%QCJaJhtht,5CJ\aJhthX5CJ\aJhthwCJaJjhthwCJUaJhtht,CJaJhthXCJaJhthX5>*CJaJhthw5>*CJaJhthX5CJaJ-!"01BCIXklmnwJX-;>?567宠弑zzk\jiChtht,CJUaJj>htht,CJUaJhthGuCJaJhthK>*CJaJhthK5>*CJ\aJhtht,5CJ\aJhthw5CJ\aJhthwCJaJhth%QCJaJ$htht,0J>*B*CJaJphhtht,CJaJjhtht,CJUaJ$78Edgh\]^_78B   %>@宠宠{pbڕhthGu5CJ\aJhthKCJaJjhShthGuCJUaJhth'`ECJaJhth%QCJaJhtht,5CJ\aJhthw5CJ\aJjNhtht,CJUaJjHhtht,CJUaJhthGuCJaJhtht,CJaJjhtht,CJUaJ# c|kd$$Iflp 0(: t04)644 la $IfgdX $IfgdGu$a$gdGugdX @A-/025z|~#$ABĵĪ҆҆҆҆zhthMtNCJH*aJhtht,CJaJhth 7CJaJhtht,5CJ\aJhthwCJaJjhthGuCJUaJhthGu5CJ\aJhthMtNCJaJhth%QCJaJhthGuCJaJhth%QCJH*aJ0"6:<>ln      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0634-abTZ[\s~qq~~~~ii~~ & Fgd}k &dPgd}kgd}k|kd$$IfT-0( 0634-abT \s0p@T@W@@@@@@@@IAJAKA[AlA{AAAAAAAA2B>BBBBBB C5CdCڿڿڽڱڛڏڃڃڃh_h}k>*CJaJhh}k5CJaJhvh}kCJaJhh}kCJaJhq=Ch}k>*CJaJUheh}k>*CJaJhph}kCJaJh}kh}kCJaJh=uh}kCJaJ#hh}k5>*B*CJaJph3Eb(@P@@@@@IAJAKA[AAAAAAAAB &dPgd}k`gd}kgd}kGive unit platelets if patient <20 kg Give 1 unit platelets if patient >20 kg Use non-packed platelets (unless volume is an issue) Plasma (FFP) One unit is 200-300ml. Has lots of factors, basically everything except platelets. Give 10-15 mL/kg. Indications: DIC, TTP, to reverse effects of warfarin, protein C and S disease. Cryoprecipitate One unit is 30ml. Give 10 ml/kg. Factors included: I (Fibrinogen), VIII, vWF, XIII. Dont use in Factor 9 Deficiency. Note: For our Oncology kids, we need special blood handling: All blood products should be CMV negative (to prevent transfusion related infection) All blood products should be irradiated (to kill T lymphocytes and to reduce GVHD) All blood products should be leukodepleted (removes WBCs from platelets and pRBCs. Helps prevent febrile nonhemolytic reactions, HLA sensitization and CMV exposure.) Some of our kids require pre-medication: Benadryl - to prevent urticarial reaction Tylenol - to decrease febrile non hemolytic reaction from proteins Use washed cells for pts w/ hx severe allergic transfusion reactions, IgA deficiency to help remove extra plasma containing antigens and cytokines Transfusion Reactions ClassClinical SymptomsLikely CauseIUrticaria, hivesAlloantibodies agst plasma protein antigensIIFever, chills, nauseaAlloantibodies agst leukocyte antigensIIIDelayed !Hct, increasing bilirubin, feverAlloantibodies agst specific red cell antigens post transfusion (delayed transfusion rxn)IVOliguria, bleeding, hemoglobinuria, shockAntibodies against specific red cell antigensAnaphylaxisAnti-IgA antibodiesAcutBjBBeCfCCCCCDDDDDDDDD $$Ifa$gd- N &dPgd}k^gd}k`gd}kgd}k N gd}k & Fgd}kdCCCCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDEE*E+E9E=EQEREFFDFFFbFjFFFG$GTGhGGGGGGGHXX X.X/X3X6X@XBX̬Uh}kCJaJhyVAh}kCJaJh}k5CJaJhh}k5CJaJhh}k5CJaJh}k>*CJaJh_h}k>*CJaJh=uh}kCJaJh}kCJaJ=DDDDEL@77 $Ifgd- $$Ifa$gd-kd$$IflF4%  t0d&6    44 lapEEE*EQEqe\\ $Ifgd- $$Ifa$gd-kdf$$IflF4% t0d&6    44 laQEREVEDFFqe\\ $Ifgd- $$Ifa$gd-kd$$IflF4% t0d&6    44 laFFGTGGqe\\ $Ifgd- $$Ifa$gd-kdP$$IflF4% t0d&6    44 laGGGGGqe\\ $Ifgd- $$Ifa$gd-kd$$IflF4% t0d&6    44 laGGG.X@XocZZ $Ifgd- $$Ifa$gd-kd:$$Ifl F4% t0d&6    44 lae pulmonary insufficiency, edema, infiltratesAnti-WBC antibody Transfusion reaction workup Stop transfusion! Send untransfused blood product and patient sample to blood bank for analysis Obtain u/a to r/o hemoglobinuria Support patient as needed (Benadryl, Tylenol) Class III/IV may require PICU support     PAGE  PAGE 55 @XAXBX^XqXXXY9Y:Y;YY?YAYBYDYEYGYHYJYKYQYRYSYUYVY\Y]Y_Y`YaYcYdYeYɿh*CJaJ=Y>Y@YAYCYDYFYGYIYJYSYTYUYaYbYcYdYeY &`#$gdKfgdX901hP7:p}k/ =!"#$% >Dd o'0  # Ab=RfaLG/l=Dnd=RfaLG/PNG  IHDRsRGB= IDATx^{՝(h(C Q!h@RF}VA@ EVCxեl Pdx|է 3}VA@ EVCxեl Pdx|է 3}VA@ EVCuuuYj߲Rf Lo쩜@:Fܿ/ 4s8% Yл;x,rgpC@AbB@񅓜C@AbB@񅓜C@AbB@܃/kOxP@ 9x|rl9_Y5 ~WqwO%RU9#ʎi3n~?ڹoĉQ=3ۮ0v.8&>qVs. K/y-[mS>B(Ƭk&~&N% jS`9%=Q"C/>ṮmXi֙uQ^CZ9y%} c6K-K[HVߞct6ڷw»F)?E7")-ܡ e;J]~BP(  `wupWNzu[{|CyeKWfkޢ3t-ozZaۋy~%'ogr6㎛xcZ|Ll^!}N8hYr33yE+WG<=?Y)8u 冘H8bΗ^8u쩞_?yju}go6mԉ'~$m)7mz6Au%QR)#Gwo̼^³Qr)%^5eh[(!  <RiT5\~:~Mn@H̼ۯQ7m\v3z8Z ={Hϣjͳ ԯfvw4\w6.(oĉSgh\MOH~O}pk_k=PVԈBE!a <ZAz,^Aw5\/V/\ffvܡg^S5 MYDQ)QwKIpڪs/z(=(jE?2 h+aȣ*J_튕s{͗nj [ϞG]~G_6Fv76.{uDM{cOBn#c'LuWlPCjX^֮Xn3k3{% ̾ZO+ÿF/T@tR Ծm D(! 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