ࡱ> MOLy &bjbj 4B{{TTTTThhhh<4h8IKKKKKK$!oToTTFTTII:,Pf6 50R^"EL^"^"T$ooL^" : Stat 1129-10 Spring 2012: Introductory Computer Science Prof. Robert F. Teitel; email: rteitel@gwu.edu phone: 301.654.3684 hours: before class (office to be determined) After class (if Gov103 not otherwise occupied) T/A: Brandon Nedwek; email: bnedwek@gwu.edu phone: 971.506.7739 Email Note: Please use "Stat1129:" at beginning of subject line if sending us email. Replies may come from  HYPERLINK "mailto:rteitel@comcast.net" rteitel@comcast.net Replies may come from bnedwek@gmail.com Class: Mon / Wed : 5:10 6:00 Gov 103 usually lecture : 6:10 7:00 Gov 103 usually lab Text: optional (these texts are all out-of-print): Williams and Walmsley Discover Delphi: Programming Principles Explained Barrow, Miller, Malan, Gelderblom Introducing Delphi Programming (Oxford/South Africa) Kerman, Mitchell C. Programming and Problem Solving with Delphi (Addison-Wesley) Best: http://www.marcocantu.com/epascal/ , and http://www.marcocantu.com/edelphi/ Free download/pdf/zip files in many (natural) languages. OR any book on the Pascal / DELPHI system. A separate guide to DELPHI internet resources will be available. Class Process: The sessions in Gov 103 will be lectures and demonstrations for the first few weeks of the semester; thereafter lecture followed by laboratory time for work on weekly assignments with the TA available for assistance (often the Professor, too). Course Content: This is an introductory overview of computer science using a modern, object-oriented, visual development environment (usually called Delphi the current version new this semester is called the RAD Studio XE2). No previous computer course is assumed, nor is any particular level of mathematics expected. It is assumed, however, that you are generally familiar with the use of programs (MS Word / WordPerfect, email, browsers, games, etc.) and folder management on a Windows PC. We will emphasize very clear distinctions between fundamental compute science concepts and how those concepts are used in two programming languages, Delphi/Pascal and C++, though much of the course will use the Delphi/Pascal language. Software: RAD Studio XE2 (commonly called Delphi). This software incorporates both the Delphi/Pascal and C++ languages, and should be available in all GWU computing laboratories outside of official class hours. During official class hours, the software should be available only in Gov 103. Learning Outcomes: At the end of the semester the students are expected: 1) to be familiar with the visual design and event driven PC-oriented programming environment as implemented in RAD Studio XE2; 2) to understand the elementary data structures and algorithmic statements common to all procedural programming languages; 3) to realize how those data structures and algorithmic statements are implemented in the Delphi/Pascal and C++ programming languages; and 4) to be able to write somewhat useful programs, especially those involving simple economic and statistical modeling and simulation. Homework Assignments: After a few weeks of lectures and demonstrations, each topic will be reinforced by a homework assignment consisting of the development of a practical or interesting program. The specific assignments will depend somewhat on the composition and interest of the class. The assignments will be structured so that at least a part of each one will be due every week. The printed paper version of your program should be submitted specific instructions will be part of one of the early demonstrations. Sometimes we'll need to try to execute your program. You WILL need to work on the assignments OUTSIDE scheduled Laboratory time, especially later in the semester. The assignments will be 50% of the final grade. You MUST retain backup copies of your programs. A USB disk ("thumb drive") is strongly encouraged (instead of ZIP disks). You will generally work in assigned pairs on the weekly programs. The pairings will vary throughout the semester. Each pairing submits a single work product. Assignments will generally be due on Wednesdays BEFORE or at very start of the - Laboratory time, so that the time can be spent starting on the next assignment with the new assigned pairings. Graded assignments will usually be returned on Mondays. Assignments can be re-submitted within a week of their return to you. An average grade will then be used. Late assignments will be noted, and will suffer a grade reduction. Grading: As noted, assignments are 50% of the final grade. A document will be distributed indicating the grading process used for the assignments. There will be one midterm exam which will count 20% toward the final grade. The final exam will count 30% toward the final grade. The midterm and the final will be OPEN book and OPEN notes (but no collaboration!) Academic Integrity Issues: For the weekly assignments, you will generally work in pairs. You may also use printed and electronic (internet) resources, but you must indicate that you have done so as comments in the programs (just as you would footnote such references in conventional papers). You may even have incidental conversations with fellow students; helpful insights should, once again, be indicated as comments in the programs. Regardless of the resources used, the work submitted must still represent your own or your pairs work product. Interpretation: Study groups within reason are permitted to discuss general issues and ideas for your programs. But note, the work submitted must still represent your own or your pairs work product: nearly identical program copies are not acceptable. For the midterm and the final exams, the above still hold, except that you may not have any communication with any person, whether in this class or not. That is, the exam work products shall be completely your own with, of course, properly attributed researched resources. Any work you submit will be held to these standards. Failure to do so will be appropriately sanctioned. Assignments: Specific assignments depend somewhat on the makeup of the class. If you have a particular interest in some topic let me know. After a brief introduction to the history of modern computing, the first couple of weeks will be spent on becoming acquainted with Visual design, Object properties, and Event handlers. As you will appreciate during the semester, basic computer science consists of learning about data structures and about algorithms (and algorithmic statements). Lectures and assignments will oscillate between the two in roughly the following order: Data structures Algorithm construction Basic scalar data types Assignment statement; expressions (Integer, String, Enumerated, Boolean) Conditional execution (IF THEN ELSE) Char data type Count-controlled iteration (FOR DO) Real data type Conditional iteration (WHILE DO) (REPEAT UNTIL) Functions and procedures Conditional execution (CASE OF) Arrays Recursion Classes and Objects Schedule: 18 Jan Double lecture (class and lab time). 23 Jan Double lecture. 25 Jan Double lecture. 30 Jan Double lecture. 02 Feb Probably single lecture first assignment. 06 Feb Lecture and lab time. 08 Feb ditto; First assignment due; new assignment. 13/15 Feb ditto 20 Feb NO CLASS Presidents Day. 22 Feb Class and Lecture; assignment due; new assignment Midterm exam date to be determined. Normal lecture and lab time through 12/14 Mar NO CLASS Spring break Normal lecture and lab time through 30 Apr Class and Lecture. 02 May Designated Monday:Last class; last assignment due Final exam date to be determined. =   - 0 1 9 @ I S U X Y \ ] a b c m o w { |     < ɺɺŶ{h- hw0JjhwUjhwUh3'bh3'b5h3'bhw5 h3hwh2dphw5hw h lJh lJh0 h h lJ h3h h hs h3h2dph2dph2dp5 hs5 h 5 h9l5 h0 5/=>n  I b c  < = u  : p  & Fgd ^gd,- & Fgd,-^gdr & Fgdrgdwgd3< = C G H I J N O Q ] d t w x z   R S p  Q R X Z _ c ˿ˬ˚˚ޒÎèÎh3'bh h2dp5 h,-h,- h`h,-h6 h`h`h@h,-5h|hlOh,hrh,- h3h h lJhh0 h2dph h3h2dph2dph2dp5 h lJhw8  R ( 1$7$8$H$gdVgddgd3^gd,-^gdlO  ! # F N Y j 08Ragijº³hVCJOJQJ^JaJ hV5CJOJQJ\^JaJhV h3hdh/vhd5hdh2dph_ohhrh%1h,-hhxh h3h2dph2dph2dp5 h3h/vh,4%37y (>DEZ[q1ko :Ⱥֲhuh2dp5h2dph5 h2dp5h lJ h3h2dph| hhxh2dph2dp5h_oCJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJhVCJOJQJ^JaJhwCJOJQJ^JaJhdCJOJQJ^JaJ5(>fg8#$ !h degd3:CSvz#$%tv@egh  cdw=>?鷰񻨻񻛻h]Z h3hs h2dp5 hshs hs5h5 h2dp5hshs5 h3hbIhbIhsh2dp5h2dph2dp5 h| hc^gh,hc^g h| h| h| hmh2dph h3h2dph5 h 0>?Zdecdvw0 m n -!.!+","W"""""#`gd+x`gd%gd%gd3?YZGV[cd ,bcqt . / 0 n "*"n"s""###### $$$$$%$M$S$T$c$e$k$~$$$$$$$$$$$ӿӯh3'bhiV+ h3'b5h3'bh3'b5h0h+xh%h2dp hs5 h3h2dphG h,h]Zh)(h#z=hh]Zh, h,5h,h,5@###5#D#a#u#########$$$$$K$L$d$|$}$$$$$%gd3`gd%$%%(%)%.%/%0%1%7%C%R%T%y%%%%%%%%$&=&>&z&&&hPhA_hiV+h3'bh`W.%%/%0%T%%%%%%%%#&>&z&{&&gd321h:pr/ =!"#$% DyK rteitel@comcast.netyK 6mailto:rteitel@comcast.net^ 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List DZ@D 3 Plain TextCJOJQJ^JaJ6U`6 2dp Hyperlink >*B*phPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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