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Application Questions 11Appendix A: Application Cover Page .12Appendix B: Organization Assurances 13Appendix C: Program Profile 14-15Appendix D: Application Scoring Rubric Appendix E: Application Budget Sheet......... 16 17 It is the policy of the State Board of Education and a priority of the Oregon Department of Education that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex, marital status, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age or disability in any educational programs, activities, or employment. Persons having questions about equal opportunity and nondiscrimination should contact the Oregon Department of Education, 255 Capitol Street NE, Salem, OR 97310; Telephone HYPERLINK "tel:%28503%29%20947-5600"(503) 947-5600; Fax HYPERLINK "tel:%28503%29%20378-5156"(503) 378-5156. Background Information In 2013, under the leadership of Governor John Kitzhaber, the Oregon Education Investment Board proposed key strategic investments to support Oregons attainment of 40/40/20. Key to this work is a strategic investment in the design and implementation of educational programs that increase the number of middle and high school students are making satisfactory progress toward a high school diploma, a modified diploma or an alternative certificate. Conceptualized and passed by legislature in HB 3232, the Mentoring program will fund school districts, non-profit organizations and other entities that provide culturally responsive wrap around services to underserved eighth grade students and ninth graders at risk of not achieving six credits before entering 10th grade. The Mentoring program goals are to provide a comprehensive system of support and monitoring for participating students to achieve or maintain a C or higher in all core subjects within the current academic year. In addition to serving students currently enrolled in the ESD across the state, there is an increased opportunity to bring drop out students back into the system. This Mentoring proposal is designed to provide school districts and non-profit organizations funding to increase the number of eighth and ninth grade students on track for graduation or post-secondary education. The background research related to the grant is provided in the following paragraphs. An urgency to address the academic success for Oregons minority students is reflected in the 2011-2012 Oregon School Report Card which notes, Minority students are disproportionately represented among Oregons dropouts (ORS, 2012). Historically, minority students have been defined as the underserved, at-risk population of students across the United States. The OEIB Preamble clearly states our commitment to ensure that sufficient resources are available to guarantee each learners success, understanding that the success of every child and learner in Oregon is directly tied to the prosperity of all Oregonians. In addition to the ODE and OEIB commitment to addressing high school completion, data reflects students want to graduate. Ninety-nine percent of high school sophomores expect to earn a high school diploma, and about three in four expect to earn a bachelors degree (Ingels et al. 2005). We can expect that the 560,946 Oregon students fall within the norm of students having similar aspirations. The design of this grant proposal answers the need within 184,345 students identified as racially/ethnically diverse that are dropping out of our system at an alarming rate of 40% as reported in the 2010-2011 school year. Also of significance in this data is the disproportionate number of African American and Hispanic student dropouts relative to their total percent of the student membership. ODE DataAfrican AmericanAsian/Pacific IslanderNative AmericanMulti-RacialHispanicPercent of Fall Membership3%4%2%4%18%Percent of all Dropouts5%2%3%4%26% Oregon Department of Education 2011-2012 Statewide Report Card A federal survey revealed that dropouts are twice as likely to cite school-related reasons other than family or work-related reasons for leaving school (Berktold et al. 1998), something that held true for all demographic subgroups (Jordan et all. 1999). The OSRC data suggests barriers to student learning and the achievement gap could also be contributing to the increasing dropout rate in Oregon. Results calculated over the course of two years, reflects African American and Hispanic students are struggling in performance and graduation rates as measured by the Annual Measureable Objectives (AMO). The AMO targets for students statewide were 70% for performance and 95% for participation. The Table below highlights the academic performance of African American and Hispanic students in English Language Arts and Math grade K-12 for the 2011-2012 school year as compared to White students. ODE DataEnglish/Language ArtsMathAMO PerformanceAfrican American61.34%42.32%70%Hispanic61.83%48.51%70%White82.72%68.78%70% The preceding data speaks specifically to the inconsistencies in academic achievement African American and Hispanic students are experiencing. Another concern is the graduation rates for African American and Hispanic students. The table below highlights the OSRC data from the 2011-2012 school year. The AMO graduation target was calculated at 67% for the four year cohort and 70% for the five year. Even though graduation rates vary for students across the state, it reveals a significant difference for African American and Hispanic students. Graduation Rate4 Year Cohort5 Year CohortAfrican American51.7%57%Hispanic56.5%61.9%White70.1%69.3% Considering the ELA participation rate among African American and Hispanic students was 99%, and the Math participation rate was 98% for African Americans and 99% for Hispanics, the data indicates that students are taking the test but are challenged by other variables which impact final outcomes. Such data suggests that programs in school districts and/or the community needs support to reinforce or establish culturally competent programs that keep students in school to receive academically appropriate instruction and guidance to remain on track to receive a diploma. Another underserved student group within our student membership may not be fully reflected in the OSRC data yet deserve equal consideration in this grant. They are students currently achieving a C or higher in core academic subjects yet have limited access to a more focused and rigorous academic course work for reasons beyond their control. An example would be students in geographic areas where student populations are small or a significant distance from community college campuses. Lee and Burkam (2003) found that high schools offering a more focused and rigorous curriculum--composed of mainly academic courses with very few remedial or non-academic courses--have significantly higher graduation rates, other things being equal. The emerging consensus among researchers seems to be that high school curricula should be both challenging and engaging. When asked why students drop out, a teenager summed it up this way, A lot of the teachers give you one worksheet a day and after that, youre sitting there the rest of the day. Students want to go to school and learn things (Snyder 2003). It seems providing academic options and rigor engage students in ways that limit idol time and frustration leading to discontent. The preceding data strongly suggests the need to purposefully design support systems to put underserved students on track to earning six course credits prior to entering 10th grade. The OEIB adopted Equity Lens is the perspective through which the Oregon Department of Education considers the creation of strategic opportunities for students of color. The Equity Lens provides twelve beliefs that fuel opportunities to bolster success for diverse student populations across the state. The five beliefs most pertinent to the work of this grant are highlighted below: We believe that intentional and proven practices must be implemented to return out of school youth to the appropriate educational setting. We recognize that this will require us to challenge and change our current educational setting to be more culturally responsive, safe, and responsive to the significant number of elementary, middle, and high school students who are currently out of school. We must make our schools safe for every learner. We believe that everyone has the ability to learn and that we have an ethical responsibility and moral responsibility to ensure and education system that provides optimal learning environments that lead students to be prepared for their individual futures. We believe that intentional and proven practices must be implemented to return out of school youth to the appropriate educational setting. We recognize that this will require us to challenge and change our current educational setting to be more culturally responsive, safe, and responsive to the significant number of elementary, middle and high school students who are currently out of school. We must make our schools safe for every learner. We believe that the students who have previously been described as at risk, underperforming, under-represented, or minority actually represent Oregons best opportunity to improve overall educational outcomes. We have many counties in rural and urban communities that already have populations of color that make up the majority. Our ability to meet the needs of this increasingly diverse population is a critical strategy for us to successfully reach our 40/40/20 goals. We believe that resource allocation demonstrates our priorities and our values and that we demonstrate our priorities and our commitment to rural communities, communities of color, English language learners, and out of school youth in the ways we allocate resources and make educational investments. We believe that communities, parents, teachers, and community-based organizations have unique and important solutions to improving outcomes for our students and educational systems. Our work will only be successful if we are able to truly partner with the community, engage with respect, authentically listenand have the courage to share decision making, control, and resources. This grant opportunity recognizes the positive impact mentoring reportedly has on academic improvement, student achievement, and attendance. Mentoring nurtures the necessary focus, commitment, and passion for underserved and at-risk students that data shows can have a significant impact on academic outcomes. Research suggests programs highly targeted and individually focused, primarily on boosting students engagement in school has shown positive results. This research was based on a program design heavily influenced by early proponents of the theory that dropping out is a long-term process of educational withdrawal preceded by observable alterable warning signs of academic difficulty and disengagement (Finn 1989, 1993). Community based organizations can respond to the urgent need for quality preventive interventions which reduce risk factors and enhance protective factors (Hanlon et al., 2009). Given Oregon has community based organizations currently achieving positive academic gains for the designated target groups of this grant, we can optimize the academic progress for students. These mentoring programs have reported sustainable academic progress with students by implementing the wrap around intervention method to remediate the academic gaps for underserved students. Wrap-around services involve a caring adult vested in building the necessary cross walks, such as school, family and community to foster the personal and academic confidence students need to stay in school and succeed. A primary component of mentoring is a result of the relationships developed enables mentors to identify, isolate and address concerns more quickly. The Mentoring model also lends support to students achieving a C or higher in school yet have limited access to accelerated course options. A mentor for accelerating students will coordinate the logistics and programs for students that otherwise would not have access to advanced academic programs. This grant opportunity seeks organizations and school districts that understand the unique needs of underserved students and will demonstrate the exemplar, sustainable best practices for other organizations and school districts to benefit from by increasing in culturally responsive programs achieving academic students outcomes for designated student groups. Parents will also be encouraged to continue to engage and participate as advocates for the academic outcomes of their student by partnering with school personnel and community advocates. Each student should achieve a C or higher in each core academic subject they are enrolled in or gain access to accelerated academic programs by participating in this initiative. Contacts: Deborah Banks, Education Specialist, High School to College Transition Office of Learning (503) 947-5659  HYPERLINK "mailto:deborah.banks@state.or.us" deborah.banks@state.or.us or Markisha Smith, Education Specialist, Closing Achievement Gaps Office of Learning (503) 947-5669  HYPERLINK "mailto:markisha.smith@state.or.us" markisha.smith@state.or.us II. General Information PURPOSE The Mentoring, Modeling, Acceleration Grant of 2013-15 is intended to support Oregon school districts, non-profit organizations or consortiums of school districts or non-profit organizations and other entities (grantees) to design, implement, improve, expand or otherwise revise programming and services for underserved students in Oregon. The grantees can be supported in all stages of programming including: Planning Implementation Program evaluation TYPE OF GRANT Based on the availability of state resources this two-year grant program begins October 25, 2013 and ends August 15, 2015. ODE will review progress reports and performance data to determine future/ continued program funding. Between $50,000-$250,000 will be available in this application period. Grants will be funded based on detailed information submitted by grantees on the budget template provided in this application. Grantees must assert their intent to continue these programs and/or services for at least two years beyond the grant funding through a sustainability plan. Additionally, grantees must secure assurances that the programming and/or services will continue after the grant period has ended. GRANT REQUIREMENTS Grantees will: Submit relevant program data obtained within the previous academic year demonstrating how established program objectives are achieving the academic achievement outcomes for this grant among the designated student populations. or Establish a collaborative leadership team and process. The team must include parents and/or community representatives, program directors, program staff, and educators. Involve the community in the process. (Parents, local businesses, non-profits, etc.) Collaborate to develop a design blueprint, budget and calendar of activities. Use grant funds to provide stipends, professional development, activities, programs, needed materials, as well as to cover related travel costs. Design (or revise) blueprints that are research-based in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of programs for underserved students. Use student and school district data as a benchmark to document the impact on student achievement and other identified outcomes. Participate in scheduled grant meetings and training events. Travel possible. Communicate with other grantees regarding achievements and areas of improvement of program models through the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the grant. This information can be shared via website posting and/or presenting at statewide and regional professional development opportunities. Host visits for other interested non-profits seeking to learn about programming to support underserved/at-risk/accelerating students. The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) will: Provide grantees access to expert coaching and/or other on-site assistance to support planning and design. Facilitate a network of the grantees participating in the grant program. Share reflections on successes and areas of needed improvement based on program models. ELIGIBILITY The Mentoring, Monitoring and Acceleration Grant: This is a competitive grant. Non-profit organizations and School Districts or consortiums of non-profit organizations or school districts and other entities may apply for the grant based on the eligibility criteria listed below. Each eligible consortium or entity must have at least one non-profit organization or school district to be eligible for the grant which will serve as the fiscal agent. Applications must demonstrate community support and commitment, and readiness to design, implement, improve, expand or otherwise revise programming for an established nonprofit organization serving the underserved and students at-risk of not earning six academic credits before entering 10th grade. Community Support: Grantees must be willing to build and maintain a collaborative leadership team, engage in developing community consensus, and conduct internal and external outreach to build common understanding throughout the community. Student Demographics: Grantees must demonstrate that they have sufficient numbers of underserved and/or at-risk learners in order to maintain and sustain their programming for the eighth and ninth grade student population it is designed to serve. This means that the majority of the population, over 50%, served must be underserved and/or students at-risk of dropping out of school. Staff Capacity: Grantees must demonstrate that they have sufficient staff to cover the programming for the Mentoring, Monitoring and Accelerated program throughout the 2015 grant period. They must also demonstrate that they have a detailed plan for ensuring they have sufficient staff to cover programming in subsequent years. Parent Support: Grantees must be willing to communicate with parents as an active part of the collaborative leadership team when considering programming and initiatives tied to the grant. Grant selection will also take into consideration the following: Grantees should ensure that all guidelines and requirements are met before submitting applications. Applications not meeting all requirements by the November 22, 2013 deadline will not be considered for funding. Please note that ODE staff will not grant permission to applicants to change the criteria established in the application. This includes extending the date and time that applications are due. Grant awards will take into consideration the geographic location of non-profit organizations to ensure participation among underserved students at risk of not earning six credit hours before entering 10th grade throughout the state. Commitment of parents and community members in use of grant funding is required. USE OF FUNDS Funds should be used for costs associated with planning, implementation, and program evaluation, with a focus on organization capacity to sustain efforts. Grantees must be able to spend the funds within the grant timeline according to acceptable accounting procedures. Funds may be used for the following: Stipends/compensation for licensed and classified staff aligned to project goals Professional development aligned to project goals Consultation services aligned to project goals Project evaluation expenses Travel reimbursements for individuals attending meetings, conferences, or other professional development activities aligned to the project goals Administrative costs not to exceed 5% of the total proposed budget Curriculum Development Distance Learning Buy or prepare supplemental materials Program evaluation Continuation of program strategies Support for arranging and hosting site visits from other interested organizations Funds will be available upon receipt of the grant award and must be expended by August15, 2015. REPORTING AND DELIVERABLES The Oregon Department of Education will provide a template for an interim and final grant report. ODE will also provide a budget worksheet template for grantees to outline details related to fund expenditures. Funds will be released based on the information provided on the budget worksheet. Grantees are required to submit a final report prior to receiving their final request for funds. III. Application Process APPLICATION REVIEW AND SCORING Applications will be reviewed and scored by a team of ODE staff and external stakeholders. The review will be based on specific criteria listed in this RFP and scored using the scoring rubric provided in Appendix D. Final recommendations by the review committee will be based on the reviewer scores. The review committee may request further clarification on use of funds and specific activities related to the application. TIMELINE AND IMPORTANT DATES Completion DatesActivitiesOctober 25, 2013Release of Request for Proposal (RFP)November 22, 2013Applications due to ODE by 5:00 PM PDT November 25-29, 2013Applications reviewed and scored December 4, 2013Applicants notified of award March 3, 2014 Or June 30,2014Interim Progress Report due based on program start date June 15, 2015Last date to expend funds on grant activitiesAugust 15, 2014Last date to draw funds C. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION Format: 12-point font, Times New Roman Double spaced 1-inch margins on the sides, top, and bottom of 8 by 11 paper 4 page narrative maximum, including A and B (excluding cover page, assurances, bibliography, budget template, and school district profile) No faxed applications Numbered pages Organization: Page 1: Cover Page (Appendix A) Page 2: Assurances (Appendix B) Page 3: Program Profile (Appendix C) Application Narrative A and B (not to exceed 4 pages) Bibliography Budget Narrative (Appendix E) An electronic version of the completed application including a scanned copy of the signed Statement of Assurances, in Rich Text (RTF), Word (.doc or .docx, or PDF format must be received by 5:00pm on November 22, 2013. It is the applicants responsibility to contact Deborah Banks or Markisha Smith to verify receipt of documents. Please use the Secure File Transfer Process outlined below to submit the electronic version of the grant application. Secure File Transfer Process An electronic version of the complete application must be submitted to Deborah Banks ( HYPERLINK "mailto:deborah.banks@state.or.us" deborah.banks@state.or.us) or Markisha Smith ( HYPERLINK "mailto:markisha.smith@state.or.us" markisha.smith@state.or.us) using the Secure File Transfer system available on the ODE district website  HYPERLINK "https://district.ode.state.or.us/apps/xfers/" https://district.ode.state.or.us/apps/xfers/. Follow the instructions provided at the bottom of the page to complete the submission of the file. Contact the ODE helpdesk at 503-947-5715 if you need assistance with the Secure File Transfer Process. In addition, a hard copy of the original signed Statement of Assurances should be mailed by November 22, 2013 to: Oregon Department of Education Office of Learning, Post-Secondary Aspirations 255 Capitol Street NE Salem, Oregon 97310-0203 Attention: Debbie Shannon Envelopes must be plainly marked: Request for Application-Mentoring, Monitoring, Accelerated Students Grant  IV. Application Narrative 2013-2015 Mentoring, Monitoring, Accelerated Students Grant Application Instructions: Complete Sections A and B below. Expand the boxes as needed. The number of pages for the combined sections may not exceed 4 pages.   List the names, title, and roles of the collaborative design team for this grant. The design team must include program directors, program staff, parents, educators, and other community partners.NameTitleRole SECTION B: Application Questions Instructions: Answer the following questions using specific examples whenever possible. What is your organizations mission and vision statement? Briefly describe the programming you offer that supports your mission and vision. Why are you applying for the Mentoring, Monitoring, Accelerated Students Grant? What other grants/programs have you used as a resource to support this work? Please describe how your program currently addresses services targeted for underserved and students at-risk of not earning six credits before entering 10th grade. Please identify how your program will identify, recruit and re-enroll underserved and students at risk of not earning six credits before entering 10th grade. How would your organization leverage/support/reallocate resources (e.g., fiscal, personnel, technology, training, coaching, materials, etc.) to assist in the planning and design programming this year, as well as for the future implementation of your program? You will need to complete the budget worksheet to accompany your application as well. What do you anticipate as potential barriers for the collaborative design team in this process? How will the organization address those barriers? Are there any unique characteristics of your organization that need to be considered? Please provide a brief outline of an action plan for your project that includes goals, related outcomes, activities, and indicators of success/needed improvement. Goal: a broad, overall statement from which related outcomes are written. Ex. Ensure that underserved students have academic supports that contribute to their academic success. Outcome: An objective that is specific and measurable. It describes what should be known or done. Ex. Underserved students participating in the mentoring, monitoring or accelerated program will achieve a C or higher in core academic subjects within the current academic year. Activity: Describe ways in which the outcomes will be met. Ex. Tutors will create specific academic plans with students to target subject area gains. Indicator: Describes how and when you will know whether the outcomes have been met. Ex. Students will compare academic plans to academic grades and show a significant increase. 7. Briefly describe your plan for continuing the programming, services, or resources funded through this grant beyond the grant period. How do you anticipate sustainability of the programming, services, or resources for at least two years beyond this grant? Appendix A Mentoring, Monitoring and Acceleration of Students Grant 2013-2015 Application Cover Page Please type or print Organization Name:Superintendent/Director/CEO/Founder:E-mail:Mailing Address:City:State:Zip:Telephone Number:FAX:Project Director:E-mail:Mailing Address:City:State:Zip:Telephone Number:FAX:Grant Fiscal Agent (Name & Title):E-mail:Mailing Address:City:State:Zip:Telephone Number:FAX: Appendix B Organization Assurances Organization Name: __________________________________ The organization assures: Adherence to the expectations stated in the application. Participating project directors and/or project staff will be released to participate in planning and design activities. None of the moneys received through this grant will be used to replace expenditures for required programs that are the responsibility of the sponsoring agency. The organization will participate fully in all agreed program evaluations and continuous improvement processes with the Oregon Department of Education. The organization agrees to abide by all terms of its grant application. The Oregon Department of Education must approve any modifications to the application in writing. The following fiscal and program reports will be submitted to the Oregon Department of Education by their respective due dates: Interim Progress Report due March 3, 2014 or June 30, 2015 depending on program start date. Grant recipients must commit to providing all of the requested reports and deliverables in order to receive the funds. Ideally, organizations will share strategies, models, evaluation information, and lessons learned with other organization involved in this work. The undersigned have read the application packet, understand the requirements of the organizations participation and commit their support. Superintendent/Director/CEO/Founder SignatureDate Project Director SignatureDate Grant Fiscal Agent Signature Date Represented Project Staff SignatureDate Appendix C Program Profile Complete the following table as applicable. Add rows as needed. Organization NameNumber of Staff Support at Each of the Following LevelsOn-siteOff-siteRatio of students to staffNumber of Students at Each of the Following LevelsEighth Grade StudentsNinth Grade StudentsReturning StudentsAccelerated Students Program Participant Data Programs RepresentedStudent Count Gender 8th Grade Gender 9th Grade % Ethnic Minority StudentsReturning Students Accelerating Students 8th Grade9th GradeMFMFMFMFMFTOTAL8th Grade Level Data Schools RepresentedStudent CountCurrent GPACurrent Grade ELACurrent Grade MathCurrent Grade ScienceBelow CC or HigherBelow CC or HigherBelow CC or HigherTOTAL9th Grade Level Data Schools RepresentedStudent CountCurrent GPACurrent Grade ELACurrent Grade MathCurrent Grade ScienceBelow CC or HigherBelow CC or HigherBelow CC or HigherTOTAL Appendix D Mentoring, Monitoring, Accelerating Students Grant Scoring Rubric Applicant:____________________________________________________________________ Project Title:__________________________________________________________________ Evaluator Initials:______________________________________________________________ Narrative Elements and CriteriaMinimally Meets All CriteriaSatisfactorily Meets Some CriteriaClearly Meets All CriteriaPoints Awarded1.Organization Description: Mission and Vision Statement (5 points) The mission and vision statement clearly identify the purpose of the organization. The programming supports the mission and vision statement. The mission and vision support programming designed to achieve a C or higher among underserved and students at risk of not earning six credits before entering 10th grade. (0-1 pts)(2-4 pts)(5pts)2.Current Programming (5 points) Description of current curriculum used to maintain or achieve a C or higher among participating students or Description of designed curriculum aimed to maintain or achieve a C or higher among participating students Description of culturally responsive methods to implement program and train participating parents and staff. Specific description of method to re-enroll students. (0-1 pts)(2-4 pts)(5 pts)3.Potential Barriers (5 points) Description of potential challenges in the collaboration and implementation of programming/activities/project. Clarity provided regarding the unique characteristics of the organization that need to be considered. (0-1 pts)(2-4 pts)(5 pts)4.Action Plan (10 points) The program/activity/project goal is stated. The achievement outcomes are linked to the goal, detailed, and measurable. The activities to meet the outcomes are specific, creative, and purposeful. Indicators are linked to goals, outcomes, and activities and allow room for development and/or growth. The sustainability plan is clearly described. The resources to provide the interim and final data are allocated and reliable.(0-3 pts)(4-7 pts)(8-10 pts)5.Budget (5 points) Budget narrative matches budget items Budget narrative explains what budget items are and their purpose Proposed budget is reasonable Budget items are allowable based on RFP guidelines(0-1 pts)(2-4 pts)(5 pts)Additional Elements and Criteria (2 points)Application is complete Contains completed cover page Assurances signed by appropriate parties Organization profile Complete design team Proper format and organization(0 pts)(1 pt)(2 pts)Appendix E Proposed Budget Worksheet Title of Project: ____________________________________________________________ Project Start Date: November 18, 2013 Project End Date: August 15, 2015 Mentoring, Modeling and Acceleration of Students GrantLOCAL*IN-KIND & OTHER SOURCE*TOTALStaffSalariesBenefitsIn-State TravelProfessional DevelopmentOtherStudentsIn-State TravelSuppliesOtherSupplies and Equipment  Office Supplies (phone, copier, etc.)Instructional SuppliesEquipment (less than $300)OtherIndirect/Overhead Indirect Cost @ 5% maximumOther (Include explanation)COLUMN TOTAL*Matching funds from other sources are not required.     Student Mentoring, Monitoring and Acceleration Grant 2013-2015  Student Mentoring, Monitoring and Acceleration Grant 2013-2015 Oregon Department of Education Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 12  Student Mentoring, Monitoring and Acceleration Grant 2013-2015 Oregon Department of Education Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 15 Student Mentoring, Monitoring and Acceleration Grant 2013-2015 Oregon Department of Education Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 17 An electronic version of the Grant Application, must be received by 5:00 PM on November 22, 2013 knrstu÷{oaUI@Ih*m=CJ \aJhqQAh%CJ \aJhqQAh CJ \aJhqQAh%5CJ \aJhqQAh4z5CJ aJhGR5CJ aJh*m=5CJ aJhNe5CJ aJhqQAh 5CJ aJhqQAh%5CJ aJhX65CJ aJhqQAhTH5CJ aJhTH5CJ aJh%5CJ aJhs[B*phjhs[B*UphhBz5CJ aJhqQAht5CJ aJopqrstu 4 J ` a $a$$ ` a$$-DM ^a$gdS3$a$# 3 ` a b s t v Ļ{pepe]pep]e]pep]UhwsCJaJhDVCJaJhqQAh CJaJhqQAhwsCJaJhqQAhnCJaJhqQAh gMCJaJhi6hnCJaJhqQAh CJaJhqQAhuvlCJaJhTHh}aJhTHh%aJhqQAhtCJ aJhqQAh CJ aJhCJ aJhQCJ aJhqQAhS3CJ aJhqQAh%CJ aJ!a u v y EkkdZ$$IflsF' o$ t$6    44 layt ^$ $Ifa$gd7 X $Ifgd7 $Ifgd7 p^p`gdn @ ^@ `gdn sdUEE$ $Ifa$gd7 X $Ifgd7 X H$Ifgd7kkd}Z$$IflsF' o$ t$6    44 layt ^$ $Ifa$gd{ X ^"" $Ifgd7         " # % ( ) 6 8 9 : < ? @ B I M N O P Q T U q r s t v  괬괤ꜼꔉډhG'CJaJhqQAh^MgCJaJh^MgCJaJhG7CJaJhJCJaJhLCJaJhQ/CJaJhqQAh CJaJhqQAh-CJaJhDVCJaJh ^CJaJh{CJaJhqQAhwsCJaJhqQAh{CJaJ1   qa$ $Ifa$gd7 X $If]gd{ X H$Ifgd7kkdZ$$IflsF' o$ t$6    44 layt ^  " & ue$ $Ifa$gd7 X $Ifgd7 X H$Ifgd7kkdK[$$IflsF' o$ t$6    44 layt ^& ' ( 9 = ue$ $Ifa$gd7 X $Ifgd7 X H$Ifgd7kkd[$$IflsF' o$ t$6    44 layt ^= > ? 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