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DRUG: Jonathan was prescribed a drug for his depression. The drug works by stabilizing moods and influencing norepinephrine and serotonin. DRUG: Stephanie has had schizophrenia for two years and has tried many different types of medication. Her new therapist has prescribed her a medication, but the side effects make her arms and legs twitch a lot. DRUG: David has been on neuroleptics for a couple of months, but the tardive dyskinesia has been so bad that he is embarrassed to go out in public. His therapist is switching him to a different medication that does not have the extreme side effects of the neuroleptics. DRUG: Activity Handout 16.2 Using REBT and Becks Cognitive Therapy Read the scenarios below of individuals who are upset about something that has happened in their life. After reading each scenario, describe how you would treat the individual with either REBT or Becks Cognitive Therapy. Susan is upset because she got a B in her physics class. She is planning to go to medical school and now thinks that because she got a B she wont get accepted anywhere. TREATMENT: Mrs. Lohman had a very busy day and got home a little later than she had planned. Her husband and children will be home in forty-five minutes and they want a hot, three-course dinner every night. She knows she doesnt have time to get everything prepared for dinner and is now afraid her husband will be irateand probably divorce her. TREATMENT: Christine was driving home from school when a car ran a stop sign and slammed right into her. The front of her car was completing smashed in. The other driver got out and apologized and took full responsibility. Christine was so upset because she thought her parents were going to be very angry with her and never let her drive again, even though it wasnt her fault. TREATMENT: Justin and his very serious girlfriend just broke up. He is very distraught and cant find the energy to get out of bed. He has missed four days of work so far and hasnt showered or shaved or even gotten dressed. He loved her so much and knows he will never find another girl like her again. He is determined to be alone for the rest of his life. TREATMENT: Activity Handout 16.3 Which Family Therapy Technique Is It? Read the scenarios below and identify which family therapy is being used, and how you as the therapist would treat the individuals. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have been having trouble with their teenage daughter. The daughter never seems to do her chores and throws a tantrum when she isnt allowed to go out with her friends to an unsupervised party. The daughter is constantly yelling at her parents and telling them they arent fair and that she hates them. The therapist listens to the daughters complaints and says he understands what she is saying. The therapist tells the daughter that it sure must be difficult not to be allowed to go over to her friends house for a party. FAMILY THERAPY: Mrs. Johnson is tired of her son threatening her when he doesnt want to listen to her ask him to do something. She gets so frustrated because he sleeps until noon,gets up and makes breakfast and leaves a mess in the kitchen, and then sits around most of the afternoon watching TV and snacking on junk food. She repeatedly asks him to clean up his messes and help out around the house. He just yells at her and says it is her job and that if she doesnt stop nagging him he is going to knock her around. She is so fed up that the family goes to a therapist. The therapist asks Mr. Johnson if he does any disciplining of the son and he answers that he is away at work all day and doesnt want to deal with it when he gets home. The therapist suggests that Mr. Johnson help with the son. She also suggests that maybe one or two nights a week they (Mr. and Mrs. Johnson) could go out to dinner by themselves and maybe to a movie to spend some quality time together. FAMILY THERAPY: Mr. and Mrs. Gomez have three small children and find that lately they are arguing over everything concerning their children. They argue about when the children should go to bed, what foods they should eat, and what TV shows they should watch. They finally break down and go to see a therapist. The children say that their parents are accommodating and just enforce the rules. The therapist asks the parents about their relationship with each other. Mr. and Mrs. Gomez insist their relationship is fine, but they argue about the children and the children are the problem. FAMILY THERAPY: James has been missing a lot of school in the past two months. Both his mother and father work full-time jobs and leave the house before he does in the morning and get home after him in the evening. They werent even aware of his delinquency until the school called the father at work the other day to say that if James missed any more classes he wouldnt pass the school year and would have to repeat the same grade again next year. The parents feel as though James is out of control and are at their wits end. They all go into family therapy. The therapist tries to explain that what is occurring is not only James fault, but it is a family problem. She asks each parent if there is anything they could have done differently in their parenting to change the problem. FAMILY THERAPY:     PAGE  ,- !           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