ࡱ> dfc'` P$bjbjLULU YI.?.?9T8888D|DK/t'''.......$0h'3.%Q'%%./---%<.-%.--lT- T8&-./0K/-3)3--3.' D-1"5#{'''..\+'''K/%%%%$88 St. Petersburg Times Florida School Allows Cell Phones in Class By Jeffrey S. Solochek The Associated Press, October 4, 2009 WESLEY CHAPEL, Fla. (AP)-Jennifer Gould ended her class announce- ments and told her students to take out their cell phones. "I need at least three people who can get a signal in here," Gould said to her advanced placement litera- ture class. "We're going to be studying the works of D. H. Lawrence, and I want you to find some things about him that you don't already know." Nearly everyone whipped out a phone and began tapping away. "He lived during World War I." "He had relationships with men and women." "He lived the second half of his life in exile, consid- ered a pornographer who had wasted his talents." When the talk had run its course, the students set their phones down and turned their attention to another author. The new cell phone rules have opened up a new world.  Teachers no longer have to wait for a school computer lab to get a quick research project done. The few stu- dents who don't have phones share in small groups, or use alternative school equipment. Allow- ing students to use their cell  phones in class means things get done immedi- ately, which translates into more efficient use of learn- ing time, Gould said: "It puts the education in their hands." In a world where most high schools have adopted a "we see them, we take them" policy on cell phones, Pasco County's Wiregrass Ranch High School swims upstream. It encourages  teachers to allow students to use their phones in classes for educational purposes. Teens routinely use their phones to shoot pictures for projects, calculate math problems, check their teach- ers' blogs and even take lec- ture notes. Senior Eric LaGattuta, who attended Freedom High in Hillsborough before moving to Wiregrass Ranch, called his new school "ahead of the game." "They're just following the rest of the world. It's going digital," he said, checking his phone for messages repeatedly during a short interview. "Once you're 16 or 17, there's things you need to know throughout the day. It was so inconven- ient when I had to hide it all the time." Chemistry teacher Peter Skoglund said he barely pays attention to texting teens anymore. He expects students having cell phones out in his class to be using them for learning. If not, that's their problem. May be photocopied for classroom use. Texts and Lessons for Content-Area Reading by Harvey "Smokey" Daniels and Nancy Steineke, 2011 (Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann). Reprinted with permission. Florida School Allows Cell Phones in Class 1. According to the article, cell phone use in Wiregrass Ranch HS becomes A. a violation of the school code of conduct subject to possible suspension. B. another means to get the edge on learning and career preparation. C. a safety hazard. D. a way to cheat on tests. (central idea, CC2) 2. The statement which best describes this article is E. information about the use of todays technology to help students learn. F. a fairy tale about a high school which takes advantage of cell phone technology. G. an advertisement to encourage students to register at Wiregrass Ranch High School. H. all of the above. (point of view, CC 6) 3. From the passage, one can conclude that A. no discussion occurred among the staff before cell phone policy was approved. B. students without cell phones are forced to use other means of research. C. students are more frequently appreciated for what they can do with available technology. D. all of the above. (detail/evidence, CC2) 4. As used in this selection, the word routinely in paragraph 4 means E. sometimes. F. often. G. never. H. seldom. (language, CC4) 5. The person who wrote this news article is A. a principal. B. a teacher. C. Jeffrey Solochek. D. Bill Gates. (point of view, CC 6) 6. One can infer that those who would be happiest about the cell phone policy at Wiregrass Ranch HS are most likely E. parents. F. teachers. G. administrators. H. students. (detail/evidence, CC2) 7. According to the article, the main benefits of cell phone usage include A. helping students learn quickly. B. using available technology efficiently. C. holding students attention in class. D. all of the above. (detail/evidence, CC2) 8. The main idea of the article is E. students no longer have to hide cell phones. F. cell phone technology is efficient and practical in high school. G. the better the cell phone the more learning. H. cell phones should only be used in English and chemistry classes. (central idea, CC2) 9. The article implies that the use of cell phone technology for classroom learning is effective A. in Jennifer Goulds literature class. B. in Peter Skoglunds chemistry class. C. across most content area classes. D. in physical education and gym class. (detail/evidence, CC2) 10. The article implies that the students who get ahead in the game in life E. use all the resources available to learn and communicate. F. use only the classroom textbooks and computers in a lab. G. violate school cell phone restrictions by sending text messages. H. have to transfer to Wiregrass Ranch High School. (point of view, CC 6) Florida School Allows Cell Phones in Class Answer Key 1 B 2 E 3 C 4 F 5 C 6 - H 7 - D 8 - F 9 - C 10 E Possible Summary: A Florida high school encourages students to use cell phones in class in order to access and use up-to-date information quickly. (central idea, CC2) Those without cell phones can pair up or form small, collaborative learning groups including at least one student with a cell phone and internet access. (detail/evidence, CC2) Benefits for the teacher include not having to schedule the schools computer lab and not having to confiscate cell phones. (detail/evidence, CC2) Analysis of Craft: This news story (genre, CC5) is organized by thesis with evidence. (organization, CC5) The title identifies the topic of the article. (organization, CC5) The author uses a pull-out text box to highlight the thesis. (Allowing students to use their cell phones means things get done immediately, which translates into more efficient use of learning time.) Then the author presents the evidence through quotations obtained in interviews with teachers and students and examples such as Teens routinely use their phones to shoot pictures for projects, calculate math problems, check their teachers blogs, and even take lecture notes. (organization, CC5) The author and date of the passage are identified in the by-line indicating that the information is up-to-date and can be researched. (point of view, CC 6) The author uses images such as swimming upstream, idioms such as ahead of the game, and domain-specific vocabulary such as blogs. (language, CC4) (Words in boldface refer to authors craft, structure, and perspective.) 3 1 4 2 4 5 6 @ACF[% ⿜sZA3,hh B*CJ_H aJfHphq jhh UmHnHu0hh B*CJRHJ_H aJfHphq 0hh B*CJRHM_H aJfHphq 8hh B*CJOJQJRHH^JaJfHphq hh hh CJ5aJ5Dhv-hh 5B*CJ0OJQJRHH\^JaJ0fHphq Dhv-hh 5B*CJ8OJQJRHM\_H aJ8fHphq :hv-hh B*CJ8OJQJRHtaJ8fHphq @ABC[F g hh&d-DM ]^&`gdh &d)-DM ]^&`gdv--DM ]^gdv--DM ]^gdv-gdv-$-DM ]^a$gdv-$-DM ]a$gdv- 9$O$% D  6JҺҺҋtҺ]],hiB*CJ_H aJfHphq ,h7ZB*CJ_H aJfHphq ,h6B*CJ_H aJfHphq jhh CJU_H aJhh CJ_H aJhh CJ_H aJjhh UmHnHu,hh B*CJ_H aJfHphq ,hv-B*CJ_H aJfHphq   { X |hd-DM ]gd7Z:d-DM ]^:`gdh 'dL-DM ]^'gdh gdh dsgdh d-DM ]^gdh dgdh &d-DM ]^&`gdh R}~dzQ 80^8`0gd gd $a$gd gdh d-DM ^`gdtd-DM ^`gdh d-DM ]gdh QR}#8I#89AF`pwɯɖ}vog}}}}}vo}}ch6@hOoZh 5 hXhOoZ hOoZ6]hOoZh hXh hXh 560htB*CJRHi_H aJfHphq 2ht6B*CJ ]_H aJ fHphq ,htB*CJ _H aJ fHphq ht_H 2hh hh B*CJ_H aJfHphq &9Bpw)ABrB_gdZHh`hgd ^gd gd  Ruv()1@APory-.0AImz(58hk hXh! hC6]hChZH hXh6@ h6@6]h\h hXh h6@L_m8k%j o 8^8`gd 80^8`0gd gd #%Puv  !&EFak45NS_qr EGR{|⺳ hJ6]ha<ha- hXh4$ h\6]h4$ hXh1F h1F6]h h\h1FhC hXh hXhCD56G|$a$gd h`hgd4$^gd gd  !();<  + , gdp;$a$gdp;$a$gd $%'();E\sjk  , 1 ; < H X _ ` m n o !!ĽĽĽȸȳȳĸĸĸ h6] h5h hr05 h 5 h 6]h hco5h'}hco hcohp;hCh\hp;hp;hp;5 hp;5 hC5 h 5@!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""""""""""####?#@#V#f#l#########7$8$9$:$;$<$=$>$?$@$A$B$C$D$E$F$G$H$I$J$K$L$M$N$׿箦hh hh CJaJhh CJOJQJaJ h.5 h6]h.hr0 h'5h'h'} h.hco hco5hco h 6]hh h 5@, 7$9$;$<$>$?$A$B$D$E$G$H$J$K$M$N$O$P$gdugdh gdp;N$O$P$hcohZH=0&P1FP:pt/ =!Q"h#$h% @ 00&P1FP:pt/ =!Q"h#$h% ` 00&P1FP:pt/ =!Q"h#$h% P0 b Y P @ 00&P1FP:pt/ =!Q"h#$h% 21h:p / =!"#$% 'Dd Y >  # A"bs&_ϱ$v+O&DbnG&_ϱ$v+PNG  IHDRp0PLTEU~ pHYsnu>tIME ⅠtEXtAuthorH tEXtDescription !# tEXtCopyright:tEXtCreation time5 tEXtSoftware]p: tEXtDisclaimertEXtWarningtEXtSourcetEXtComment̖tEXtTitle' IDATx|tG緺[-yJLKQ@ ɥ5-E g7,Y=KF$1FR"%.޽lk{ǒV\>, E6dLVuL؄+?T}[﷾UoUDF]]{LO]Nx_}a=?+ӿ=G}?u5]ŗoa+OܶCXo, 8|s߈ӗ/? yxmFFQS؅}/}^}#}62BͱeO~s2?v)W\|Iǡy3/m_q^qHwCgbf0uugݳUշ{wdo̍?CxLKG:oXv;ϼ3Ff wיLKHG3mv (A>0$a`+ `Q 2?Ptnae P݆a|$#5=9I>{d"S-r\aٌ/,)#arz^3FD|y+3LLSM]Xfx(sJ 1xwP1̧];J'ILZ'.jQӏǴz{{EdA?ܪ퇘(\sr[fD'v<96<c70 mڑvN$|^F]JJ&}}JH'TͥXM7 M-` #Hěˊ|H6`v-L?!{ҘϣN)E)c }Bإ8/&PR盂֥Q5RVN=Yׇ騲D:$s1ӫL6[]@i{HGCWؗk݅LKMAX(߳S '$>TpA-gvfXaKhZ*qQDǃr:ĮS ,Ĝ4 컵Nfc U䌍(`C:j]SGt% g"(n :tYi11!]^'?9! ݱl탄NϠ: Dž i8>Qusg%E3in6sWUUC͢*NL> 9w[5]9d0r+Wsg PM] ]^S kBH'<[C3gR/=, ٔhH6.b5Bb5J\I$}쏵$a+ |%Qd`)VnSJ vq)MIiAO -L."my6/>h=0 Ly gL8z+pOu0]8&\]oHQ7 1Bsp$͠{3~ a. =D1"R&==Mh1:mkmS%(&pFdGF![GF;[͘BVP($R34YAHrt8CC\C= sgV@!ӆQS!ZL;g}).%4Mqr܋PN= ;߅tcnWɦ {*\z UCCfg"4ޟy_g~KeNN3Nƪ Dfga(St{_:m-'>h?J[!>0ȋaI@Z\UnK;kt\Q3T_!΄LRG\*Y_p҃) JCaK_H^]jۿv>º@T %K$.Om<5&uŹdR񭱯 HU89.#yWm#qw~eo_̐>GQUb;9Ar/@_Ԁ ڝm2G )YpJXRe22p{ *."]ԃ ˾ d?ʛjd_tҴ/-4#.F|/?H ZEݾ|ɾG_v.hduwdTd:DxFD1S6l 5OCa)M#4QxN"R?lOܕo<Sib_MH 3MvOD\ U`@#iYZm lrIz͖&LA;;yn X-! 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