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He said in a sermon before establishing this Bible Commonwealth colony that the settlers were to Be Like A City Upon A Hill. ____ John Smith saved this colony from disorganization and the Starving Time. ____ This colony was settled by Catholics. Its proprietor was Lord Baltimore ____ Rice and Indigo were the staple crops of this colony. ____ The first Representative Assembly in the New World was this colonys House of Burgesses ____ Colonial legislatures used this to keep Royal governors from being abusive ____ This colony passed the Old Deluder Act in 1649 (Satan = the Old Deluder). The act was the first law in US History to require towns to provide free, public schools. Puritans required people to learn to read the Bible. ____ Colonial economic system designed to enrich the mother country. Colonies, in this system, were developed to provide the mother country with raw materials and a market to sell manufactured items. The basic goal was to have a favorable balance of trade where the British Empire exported more to other nations empires than it imported from other nations empires. ____ Required that all colonial exports (raw materials like crops, furs, timber) had to go to England first and that all imports to the colonies (finished/manufactured goods like fine clothing, tools) had to come from England. These laws were largely ignored and rarely enforced during the period of Salutary Neglect before the French and Indian War. ____ Founded by Quakers who came to America to escape religious persecution. Quakers were persecuted in England because they believed that all humans were equal and they refused to show respect to the upper economic and social classes. Quakers were also persecuted because they were pacifists (people opposed to violence and also refused to be drafted to serve in the military). Quakers were also the earliest abolitionists. ____ This colony was founded by Roger Williams. Anne Hutchinson later joined Williams there. ____ A lot of German settlers moved to this colony and were mistakenly called Dutch ____ The real Dutch settled this colony ____ Bacons Rebellion occurred in this colony in 1676. Western farmers (many of whom were former indentured servants) were angry at the wealthy planters who lived in the Tidewater region and controlled the House of Burgesses. ____ This colony enacted a famous Act of Toleration granting religious freedom to all Christians ____ Peter Zinger was placed on trial in this colony. His trial was significant because it helped establish the principle of Freedom of the Press. COLONIAL PEOPLE (match each person with the description) a. Anne Hutchinson b. Roger Williams c. William Penn d. John Rolfe 1. ____ Was banished (kicked out of) Massachusetts Bay for challenging the religious views of the colonys leaders 2. ____ Was banished from Massachusetts Bay for arguing that the Church and State should be separated. This person did not feel it was wise to pass laws requiring people to attend church. 3. ____ Quaker leader known for establishing a remarkably organized and profitable colony. One reason the colony prospered so much was that he allowed nearly total religious freedom in the colony and also treated the American Indians fairly. 4. ____ This person introduced tobacco to the settlers in Jamestown. SELECTED COLONIAL TERMS (match each item with its description) a. Middle Passage b. Triangular Trade c. Indentured Servants e. Headright System 1. ____ The horrible trip involving the transfer of slaves from Africa to the New World 2. ____ Temporary slaves (usually for 4-7 years). People worked for the person who paid for the boat trip across the Atlantic 3. ____ Gave 50 acres of land to any settler who transported another settler into the colony. Made the rich richer. 4. ____ New England merchants transported slaves to the Caribbean, traded them for sugar, and brought the sugar to New England where it was made into rum. Profits from producing rum were then used to buy more slaves and the cycle continued. COLONIAL REGIONS (match each region with its description) New England (Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire) Middle Colonies (New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey) Southern Colonies (Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland) 1. ____ Economy based on ship-building, merchant activity (shipping things into and out of the colonies), small subsistence-level family farms, fishing, fur trapping and some rum manufacturing. 2. ____ Economy based on wheat farming, merchant activity, some mid-to large size farms 3. ____ Economy based on plantation agriculture and the production of staple cash crops 4. ____ Public schools were rarest in this region because people lived so far apart from each other 5. ____ Puritans dominated this region 6. ____ Anglicans (also called Episcopalians or members of the Church of England) dominated this region. 7. ____ This region was the most ethnically diverse melting pot (Dutch, Germans, Swedes, British, many religions) 8. ____ This region was the least ethnically diverse because the people living here banished or kicked out most nonconformists LONG-TERM CAUSES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (match each item with its description) a. Salutary Neglect (1663-1763) b. French & Indian War (1754-63) c. The Age of Enlightenment (1600s) d. Great Awakening 1. ____ Started because France and England both wanted to own land in the Ohio River Valley 2. ____ Colonists grew accustomed to not having the Navigation Acts enforced. They reacted with anger when England began prosecuting American colonists for smuggling after the French and Indian War 3. ____ Increased the British national debt by 100%. Colonists reacted with anger when Parliament began taxing the colonies to pay off the national debt. 4. ____ Period of intense religious revival in the 1730s and 1740s. Often regarded as the first shared national experience It also was a bit of an intellectual rebellion- Old Light preachers were challenged by emotional New Light revivals 5. ____ People began to search for scientific reasons to explain the world in which we live. People became less superstitious and more focused on rational explanations. Theories like Divine Right of Kings were gradually questioned and criticized. 6. ____ Britain gained all of the land in North America by winning. The British Empires was, consequently, larger and more expensive to govern. Colonists reacted with anger when Parliament began reorganizing and adapting to this change. SHORT-TERM CAUSES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (match each item with its description) a. Proclamation of 1763 b. Sugar Act (1763) c. Stamp Act (1765) d. Townshend Acts (1767) e. Boston Massacre (1770) f. The Gaspee Incident (1772) g. Tea Act (1773) h. Intolerable Acts (1774) i. Suffolk Resolves (1774) j. Lexington & Concord (1775) k. Common Sense 1. ____ The most hated tax. Most hated because it was a direct tax on everyday items like newspapers, playing cards, documents 2. ____ It ran aground and was burned by angry colonists upset by the strict enforcement of the Navigation Acts. Parliament responded by arresting and prosecuting colonists in military Admiralty Courts. Colonists were alarmed by such harsh prosecution by British authorities. Colonists organized Committees of Correspondence in reaction to British behavior. 3. ____ Colonists were angry at Britain for passing the Intolerable Acts that closed t he port of Boston and suspended the Massachusetts legislature. The organized the First Continental Congress and adopted this agreement ordering villages to stockpile weapons and organize minutemen militias to protect the colonists from future hostile British actions. 4. ____ Shot Heard Round The World British troops march west of Boston to confiscate stockpiled weapons 5. ____ This actually lowered the tax. But colonists complained of No Taxation Without Representation because this act was a clear attempt to raise money from the colonies. The act was also significant because it was the first attempt of Parliament to tax the colonies for the purpose of raising revenue (income) for the British government 6. ____ Repealed in 1765 after massive colonial boycotts 7. ____ Colonists objected to this tax as taxation without representation AND because revenue generated by this act was going to be used to pay the salaries of Royal Governors and other British officials in the colonies- colonists feared this would deprive colonial legislatures the power of the purse 8. ____ All of the taxes except that on tea were repealed after a second round of colonial boycotts and nonimportation agreements 9. ____ This ended Sal.Neglect. Colonists were forbidden to settle beyond the Appalachian Mtns. after Pontiacs Rebellion. 10. ___ This angered colonists even though it actually lowered taxes. Colonists regarded it as a trick to force the colonists to accept paying revenue taxes even though they did not elect representatives to Parliament. 11. ___ This was Parliaments response to the Boston Tea Party 12. ___ Many colonists remained undecided about declaring independence- even after Lexington & Concord. This pamphlet was a major best-seller. It was written by Thomas Paine and published in January 1776. Six months later, 500,000 copies had been sold. American public opinion, historians argue, was persuaded to favor declaring independence on July 4, 1776. 13. ___ John Adams actually provided the legal defense to soldiers involved in the incident. The Sons of Liberty and Paul Revere, however, used the event to develop a propaganda campaign to persuade American colonists to hate the British. THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE (match each item with the quotes) a. Social Contract b. Natural Rights c. Popular Sovereignty d. Tyranny 1. ____ We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness 2. ____ That to secure these rights governments are instituted [created by] among men, deriving their just powers from the governed 3. ____ That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem likely to effect their safety and happiness 4. ____ The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations The Declaration of Independence was written by ___________________________________________ He was influenced a great deal by _________________________________ who argued that governments were established to protect Life, Liberty, and _________________. THE BILL OF RIGHTS (match each Amendment to the abuse suffered by colonists before the Revolution) Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion Right to Bear Arms Government May Not Require Citizens To Feed And House Soldiers In Time Of Peace Protects Privacy, Government Have Probable Cause or Obtain a Search Warrant Rights of the Accused Right to a Speedy Public Trial (In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy public trial, by an impartial jury of the state or district wherein the crime shall have been committed) Right to a Jury Trial in Civil Cases Limits on Fines & Punishments (nothing cruel and unusual) Rights of the People (People have unlisted rights not specifically protected in the Bill of Rights) States Rights (Federal powers are limited to those described in the Constitution) a. ____ Admiralty Courts b. ____ Writs of Assistance c. ____ Quartering Act THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE (match each item with its description) a. British Military Advantages b. Battle of Bunker Hill (1775) c. Battles of Princeton & Trenton (1776) d. American Military Advantages e. Battle of Saratoga (1777) f. Battle of Yorktown (1781) 1. ____ Motivated and fighting on home soil. Strong general that effectively organized amateurs into real soldiers 2. ____ Overwhelming naval power and a large, experienced, professional army 3. ____ New York. Considered the turning point battle. 4. ____ Boston. The British won militarily but lost 1,000 men. The battle, consequently proved to be a moral victory because it demonstrated that even the rag-tag American colonists could hurt the British infantry 5. ____ Virginia. British General Cornwallis was waiting for ships to evacuate his troops. British ships, however, never arrived because the French navy intervened to help the American colonists. Cornwallis was eventually trapped on a peninsula by Washingtons army and French forces commanded by Layfayette. 6. ____ American victory at this battle won America full military support from the French 7. ____ New Jersey. Daring, last-ditch effort by Washington. German Hessian mercenaries were surprised to be attacked on Christmas Eve, 1776. The victory reinvigorated American confidence which was badly shaken earlier in 1776. PHILADELPHIA CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, 1787 (match each item with its description) a. Shays Rebellion b. Three-Fifths Compromise c. Slave-Trade Compromise d. New Jersey Plan e. Virginia Plan f. Great Compromise g. House of Representatives h. Senate 1. ____ States with large populations and states with small populations compromised and established a bi-cameral or two-house Congress to make the nations laws 2. ____ This house elects representatives based on population (about 1 representative for every 600,000 citizens). Elected members have to be at least 25 years old. They serve for two years. 3. ____ This is considered the Upper House because it has the special power of Advice & Consent. Presidents must receive the advice and consent (permission) of this house when appointing Supreme Court Justices and Cabinet level officials. This house is also needed to approve or ratify treaties signed by the President. Each state sends two people to serve in this house. They must be at least 30 years old and serve for six year terms. 4. ____ Northerners and Southerners disagreed on whether or not to count slaves to determine a states population. 5. ____ This plan said states should elect members to Congress according to population. The states plan basically evolved into the House of Representatives. 6. ____ This plan said that Congress should provide equal representation. Each state should, in other words, send the same number of representatives to Congress. This states plan basically evolved into the Senate. 7. ____ This made many Americans nervous. It convinced many people that the Articles of Confederation were not working. It demonstrated that the nation was falling apart- drifting toward anarchy. It was the reason states sent delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. 8. ____ Southern states feared giving Congress the power to regulate interstate and international trade. They were afraid because they thought northerners might try to abolish the importation of slaves. Northerners compromised and Congress agreed to not limit the importation of slaves for at least 20 years (until 1808). THE CONSTITUTION (match the parts of the Constitution to the problems associated with the Articles of Confederation) a) Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution: Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes b) Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution: Congress shall have the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states c) Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 5 of the Constitution: Congress shall have the power to coin money d) Article I, Section 10, Paragraph 1: No state shall coin money e) Article I, Section 10, Paragraph 2: No state shall lay any import duties or export duties f) Article II: The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy, and of the militias of the several states The President shall take care that the laws passed by Congress be faithfully executed g) Article III: The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. 1. ____ The Articles of Confederation were weak. Congress could only request states to provide money to pay for the national defense. Britain took advantage of this weakness and remained in occupation of American territory in the NW Territories. Spain took advantage of this weakness and closed the port of New Orleans and the Mississippi River to US traffic. 2. ____ and ____ The Articles of Confederation were also weak because there was no Executive Branch to enforce law and no Judicial Branch or national court system to judge laws passed by Congress 3. ____ and ____ The Articles of Confederation were also weak because they could not regulate trade between states. States, consequently, fought trade-wars when they got made at each other. These trade wars often resulted in one state levying tariffs on its neighboring state. Doing this caused prices to rise unnaturally and generally kept the national economy from improving. 4. ____ and ____ Another problem with the Articles of Confederation was that no uniform national currency existed. States often printed their own currency with unpredictable value. This also slowed the economy. CHRONOLOGY REVIEW (identify the order in which events happened) a. Intolerable Acts Passed b. Tea Act Passed c. Lexington & Concord d. Boston Tea Party e. Suffolk Resolves Adopted 1st ____ 2nd ____ 3rd ____ 4th ____ 5th ____ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a. Battle of Yorktown b. Saratoga Battle c. Independence Declared d. Bunker Hill Battle e. Common Sense Published 1st ____ 2nd ____ 3rd ____ 4th ____ 5th ____ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a. French & Indian War b. Shays Rebellion c. Philadelphia Convention d. Bacons Rebellion e. Salutary Neglect ends 1st ____ 2nd ____ 3rd ____ 4th ____ 5th ____ THE DEBATE OVER RATIFYING THE CONSTITUTION (identify Federalist and Antifederalist views) a. Federalists b. Antifederalists 1. ____ Favored strong national government (also called the Central or Federal government) 2. ____ James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay (authors of the Federalist Papers- newspaper editorials supporting ratification of the new Constitution) 3. ____ Was afraid the national government would become too power with the new Constitution 4. ____ Believed the Articles of Confederation were basically okay- the Articles of Confederation were, after all, good enough to unite the nation to win Independence. 5. ____ Did not understand how power could be shared by Federal and State levels of government. They argued, No man can have two masters 6. ____ Argued that the national government needed to be strengthened to end interstate trade wars and disputes 7. ____ Said that they would approve the Constitution only if the Bill of Rights was added to protect individual freedoms How many states needed to ratify the Constitution? _____ THE FIRST TWO POLITICAL PARTIES (identify Hamiltonian and Jeffersonian views) a. Thomas Jefferson b. Alexander Hamilton 1. ____ Founded the Democratic-Republican Party 2. ____ Founded the Federalist Party 3. ____ Supported laissez-faire federal policy and states rights 4. ____ Favored active government to raise tariffs and support manufacturing 5. ____ Supported the French in foreign policy despite the Rein of Terror 6. ____ Was shocked by the anarchy of the Rein of Terror. Supported the United States primary trade partner- Britain. 7. ____ Washingtons Secretary of the Treasury 8. ____ Washingtons Secretary of State (until he quit in 1793!) 9. ____ Argued that it was Necessary and Proper for the federal government to establish a National Bank 10. ___ Opposed strengthening the federal government through the elastic or necessary & proper clause 11. ___ James Madison joined this Party. SIGNIFICANT DOMESTIC EVENTS: 1789-1824 (match each item with its description) a. Whiskey Rebellion (1794) b. Alien & Sedition Acts (1798) c. Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions (1798-99) d. Revolution of 1800 e. Marbury v. Madison (1803) f. Lewis & Clark Expedition (1804-6) g. McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) h. Lowell Mills (1816) i. Eli Whitney (1793, 1798) j. Robert Fulton (1807) k. Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) l. Erie Canal completed (1825) 1. ____ Invented the steam-powered boat 2. ____ Hired mostly women and children (they worked for less money). Early New England textile factory. 3. ____ First time the Supreme Court ever declared a law to be unconstitutional (stabled power of Judicial Review) 4. ____ Opened an efficient water route between Buffalo and Albany, linking New York City to Great Lakes region 5. ____ Invented the cotton gin 6. ____ Supreme Court ruling which agreed with Hamiltons argument that it was necessary & proper for the federal government to establish the National Bank 7. ____ Jefferson, a Democratic-Republican, was elected. John Adams, a Federalist, was defeated. The two leaders peacefully transferred control of the national government (the democratic process worked!) 8. ____ Explored newly purchased land from France. Sacajawea joined the group. 9. ____ Steamboat Case. Supreme Court ruled that only the federal government (not the states) could regulate interstate trade. 10. ___ Made it a crime to criticize the government 11. ___ Based on the theory of states rights. Passed to protest the Alien & Sedition Acts. 12. ___ The first test of the new Constitution. Western Pennsylvania farmers protested federal taxes. Washington quickly ended the disturbance- it was important for Washington to act quickly and forcibly to establish federal power. US FOREIGN POLICY: 1789-1823 (match each item to its description) a. Franco-American Alliance (1777) b. French Revolution (1789) c. Proclamation of Neutrality (1793) d. Jays Treaty (1794) e. Pinckneys Treaty (1795) f. Washingtons Farewell Address (1796) g. XYZ Affair (1798) h. Convention of 1800 i. Isolationism j. Orders in Council & (1806) k. Impressment l. Chesapeake Incident (1807) m. Continental System (1807) n. Embargo Act (1808) o. Battle of Tippecanoe (1811) p. War Hawks q. Congress Declares War (1812) r. Treaty of Ghent signed (1814) s. Battle of New Orleans (1815) t. Adams-Onis Treaty (1819) u. Monroe Doctrine (1823) 1. ____ US warns Europeans to stay out of Latin America. The Western Hemisphere is closed to European colonization. 2. ____ The British navy angered the US by forcing naturalized American citizens to serve in the British Navy 3. ____ Policy of staying out of foreign conflicts and avoiding commitments to help other nations 4. ____ Washington angered France by not helping the French government fight the British after the French Revolution. 5. ____ Formed after the Battle of Saratoga during the War for Independence. The US and France promised to help each other whenever either nation was at war with Great Britain. 6. ____ Extreme, militaristic Democratic-Republicans. Many were from the West. They wanted to fight England to stop impressments. They also wanted to capture Canada and to drive the British out of North America. 7. ____ The King and royal family were killed during this events Rein of Terror. The radical Jacobins who took over France eventually declared war against England. 8. ____ Prevented war between the US and Great Britain. British troops were withdrawn from occupation of the NW Territories. 9. ____ Spain agreed to open the Mississippi River to US ships. 10. ___ Established isolationist policy of the early US. Warned against forming permanent entangling alliances. 11. ___ Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute! High Federalists (extreme, militaristic members of John Adams party)threatened to go to war rather than pay bribes to French diplomats 12. ___ Ended the undeclared naval war between the US and France. 13. ___ French policy to attack US ships traveling to England 14. ___ British policy to attack US ships traveling to France 15. ___ American warship attacked by British off the coast of Virginia. British hoping press US sailors into the royal navy 16. ___ Called the _am_bargo in New England. Hated because it ruined the merchant shipping business. Jefferson, however, supported this policy because he hoped it would prevent future attacks on US ships. 17. ___ Andrew Jackson became a national hero for his leadership 18. ___ Tecumseh and his Red Stick Confederacy is wiped out. 19. ___ US purchased Florida from Spain 20. ___ Ended the War of 1812. Neither the US not the British won any land. Essentially a cease-fire, stalemate. 21. ___ Americans pride and Nationalism (patriotic love of ones nation) increased because this battle made people feel like they had defeated the British. JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY & ANTEBELLUM REFORMERS (match each item with its description) a. Corrupt Bargain of 1824 b. Spoils System c. Indian Removal Act (1830) d. Worcester v. Georgia (1832) e. Pet Bank Policy f. Universal White Manhood Suffrage g. Horace Mann h. Dorothea Dix i. Neal Dow & the Maine Laws j. Seneca Falls Convention (1848) k. William Lloyd Garrison l. Frederick Douglas m. Susan B. Anthony n. Sojourner Truth o. American System 1. ____ Organized by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. First Womens Rights Convention in US History 2. ____ Involved in helping women obtain the right to vote. Some name the 19th Amendment, passed in 1919, after her. 3. ____ Jackson won the popular vote but lost the election to JQ Adams who made Henry Clay his Secretary of State 4. ____ Published the abolitionist newspaper the North Star. 5. ____ A pacifist. Considered a radical abolitionist because he demanded immediate abolition. Published The Liberator. 6. ____ John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it! Should have prevented the Trail of Tears 7. ____ Jackson signed and enforced. Resulted in moving American Indians to Oklahoma. 8. ____ Said you no longer needed to own property to vote (as long as you were white and male) 9. ____ Massachusetts first Secretary of Education. Supported free public schools. Argued that a democracy is only as good as the citizens are wise and educated. 10. ___ Early prohibition reformers and reforms. Temperance movement. 11. ___ Jackson killed the Second National Bank by withdrawing federal deposits and placing funds in state banks. 12. ___ Strengthened federal power. Proposed by Henry Clay. Included: raising tariffs to protect NE factories; using funds from the tariffs to build internal improvements to connect the West to the East; creating a Second National Bank 13. ___ Patronage. Jackson replaced federal workers with people who supported his Democratic Party TERRITORIAL EXPANSION (match each item with its description)  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://pages.uoregon.edu/kimball/images/1800-50.USA.go.west-CWA161.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  a. Original 13 States b. Original United States (1783) c. Louisiana Purchase (1803) d. Florida (1819) e. Texas (1845) f. Oregon (1846) g. Mexican Cession, 1848 h. Gadsden Purchase (1852) i. Manifest Destiny j. Spot Resolutions k. Tty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, 1848 l. Henry David Thoreau 1. ____ Basically the same area as the original 13 colonies (along the Atlantic Coast) 2. ____ Acquired by the US during the Mexican War 3. ____ Ended the Mexican War 4. ____ He opposed the Mexican War because he felt it was a fight to win land to expand slavery 5. ____ Illinois Congressman Abe Lincolns protest against the Mexican War. Whig Party members like Lincoln question whether or not Mexicans had Shed American blood on American soil. 6. ____ Polk and the Democrats once shouted 54-40 or Fight! to win this territory 7. ____ Jointly occupied until the US and Great Britain signed a treaty to divide the land along the 49th Parallel. 8. ____ Annexation of this land area was delayed by northerners (for 9 years) who did not want to add slave territory to the nation 9. ____ Purchased by Jefferson to obtain permanent control over the port of New Orleans and Mississippi River shipping 10. ___ Purchased to obtain land suitable for construction of a transcontinental railroad from New Orleans to Los Angeles 11. ___ Acquired in the Treaty of Paris of 1783 SECTIONALISM (match each item with its description) a. Northerners b. Southerners 1. ____ Favored higher tariffs to protect factories in their region 2. ____ Began to support the abolitionist movement more and more by the 1850s 3. ____ Created strict Slave Codes to prevent slave rebellions after Nat Turners Revolt. 4. ____ Rural and plantation oriented. Increasingly dependent on producing cotton 5. ____ 90% of manufacturing (aprox. 1860) 6. ____ Disliked high tariffs because they increased the price of manufactured goods like tools. 7. ____ Grew increasingly concerned about expanding federal powers 8. ____ Angered by the Tariff of Abominations 9. ____ John Deeres steel plow opened farmland in this area (it could plow through thick prairie sod) 10. ___ Cyrus McCormicks mechanical reaper (a harvester) also revolutionized wheat farming in this region 11. ___ Democrats: the Solid _________ until 1968 12. ___ Republican Region (although urban immigrants were often attracted to Democratic Party) EVENTS BEFORE & CAUSES OF THE CIVIL WAR (match each item with its description) a. Missouri Compromise (1820) b. Tariff of Abominations (1828) c. South Carolina Nullification Crisis (1832) d. Territorial Expansion (1840s) e. Wilmot Proviso (1846) f. Free Soil Party (1848) g. Gold Rush (1849) h. Popular Sovereignty i. Compromise of 1850 j. Fugitive Slave Act (1850) k. Personal Liberty Laws l. Uncle Toms Cabin (1852) m. Kansas Nebraska-Act (1854) n. Republican Party (1854) o. Bleeding Kansas (1855) p. Dred Scott Decision (1857) q. Harpers Ferry (1859) r. Election of 1860 1. ____ Very high tariff. Southerners felt they were being taxed just to support northern factories 2. ____ A major issue. The debate over slavery & abolitionism grew stronger as people debated whether or not to expand slavery 3. ____ Established the 36-30 line 4. ____ Resulted in the rapid increase in the population of California. 49ers. Most of the people who actually got rich during this were merchants- not miners. California quickly applied to enter the Union as a state after its population increased. 5. ____ Would have abolished slavery from all lands in the Mexican Cession won during the Mexican War 6. ____ Said territorial residents, not Congress, should vote to decide whether or not to allow slavery 7. ____ It was important to maintain an equal number of slave states and free states represented in the US Senate. Main entered as a Free State and Missouri entered as a Slave State. 8. ____ Ruled that slavery must be legal in all federal territories. African Americans were also declared non-citizens 9. ____ Crazy, violent abolitionist John Brown attacked a federal arsenal. He hoped to capture guns to distribute to slaves and to start a slave uprising. His plot failed but did much to anger Southerners who began to fear that the North might produce other martyrs like Brown. 10. ___ South Carolina asserted States Rights by arguing that states did not have to obey federal laws 11. ___ First political party founded to stop the expansion of slavery into the territories. 12. ___ Admitted California as a Free State. This made Northerners happy. Southerners accepted this because the North also agreed to shut down Harriet Tubmans Underground Railroad. Other agreements included stopping slave auctions in Washington, DC and opening the remainder of the Mexican Cession to slavery by way of popular sovereignty 13. ___ Most controversial part of the Compromise of 1850. Northerners eventually decided they would not comply with the law because they felt it was immoral. Northern noncompliance angered Southerners a great deal. 14. ___ Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Described the evils of slavery and an evil Vermont fugitive slave hunter named Simon Legree. Convinced many northerners slavery was evil. 15. ___ Republican Abe Lincoln is elected. The South secedes (SC is the first state). Southerners feel they have lost control of national politics. They worry the North will dominate all laws if the North can elect the President without permission of the South 16. ___ Northern laws passed to block enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act. 17. ___ Angered northerners because it repealed the Missouri Compromises 36-30 line by allowing slavery to expand into the northern area of the Louisiana Territory by way of popular sovereignty. 18. ___ The only attempt to use popular sovereignty. It failed. Missouri border ruffians illegally voted so abolitionist residents rejected the decision to allow slavery into the territory. It resulted in a mini Civil War between pro and anti slavery forces. CHRONOLOGY REVIEW (place events in order) a. Lincolns Election (1860) b. Kansas-Nebraska Act c. Compromise of 1850 d. South Carolina Secedes e. 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