ࡱ>  sbjbjQFQF .3,3,kWWWWWkkk8?k*.[[[[[666<*>*>*>*>*>*>*+i.>*W>66>>>*WW[[S*&&&>W[W[<*&><*&&&[&'Qk6&(*i*0*&#/%#/&&#/W '6vT&DD666>*>*&666*>>>>#/666666666 : CENTRAL CHRISTIAN COLLEGE OF THE BIBLE LIBRARY DVD RESOURCES by SUBJECT Updated 2/26/2015 Apologetics (AP) D-AP 1 The DaVinci Code Deception D-AP 2 Jesus Legend or Lord? D-AP 3 A Doctor looks at the Crucifixion and Resurrection D-AP 4 The Gods arent angry D-AP 5 The Da Vinci code Revealed (know the truth) D-AP 6 Cloning, Stem Cells, & the value of life (Answers in Genesis) D-AP 7 Fearfully & Wonderfully made (Answers in Genesis) D-AP 8 4 power questions to ask an evolutionist (Answers in Genesis) D-AP 9 A God of Suffering? (Answers in Genesis) D-AP 10 The Case for Faith D-AP 11 The Case for Creator D-AP 12 The Case for Christ D-AP 13 Famous last words (The Word-Faith error) D-AP 14 v.1 The New Answers D-AP 14 v.2 The New Answers D-AP 14 v.3 The New Answers D-AP 15 Marks of a cult D-AP 16 Jesus: Fact or Fiction? Archaeology (AR) D-AR 1 The Exodus Revealed D-AR 2 Mountain of Fire D-AR 2 2008 Search for MT. Sinai (Bible Explorer Series) D-AR 3 The Mystery of the Ark of the Covenant D-AR 4 The Lost Ark D-AR 5 The Exodus Decoded D-AR 6 Search for Noahs Ark (Bible Explorer Series) D-AR 7 Search for the Ark of the Covenant (Bible Explorer Series) Bible History (BH) D-BH 1 Sanctuary D-BH 2 Tabernacle D-BH 3 Solomons Temple D-BH 4 Herods Temple D-BH 5v.1-4 The Bible (The Epic Mini series) Bible Study (BS) D-BS 1 Matthew D-BS 2 The Gospel of John (1 Disc) D-BS 3 The Gospel of John (2 Disc) D-BS 4 The Passion of the Christ D-BS 5 The First Christmas (The Story of Jesus Series) D-BS 6 Temptation in the Wilderness (The Story of Jesus Series) D-BS 7 The twelve Apostles (The Story of Jesus Series) D-BS 8 The Nazarene (The Story of Jesus Series) D-BS 9 The road to Golgotha (The Story of Jesus Series) D-BS 10 Betrayal at Gethsemane (The Story of Jesus Series) D-BS 11 Crucifixion and Resurrection (The Story of Jesus Series) D-BS 12 The salvation of Christ (The Story of Jesus Series) D-BS 13 Where Jesus Walked (DVD Bible: New Testament Series) D-BS 14 Birth of the Messiah (DVD Bible: N.T. Series) D-BS 15 Miracles of Jesus (DVD Bible: N.T. Series) D-BS 16 Betrayal and Trial (DVD Bible: N.T. Series) D-BS 17 Death and Resurrection (DVD Bible: N.T. Series) D-BS 18 Ambassador of Christ (DVD Bible: N.T. Series) D-BS 19 Witness for Christ (DVD Bible: N.T. Series) D-BS 20 Death and Salvation (DVD Bible: N.T. Series) D-BS 21 One Night with the King D-BS 22 The Nativity Story D-BS 23 Slightly bad girls of the bible D-BS 24 The Gospel according to St. Matthew (That the world may know series with study guides) D-BS 25 v.1 Faith Lessons on the Promised Land D-BS 25 v.2 Faith Lessons on the Prophets/Kings of Israel D-BS 25 v.3 Faith Lessons on the life/ministry of the Messiah D-BS 25 v.4 Faith Lessons on the death/resurrection of the Messiah D-BS 25 v.5 Faith Lessons on the Early Church D-BS 25 v.6 Faith Lessons in the dust of the Rabbi D-BS 25 v.7 Faith Lessons walk as Jesus walked D-BS 26 The Last Adam D-BS 27A The Living Bible D-BS 27B The Living Bible D-BS 28 Greatest Story ever told D-BS 29 In the beginning D-BS 30 Abraham D-BS 31 David D-BS 32 A. D. D-BS 33 Jacob D-BS 34 Joseph D-BS 35 Moses D-BS 36 Samson & Delilah D-BS 37 Apocalypse D-BS 38 Jeremiah D-BS 39 Jesus D-BS 40 Genesis D-BS 41 Esther D-BS 42 Solomon D-BS 43 Paul D-BS 44 Mysteries of the Bible Vol.1-7 D-BS 45 Jesus D-BS 46a&b Jesus of Nazareth D-BS 47 KJV The Making of the KVJ Bible D-BS 48 The Miracle Maker Lessons of Faith D-BS 49 v.1 Abraham, Sarah & Isaac (Lessons of Faith) D-BS 49 v.2 Jesus and His time (Lessons of Faith) D-BS 49c v.3 His final days and resurrection (Lessons of Faith) D-BS 49d v.4 Jacob & Joseph (Lessons of Faith) D-BS 49e v.5a-b Walking the Bible part1 D-BS 49f v.6 Gift of Jabez D-BS 49 v.7 Search for John the Baptist D-BS 49 v.8 Search For Noahs Ark D-BS 49 v.9 From Abraham to Jesus D-BS 49 v.10 In the footsteps of the Holy family D-BS 49 v.11 Life of Jesus D-BS 49 v.12 Apostle Paul D-BS 49 v.13a Peter and Paul D-BS 49 v.13b Peter and Paul D-BS 49 v.14a Mary of Nazareth D-BS 49 v.14b Mary of Nazareth part 2 D-BS 49 v.15a Last days of Jesus D-BS 49 v.15b Last days of Jesus part 2 D-BS 49 v.15c Last Days of Jesus part 3 D-BS 49 v.16a Miracles of Jesus D-BS 49 v.16b Miracles of Jesus part 2 D-BS 49 v.16c Miracles of Jesus part 3 D-BS 49 v.17 Jesus & the Holy Family Escape to Egypt D-BS 49 v.18 Heaven is Real D-BS 49 v.19 Exodus Revealed D-BS 49 v.20 Face: Jesus in Art D-BS 49 v.21 Jesus: The Jew who divided history D-BS 49 v.22b Parables of Jesus 2 D-BS 49 V.23a Life of Jesus 1 D-BS 49 v.24 Jerusalem and the Last Temple of the Jews D-BS 49 v.25 Messianic Signs of Christs Return D-BS 49 v.26 Temple of God and the End of the Age D-BS 50 v.1 Lamp in the dark D-BS 50 v.2 Tares Among the Wheat D-BS 51 KJB King James Bible D-BS 52 Preach the Word.com D-BS 53 Road to Emmaus D-BS 54 Apostle Peter and the Last Supper D-BS 55 St. Peter D-BS 56 St. John in Exile D-BS 57a-e In the Footsteps of Christ D-BS 58v.1 In the Beginning (Sight & Sound Theaters) D-BS 58v.2 Ruth (Sight & Sound Theaters) D-BS 58v.3 Joseph (Sight & Sound Theaters) D-BS 58v.4 Noah (Sight & Sound Theaters) D-BS 58v.5 Jonah (Sight & Sound Theaters) D-BS 59v.1 My name is Daniel D-BS 59v.2 Kingdom Tale D-BS 60 a-e Acts Highlights D-BS 61 a-c Follow the Leader Biography (BIO) D-BIO 1 Sue Thomas D-BIO 2 C.S. Lewis & the Chronicles of Narnia D-BIO 3 The Magic never ends (life works of C.S. Lewis) D-BIO 4 Moses and The Ten Commandments D-BIO 5 Amazing Grace (2 checkout copies) D-BIO 6 C. S. Lewis Beyond Narnia D-BIO 7 Gifted Hands (Ben Carson Story) D-BIO 8 Stand & deliver/Lean on me D-BIO 9 Front of the Class D-BIO 10 The Ron Clark Story D-BIO 11 Billy: the movie D-BIO 12 Molder of Dreams D-BIO 13 Safe harbor D-BIO 14a-b Third Testament D-BIO 15 Something the Lord made D-BIO 16 Miss Evers boys D-BIO 17 Soul Surfer D-BIO 18 Creation D-BIO 19 Taken in Broad daylight/Elizabeth Smart Story D-BIO 20 Karla Faye Tuker D-BIO 21 Romero D-BIO 22 Molokai D-BIO 23 Thank God for Football D-BIO 24 Tim Tebow on a Mission D-BIO 25 The Spencer Tracy Legacy D-BIO 26 Ragamuffin D-BIO 27 Ronald Reagans Rendezvous with Destiny Childrens Videos (CV) D-CV 1a The Chronicles of Narnia D-CV 1b Prince Caspian D-CV 1c Voyage of the Dawn Treader D-CV 2 The Lion, the Witch, and the wardrobe (Chronicles of Narnia set BBC) D-CV 3 Prince Caspian/Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Chronicles of Narnia set BBC) D-CV 4 The Silver Chair (Chronicles of Narnia set BBC) D-CV 5 The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (animated) D-CV 6 Once upon a Stable D-CV 7 The Star of Christmas (Veggie Tales) D-CV 8 The Ten Commandments D-CV 9 Home on the Range 2 copies D-CV 10 From the Pound to the Palace Heroes of Faith: D-CV 11-18 The Torchlighters: Heroes of Faith 11 Richard Wurmbrand Story 12 William Tyndale Story 13 Perpetua Story 14 Eric Liddell Story 15 Jim Elliot Story 16 Amy Carmichael Story 17 John Bunyan Story 18 Gladys Aylward Story D-CV 19 Its a meaningful Life VeggieTales D-CV 20 A Fruitcake Christmas D-CV 21 Christmas Carol The Movie (Animated) D-CV 22 Legend of the Three Trees D-CV 23 Lord of the Beans (Veggie Tales) D-CV 24 Josh and the Big Wall (Veggie Tales) D-CV 25 Muppets from Space D-CV 26 Muppets take Manhattan D-CV 27 Wonderful Wizard of Has D-CV 28 Elmo in Grouchland D-CV 29 Amazing Carnival of Complaining (3, 2, 1 Penguins) D-CV 30 Never ending story D-CV 31 Tale of Despereaux D-CV 32 The toy that saved Christmas VeggieTales D-CV 33 Saint Nicholas VeggieTales D-CV 34 Little drummer boy VeggieTales D-CV 35 Saddle Club Horse Crazy D-CV 36 Cat in the Hat D-CV 37 Horton hears a Who! D-CV 38 Greatest Heroes & Legends of the Bible (David and the Lions Den) D-CV 39 Joseph: King of Dreams D-CV 40 Road to El Dorado D-CV 41 Prince of Egypt D-CV 42 Sweetpea Beauty (Veggie tales) D-CV 43 Rack, Shack & Benny (Veggie tales) D-CV 44 Dave & the giant pickle (Veggie tales) D-CV 45 Lyle the Kindly Viking (Veggie tales) D-CV 46 Larry Boy/Rumor Weed (Veggie tales) D-CV 47 Moe and the Big Exit (Veggie tales) D-CV 48 Ballad of Little Joe (Veggie tales) D-CV 49 Stuart Little D-CV 50 Wheres God When Im Scared? (Veggie Tales) D-CV 51 Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas (Veggie Tales) D-CV 52 MacLarry & the Stinky Cheese Battle (Veggie Tales) D-CV 53a Columbus and the Great Discovery (Learn Our History) D-CV 53b One Nation Under God (Learn Our History) D-CV 53c Christmas in America (Learn Our History) D-CV 53d The Adventures of Lewis & Clark (Learn Our History) D-CV 53e The Mayflower and the First Thanksgiving (Learn Our History) D-CV 54 Duke and the Great Pie War (Veggie Tales) D-CV 55 King George and the Ducky (Veggie Tales) D-CV 56 Madame Blueberry (Veggie Tales) D-CV 57 Pistachio (Veggie Tales) D-CV 58 Veggies in Space D-CV 59 A Very Veggie Easter V.1a Twas the Night Before Easter V.1b Hosanna! CD V.2a An Easter Carol V.2b A Very Veggie Easter CD D-CV 60 Celery Night Fever Christian Values Drama (CDR) D-CDR 1 Facing the Giants D-CDR 2 Ben-Hur D-CDR 3 Flywheel D-CDR 4 Faith like potatoes D-CDR 5 The Robe D-CDR 6 Come what may D-CDR 7 Second Chance D-CDR 8 v.1 Perfect Stranger D-CDR 8 v.2 Another Perfect Stranger D-CDR 9 Sarahs Choice D-CDR 10 No Greater Love D-CDR 11 Blind Side D-CDR 12 Imposter D-CDR 13 Amish Grace D-CDR 14 Trial D-CDR 15 Secrets of Jonathan Sperry D-CDR 16 v.1 Thief in the night D-CDR 16 v.2 Distant Thunder D-CDR 16 v.3 Image of the Beast D-CDR 16 v.4 Prodigal Planet D-CDR 17 Cutback D-CDR 18 Back to you and me D-CDR 19 Expecting a miracle D-CDR 20 Nanny Express D-CDR 21 What if D-CDR 22 Though none go with me D-CDR 23 Save a life D-CDR 24 Grace Card D-CDR 25 5th Quarter D-CDR 26 Seven days in Utopia D-CDR 27 Courageous (2 copies) D-CDR 28 Least among you D-CDR 29 Alleged D-CDR 30 Daniels lot D-CDR 31 Flag of my father D-CDR 32 Mile in his shoes D-CDR 33 One hit from home D-CDR 34 Woodcarver D-CDR 35 Rust D-CDR 36 October baby D-CDR 37 Jada D-CDR 38 All about us D-CDR 39 Last ounce of courage D-CDR 40 Encounter: The Paradise Lost D-CDR 41 Escape D-CDR 42 I am Gabriel D-CDR 43 Letter Writer D-CDR 44 Way Home D-CDR 45 Letters to God D-CDR 46 Ultimate Gift D-CDR 47 Like Dandelion Dust D-CDR 48 Crossroads D-CDR 49v.1 Note D-CDR 49v.2 Note II D-CDR 49v.3 Note III D-CDR 50 There be dragons D-CDR 51 Healed by Grace D-CDR 52 Amazing Love D-CDR 53 Miles from Nowhere D-CDR 54 The Ride D-CDR 55 Bella D-CDR 56 Ace of Hearts D-CDR 57 Saving Winston D-CDR 58 Milltown Pride D-CDR 59 Mighty Macs D-CDR 60 Chariots of Fire D-CDR 61 Perfect Game D-CDR 62 Pistol D-CDR 63 Reggies Prayer D-CDR 64 For the Glory D-CDR 65 Home Run D-CDR 66 Pamelas Prayer D-CDR 67 Time Changer D-CDR 68 Unstoppable D-CDR 69 Angus Buchans Ordinary People D-CDR 70 Six D-CDR 71 Bells of Innocence D-CDR 72 Encounter, The D-CDR 73 Grace Unplugged D-CDR 74 Hopeful Notes D-CDR 75 Finding Normal D-CDR 76 Gods Not Dead D-CDR 77 Saint Tammany Miracle, The D-CDR 78 Moms Night Out D-CDR 79 Fireproof D-CDR 80 Soldier Love Story D-CDR 81 When the Game Stands Tall Christian Life (CL) D-CL 1 v.1 Rain (Nooma Series) C.2 (Ref) D-CL 1 v.2 Flame (Nooma Series) C.3 (Ref) D-CL 1 v.3 Trees (Nooma Series) C.2 (Ref) D-CL 1 v.4 Sunday (Nooma Series) C.2 (Ref) D-CL 1 v.5 Noise (Nooma Series) C.2 (Ref) D-CL 1 v.6 Kickball (Nooma Series) C.2 (Ref) replaced D-CL 1 v.7 Luggage (Nooma Series) C.2 (Ref) D-CL 1 v.8 Dust (Nooma Series) C.2 (Ref) D-CL 1 v.9 Bullhorn (Nooma Series) C.2 (Ref) D-CL 1 v.10 Lump (Nooma Series) C.2 (Ref) D-CL 1 v.11 Rhythm (Nooma Series) C.2 (Ref) D-CL 1 v.12 Matthew (Nooma Series) C.2 (Ref) D-CL 1 v.13 Rich (Nooma Series) C.2 (Ref) D-CL 1 v.14 Breathe (Nooma Series) C.2 (Ref) D-CL 1 v.15 You (Nooma Series) C.2 (Ref) replaced D-CL 1 v.16 Store (Nooma Series) C.2 (Ref) D-CL 1 v.17 Today (Nooma Series) C.3 (Ref) D-CL 1 v.18 Name (Nooma Series) C.3(Ref) D-CL 1 v.19 Open (Nooma Series) C.2 (Ref) D-CL 1 v.20 Shells (Nooma Series) C.3 (Ref) D-CL 1 v.21 She (Nooma Series) C.2 (Ref.) D-CL 1 v.22 Tomato (Nooma Series) C.2 (Ref.) D-CL 1 v.23 Corner (Nooma Series) C.2 (Ref.) D-CL 1 v.24 Whirlwind (Nooma Series) C.2 (Ref.) D-CL 2 Reflections on Psalm 23 D-CL 3 Pilgrims Progress D-CL 4 Christiana D-CL 5 Everything is Spiritual (Rob Bell) replaced C.2 (Ref.) D-CL 6 Affectionately Yours, Screwtape D-CL 7a Living the Gospel Defending the Truth D-CL 7b Living the Gospel Defending the Truth D-CL 8 Essence of Orange D-CL 9 Pilgrims Progress (Journey to Heaven) D-CL 10 One minute after you die D-CL 11a-c Freedom begins here (CD; DVD; Jrnl) D-CL 12a ReGroup: Four Training Sessions D-CL 12b ReGroup: Thirteen 5-10 min. tips and three additional sessions D-CL 12wk ReGroup Workbook FRANCIS CHAN BASIC D-CL 13v.1 Fear God D-CL 13v.2 Follow Jesus D-CL 13v.3 Holy Spirit D-CL 13v.4 Fellowship D-CL 13v.5 Teaching D-CL 13v.6 Prayer D-CL 13v.7 Communion D-CL 14 One Thousand Gifts Church History (CH) D-CH 1 Martin Luther (50th Ann. Ed.) D-CH 2 Luther D-CH 3 Christianity, the first 3 centuries (2 discs) D-CH 4 Odyssey of St. Paul D-CH 5 John Bunyan the journey of a pilgrim D-CH 6 Jan Amon Comenius Father of Modern Education 2copies D-CH 7 John Hus D-CH 8 The Radicals D-CH 9 C.H. Spurgeon tonight D-CH 10 Gods Outlaw The story of William Tyndale D-CH 11 John Wesley D-CH 12 John Wycliffe The morning star D-CH 13 Robber of the Cruel Streets (George Muller) D-CH 14 Hudson Taylor D-CH 15 Twelve Apostles D-CH 16 Paul: the Emissary D-CH 17 Peter & Paul D-CH 18 Wesley D-CH 19 Fanny Crosby Story D-CH 20 Paul the Apostle D-CH 21 Helena: First Pilgrim to the Holy Land (Lessons of Faith) D-CH 22v.1&2Crusades Pt.1 Communication (CO) D-CO 1 Delivering Exceptional Customer Service D-CO-2 Employees guide to superior customer service D-CO 3 Four Factors of effective leadership Comedy (COM) D-COM 1 Total MomSense (Anita Renfroe) D-COM 2 Anita Renfroe Two thumbs up! D-COM 3 Victor Borge Show v.1-3 D-COM 4 Have I got a story for you (Chonda Pierce) D-COM 5 Having a girls night out (Chonda Pierce) D-COM 6 v.1 George Burns & Gracie Allen Show D-COM 6 v.2 George Burns & Gracie Allen Show D-COM 7 Life on the lighter side: Knee Slaps & Belly Laughs (Lessons of Faith) D-COM 8 Best of Victor Borge D-COM 9 Nip it in the Bud (Lessons of Faith) D-COM 10 8 Track Guy in an iPod world (Lessons of Faith) D-COM 11 Is Your Love Tank Full? (Lessons of Faith) D-COM 12 Cowboy Acrobat of Branson Drama (DR) D-DR 1 Not without my Daughter D-DR 2 Cadfeal Mysteries V.1 One Corpse too many V.2 Sanctuary Sparrow V.3 Leper of St. Giles V.4 Monks Hood V.5 Virgin in the Ice V.6 Devils Novice V.7 St. Peters Fair V.8 Morbid Taste for Bones (1 Ref. & 1 checkout) V.9 Raven in the Foregate V.10 Rose Rent V.11 Pilgrim of Hate V.12 Potters Field V.13 Holy Thief (2 Ref. & 1 checkout) D-DR 3 Princess Bride D-DR 4 Gladiator Ref. D-DR 5 Ulysses D-DR 6 Amazing Adv. D-DR 7 Jason and the Argonauts D-DR 8 Spartacus D-DR 9 The Odyssey D-DR 10 Jason and the Argonauts (newer version) D-DR 11 Helen of Troy (2 disc edition) Ref. D-DR 12 Troy (2 disc edition) Ref. D-DR 13 Every Girl Should be Married D-DR 14 Olly Olly Oxen Free D-DR 15 A funny thing happened on the way to the forum D-DR 16 Penny Serenade D-DR 17 Bridge over River Kwai D-DR 18 Hotel Rwanda C.2 D-DR 19a&b The great escape D-DR 20 Inherit the wind D-DR 21a&b Letters from Iwo Jima D-DR 22a-b Apollo 13 D-DR 23a&b Pearl Harbor D-DR 24 Flags of our fathers D-DR 25 Arsenic & Old Lace D-DR 26 Lost Horizon D-DR 27 To Kill a Mockingbird D-DR 28 Shanghai Knights D-DR 29 Garfield the Movie D-DR 30 Touching Wild Horses C.1&2 D-DR 31 Raising Helen D-DR 32 Alexander the Great D-DR 33 National Treasure D-DR 34 Augustus D-DR 35 First Daughter D-DR 36 Night at the museum D-DR 37 Next D-DR 38 Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood D-DR 39 Lady Hawke D-DR 40 Great Outdoors D-DR 41 Uncle Buck D-DR 42 My fair lady (2 copies) D-DR 43 Gigi D-DR 44 An American in Paris D-DR 45 The Patriot D-DR 46 Lt. Robin Crusoe D-DR 47 The Happiest Millionaire D-DR 48 Gone with the wind D-DR 49 The great locomotive chase D-DR 50 Hawaii D-DR 51 Glory (Reference only) D-DR 52 Jefferson in Paris D-DR 53 Johnny Tremain D-DR 54 1776 D-DR 55 Buffalo Soldiers D-DR 56 The Crucible D-DR 57 The Scarlet Letter D-DR 58 The Scarlet Letter D-DR 59 The Red badge of courage D-DR 60 The Tuskege Airmen D-DR 61a-d Roots D-DR 62a-c John Adams D-DR 63 The Alamo D-DR 64 Amistad D-DR 65 Gettysburg D-DR 66 Gods and Generals D-DR 67 1492 D-DR 68 The Crossing D-DR 69 The Alamo D-DR 70 Duke D-DR 71 Little Red Wagon D-DR 72 Call Me Madam D-DR 73 Matchmaker Mary D-DR 74v.1a One Lucky Day D-DR 74v.3a Death Row D-DR 75 REUSE # D-DR 76 The 300 Spartans D-DR 77 REUSE # D-DR 78 REUSE # D-DR 79 REUSE # D-DR 80 Roman Holiday D-DR 81 Bell, Book & Candle D-DR 82 Thicker than water D-DR 83 Fielders Choice D-DR 84 The Colt D-DR 85 Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark D-DR 86 REUSE # D-DR 87 REUSE # D-DR 88 REUSE # D-DR 89 Judgment at Nuremberg D-DR 90 The great debaters D-DR 91 Quartet D-DR 92 Get Low D-DR 93 Kayla D-DR 94 Mist (Sheep dog tales) D-DR 95 REUSE # D-DR 96 Friends for life D-DR 97 REUSE # D-DR 98 REUSE # D-DR 99 REUSE # D-DR 100 REUSE # D-DR 101 REUSE # D-DR 102 We are Marshall D-DR 103 2012: Doomsday D-DR 104 To End all wars D-DR 105 Flicka D-DR 106 Flicka 2 D-DR 107 Pay it forward D-DR 108 Where the Red Fern Grows D-DR 109 Hanging up D-DR 110 First of May D-DR 111a&b Emma D-DR 112 Doctor Dolittle D-DR 113 Black Beauty D-DR 114 Hannah Montana (the movie) D-DR 115 The Right Stuff D-DR 116 REUSE # D-DR 117 REUSE # D-DR 118 REUSE # D-DR 119 REUSE # D-DR 120 REUSE # D-DR 121 REUSE # D-DR 122 REUSE # D-DR 123 Song from the Heart D-DR 124 The Lady Says No D-DR 125 Sherlock Holmes and the secret weapon D-DR 126 Sherlock Holmes Classics D-DR 127 Time Travelers v.1 D-DR 128 Donovans Reef D-DR 129 Son of Paleface D-DR 130 REUSE # D-DR 131 Hachi D-DR 132 REUSE # D-DR 133 REUSE # D-DR 134 REUSE# D-DR 135 For the Love of Grace D-DR 136 McCloud (seasons one & two) v.1-3 D-DR 137v.2 Adv. Of Sherlock Holmes (v.2) D-DR 138 Sound of Music D-DR 139 Yours, Mine and Ours D-DR 140v.1 Golden Age Theater D-DR 140v.2 Golden Age Theater D-DR 140v.3 Golden Age Theater D-DR 140v.4 Golden Age Theater D-DR 140v.5 Golden Age Theater D-DR 140v.6 Golden Age Theater D-DR 141 Heroes of the West D-DR 142 Fort Dodge Stampede/Corpus Christi Bandits D-DR 143v.1 Roy Rogers and Dale Evans D-DR 143v.2 Roy Rogers and Dale Evans D-DR 144 REUSE # D-DR 145 Megamind D-DR 146 Dolphin Tale D-DR 147 REUSE # D-DR 148 REUSE # D-DR 149 REUSE # D-DR 150a-d Magnum P. I. (complete 1st season) D-DR 151 Zeus and Roxanne D-DR 152 Little Rascals D-DR 153 REUSE # D-DR 154 REUSE # D-DR 155 REUSE # D-DR 156 Greening of Whitney Brown D-DR 157 Hidden in Silence D-DR 158 REUSE # D-DR 159 REUSE # D-DR 160 REUSE # D-DR 161 REUSE # D-DR 162v.1-4 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: 39 episodes D-DR 163a-c Lord of the Rings Trilogy D-DR 164 Men of honor D-DR 165 Last Starfighter D-DR 166 REUSE # D-DR 167 Megamind: Button of doom D-DR 168 Willy Wonka D-DR 169 Pagemaster D-DR 170a-b Second hand lions (1 dvd is wide screen and 1 dvd is full screen) D-DR 171 REUSE # D-DR 172 REUSE # D-DR 173 REUSE # D-DR 174 Matilda D-DR 175 REUSE # D-DR 176 REUSE # D-DR 177 REUSE # D-DR 178 Hook D-DR 179 Short Circuit D-DR 180 Junanji D-DR 181 v.1 Rocky D-DR 181 v.2 Rocky 2 D-DR 181 v.4 Rocky 4 D-DR 181 v.5 Rocky Balboa D- DR 182 v.3 Bourne Ultimatum D-DR 183 West Side Story D-DR 184 v.1 Curse of the black Pearl D-DR 184 v.2 Dead mans chest D-DR 185 v.2 Mummy returns D-DR 186a-f J*A*G (Season 1) D-DR 187a-b Fiddler on the Roof D-DR 188 42:The Jackie Robinson Story D-DR 189 Jimmy D-DR 190 Oranges & Sunshine: A True Story D-DR 191 Adams Rib D-DR 192 Woman of the Year D-DR 193 Pat & Mike D-DR 194 Philomena D-DR 195 Dark Knight Eschatology (ES) D-ES 1 Revelation Illustrated Government and Politics (GP) D-GP 1 Mandate D-GP 2 Key Constitutional Concepts D-GP 3 Our Constitution: A conversation D-GP 4 Inside NK D-GP 5 Obamas America 2016 Hermeneutics (HE) D-HE 1a-c Eradicating Biblical illiteracy (How to study the Bible) History (HI) D-HI 1 Show Me D-HI 2 Civil War 5 DVD set includes 9 episodes D-HI 3 Shindlers List D-HI 4 Decisive Battles: Thermopylae D-HI 5 In search of History: Ramses the Great D-HI 6 Sinking of the Lusitania D-HI 7 The Great Depression D-HI 8 WTC the first 24 hours D-HI 9 V.1 Barbarians (Vikings/Goths) D-HI 10 V.2 Barbarians (Mongols/Huns) D-HI 11 Frank Lloyd Wright D-HI 12 Horatios Drive D-HI 13 Lewis & Clark D-HI 14 Mark Twain D-HI 15 Elizabeth Cady Stanton Stanton & Susan B. Anthony D-HI 16 Thomas Jefferson D-HI 17 Unforgiveable Blackness D-HI 18 Liberty! D-HI 19 Last Stand of the 300 D-HI 20a-c Prohibition (a nation of drunkards ; a nation of scofflaws ; a nation of hypocrites) D-HI 21a-b How should we then live? D-HI 22 True Story of Alexander The Great D-HI 23 v.1 Preserving Americas Heritage/Foundations of American Government D-HI 23 v.2 Role of Government/Demystifying the Judicial System D-HI 23 v.3 Americas lost heroes/Remarkable Young Americans D-HI 23 v.4 Civil Stewardship/Truth of American Exceptionalism D-HI 23 v.5 Changing a State/Revival and Reformation D-HI 23 v.6 Social Justice/Politics in the Pulpit/Christians in the Civil Arena D-HI 24 v.1 Why History Matters/Unearthing Americas Christian Foundations: D-HI 24 v.2 Faith of our Founding Fathers D-HI 24 v.3 Ideas that birthed a nation/Our Biblical Constitution/Is America a Christian Nation? D-HI 24 v.4 Church, State, & the Real 1st Amendment D-HI 24 v.5 Influence of the Bible in America/How pastors shaped our independence D-HI 24 v.6 When Religion was culture/Faith in our early courts/Myths of the Judiciary D-HI 24 v.7 Evidence of Americas Spiritual Heritage D-HI 24 v.8 Four Centuries of American Education D-HI 24 v.9 Great Black Patriots/From bondage to the halls of congress/Civil Rights Movement D-HI 24 v.10 Assault on Judeo-Christian Values/Duty of a free citizen D-HI 25 Columbus: Year of the Explorer (3 copies) D-HI 26 Bonhoeffer : Agent of Grace D-HI 27 China Cry D-HI 28 Monumental D-HI 29v.1 Longitude D-HI 29v.2 Longitude D-HI 30 The Men Who Built America D-HI 31 Founding Fathers D-HI 32 America, the Story of Us D-HI 33a&b The World Wars D-HI 34 Unsung Heroes; The Story of Americas Female Patriots Holidays (HO) D-HO 1 Christmas Child D-HO 2 Christmas Shoes D-HO 3 The best Christmas pageant ever D-HO 4 Christmas Blessing D-HO 5 Christmas Card D-HO 6 Christmas Miracle D-HO 7 Star of Bethlehem D-HO 8 All I want for Christmas D-HO 9 Noelle D-HO 10 The Purpose of Christmas with study guide D-HO 11 The Santa Clause D-HO 12 White Christmas D-HO 13 The Velveteen Rabbit D-HO 14 a Christmas Carol D-HO 15 Its a wonderful life D-HO 16 Miracle on 34th Street D-HO 17 The Polar Express D-HO 18 The Christmas Choir D-HO 19 The perfect gift D-HO 20 A Grandpa for Christmas D-HO 21 A Christmas Visitor/Angel in the family D-HO 22 Christmas a Waters edge D-HO 23 Eves Christmas D-HO 24 Moonlight Mistletoe D-HO 25 A Misfit Christmas D-HO 26 Christmas Hope D-HO 27 Homeless for the Holidays D-HO 28 v.1 Mrs. Miracle D-HO 28 v.2 Call Me Mrs. Miracle D-HO 29 v.1 Christmas in Canaan D-HO 29 v.2 Christmas comes home to Canaan D-HO 30 Scrooge D-HO 31 A Golden Christmas D-HO 32 A Christmas Snow D-HO 33 National Tree D-HO 34 Yes, Virginia D-HO 35 Christmas with a capital C D-HO 36 Holiday Baggage D-HO 37 Rare Christmas Classic vol.2 D-HO 38 Christmas Lodge D-HO 39 Christmas Wish D-HO 40 Most wonderful time of the year D-HO 41 Gift of the Magi D-HO 42 12 Dogs of Christmas D-HO 43 Voices of Christmas D-HO 44 Just where I belong D-HO 45 Christmas Pageant D-HO 46 Midnight Clear D-HO 47 Resurrection by Max Lucado D-HO 48 Christmas in Conway D-HO 49 Clamation Christmas Islam (IS) D-IS 1 The cross or the crescent (Understanding Islam) D-IS 2 Inside the Revolution D-IS 3a-b Islam vs. Christianity Debate D-IS 4 Terror in the Name of God Marriage & Family (MF) D-MF 1 Fireproof D-MF 2 Relationships (Gary Smalley) D-MF 3 Mack Counseling Observation D-MF 4 Premarital Counseling prt.1 D-MF 5 Premarital Counseling prt.2 D-MF 6a&b Building my marriage before it begins D-MF 7a&b Before you say I do D- MF 8 Marriage: the art of communication Ministry (MN) D-MN 1a-g Theophostic Prayer Ministry: Ministry Demonstration Training Missions (MIS) D-MIS 1 End of the Spear D-MIS 2 The Taliabo Story D-MIS 3 The Call to Harvest D-MIS 4 Peace Child D-MIS 5 First Fruits D-MIS 6 Through Gates of Splendor D-MIS 7 Beyond the Gates of Splendor D-MIS 8 Iran Alive Mormonism (MOR) D-MOR 1 The Bible VS the Book of Mormon D-MOR 2 DNA vs The book of Mormon D-MOR 3 The lost book of Abraham D-MOR 4 Bible vs Joseph Smith Nutrition (NU) D-NU 1a & b Fit for My King Psychology (PSY) D-PSY 1 Shadow voices D-PSY 2 Shadow Lands (C.S. Lewis) D-PSY 3 Skills and Tools for todays counselors and Psychotherapists D-PSY 4 Shadow Lands (Anthony Hopkins) D-PSY 5 Banana Baseball Restoration Movement (RM) D-RM 1a&b That the World may believe D-RM 2 Light from above (3 copies) D-RM 3 Like Fire in Dry Stubble (3 copies) D-RM 4 Wrestling with God (4 copies) D-RM 5 Story of Churches of Christ, The Science (SC) D-SC 1 The Privileged Planet D-SC 2 Unlocking the Mystery of Life D-SC 3 Reasonable doubt D-SC 4 Icons of Evolution D-SC 5 Expelled: No intelligence allowed C. 2 (Ref. and Check out) D-SC 6 Starlight and Time C.2 (Ref. and Check out) D-SC 7 Starlight, Time and the New Physics D-SC 8a-c Wonders of Gods creation (2 checkout copies) The Creation Museum Collection: D-SC 9 v.1 Last Adam 2copies D-SC 9 v.2 Dinosaurs & dragon legends D-SC 9 v.3 Heaven & Earth D-SC 9 v.4 Flood Geology D-SC 9 v.5 Life D-SC 9 v.6 Six days D-SC 9 v.7 Created Cosmos D-SC 10 Distant Starlight D-SC 11 Modern Medicine D-SC 12 The Six Days of Creation D-SC 13 REUSE # D-SC 14 REUSE # D-SC 15 Lost at Sea D-SC 16 Evolution vs. God: Shaking the Foundations of Faith D-SC 17 Mount St. Helens D-SC 18 Noahs Flood D-SC 19 Radioactive and Radiocarbon Dating Scientology (SCI) D-SCI 1 Escaping Scientology D-SCI 2 An introduction to Scientology (L. Ron Hubbard) D-SCI 3 Scientology (an overview) D-SCI4a&b How to use Dianetics/Aspects of Auditing (with guide book) D-SCI 5 The way to happiness (with guide book) D-SCI 6 Problems of work with guide book Social Issues (SI) D-SI 1 Kilowatt ours D-SI 2 Mountain Mourning D-SI 3 Through a dogs eyes D-SI 4 Cross and the Switchblade D-SI 5 Canaanite Child Sacrifice: Modern Day Abortion D-SI 6 180 Course: Changing the Heart of a Nation Student Production (STP) D-STPx Baptism Wars: The Central Menace (missing) replaced w/incomplete C. (Ref.) Theology (TH) D-TH 1 Do Protestants and Catholics Agree on Maryology, Confession & Purgatory? D-TH 2v.1&2 Do Protestants and Catholics Agree on Justification and Papal Infallibility? Worship (WO) D-WO 1 Music Styles (Modern Worship Series) D-WO 2 Leading Worship: Creating flow (Modern Worship Series) D-WO 3 Music Theory made easy (Modern Worship Series) D-WO 4 Acoustic Guitar (Modern Worship Series) D-WO 5 Worship Band Workshop (Modern Worship Series) D-WO 6 Worship Vocal Workshop (Modern Worship Series) D-WO 7 Keyboards: Contemporary praise & worship D-WO 8 Keyboards: Songs of Today D-WO 9 Leading Worship D-WO 10a-b Worship Seminar (2 DVDs)     2/26/15update 0=HI[\]mnosv9 ,   = > ? O P l   ܨ h@Z5h@Zh@Z5h@Zh$'h h?m.h&mhp hp 5h*.Xh:hVhh hhuh?hPhL\h_Qh;h+ah0Fhp hp h4 5 hp 5 h4 5\hz_hk$h4 00I[\]no 9 ~ , G d   = > ? P $a$gdk$P Q l  N % & 7 8 G j %\gdl"  $ % & 6 7 |.imn{:;u"Lfgiz15Yaû׷ϋ{hVhhGh5hh*R6h.!Hh?m.h$'hG*hhuhh>h?h3O%hPhGhJ5 hG5 hGheOh*.XhGhJh&mh,hp hl"5 hl"5hl"h@Zhu'hes{0\@|"V.Ni#] ?ngdl"n,;Ibu"Lfghz)Y9Tn6^~;[3ahz9z{6^~:o23elp Lr$N¾ζh Lh0Fhp hp 5 hp 5hp h*.Xh-h:5h%hEohh:hs\6 hz_h@Zhz_ h:h:hc(h@Zh h hVh>3e 2Lr$NkJqgdl"JpqZ>y ! 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