ࡱ> Y fbjbjWW 4==`]8&Lr).^ t t t t VD$L)N)N)N)N)N)N)$*,fr)-2t t 22r)#t t ###2t t L)2L)#~#' )@) t FL$8) TOC \o "1-3" 1) Morality of Law  PAGEREF _Toc27999904 \h 2 a) Lon Fuller v. H.L.A. Hart  PAGEREF _Toc27999905 \h 2 i) Classical Legal Thought  PAGEREF _Toc27999906 \h 2 ii) Classical Legal Positivism  PAGEREF _Toc27999907 \h 2 iii) Classical American Legal Positivism (1865-1941)  PAGEREF _Toc27999908 \h 2 iv) Modern Positivism  PAGEREF _Toc27999909 \h 2 v) Classical Natural Law  PAGEREF _Toc27999910 \h 3 vi) Lon Fuller's Natural Law  PAGEREF _Toc27999911 \h 3 b) Problem of Unjust Laws  PAGEREF _Toc27999912 \h 3 i) The Holocaust and Fascism - Banality of Evil  PAGEREF _Toc27999913 \h 3 ii) Roe v. Wade  PAGEREF _Toc27999914 \h 3 iii) Lochner v. New York  PAGEREF _Toc27999915 \h 4 iv) Legal Ethics and Fugitive Slaves: The Anthony Burns Case, Judge Loring and Abolitionist Attorneys - Paul Finkelman  PAGEREF _Toc27999916 \h 4 v) Dred Scott v. Sandford - 1857  PAGEREF _Toc27999917 \h 4 2) The Politics of Law  PAGEREF _Toc27999918 \h 4 a) Law and Power  PAGEREF _Toc27999919 \h 4 i) Generalities Don't Decide Particulars  PAGEREF _Toc27999920 \h 4 b) Legal Reasoning - The Relationship of Law and Rules  PAGEREF _Toc27999921 \h 5 i) Legal Formalism (civil war - new deal)  PAGEREF _Toc27999922 \h 5 ii) Liberal Aspirational Theory  PAGEREF _Toc27999923 \h 5 iii) Legal Realsim (new deal ->)  PAGEREF _Toc27999924 \h 6 c) The Legal Realists  PAGEREF _Toc27999925 \h 6 i) The Nature of the Judicial Process - Benjamin Cardozo  PAGEREF _Toc27999926 \h 6 ii) Pennsylvania Coal Company v. Mahon (1922)  PAGEREF _Toc27999927 \h 6 iii) Transcendental Nonsense and the Functional Approach - Felix S. Cohen  PAGEREF _Toc27999928 \h 6 iv) Remarks on the Theory of Appellate Decision and the Rules or Canons About How Statutes are to Be Construed - Karl Llewllyn  PAGEREF _Toc27999929 \h 7 v) Coercion and Distribution in a Supposedly Non-Coercive State - Robert Hale (1923)  PAGEREF _Toc27999930 \h 7 vi) Property and Sovereignty - Morris R. Cohen (1927)  PAGEREF _Toc27999931 \h 7 vii) Law Making by Private Groups - Louis L. Jaffe (1937)  PAGEREF _Toc27999932 \h 7 viii) M Witmark & Sons v. Fred Fisher Music Co. - (1942)  PAGEREF _Toc27999933 \h 7 d) Critical Legal Studies  PAGEREF _Toc27999934 \h 7 i) Generally  PAGEREF _Toc27999935 \h 7 ii) Legal Education as Training for Hierarchy - Duncan Kennedy  PAGEREF _Toc27999936 \h 7 iii) Kennedy and Hierarchy  PAGEREF _Toc27999937 \h 8 iv) Kennedy's Argument to Link Individualism and Neutral Law  PAGEREF _Toc27999938 \h 8 e) Contextualism  PAGEREF _Toc27999939 \h 8 i) Contiuum of objectivity - subjectivity  PAGEREF _Toc27999940 \h 8 ii) Objectivity and Interpretation - Owen Fiss  PAGEREF _Toc27999941 \h 8 iii) Fish v. Fiss - Stanley Fish  PAGEREF _Toc27999942 \h 8 f) Critical Race Theory  PAGEREF _Toc27999943 \h 8 i) Generally  PAGEREF _Toc27999944 \h 8 ii) Persistence of Racism and Segregation  PAGEREF _Toc27999945 \h 9 iii) Conceptual Framework (colorblindness) perpetrator  PAGEREF _Toc27999946 \h 9 iv) Normative Framework -results  PAGEREF _Toc27999947 \h 9 v) Antidiscrimination Law: A Crtical Review - Alan D. Freeman  PAGEREF _Toc27999948 \h 9 vi) Brown v. Board of Education  PAGEREF _Toc27999949 \h 9 g) Critical Feminist Theory  PAGEREF _Toc27999950 \h 9 i) Emergence of Feminist Jurisprudence - Ann Scales (1986)  PAGEREF _Toc27999951 \h 9 ii) Race and Essentialism in Feminist Legal Theory - Angela P. Harris (1990)  PAGEREF _Toc27999952 \h 9 iii) Objectivity v. Subjectivity  PAGEREF _Toc27999953 \h 10 iv) Jury of Her Peers - Susan Glaspell  PAGEREF _Toc27999954 \h 10 3) Culture of Law  PAGEREF _Toc27999955 \h 10 a) Generally  PAGEREF _Toc27999956 \h 10 i) Does law have culture  PAGEREF _Toc27999957 \h 10 b) Readings  PAGEREF _Toc27999958 \h 10 i) Mashpee - James Clifford - 1977  PAGEREF _Toc27999959 \h 10 ii) Mascaras, Trenzas, y Grenas - Margaret Montoya - 1994  PAGEREF _Toc27999960 \h 11 iii) Cultural Defense - Battered Woman Defense  PAGEREF _Toc27999961 \h 11 iv) In Defense of Culture in the Courtroom - Alison Renteln  PAGEREF _Toc27999962 \h 11 v) Blaming Culture for Bad Behavior - Leti Volpp  PAGEREF _Toc27999963 \h 11 vi) Anti Anti-Relattivism - Clifford Gertz  PAGEREF _Toc27999964 \h 12 4) The Language of Law  PAGEREF _Toc27999965 \h 12 a) Generally  PAGEREF _Toc27999966 \h 12 i) What is it  PAGEREF _Toc27999967 \h 12 b) Readings  PAGEREF _Toc27999968 \h 12 i) Speaking Truth to Power : The Language of Civil Rights Litigators - Herbert - Eastman  PAGEREF _Toc27999969 \h 12 ii) Empathy, Legal Storytelling and the Rule of Law: New Words, Old Wounds - Toni Massaro  PAGEREF _Toc27999970 \h 12 Morality of Law Lon Fuller v. H.L.A. Hart Classical Legal Thought Blackstone A priori conceptions of natural law natural law -( reason ( common law no Classical Legal Positivism Command Theory of Law Austin, Bentham Seperatability Thesis no necessary connection between law and morals Critical of: Natural law a priori moral & legal principles Command Theory of Law orders backed by threats power based definition might makes right a.k.a. The Imperative theory of law Sources Thesis State monopoly on violence and penalty Power flows from the sovereign. Man is the source of law Classical American Legal Positivism (1865-1941) O.W. Holmes "The prophecies of what the courts will do in fact, and nothing more pretentious, are what I mean by the law." the life of the law has not been logic: it has been experience." Post civil war destruction leads to cynicism of political & legal institutions. Distro of wealth and the role of institutions Modern Positivism H.L.A. Hart Three Issues How is law different/related to orders backed by threats How is law related to morality What are rules? Is law an affair of rules? Keep Separability Thesis rejects the command theory Universal Features of Law Rules forbidding conduct under penalty running along a continuum of enforcement Rules requiring compensation for injury Enforcement of private agreements Contracts, Wills, etc Courts to determine what the rules are Legislatures to make rules Hart's List Protect people- Tort Protect property- Property Protect promises - Contract Enforcement with sanctions - Remedies Minimalist notion of natural law Upside down layer cake metaphor Methodology Humans are: vulnerable approximate equality limited altruism limited resources limited understanding and will Hobbes "life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." -Leviathan Distinguish Morality from Rules Importance immunity from deliberate change voluntary character of moral offence. mens rea moral pressure Classical Natural Law In our nature to recognize. Contra sources Thesis God/Nature source of law Law is not what gov. says it is Discoverable There is a method to finding law. Swift v. Tyson Contra Command Theory General Principles instead Rules v. Standards obedience v. obligation Connection Thesis essential link between law and morality contra separability thesis moral objective anti-relativism So there are objective right and wrong all legal systems need conform Lon Fuller's Natural Law Procedural theories Democratice Substantive Libertarian, Divine right of kings, Internal v. External theories of justice Procedural Approach / Internal Morality Refutation of separability thesis Morality is built into the law Rules Public knows about Prospective Comprehensible Consistent Can be Followed (help being black?) Relatively Consistent over time Enforced as stated congruence between stated law and its enforcement Much like Due Process notice, equality, fair 3rd party adjudication Applied to Third Reich Fears positivism supports 3R. Condemn on internal basis Is not law Reaches out to judges Problem of Unjust Laws The Holocaust and Fascism - Banality of Evil Hart's Modern Positivism's Solutions civil disobedience encourage reform possible since law `" morality possible since law `" justice Fuller's Natural Law Solution civil disobedience encourage reform through insistence that law be moral. because immoral law isn't real law Roe v. Wade Hart's view of justice like things like, different things differently under this view, pre-Roe regime discriminates against women Morally Contravertial laws Political Question Doctrine Courts shouldn't decide Let the people decide. Pro Justiciability tyranny of the majority Con judicial activism is ant-democratic Rehnquist Dissent Holme's Dissent in Lochner Religious Belief and Public Morality - Mario Cuomo Liberalism Pluralism value that gives rise to the ideal of morally neutral law. Tolerance Individual Liberty Due process, reasonable person, freedom of contract, captain torts. Private Catholic unjust Morals are unchangeable voluntary enforcement moral pressure / community support Public just Morality should be left out of law right to freedom of belief pragmatic moral Moral Neutrality in the face of profound moral disagreement. Political Question Doctrine Lochner v. New York Freedom of K implicit in 14th A. substantive due process Holmes Dissent shouldn't decide cases on personal opinions. Run risk of being blind to the other side. Legal Ethics and Fugitive Slaves: The Anthony Burns Case, Judge Loring and Abolitionist Attorneys - Paul Finkelman Fuller critique of FSL on grounds of procedural due process page 1801 Rendition of Anthony Burns is procedurally flawed. (1854) Judge Loring open up procedure to Dana, some belief in Due Process appearance of fairness no real due process. Some Acts as predicted by positivism and natural law citizens engage in civil disobedience emancipate AB. abolition Richard Henry Dana - Lawyer Dred Scott v. Sandford - 1857 Is P a citizen Interpret the law, not make it, that is for the legislative branch. Interprets the decl of ind. and const. to not include African Americans. The Politics of Law Law and Power Generalities Don't Decide Particulars If the rules are life, liberty and property intermingling of rules or rights creates need to make a choice. So, the determination can't be made with the rules. The nature of rules and their generalities prohibits concepts deciding particulars. Legal Reasoning - The Relationship of Law and Rules Legal Formalism (civil war - new deal) Liberal Concepts As Basic Principles liberty property life feedom of K due process, equality under law Rule/Standard Based pro - standards , contra rules These Principles are rules, binding, General, not narrow. More standard like. A apriori rules to be discovered. Legal Reasoning logical deduction from general to particular syllogism objective. Value Free liberal ideal of legal neutrality separability thesis. Politics and Law are seperate More Propelled by Christopher Langdell the father of case study A priori Rules can be discovered objectively Judges reason objectively from these rules Law is value free Laisse Faire economics placeholder for classical legal positivism Liberal Aspirational Theory Aspirational Theory aspirational statements about law neutral law Individualism Restraint against state of nature Freud - Holds instincts in check. Duty to refrain from harming and right not to be harmed liberty and security settle disputes on rules and principles equalize, level playing field - J.S. Mill Law and Order Justice Public Service/Altruism Promotion of Morality critque of activism critique of judical altruism requires omniscence - liberal distrust of those in power to determine right and wrong. Critical Law is just power law(yers) enhance power difference not level them circumstances vitiate rights (material inequality) critique of neutrality critique of individualism functionalism (Cohen). Realism Situational sense, reveal value in holdings Altruism Substantive equity Individualism due process private property equal rights focus on the rights holder individual liberty over communal values. Strictly Legal Equity Altruism Material equity material imbalance vitiates equality of rights If brute power differences are unacceptable, why is material or intellectual difference okay? TheoryQuintesential ProblemPowerLiberal Aspirational TheoryPaternalismPolitical/PublicCritical TheoryCapitalismeconomic/private powerLegal Realsim (new deal ->) Anti - formalism - Lochner Concepts of Formalists too vague. Formalist rules are contradictory Judges must then therefore chooose = rule skepticism Legal Reasoning judicial choices not dictated by rules syllogism can't work where rules are general judges must choose which general principal governs Legal Resoning is not Neutral contra- what judge had for breakfast Everything filtered through judges's subjectivie perspective law is not distinugishable from politics. legal reasoning is policy choices Liberal distinction between law/politics is a cover-up. Rule skeptics judges make rules law is made up by judges Seperatability Thesis Predicitive Theory Descriptive, positive legal science Normative policy driven prescriptive. Holmes proto realist. Critique of neutral legal reasoning personal property freedom of K free market Lochner era court which uses judicial review to protect personal freedoms through an apolicitcal and neutral process. The Legal Realists The Nature of the Judicial Process - Benjamin Cardozo thinking of the end which the law serves and fitting rules to the task of service logic, history, custom, utility, and the accepted standards of conduct are the force which shape the progress of the law. The law is made, not found. Pennsylvania Coal Company v. Mahon (1922) Brandeis dissent would overrule K and allow police power for the law. Transcendental Nonsense and the Functional Approach - Felix S. Cohen Substitute realistic, rational scientific account of legal happenings for the classical theological jurisprudence of concepts Only two real questions, the rest are nonsense How do courts actually decide cases of a given kind How ought they to Social Policy Bad Man - or propheicies of the court no help to judges external, while internal theory needed. Altough he's wrong about the Restatement... Before skepticism of science and experts Felix Cohen's Functionalism Judges's make law look to consequences of the holding instrumentalist critique of formalimsm veiling of consequential analysis Veils sociological evaluiations Open the process, bring in experts Descriptive legal science prohecies of court actions - Holmes Remarks on the Theory of Appellate Decision and the Rules or Canons About How Statutes are to Be Construed - Karl Llewllyn Exposes the sham of legal formalism Coercion and Distribution in a Supposedly Non-Coercive State - Robert Hale (1923) Laissez Faire is in fact permeated with coercive restrictions of individual freedom. property rights that the gov. protects is a use of coercion to stop any violent or peaceful infringement on the owners sole right to enjoy the thing owned. worker can refuse to yield to an employers coercion but is under a legal duty to not use any money which owned by others - must eat. wage work under penalty of starvation. page 104. don't own property, work or starve. income is the result of relative strenght of coercion. Property and Sovereignty - Morris R. Cohen (1927) property rights are exclusionary dominion over property is dominion over people. Law Making by Private Groups - Louis L. Jaffe (1937) Power to contract is like making law that courts will enforce coal miners work, under contract no to join union..courts enforce. M Witmark & Sons v. Fred Fisher Music Co. - (1942) Judge Jermoe Frank - dissent Contract may be more than a private affair, it may vitally effect the interest of the public. Freedom of Contract clashes with the Copyright Act. Should protect the author and not the contract here under dispute. Critical Legal Studies Generally critique of neutrality critique of individualism differences in power vitiate Individual rights (Hale) Legal Education as Training for Hierarchy - Duncan Kennedy ideological training for willing service in the heiracrchy of corporate welfare state. mystification of "legal reasoning" teachers convince students it is different from policy analysis. accentuate real and imagined differences in student capabilities lack of clinical training disables students from any future role but as apprentice in a law firm Incapacitation for alternative practice Kennedy and Hierarchy Purpose of Legal Education indoctrination into hierarchy Purpose of Legal Career Purpose of Law capitalist tool, get out of state of nature Kennedy's Argument to Link Individualism and Neutral Law Nature of Legal Reasoning Neutral Rules Specific Normative content of law - individualism Nature of Legal Reasoning Subjective Standards/ Vague Normative content of law - Altruism Law Without Lawyers ancient greece, medevial Europe, small claims court Reasons for lawyers complexity of law detatchment inequality of parties Contextualism Contiuum of objectivity - subjectivity Objectivity and Interpretation - Owen Fiss Fear of texts having no meaning. Reaction to Deconstructionism Nihilism that doubts the legitimacy of adjudication. impossibility of objectivity. general use of language Threats to judical neutrality from deconstructionism postmodernism Imperil legitimacy of system Threats from nihlists CLS'ers Realisits Fish Derrida Message or Messenger? Disciplining Rules constrain the interpreter freedom is not absolute some bounds of subjectivity Interpretive Community Appeal court public reaction executive non-enforcement Fish v. Fiss - Stanley Fish No rules - rules are texts, which in themselves need interpretation Rules do not stand in an independent relationship to a field of action on which they can simply be imposed. Can't be explicit enough to cover all situations Fear of this is baseless Texts, such as the constition can never be debased of meaning because they are constatnly being infused with it. legal culture is constraint. Critque of Fiss Threat from human nature or from deconstructualists Critical Race Theory Generally Criticism of right. Formal Rights Theory Challenges basic liberal aspirational theory Focus on inequality Purpose of affirmative action is to create enough exceptions to white privilige ti make the mythology of equal opportunity seem plausible. Shift from economics to race Persistence of Racism and Segregation History Legal History Slavery Emancipation Plessy v. Ferguson Economics economic segregation public or private Culture melting pot or not Conceptual Framework (colorblindness) perpetrator more compatible with individualism meritocracy and competition perpetrator's intent formalist/ objective Normative Framework -results victim formal legal rights nothing without power contra - inefficient, paternalistic Antidiscrimination Law: A Crtical Review - Alan D. Freeman Serves more to rationalize the existence of continued discrimination than to erradicate it deep structural obstacles blacks have insufficient merti or lack qualifications results irrelevant purpetrator - victim color-blindness - all ethnics fungible infinite series problem how much change is necessary? bourgeoisify problem of formal equality no difference in rights based upon wealth. Brown v. Board of Education rejects Plessy v. Furgeson no seperate but equal Was there change? De Facto - In Fact neighborhoods more segregated expansion of private schools tracking testing De Jure Color Blindness v. Results Critical Feminist Theory Emergence of Feminist Jurisprudence - Ann Scales (1986) differences between the sexes that objectivity does not allow for listing differences is not a good strategy Subjectivity is the way to go Discard habit of equating noble aspirations with objectivity and neutrality. Race and Essentialism in Feminist Legal Theory - Angela P. Harris (1990) fallacy that essential woman experience can be isolated and described independenlty of race class or other realities of experience. rift between black and white women over rape Objectivity v. Subjectivity In Law interpretting legal texts In Fact Interpretation of facts blind man parable no problem of knowledge v. power all of same power traditional one elephant modern no elephant we are all blind men Jury of Her Peers - Susan Glaspell Different experience/methods subjectivity finds more truth here. Men strict judgement rational looking for physical evidence Women leniance mercy empathy irrational detrioriation of the kitchen dead bird sewing differences show nerves Views of Truth/Facts - Divided along race/gender Conventional objective discoverable objective method required to discover Garat's elephant as cautionary tale Modern critque of obj. subj is inesscapable (CRT, CFT) there is no view from nowhere Gendered/Raced - reenforces stereotypes Culture of Law Generally Does law have culture does law school have a culture value of stare decisis and aversions to change English Culture? Values consistency conservative social values uniformity Anti-Values change diversity Mixture conservative change Readings Mashpee - James Clifford - 1977 Factors body of indians of the same of similar race united in a community under on leadership or government inhabitng a particular though sometimes ill defined territory. Racialization of cultural group. Testimony Chief Earl Mills and his beads under his shirt Teenagers anthropologist Mascaras, Trenzas, y Grenas - Margaret Montoya - 1994 Assimilation into law josephine v. state estrangement from latino culture continuation catholic school Legal Reasoning abstraction leaves out culture leaves out context Cultural Defense - Battered Woman Defense similarities both applicable to the r.p. standard Excuse / Jusitification in Sentencing not guilty mititage 1st / 2nd degree context matters state of mind mens rea Problems selective groupism some minorities are covered, others are not [ab]normalization Abnormal behavior becomes accepted even though r.p. should not apply to the deviant. License to Kill sanctions violence against women and children Relativism in the pejoritive sense. denies the existence of moral standards. In Defense of Culture in the Courtroom - Alison Renteln need for a formal cultural defense failure to take culturally motivated conduct into account violates the right to culture International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Don't permit cultures to violate human rights and vice versa socialized to think one way theories of punishment retribution deterrence rehabilitation individualized justice tailoring punishment Average Mexican reasonable person Chinga tu madre Negatives promotes stereotypes Blaming Culture for Bad Behavior - Leti Volpp Essentialism reinforces stereotypes. Compare same behavior in two groups Culture excludes the role of other disparities school, class Attorneys are complicit. Our culture is also characterized by problematic sex-subordinating behavior. Approach to combat gendered subordination across communities an approach that neither uses racial or cultural assumptions nor assumes that the U.S. is always a site of liberation. us v. them perpetuation racialization of culture Anti Anti-Relativism - Clifford Gertz not defend relativism, attack anti-relativism to eject something without committing oneself to what it rejects what looks like a debate about broader implications of anthropology is really just a debate about how to live with them. finds provincialism more the real concern than what actually goes on in the world. The Language of Law Generally What is it descriptions of legal discourse why these characteristics desired/detrimental used to express law statute constitution cases Readings Speaking Truth to Power : The Language of Civil Rights Litigators - Herbert - Eastman Problems with Pleadings too rule based compares the pleading the version of journalists Rule 8 and rule 11 socialization of lawyers abstract, legalistic discourse Lawyer client relationship based on heirarchy Psycological defense Different voice theory. women v. men black v. white if this is true, do we need lawyers for every group that are matched? Empathy, Legal Storytelling and the Rule of Law: New Words, Old Wounds - Toni Massaro Defense of law and the aspirational theory. contra story tellin rape shield laws desire for objectivity achievable or not, good goal new terminology does not help empathy, with whom should we empathize. rules as a villian most rules are guidlines formalism encourages predictability principles homosexual rights impossible without priciple of individual autonomy rule of law and empathy are not natural inevetible antagonists too much emotion or formalism is no good believes in the tension between the two. - PAGE 12- #$=>?@A_`yz{|}+,EFGHI`az{|}~jUmHnHjgUmHnHjUmHnHjqUmHnHjUmHnHj{UmHnHjUmHnHjUmHnHmHnH6 j6U7B~J,{xf D  ^ f  f  f  f B~J,{xf D  ^ f /  E 9i@wBY`?kWO +CNr         H '()*+\]vwxyzYZstuvwjUmHnHj?UmHnHjUmHnHjIUmHnHjUmHnHjSUmHnHjUmHnHmHnHjUmHnHj]UmHnH8GHabcde     % & ? @ A B C e f     ? @ Y j UmHnHj UmHnHj UmHnHj! 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