ࡱ> ^a]q` bjbjqPqP .:: s$PTp<UV. / / /Vc/SBCU$VhYxgUiiigU|UidV.iV.(, ,G'd^,Z-U0Uv,`Y1Y0,Y,KhTbgUgU%dUiiiid  Board of County Commissioners Workshop Date of Meeting:July 22, 2010Date Submitted:July 18, 2010To: Honorable Chairman and Members of the BoardFrom: Benjamin H. Pingree, County Administrator Cleve Fleming, Public Works Director FILLIN "Type Department/Group Director's Name and Title" \* MERGEFORMAT Subject:Workshop to Discuss the Solid Waste Disposal Assessment and Licensing Statement of Issue: This workshop is being held to allow for discussions regarding the solid waste disposal assessment project. Background: During the March 15, 2010 Board Meeting, the Board approved the Critical Events Schedule outlining the process to implement the special assessment which also included the scheduling of this workshop (Attachment #1). During the spring of 2007, the County requested a review of solid waste management alternatives to address future growth, meet regulatory criteria and increase operational efficiencies and safety. A feasibility study was completed and presented to the Board in September 2007. There were four alternatives evaluated and presented in the feasibility study for Board consideration is listed as follows: Alternative 1 No Change to Existing Operations Alternative 2 Modifications to Existing Transfer Station Alternative 3 Use Leon County Transfer Station Alternative 4 Build a New Transfer Station In November 2007, the Board selected Alternative 4 Build a New Transfer Station. At this Board meeting, the Board was also presented the option of pursuing funding for this project through the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development (USDA-RD) as there is a possibility of grant funding that may be available to the County. Jones Edmunds & Associates, Inc. was selected to support the County with this effort. Per the Boards direction, Jones Edmunds & Associates, Inc. prepared and submitted a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) and Environmental Assessment to the USDA Rural Development RD. Operationally, all collection will continue to be performed at the Lower Bridge Landfill. Commercial and residential customers will be directed by staff to the appropriate disposal area. Waste will be collected on the tipping floor where it will receive basic compaction against the push walls before being machine loaded into the waiting transport trailer. At the August 4, 2009 Board Meeting, the Board authorized the Chairman to execute the Letter of Intent to Meet Conditions to move forward with the transfer station. In addition, on December 8, 2009, the Board signed Resolution #09-57, a statutorily required Resolution expressing the Countys intent to include this special assessment on the tax bill. Subsequently, during the January 25, 2010 Board Meeting, the Board approved Change Order #1 to Jones Edmunds for the relocation of the Solid Waste Transfer Station within the existing Lower Bridge Landfill facility. On May 6, 2010, the Board held the first workshop on the Solid Waste Assessment Program and heard a presentation by Jones Edmunds on the recommended assessment rate of $112 per dwelling unit and also heard a discussion on a complimentary solid waste licensing ordinance. At the June 21, 2010 meeting, the Board adopted the Initial Assessment Resolution for the Solid Waste Assessment Program containing the preliminary rate of $112 per dwelling unit. This Resolution also set the public hearing date and directed the provision of the statutorily required notice. Analysis: This second workshop on the Solid Waste Assessment Program and Licensing Ordinance is intended as (1) an opportunity to receive additional citizen input on the Solid Waste Assessment and (2) to discuss details of the draft Solid Waste Licensing Ordinance, attached hereto as Attachment #1. Attachment(s): Draft Solid Waste Licensing Ordinance     Workshop to Discuss the Solid Waste Disposal Assessment and Licensing July 22, 2010 Page  PAGE 2 &'(:A\cE F G T    ( ) *  7pǻߓߌߌ߅߅߅߀|h7 t hFK\ h7JhFK htghFKh<hFK5>*aJ hFKaJ h<aJ hHaJh9hDaJh9hD5>*aJhD5>*aJ hD6jhD6UhFKh4# hDCJhD hH5CJ hD5CJ$0'():HIJK d$IfGkd$$If0[$4 ax:$If$a$$@&a$  KL\jklmg^^ d$IfGkd$$If0[$4 ax:$IfGkdq$$IfE0[$4 axmns[G `0:$If^`0Gkd$$IfM0[$4 ax:$If `:$IfGkdS$$IfC0[$4 axG H I J SGkd$$If0[$4 ax:$If `0:$If^`0Gkd5$$If:0[$4 axJ K T   gbb\Rb $:a$gd4#$@&a$$a$Gkd$$If0[$4 ax:$IfGkd$$IfE0[$4 ax  *    5 b c 7qr$a$gd3)$a$ $C$a$gdFK $ & F 1$a$gdFK$a$gdFK$@&a$<=STYZ_`    qȼhWUjhWUU h6Shg hg hg h4#\h6ShD5aJh6ShD5>*aJh3)h3)5aJh3)hD5>*aJh9hD5>*aJh9h9B*aJphh4#h7 t9 ^l|}~ &dP & F H^`gdg qrxyz{|~ h6Shg hWUh3)h7 t0JmHnHu h3)0Jjh3)0JU @ 001FP:p7 tBP/ =!"#$% @ 0 0001FPBP/ =!"#$% o$$Ifx!vh55#v#v:V 5544 axo$$Ifx!vh55#v#v:V E5544 axo$$Ifx!vh55#v#v:V 5544 axo$$Ifx!vh55#v#v:V C5544 axo$$Ifx!vh55#v#v:V M5544 axo$$Ifx!vh55#v#v:V :5544 axo$$Ifx!vh55#v#v:V 5544 axo$$Ifx!vh55#v#v:V E5544 ax}$$Ifx!vh55#v#v:V 55/ 44 ax666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666D@D Normal1$CJ_HhmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontVi@V 0 Table Normal :V 44 la (k( 0No List <&< Footnote ReferenceLOL Level 1# & F h0@&^`04@4 Header  !4 "4 Footer  !.)@1.  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