ࡱ>     +bjbjCC :))"d d 44444HHH8lHx04dddddd$p4ddddd44dddv4d4ddBc=@͆^'fkВ0r 8R 4438dddddddddd dddddddddd :   Unit OverviewUnit Title:Civil War and ReconstructionTeacher:Grade Level/Course:10Length/Dates:Traditional: 12; Block: 6Unit Summary: Stage 1: Desired Results Graduation CompetenciesHISTORY: Evaluate a variety of primary and secondary sources to apply knowledge of major eras, enduring themes, turning points and historic influences to analyze the forces of continuity and change in the community, the state, the United States and the world. Performance IndicatorsBenchmark Standards (Learning Goals)Utilize research and inquiry skills to analyze history using primary and secondary sources and evaluate the credibility of those sources. Develop credible explanations of the cause, course, and consequences of historical events based on reasoned interpretation of evidence. Identify and critique diverse perspectives to explore social, political, and economic relationships in history. Determine the significant events, figures, organizations and their contributions during historical eras and trace the impact on enduring themes. Analyze the effects of geography on cultures, institutions, and the course of historical events.Review causes, course and consequences of the Civil War. (A.2.1) Assess the influence of significant people or groups on Reconstruction. (A.2.2) Describe the issues that divided republicans during the early Reconstruction era. (A.2.3) Distinguish the freedoms guaranteed to African Americans and other groups with the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. (A.2.4) Assess how Jim Crow Laws influenced life for African Americans and other racial/ethnic minority groups. (A.2.5) Compare the effects of the Black Codes and the Nadir on freed people, and analyze the sharecropping system and debt peonage as practiced in the United States. (A.2.6) Essential Question(s)How has war shaped our way of life?Enduring UnderstandingBig Idea/Theme: The Civil War was caused by economic, social, and political differences between the North and the South. The most important of which was differing views on slavery. This brutal conflict resulted in tremendous loss of life and property and brought major changes to the American way of life. Students will knowStudents will be able toSectionalism, Secede, States Rights, Popular Sovereignty, Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, Slave Codes, Fugitive Slave Act, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Bleeding Kansas, Dred Scott v. Sanford, Roger B. Taney, Abraham Lincoln, Freeport Doctrine, Civil War, Blockade, Total War, Anaconda Plan, Emancipation Proclamation, Vicksburg Campaign, Battle of Gettysburg, Gettysburg Address, Union, Confederacy, Election of 1860, Lincoln Douglas Debates Abraham Lincoln, Radical Republicans, Andrew Johnson, Amnesty, Scalawags, Carpetbaggers, 10% Plan, Freedmens Bureau, O.O Howard, Thaddeus Stevens 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments, Civil Rights, Civil Rights Act of 1866 Civil Rights, Black Codes, Segregation, Sharecropping, Debt Peonage, Lynching, Jim Crow, Nadir, Freedmens Bureau, Civil Rights Act of 1866, Poll Tax, Literacy Test, Grandfather Clause, Ku Klux Klan, Plessy v. FergusonExplain the causes of the Civil War Describe the consequences of the Civil War Assess the contribution or influence of various players in the Civil War Compare rights and freedoms of various groups as outlined in the Constitution Evaluate the influence of the Jim Crow Laws on minority groups in the U.S. Compare the effects of the Black Codes and the Nadir on freed people, and analyze the sharecropping system and debt peonage as practiced in the United States. (A.2.6) Stage 2: Evidence of Student Learning Task Neutral Scoring CriteriaIndicatorEmergingProgressingProficientExceedsA. Utilize research and inquiry skills to analyze history using primary and secondary sources and evaluate the credibility of those sources.Identifies primary and secondary sources; Recognizes basic information (who, what, where, when, why).Summarizes contents of evidence; Uses primary and secondary sources to support argument.Utilizes research and inquiry skills to analyze historical events using primary and secondary sources and evaluate the credibility of those sources.Synthesizes information from multiple sources to construct an argument about the past.B. Develop credible explanations of the cause, course, and consequences of historical events based on reasoned interpretation of evidence.Describes the course of events; Lists causes and effects.Explains the ways historical events are connected to one another; Summarizes contents of evidence.Develops believable explanations of the cause, course, and consequences of historical events based on well-thought-out interpretation of evidence.Evaluates alternative explanations of the cause, course, and consequence of events.C. Identify and critique diverse perspectives to explore social, political, and economic relationships in history.Recognizes social, political and economic relationships; Identifies point of view.Summarizes diverse points of view relating to social, political and economic relationships.Compares diverse points of view to explore social, political, and economic relationships in history. Analyzes how social, political, and economic relationships lead to the formation of varying points of view.D. Determine the significant events, figures, organizations and their contributions during historical eras and trace the impact on enduring themes.Identifies significant events, figures, and organizations; Describes how figures and organizations have shaped significant historical events. Determines the significant events, figures, organizations and their contributions during historical eras and trace the impact on enduring themes. Synthesizes the long-term effects of significant events, figures, organizations.E. Analyze the effects of geography on cultures, institutions, and the course of historical events. Identifies geographical features.Describes the advantages and disadvantages of various geographical locations.Analyzes the effects of geography on cultures, institutions, and the course of historical events. Connects the effects of geography to long-term trends and themes in history.Summative Assessment Task ..tery-Based Learning Unit Planning Template Stage 3: Instructional Design Hook or Entry Event ..tery-Based Learning Unit Planning Template Pre-assessment  Learning TargetsFormative Assessment(s)Learning Experiences The Historians Apprentice: Evaluating Primary and Secondary Sources (p. xvii Gateway text) Primary Source Analysis- What Caused the Civil War? (DBQ) What led the Southern states to secede from the Union in 1860 and 1861? (DBQ)  HYPERLINK "http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/worksheets/cartoon_analysis_worksheet.pdf" Political Cartoon Analysis Graphic Organizer -Freesoiler Cartoon (p.8 Gateway)  HYPERLINK "https://sheg.stanford.edu/emancipation-proclamation" SHEG Lesson: Emancipation Proclamation Graphic Organizer Compare and contrast the plans for Reconstruction. Primary Source Analysis-DBQ: North or South Who Killed Reconstruction?  HYPERLINK "http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/worksheets/cartoon_analysis_worksheet.pdf" Political Cartoon Analysis Graphic Organizer -  HYPERLINK "http://www.loc.gov/pictures/resource/cph.3c28619/" Worse Than Slavery Cartoon  HYPERLINK "https://sheg.stanford.edu/radical-reconstruction" SHEG Lesson: Radical Reconstruction Political Cartoon- Draw a political cartoon that illustrates the 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments Concept Map Reconstruction (p. 36 Gateway)  HYPERLINK "https://sheg.stanford.edu/reconstruction" SHEG Lesson: Reconstruction SACAnalyze a sample of Black Codes -Using Document Analysis Form PBS Documentary and Classroom Resources:  HYPERLINK "http://www.pbs.org/tpt/slavery-by-another-name/classrooms/history/" Slavery by Another Name  HYPERLINK "https://sheg.stanford.edu/sharecropping" SHEG Lesson: Sharecropping The Historians Apprentice: Evaluating Primary and Secondary Sources (p. xvii Gateway text) Primary Source Analysis- What Caused the Civil War? (DBQ) What led the Southern states to secede from the Union in 1860 and 1861? (DBQ)  HYPERLINK "http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/worksheets/cartoon_analysis_worksheet.pdf" Political Cartoon Analysis Graphic Organizer -Freesoiler Cartoon (p.8 Gateway)  HYPERLINK "https://sheg.stanford.edu/emancipation-proclamation" SHEG Lesson: Emancipation Proclamation Graphic Organizer Compare and contrast the plans for Reconstruction. Stage 4: Resources and Reflection Resources (Aligned to Learning Experiences) Student Reflection  Teacher Reflection       PAGE  Page  PAGE 6 of  NUMPAGES 7 Proficiency-Based Learning Unit Planning Template  This work by Great Schools Partnership and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. 89:CDEY[\]k ӹޭqj`Y hDlholhDlhol5\ hDlhd]6hDlholB*OJQJphhDlhd]6B*OJQJphh>h{cCJOJQJaJh>hKCJOJQJaJholCJOJQJaJhDlhuB*OJQJphhDlholOJQJhDlhuOJQJ hDlhuhDlhuOJQJhDlhuB*OJQJph9Pkd$$Ifl0 3 4)  t1111110644 lalp111111ytDlxx$IfgdDll 9:CDv__xx$IfgdDll kd$$Ifl0 3 4) t0644 lalpytDlDEY\v__xx$IfgdDll kdp$$Ifl0 3 4) t0644 lalpytDl\]kv__xx$IfgdDll kd$$Ifl0 3 4) t0644 lalpytDlv__xx$IfgdDll kd$$Ifl0 3 4) t0644 lalpytDlvqqZxx$IfgdDll gdolkdk$$Ifl0 3 4) t0644 lalpytDl i & Fxx$IfgdDll m$ykd$$IflX22  t 11102644 lalp 111ytDl         j k v krŶssesXshDlhd]6PJ^JaJhDlhol>*PJ^JaJhDlholPJ^JaJ!hDlholaJfHq $hDlhol>*aJfHq hDlholOJQJ hDlholhDlholB*OJQJphhDlhd]6B*OJQJphhDlh>B*OJQJphh>h{cOJQJ hDlhd]6hDlhd]6OJQJ" nnxx$IfgdDll xxgd>pkd$$IflX22 t02644 lalp ytDl   fLLLLL & F*x$IfgdDll kdH$$Ifl4o02  t11111102644 lalp111111ytDl  k kLkd$$IflR02 t02644 lalpytDlxx$IfgdDll $Ifgdoll &)*MNOefvʻtmVAtm2h>hoCJOJQJaJ)hDlholB*OJPJQJ^JaJph,hDlhol5B*OJPJQJ^JaJph hDlhohDlhoCJOJQJaJhDlholCJOJQJaJhDlhoOJQJhDlhd]6B*OJQJphhDlhoB*OJQJphh>hHnCJOJQJaJ hDlhd]6hDlholOJQJ!hDlholaJfHq $hDlhol>*aJfHq *NOf.kd$$Ifl0 2 ")  t &&&0644 lalp&&&ytDldxx$1$If^gdDll xx$IfgdDll xxgd>fNE..xx$IfgdDll xxgd>kdj$$Ifl|0 2 ")  t &&&0644 lalp&&&ytDldxx$1$If^gdDll 7Z[ho67ϵqqeVG8hih{cCJOJQJaJhihHnCJOJQJaJhihKCJOJQJaJholCJOJQJaJ2hDlh O B*OJQJaJfHphq 5hDlh O >*B*OJQJaJfHphq hDlh^CJOJQJaJhDlh O CJOJQJaJhDlh^^JaJhDlh O ^JaJ hDlh^hDlh^B*OJQJphhDlhiB*OJQJph\7fPPPP & F$IfgdDll kd$$Ifl4f093s  t111111093644 lalp111111ytDl7[h7YPPxxgd>kd$$Ifl093s t093644 lalpytDl & F0dxx$IfgdDll 7UV`iukT<<$IfgdDll ykd $$IflF2F2  t 11102644 lalp 111ytDl$<<$Ifa$gdDll 7UV`hitu{|ijLMDEYZfW q žhDlh^?B*OJQJphhDlh O OJPJQJ^J hDlh O CJOJPJQJaJhDlh O CJOJQJaJ hDlh O hDlh{chDlh O CJOJQJaJhDlh{cCJOJQJaJ hDlh|hDlh|CJOJQJaJ/ kd/ $$Iflr8 ?(F28     t211111111111111102644 lalp2111111111111111ytDl|j<<$IfgdDll M.<<$IfgdDll kdb $$Iflr8 ?(F28     t02644 lalp2ytDlM}$Ifgd O l <<$IfgdDll E.<<$IfgdDll kdM $$Iflr8 ?(F28     t02644 lalp2ytDlEYZ$Ifgdl <<$IfgdDll [.<<$IfgdDll kd8 $$Iflr8 ?(F28     t02644 lalp2ytDl[}~$Ifgdl <<$IfgdDll .$Ifgdl kd#$$Iflr8 ?(F28     t02644 lalp2ytDl,45W V <<$IfgdDll $Ifgdl V W q .xx$IfgdDll kd$$Iflr8 ?(F28     t02644 lalp2ytDlq r s jjdxx$1$IfgdDll ykd$$Ifl22  t 11102644 lalp 111ytDlq r s !!(!)!*!W!!!!!!!!!!!umbmWumLh>h.OJQJhDlh^OJQJhDlh^?OJQJhDlh^?<hDlheQOJQJhDlh O B*OJQJphhDlhtgB*OJQJphhthtgCJOJQJaJheQCJOJQJaJh^?OJQJhDlh^?OJQJ jhDlheQ<OJQJUhDlheQ<OJQJ *hDlheQCJOJQJaJ hDlh^? 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