ࡱ> lnefghijk bjbj E6   bbbbbvvv8,v0vvvvv """"""$рFbFbbvv4[PPPLbvbv P PP7QD~v[uZ |* q06|PT~b~$PFFP (:  Please find enclosed 365 tips you could consider to improve your school. Please dont view them as a panacea for school improvement, they are simply ideas that have worked for us over the years. Every school is different and what works in one school may not necessarily transfer to another context. Bearing that in mind, we hope you find some useful ideas. School Leadership Team All SLT need outstanding teachers who always take at least one exam class and deliver on results otherwise why should anyone listen to them? Get each person on the leadership team to individually write down what the school stands for, in other words its core purpose. You are likely to be shocked by how different the answers are! If you cant agree as a group of leaders what will the staff think the school stands for? Focus on, and so talk up, Learning and Teaching rather than behaviour. Better behaviour will come once teaching is more engaging. Be really highly visible around school throughout the day. Never sit in your office at break and lunch. Disagree behind closed doors but always present a united front publicly. Be bold! Is there an elephant in the room? Dont ignore it - deal with it. Failing to deal with it sends out the message to all staff that its okay to overlook serious issues. Tackle the problems not the whole staff. Always praise in public, admonish in private. Cherish the staff as they are your greatest resource. Avoid giving them any pieces of paper to fill in that dont have an impact in the classroom. Review what you ask them to do each year. Language is very important - never blame the children. Use positive language - be optimistic, promote belief this is what we believe in... Never allow your school to have a negative or defeatist script - eg we cant get good results because we are too near the airport/seaside/rural community/tower block/industrial estate. Communication is the response you get - if the staff say morale is low or staff are tired then listen to them and act. Your job is to support staff, not wield power over them. Plan the year carefully make it flow, make it relevant and avoid pinch points for the staff - dont just do it because you did it last year (eg a seven week spring half term one year may be only five weeks the next year). The trick for good schools to become more successful is to stop doing good things to make time to do even better things. Each time you introduce something new, kick out something old to make the time for the new initiative. Remember, saying no is the hardest but often most impactful part of leadership. Ask the staff what you can abandon. What does the school do that does not impact on the children? If you have excess staff in a specialist area like PE or Music, write to all the primary schools and ask if they want to buy half a day a week etc. Similarly if you are short could the local secondary school help out? Does everyone on the leadership team know what teacher takes the borderline sets in Year 10 are they your best teachers? Too many schools concentrate on Year 11 and late interventions. Ensure all meetings in school focus on Learning and Teaching and not on things that dont matter! Dont stick to the rule book - if a member of staff wants to go to an event which has personal significance such as a wedding or graduation, let them go. If you do, and pay them, youll get paid back in triplicate. Its called reciprocation! Have compassionate toughness. Have the compassion to empathise with where staff are but the toughness to get them to where they need to be. Ensure that more than one person can timetable. In some schools the timetabler has the power and no-one else has the skills to check whether the timetable could be improved. A great timetable has a huge impact on school life. Have a 24 hour guaranteed turn round period if staff request support. Ensure you close the loop within the 24 hours. If staff criticise the SLT it is usually for lack of support when they ask for it. Visit other schools every year not the big I am schools who like to blow their own trumpet but schools in similar circumstances that are outstanding and import their ideas but customise them for your context. Thank people every day - not the blanket email but seek out individuals who have gone the extra distance for the students or for fellow staff. A hand written note is most appreciated. For new staff make sure one of the SLT sees them at the end of every day to ensure they are okay. Observe them teaching very early on to see what support they need. Identify everyones birthday - send them a card or give them a gift. Find something to celebrate at every briefing. Do assemblies and use them for core positive messages. Never give blanket negative messages in assembly and make sure the children leave feeling good about themselves. Find unusual individual achievements which may be off the wall to celebrate Buy the peripheral policies on the internet or pinch them off another schools website. Dont waste precious time labouring over documents that are only there to cover your back. Never remove a childs fig leaf in public. Never say I, always we, and dont say my school, its our school. Beware of email and blanket communication in the electronic age. Ensure all possible groups are set up so staff can email eg Year7 tutors with ease. Get the Governors to write to staff that have done something good or gone the extra mile or got great results, then post the letters home so they arrive on the first day of the holidays. Ensure that the SLT speak to everyone on the staff every week - devise a system so that no-one is left out. (A great Head Teacher knows the names of the Cleaners children - discuss!) Are you sure someone has thanked the part-time Lab Tech recently? Get Sixth Formers to be Teaching Assistants during their gap year and then give them a small bursary to go to University if they come back to do the GTP. Never put off the difficult conversation but plan it carefully using the seven steps. Email me if you want them. Can you guarantee that every child in the school feels owned by a named individual who know them and their family circumstances and believes in them? Never have favourites - all staff are equally important. Who gets invited to your celebrations? Are the Cleaners invited to your Christmas party? Be careful with email, its for a quick communication not for consultation - people still want face to face. Embrace technology dont fight it. Actively seek feedback eg set up a forum for parents to rate your website and rate the school. Consider having a slot for two hours every Wednesday that includes everything from parents evenings, CPD, meetings etc and staff know there will be no other calls on their time. Dont cancel meetings with people you line manage - it shows lack of respect and it gives the impression that you dont think its important to meet them. Have a regular slot and make it a priority. Make your development plan come alive. Find an innovative way to make a big display of it in the staff room so everyone knows what the priorities are. Treat everyone with dignity and respect and hide it if you dont like one of them. Have Standard Operation Procedures that are really slick. Is everything really simple? eg IT works, staff have keys and the reports are easy. Never ever say in my last school or repeatedly use the name of another school you want to be better than. Never allow parents to abuse staff. Have a procedure regarding what staff should say and do if it happens and train staff in it. It is incredibly stressful for a young member of staff if parents shout at them. Make sure you know the rules. Heads run schools not parents, so dont allow any my child doesnt do after school detention nonsense. A really good way round a parent who refuses to let a child stay is to offer to take them home yourself.when you leave work at 7pm. Its surprising how they are suddenly able to get home alone. Dont use jargon and avoid overuse of acronyms! Keep language very simple. Why do schools over-complicate everything? Write a planning cycle for the year on one page so everyone knows when to advertise for jobs etc. Never communicate in anger - stay calm dont panic - every problem has a solution. If you are really angry with a member of staff or a child, go home and sleep on it the situation always looks different the next day. Laugh a lot - no-one likes a miserable leader! Look after yourself because leaders set the emotional climate. Are you a radiator or a drain? A radiator exudes positivity whilst the drain saps energy and sees problems all around. Make sure you involve the appropriate people when you make appointments. Some Heads dont let the Head of English be involved in appointing an NQT in English! Locate the decision making at the most appropriate point. Dont appoint if you know its wrong. There is always a solution eventually! Be really flexible on contracts e.g. let people pick up their children and miss last lesson or let people go to four days per week. Ensure someone on the leadership team knows the name of every child in the school Model good learning at staff meetings. For example dont talk at people for an hour about variety in learning then send them home. If you have a great NQT, write to their parents at the end of the year to tell them how proud they should be. Treasure your Heads of Maths and English! You could argue at the moment that these are the two most important members of staff. If you cant appoint you may need to think about Assistant Heads and add something whole school to the role. Ensure someone on the leadership team has responsibility for Learning and Teaching and has no other responsibilities. Its the most important job in the school. Is there a plan for every member of staff to ensure they continue to improve? Use the SLT meetings for each of the SLT to say what theyve done that week to earn their money/improve the quality of what the children receive. Get feedback from the staff. Ask them to say three things the SLT do well and three ways the SLT could improve or give the SLT some advice. Only shut your door when you really have to. Be accessible and have your office in a busy area. Dont hide away it makes everyone feel you dont support them. If ever you are unsure about what to do over an issue ask yourself Whats in the best interest of the children? Youll soon find the answer that way. When a new child joins the school mid-year, ring home after one week and again after two weeks to make sure they have settled in properly. What is your staff handbook like? If its huge dump it as no-one will read it! Keep it as short as possible and use it to get over key messages. An NQT isnt going to spend hours remembering which door to go out of in the case of a fire alarm but they do want to know who will help them when they need it and what a good lesson looks like. Have as few meetings as possible - every meeting means time not spent with students or not preparing lessons. What is the minimum number of meetings you can get away with whilst still ensuring sufficient high quality support and development? Dont expect staff to come to evening events and then teach well the next day. Have as few things as possible that are compulsory - if any! Dont ban mobile phones, iPods etc - wake up to the world we live in - students should be using them during lessons instead of you buying calculators. Take photos of the board and upload on Facebook rather than copying. Ensure everyone on the SLT really understands the data/raise on line etc. If someone doesnt the message is that it isnt important. Explain what you believe in to everyone and do it often in simple language what is your schools mantra? Be punctual to meetings. If you are late the message is that it isnt important to you. Be good role models and dress very smartly - suits only. Make expectations clear - there are no excuses for low levels of progress, low attainment etc. Ensure that all the SLT believe the children can achieve and so are not giving out any negative messages. If the leadership team doesnt believe the children can achieve, the school has no chance. Keep everything simple eg reports systems, behaviour policy etc. Ignore fads! Dont jump on bandwagons: learn to say no more often. Schools in difficulty engage in a lot of initiatives that are not followed through and have little impact. Be creative about appointing staff if you are in an area where it is really hard to get teachers. If you find two brilliant History teachers and cant find a Geography teacher swop the curriculum round for one year and give KS3 less Geography. There are lots of History teachers out there so advertise for History/English if you cant find English teachers. A good History teacher with a Year 7 class is infinitely preferable to an agency teacher who is hopeless and likely to leave at the end of term! Get a school app, dont waste money on lots of paper. In the best schools the in-school variation is very small. Whats the difference between your best and worst department, do they know and what are you doing about it? If you are ignoring it you shouldnt, take your salary you are paid to ensure the children get a good deal. Go to the entrance and walk in the way visitors do. What are your first impressions of the school? What message do they portray? (Often negative messages, No Entry, No Students Allowed etc.) Send an individual letter to all the Year 6s who are joining the school saying you are really looking forward to them coming. Post the letters home. Most people dont read the prospectus but they do look at the photos. Small ones dont work; have a look at yours, what are the key messages? Are the photos of smiling children in perfect uniform? Save money save money give the prospectus out as a QR code or USB stick on a wristband. If there is any department/area in the school you are concerned about, get the LA to do a formal review, or a local school, it gives you all the evidence you need. Download the think pieces on Leadership from the National College website and other places (eg TED.com) and discuss in leadership team meetings how can we improve as a result of this reading? Build time to reflect into the meeting calendar. Its important to take time out to lift your head above the parapet. If you are struggling to recruit, get in touch with your local independent school - they are often very generous in their support. Have a word for the year which is a mnemonic for what your priorities are. For example EXCEL = EXcellent in ...,Community cohesion, EAL and Languages. Get rid of litter - however you do it. Pay someone locally if needs be or get those on duty to carry litter pickers! All our SLT have their own personalised litter pickers which they never go on duty without. Manage the site effectively - repair any damage, especially graffiti or vandalism, within 24 hours. Make everyone accountable not just the teachers. Ensure you have non-school conversations with at least three children every day all staff. Buy the peripheral policies on the internet or pinch them off another schools website. Dont waste precious time labouring over documents that are only there to cover your back. VLE ensure its not an electronic filing cabinet (most are!) Have a very clear plan about what will be done when and dont launch it until staff/students cant do without it. Allow phones in lessons as much as possible. Dont waste time copying to the whiteboard take a photo and upload to Facebook. Do you know how much you can save on printing? We saved 30k this year by having the same printer throughout the school and reducing the number of printers, limiting the number printed and giving students credits. Take sweets/chocolate round to your break duty team. A really positive way of checking everyone is in the right place. Learning and Teaching Focus on this because very few schools do, although most say they do. No school can be better than the quality of the teachers so energies must go into improving the quality of lessons. Ensure that every meeting is about Learning and Teaching and sharing good practice. Have an agreed structure for lesson delivery which identifies characteristic features. For example, the St Pauls seven ... The Woolmer way... Ensure that everyone in the department has access to good schemes of work and the resources at their fingertips in a format that is easy to understand online. Remember those days when you were an NQT and had to go home exhausted and prepare six lessons from nothing for the next day! Focus each lesson on what the children are going to learn rather than what you are going to teach. Ensure all NQTs have their own teaching base. Provide advice and support about the layout of classrooms to maximise learning. NQTs can make big errors here. Have a list of activities not allowed in your school eg copying, dictation, word searches, drawing posters and colouring. When appointing staff, speed date through interviews after youve seen them teach, it takes less time, it makes the candidates less nervous and you get more points of view. Get students to score teachers on interview (email for form). In the Special Needs Department put up photos of famous people with learning difficulties eg. Noel Gallagher, Richard Branson, Daniel Bedingfield, Jamie Oliver, Sylvester Stallone and Keira Knightly. If you use seating plans make sure the target grade of every student is written onto them - it really helps differentiation in questioning. How do you decide on the use of INSET days? Dont let it be ad hoc! Use your observations to identify general weaknesses and put together a coherent programme. Dont have gratuitous INSET (everyone enjoys it and nothing changes). At the end of an INSET day or staff meeting spend the last two minutes getting everyone to write down how their lessons will improve as a result of the INSET or something they will try as a result of the INSET. Revisit it at next department meeting. Have a positive observation week - pair up staff to go to each others lessons and point out three things I liked about the lesson and one thing I will try in my lessons or take a risk observation week. Have class sets of Nintendo DS or similar for the Maths department - a years full of starter activities and students love them. Put together an observation team of the best teachers. Get them to work round the departments, observing and writing a report. What is the department really good at (individually and collectively?) What are the areas for development (individually and collectively?) This feeds into whole school CPD plan. Revisit the next year focusing on the departmental areas for development. If a member of staff has discipline problems, provide INSET on presence and video their lessons and watch together to give feedback. Have photos of SEN children in the staffroom with strategies to get best out of them. Ensure that all FSM students are in a club so feel involved. Have an INSET day where everyone goes to a really good school. Send people in twos and threes so they can discuss what theyve seen. Do you have an INSET strategy that means every member of staffs teaching will improve? Dont waste time doing higher order thinking skills if 20% of your staff are OTT or cant teach! Identify and target intervention to take good teachers to outstanding and satisfactory teachers to good. Send everyone on tour of whole school to see a good learning environment or to suggest improvements. Move to keep up rather than catch up. Can you involve parents eg Intensive literacy programme over the summer before joining in Year 7? Done properly, live coaching can be very successful (teacher in the lesson, at the back making hand gestures) but investigate before you try it. Make sure your website has easy access to Learning and Teaching tools like timers, music and images. Does every teacher in your school know what an outstanding lesson looks like? If not get them to see one ASAP. Show lessons in staff meeting and get them to grade them. After the Year 11s go, block out times for departments to meet for specific tasks eg upload homework on the VLE, improve learning environment. If you dont know where to start with your VLE, some schools will do it for you and let you link into theirs. Email me if you want info. Have an observation team made up of best teachers. Their job is to observe and support individual teachers and departments. Dont have a one size fits all approach to improving teachers craft. Know what each teacher needs to do to move to next level and support them to do so. Dont reinvent the wheel get ideas and resources from others. Many schools have all schemes of work etc on line. Remember that there are lots of staff changes each year and you need to keep revisiting the basics to bring new staff up to date. If a teacher is struggling, video them and watch it together. Also get them to observe a teacher with a similar personality and style. Have a learning group of all levels to share, research/bash out good practice. Ensure L+T Inset is practical, quick strategies that staff can share/try tomorrow. Ensure variety of staff (subjects and experience) deliver on Inset not just SLT. Work with students to devise 10 principles of what outstanding learning behaviours are. Seek advice from students re what makes a good lesson, get them to take a staff/NQT meeting. Use L+T bursaries to get staff to do personalised research projects for your school to move you forward (500 each). Share common resources eg quiz show templates and subscription websites for all staff, it saves time. Raising Achievement Dont give teachers a raft of information about students - just the grades they need to deliver on and then make sure they know and use them. Ensure that the grade you set is aspirational. If a teacher in your school doesnt deliver on results does someone look them in the eye and tell them its not good enough? You would be surprised how uncommon this is. In some schools a HOD will write a report excusing poor results and that report will be the end of the issue rather than the beginning of the discussion. Maybe your school is different but in ours not many students will make good use of their exercise books for revision. It needs to be online or on smart phones or some easily accessible technology. After the mocks give every classroom teacher a list of their students coloured in red, amber or green (below, on or above target) - it's very powerful to see the colour overall and teachers cant argue with a sea of red. Be really careful with Year 10 and Year 12 options that you arent setting a weak child up to fail. Who is in charge of making sure this doesnt happen in your school? A boy with low levels of literacy or concentration choosing History because he liked the teacher in Yr 9 can disrupt the entire group in Year 10 and 11 plus make the child feel inadequate. Does someone check that every child is on a course they can achieve in? Have a huge display in every department with the key words that students need to know with their definitions. Put them on the plasmas, behind toilet doors etc before exams. If you have a small enough number, put the most difficult students all in one group and ensure they have the most outstanding teachers for every lesson. It saves hundreds of hours of leadership and pastoral time spent mopping up after a weaker teacher. Similarly put big numbers in your top sets to make space for smaller groups lower down. Try to find the money for smaller groups in English. Thirty essays take forever to mark and to give good quality feedback on. Ensure someone looks after the grey students, they get positive letters home and their achievements are noted. When reports come out send these so called grey students to the Head Teacher or SLT for praise. Ensure there is a system whereby every child gets spoken to about their progress. It takes minutes to ask how things are going but important that 100% of students get asked. If a teacher is struggling with a Year11 set get one of SLT to sit in front of class doing their own work. Find cheaper ways to appoint staff. Students on their gap year out are good for multi-media or IT Technician posts. Please dont decide what grades your class will get before you ever meet them. Set 3 only ever gets Ds etc. Students are capable of great things if the teacher believes in them. I worked with a teacher in a secondary modern school whose mantra was 100% can (and they did). Dont let the timetable dictate the curriculum. If you only have three reasonable Maths teachers you have to split Year 11 and not have all 5/6/7 groups being taught at the same time. Hound parents who dont come to Parents evening, we were so disappointed and so on - dont let them off the hook. At Parents evening have a big screen with a rolling presentation of photos of the children in that Year group enjoying their time at school. Parents are a huge untapped resource. Have an evening for them and give them resources to use at home. Most parents want their children to do well but the majority dont know what to do except nag about revision. Give out booklets for each subject like Five questions you need to answer before dinner (with answers). Dont get too hung up on curriculum. It should be right for the students but its not the answer to everything. A child is far better getting a C in a subject with a great teacher than U in Health and Social Care where you couldnt appoint so made the PE teacher teach it. Have a window of time where teachers know there will be no interruptions to lessons eg no trips or staff out of school from February half-term to May half-term. Put your mock results in an envelope and model the real thing. Put lazy boys in for Higher Maths. They only need 30 odd % for a C rather than nearly 80% on Foundation where they make daft mistakes. Even better, put them in it in November or if you think they wont stay the course why not in Year 10? Do whatever it takes to ensure you dont have students who leave with no qualifications. Their lives are blighted in the present climate. Eg OCR national in Year 9 in ICT or Science, do Maths and English GCSE in Year 10, Media GCSE in Year 9, COPE, fetch them on exam days, feed them, pay them. No child will come back in five years time and tell you that you shouldnt have helped them. Does everyone know which class, department and students scored negative value added last year? Be brave and publish it. We are running a service not a charity! Run a nurture group for the weakest children in Year 7 with the students having only about five teachers instead of ten. It makes for a smoother transition to secondary education. Monitor every term against predicted grades. Give the whole staff the Big Picture and tell individual staff who in their class is under-performing and follow it up. However the important thing is to ensure the system is really easy and very quick for staff to fill in. Add a level to everyones KS2 results or one grade to everyones FFTD target and dont tell the teachers! It would amaze you what children can achieve if the teacher believes they can. Interview everyone in Year 11 and Year 13 individually to find out how they are getting on in each subject. It's all the self-evaluation you need! Put weak/borderline students in for Maths in Year10. It boosts those who get C and the classes get much smaller. Get those who pass to do a different course eg D of E or COPE. If you have a subject where the results are bad, get a few schools together and pay for the Chief Examiner to attend. Its 1000 well spent. A cheaper way is to contact all the local schools, find one that has an outstanding HOD and ask them to provide some support in that subject area. These schools are really willing to help (especially if you pay). Does someone own the children in Year 11 with regard to achievement across the board? If the answer is the Form Tutor, then its not happening or at best its variable. The Head of Year 11 is such a crucial role and should be a coveted job that staff aspire to. Have you got the right person in the post? Try and persuade staff to become examiners if you have an area of weakness, it really helps. If you have any one-man departments ensure you pair up with another school so they have someone to work with and if necessary pay for it. It's worth it as they can swap ideas and provide support. Check that the departments divvy up the classes fairly. Some Heads of Department hog the top sets or the A level and dont develop the staff in their department. At staff meetings show photos of children in danger of underachieving so everyone knows who they are - make it humorous with some music. (We use Help by the Beatles and get each one to hold up a whiteboard giving a message to staff.) Our most difficult child wrote I know Im a pain but I do want to do well. Dont stick with a syllabus because youve always done it in the past. If you are thinking of changing, visit another school that does it. This will save hours and schools are really generous with resources. As a Head of Department you need to model the behaviour you want by teaching the key groups in Year 11 and fighting your corner with the timetable so that your subject gets what is needed to raise achievement. Make sure every departmental meeting is focused about Learning and Teaching and sharing good resources. Put posters around school, even on the back of the toilet doors. For example Ten things I need to know to get a C in Maths. Go through mock papers with a tooth comb to see which children performed badly on which questions. Never just go though the paper over a few lessons as no-one benefits and you are asking for behavioural issues. Does everyone in your department know what the target is for this summer? Is it displayed somewhere and discussed at every departmental meeting? Dont let Year 11 students drop subjects in order to concentrate on their other subjects. This is a euphemism for wandering the corridors. If a student is likely to achieve more by reducing their entries, have a very tight programme either with a TA/parent/volunteer on a one-to-one or with a great teacher or member of the SLT. Use this time to get all the homework/coursework done for other subjects so nothing has to be done at home. Alternatively do another course like Leisure and Tourism. Tell Years 11/12/ and 13 they are the best Year youve ever had and all the indications are that they will beat all previous records, even if they are a disaster! Have a system whereby you avoid a child coming to school irregularly and then when they do arrive they are pounced on by five teachers who want work from them. Try to get someone else to have the overview of anyone who is struggling and ensure everything is channelled through that person. Ensure the Heads of Year teach lots of that Year group so they get to know the children well. Dont let any classroom doors be kept shut. Does everyone definitely know what outstanding looks like? Make sure this is demonstrated regularly and to everyone. Dont label children as school action plus etc. Call them the diamonds, golds etc. Take action over students who perform really badly in Years 7-10. Have a four week graduation trial period where if they fail to improve keep them down a year or at least for the month of September. Its a great deterrent to those on the brink. Always go to the Exam Board meetings as they provide invaluable information and hints. Take Year 10 off timetable for a day to do their IAAs - saves loads of stress for staff chasing people later. Make a huge deal of it and send a letter home. Exam Success Ban lessons where children just work through past papers, for 90% it is a waste of time. Always read the Examiners report! Youll learn a lot. Dont run any open revision classes - the wrong students come and they make the weaker students feel inadequate. Target each revision class for A/A*, C/D etc. Give the students you need to see an individual personalised revision timetable and send a copy to their parents asking for support. Make a large display of exam language and what it means. For example, show, prove, evaluate, find the value of Have a revision website with all dates etc but also forums, revision material for each subject, blogs and top tips. Rename revision classes eg The Priory School in Shropshire uses pimp my grades. Make them attractive, bring a mate, buy pizza, give out sweets etc. Write home following revision classes delighted you came.... or we really missed you. Dont run revision sessions for months on end as students will come to rely on them. When they are run, get a member of the support staff to ring parents of students not in revision classes as it is happening and bring them back if possible - then loads of praise when they get there. How do you use Year 11 form time from February to June? Its a lot of hours that can be wasted. Have dedicated revision sessions for very small groups with breakfast. Write to the Prime Minister and lots of famous people and ask them to write to Year 11 to wish them luck in their exams. Have a revision evening for Year 11 parents to give them key dates and ideas to support rather than nag their children. Divide Year 11 into gangs eg All Stars (A* students) BBs (Bubbly Boys) KCs (Kick & Cuddles needed). Give each gang a leader who the gang will like and meet your gang regularly to ensure you give them the appropriate messages/rewards for attendance etc. Have special gang assemblies. Ensure you have an email system that enables staff to email the teachers of a certain child easily. Put revision tips up in the dining room where the students queue and in their cloakroom, stairs, plasma screens, doors etc. Post a hand written card home to everyone in Years 11/12/13 wishing them well in their exams. Make sure staff and students know how many lessons they have left until their exam. Staff get really stressed if they find out at the last minute that they will miss some of their Year 11 lessons eg for a trip. Ensure every child has a progression route so this can be tied into questions about their progress. Make sure there is a named person in charge of progression route. Head of Year email staff regarding students who need some TLC or need their confidence boosting. Publish past papers, mark scheme and examiners reports on the VLE so students can see just what makes the difference between A/B and B/C. Have videos of the really difficult questions and how to answer them. Show a motivational power point with music in the final revision session prior to Year 11 students sitting their GCSE exams that includes photos of the students with what the teacher believes they are capable of. Ensure that the GCSEs arent the first time the students have been under exam board conditions - ensure this happens as often as possible during their school life and make sure there is a friendly face welcoming them in to give a positive upbeat start. Make sure one of the SLT is present at the beginning of each exam to give the students positive messages. Feed and water all students from providing breakfast, bottle of water on exam desk, wine gums as they enter the hall etc. When students come out of Paper 1 give/email them a typed list of what you think will be on Paper 2 (where appropriate) plus questions with model answers. Ensure all Sixth Formers know exactly how many marks they need in remaining modules to get A, B, C etc. Email me if you want a template. Dont get into a re-sit culture for modules - the best chance of success is the first time. Some schools have changed the culture by charging for re-sits. Make sure the teachers know what an A* piece of work looks like and then has a display so that those students aspiring to it, know as well. Ensure you have all the email addresses of Year 11 and send them appropriate/individualised messages when they are in the run up for their exams (and throughout the year). Text those who need a boost on the morning of the exam - this is really useful for important messages, eg lazy boys to make sure they show their workings in the Maths exam. Make a video of happy students getting their results the year before and show it in final assembly for new Year 11. Put large laminated mats in the canteen with key things students need to know to get a C in Maths etc... Change them every month. Put up photos of Sixth Formers and where they have gone on to University - if any of them scored low in Key Stage 2 mention it. Dont do whole year group revision just before the exam starts. It makes the weak students feel inadequate. Make sure any revision done on the day of the exam serves to boost students confidence and is geared towards the level they are working at. In the final assembly show students photos from Yea7 with motivational messages We knew you would be special! Examine the re-sit results for Years 12 and 13 with a tooth comb. Did all students get taught for the re-sit? We wouldnt re-sit our driving test six months later without extra lessons and its a waste of everyones time and money if this happens. Dont be afraid to send whole sets back for a re-mark. Apparently the Board takes this much more seriously than an individual paper - even if the marks arent changed the department finds out what it is doing wrong. Ban giving revise as homework as it devalues revision and no-one does it anyway. Learning Environment Have a clean desk policy starting with the leadership team. Buy everyone cupboards to put the rubbish in. Get staff to see the best learning environments by having meetings in the best room and then give staff lots of notice as to the next meeting being in their room. Use a staff meeting to send staff to go and sit at the back of their room and see what the children see every lesson and the messages this gives. Have a week where every member of staff walks the school and goes into all the classrooms to see what others do by way of displays etc - or buddy up staff to be critical friends of each others learning environment. Get DT A level students to design and make useful displays for around school eg car parking signs. Get a skip at least twice a year and make people de-clutter! Those O level papers from 1972 wont come in handy!! Think HSBC. Would HSBC have this standard of display? Cleanliness? Tidiness? etc. in one of their banks? If the answer is no then a great school learning environment shouldnt have it either. Have a central store of eye catching materials for displays eg bright paper, hanging hooks, recordable speech bubbles. Encourage glass paints and displays on windows. They can look amazing and are really easy to do and light up when the sun shines. Are you confident the girls toilets never run out of paper? Have an email address maintenance@....... so that all staff and students can let the site team know that a job needs doing. Demand the same standards from your site team that you do from teachers - dont accept poor standards in any aspect of their work and dont use the excuse that you cant get caretakers. Most schools have accountability for teachers but not for TASs, cleaners etc. Take photos of each form group and blow them up to display in September. Decide what you want on the form notice board and get a member of the support staff to set up each board so they look good and consistent round the school. Have staff photos in each department base on a welcome board - make them fun like a magazine interview, favourite food, something you didnt know about Miss Blogs... Employ full time cleaners - its easier to find them and they have more pride as they feel they are part of the school. Put carpet in the corridors - it makes them so much quieter - but make sure you buy the stuff that you can remove chewing gum from. Get rid of bells - it is really stressful going to a school that still has bells. Get the toilets checked after every break to ensure they always have soft paper, soap etc and are as well kept as yours at home. Get someone to write to all the local Garden Centres and ask for free plants to enhance the school site. First impressions are important. Its like selling a house people make decisions within ten seconds. One Inspector told me that he makes a judgment within a minute and is rarely wrong. Whats in your reception and what do you want it to say about your school? Put one of the reception staff in charge of the reception area eg keeping plasma updated daily etc. Is the receptionist really smart and friendly? Have inspirational quotes everywhere - particularly ones by people students admire eg David Beckham, Chris Hoy... Dont make students enter the school by a back door because it looks as though you are ashamed of them. Everyone enters the posh way. Get GCSE/A level PE students logo shirts with names on the back the students love them same with everyone in the production crew for the play. Recycle the next year to save money. Buy sloping lockers as they cant have stuff put on top of them. Fill every place on the wall either with giant photos (really cheap from Prontaprint) or with Art work. If displays get vandalised buy the lockable display cabinets. If you do a great display, put it up but dont date it so it will last. Use TAs and support staff to help. There is money out there. The Football Foundation, Sport England, Farmington Trust - we just never have time to look or to bid - could one of your support staff have two hours per week to investigate sources of income etc? If you have any dark corners or no-go areas put very bright lights and Art work on the walls there. Give all KS3 a canvas for Art each. You will overnight have hundreds of displays around the school for negligible cost. Get the site manager to put them all up in the summer holidays. Ensure the site team have a uniform with school logo on the same for cleaners and canteen staff. Get stuff in the newspapers. Youll only have a 30% strike rate if you are lucky but it makes everyone feel proud when it happens. Get a member of the support staff to be press officer, not a teacher with a hundred other things to do. Raise the profile of your site team by having a display of their photos with caption... My name is Tony and I help students learn by keeping the school clean. Same for canteen staff etc. Invite site team to student council meetings so they hear first hand of any concerns. Have a green team or eco team of students to water plants etc. Give staff time to clear up and improve the learning environment - cancel a staff meeting and give staff a list of jobs to do. Dont use the term Caretaker - its outdated and implies a low level job. Premises Manager, Site Manager, Premises Director are much better. Attach benches to the dining room walls so that students queuing for lunch can sit down and shimmy along. Two schools told me this changed their lunchtime behaviour completely. Show DVDs or soaps in hall/around school when its wet. Ensure anyone working in the school isnt treated as a second class citizen. In some schools the site staff arent allowed in the staffroom and dont get invited to the Christmas party etc. Get a member of the support staff to be responsible for displays then teachers can just give a memory stick with photos and they can be printed, displayed etc. The same goes for key words for classrooms. Remember a tatty display is worse than no display. What does your worst classroom look like? Do children deserve better? Check your bill and contract for grounds maintenance - some schools pay 20k and only get the grass cut. Ensure one of the site team is responsible for the outside space looking good. Make sure whenever the leadership team are on duty that they carry a litter picker and bin bag for litter. It guilts the students into dropping less. (A bit!) Get huge photos of the cool kids in perfect uniform up on display. The bigger the space, the bigger the photos. 8 x 6 looks great in a hall! Make sure all visitors have a good experience - train reception staff well and give them feedback. I go to lots of schools and sometimes the receptionist doesnt even look up. Ensure that the first thing visitors see is positive and not, for example, a list of policies or a list of things students are not allowed to do. I visited a school and the first thing you saw when you walked in was a large sign saying Pupils forbidden in this area. Not a great first impression. Ask visitors to fill in a form when they leave, Something you liked about our school and something you think we could improve upon, include the question Did we make you feel welcome?. Have Year photos one formal one and one daft one - that way you dont spend ages trying to get the formal one done properly (do the formal one first though). Have a rolling programme of re-decoration. Get a full time decorator/handyman, the right person can save you lots of money. Share department display for Maths/resources it saves time, eg all our Science labs have some displays that are the same. Rewards and Sanctions Ensure its 4:1 in favour of rewards - have a very simple way for staff to reward students that takes less than five seconds eg email rewards@..........send a list then a member of the support staff writes home etc. Ensure rewards are appropriate. Everyone likes praise but cool Year 9 boys hate being singled out in Assembly though like priority for lunch, a visit to Chelsea or doughnut days. Make a big deal of attendance etc in Assembly - do a PowerPoint with a bar chart and the bars creeping up to the sound of the X Factor music, finally announcing the winner. If you really want to get rid of trainers - buy a supply of those horrid blue plastic shoes you can get at the swimming baths to put over any trainers worn to school. Never do blanket admonishments in Assembly - nothing de-motivates more. Have rules about Assembly, only positive messages etc. Ensure that House competitions have a wide range of activities so every child has something they can contribute to, not just sport eg Family Fortunes. Ensure everyone is in a House. ie governors, kitchen staff etc. Get them all badges. Create a sense of identity. Have House competitions for teachers and support staff. They are great fun and build community. Do a triathlon. Put photos up at the start of the month for each subject in curriculum areas. Mathematician of the month etc. Some departments use Photoshop eg superimposing students faces over Einstein for Scientist of the month Use the plasma screens around school for praise, football match reports, photos of trips etc rather than reminders or nags. Ensure every childs photo is displayed somewhere in school. Have league tables for attendance etc and reward best form with mufti or a trip. Give prizes to students like phone apps rather than book tokens. The statistics regarding the correlation between gaining five A-C grades and attendance is staggering - display it somewhere. Find a way to recognise childrens birthdays - the easiest way is to run the happy birthdays along the bottom of the plasma screen each day - it can be set up for the whole Year easily. Or create a display for all form tutors to write childrens names on easily. Provide PE equipment, footballs, hoops, ropes, at break and lunch - it saves arguments and gets that excess energy run off. Try to get a link with the football club(s) that the students support, get players to visit, photos, tour of grounds etc as prizes. Use your parents for connections to get prizes the children will like - we managed to get a signed photo of Lewis Hamilton. Everyone knows someone. Year group forms are a self-fulfilling prophecy - keep telling them they are the best Year 7 the school has ever had and it will come true. Have a celebration breakfast/lunch with leadership team/Head for children nominated by HOY. As a HOY grab grey children who work hard - see them individually and tell them you are proud of them. It takes minutes and they feel ten feet tall. Ensure your behaviour policy is simple, understood by everyone and displayed everywhere using language as positive as you can. Some poor schools have a policy where the staff fill out bits of paper and if they are lucky someone will come back to them in a week. This causes stress and resentment leading to staff absence etc. Be explicit in telling teachers that behaviour in their lessons is their responsibility and they must sanction children themselves before passing it on. If there is poor behaviour in most of their lessons the problem is the quality of their teaching not the students - its important this message is driven home regularly. Spreading children out at breaks dissipates possible problems. Invest in a trim trail around the school playground/field (a great success at Paddington Academy). Let students book outdoor table-tennis tables, tennis courts and football pitches at lunchtime. Put chairs out in circles in the hall. Get dining room tables with fixed chairs. Do everything you can to minimise the down-time at break and lunch and hence minimise problems. At a school in special measures, I knocked five minutes off the lunchtime and the end of the day - nobody noticed much so I knocked another five minutes off!! Catch the children being good. At the same school as above I sent a letter home to the parents of a Year 11 boy saying he was working well in DT. His Mum phoned to say it was the first nice letter she had received about her son in 12 years of education - what a sad indictment of that school (and we had the added bonus that he then stopped setting the fire alarm off!). Are you confident every child has had a positive letter home this year? Take a photo of the Year/Form and put it into a key ring as a good-bye gift to each student, with a message on the other side - You are special, we will miss you. Communication Who is in charge of your website? Make sure its updated every week. We surveyed school websites and only 15% were up to date. Some had staff on who had left three years ago! Ensure that the school phone is answered promptly and by someone really friendly. You would be surprised how rarely this happens. Test your own school! If you are short of students, parents will be really put off if they have to press five buttons and finally it says try again later. Ring your school from home and see what the response is. Watch the language used around school. Messages should never start with DONT eg a notice put up saying Students are forbidden on the roof resulted in many more students on the roof than before there was a sign. Try to start messages with, for example, Thank you for remembering.. At JHS we respect the environment by putting litter in the bin. Design a really nice school card that you can use for lots of different things. Its personal and promotes the school (remember to make them small so you dont have to write too much to fill them). Ensure the first and last message a student receives is positive. Be on the gate in the morning and evening giving the positive messages. Research says that a personally written note is the most appreciated form of thanks. Have some cards and write/post notes of thanks to people. Emails arent half as powerful. Most schools phone home now when children are absent but how about texting or phoning those who are persistently late at about 8am to make sure they are up. Have a phone in school that cant be traced - hard to reach parents will often not pick up when they see the school number coming up on the dial. Its so important to try to get parents on side. Investing the time early on saves hours later. Many hard to reach families have had a bad experience of school themselves so make sure their first experience is positive - if necessary visit them. People are very rarely rude to you in their own home. Minimise the letters you send home - texting is much better these days - students and parents - eg Looking forward to seeing you at Parents evening at 4pm!! Have a you said... we did board to follow up from surveys etc. It gives feedback and shows you have listened. Same in the Staffroom. Letters that go home must be word perfect it's not okay to say we sent 200 letters home and there were only two mistakes. Some parents only have one child and if their name is spelt wrongly etc, the message they receive is that you dont care about their child. Most schools have someone on the support staff who is a good proof reader - or ask for a volunteer - especially if the letters go home in different languages. Also dont use jargon or words that alienate parents from the school. I saw a report where a child was graded for AFL. Give everyone a credit card sized card with key dates for the year etc - very cheap and much appreciated Have a staff briefing each week which focuses on students who need TLC, have difficulties at home, good news children. Get successful Sixth Formers, Year 11, the silver brigade, local business and local footballers to mentor lower school students with low aspirations. Find ways to get the staff to come to the staffroom eg cover in only one place, free coffee, free fruit, free cake, a whiteboard with the days important notices. It creates more team spirit and digs people out of their cubby holes Dont give staff bits of paper to fill in eg inset evaluation. Get feedback all the time but keep it simple eg put a flip chart up for anyone to write on WWW/EBI (What went well/Even better if.). Find ways to involve the staff in the future direction of the school without creating extra work for them eg have a staff meeting about the Development Plan - get staff to sign up to one section they are interested in and just brainstorm ideas of how the school could move forward in that area or put a whiteboard in the staffroom that anyone can put ideas on or post-its. Student Voice Many schools make the mistake of thinking Student Voice is exclusively about activities which take place outside the classroom. The most powerful use of Student Voice is in understanding the processes of learning, giving feedback to teachers on their learning, designing and taking responsibility for their learning and having opportunities to showcase their learning to a wider audience. Have a way of letting the students give feedback about the quality of teaching they receive. Get the Student Council to award teachers for the best classroom/learning environment every half-term. Buy an Oscar gong to be presented in Assembly. When you appoint a teacher get all the students in the class to grade the lesson Did you enjoy the lesson?, Would this teacher push you?, Would you like this teacher to work here? Grade In my experience the students dont get it wrong. Give the students an email address ideas for improvement@..... where they can send ideas, suggestions or comments. Interview each student individually, go through each subject and ask them how you could improve the quality of their lessons. Sit a big group of students from across the school say 60 - in the hall and get all the staff to be in there and do a session on things we think could be improved. Organise it like speed dating and record the outcomes. Have a Year Book for each Year group with photos from current and previous years. Find a way to allow the students to access as many websites as possible. Students often complain that so many sites are blocked. Also ensure no sites are blocked for staff. Give the Student Council a reasonable budget (1,000) to spend on improving the school environment. Get the Student Council to take staff/NQT meetings to tell teachers what works, what doesnt work. Some feedback we had is they hate going from lesson to lesson hearing about expectations at the beginning of September they prefer inspiration and activities that start the year positively. Train Sixth Formers to act as mentors. If the pairing is right it can have a huge impact if everyone is involved. Choose ten students at random and give parents flip videos in Year 6 to ask certain questions. Repeat with the same children every year for seven years (like the 7-Up programme) - gives great assemblies. Have large posters around the school written by students all starting with We like it when.. eg We like it when teachers have a fun starter, We like it when teachers set homework on the right evenings, We like it when the teacher plays music to make us work faster etc. Have them made professionally. Allow the students to decide what charities to support during the year. Then take them to the charity if possible to see the impact. Have student input into all new projects from canteen furniture, refitting the medical room, changing sports kit, changing the rewards system etc. If possible get students to do all the tours for visitors, Year 8 is a good idea as they are then responsible for them. Just work through the registers - they will do a great job for you. Pair up the current Year 7 with the incoming Year 7 - get the current Year 7s to write to each Year 6 child in June and post the letters home - the Year 6s love it. Attach a Sixth Former to a Year 7 form and give the Year 7 the Sixth Formers email address so they can email them any worries. Get someone to visit every single child who is coming to the school in Year 6 in their feeder schools in June or July - not just the blanket visit. This really helps those children who are coming to the school but may be the only one from their feeder schools. It also gets parents on side very early on as if you go to this much trouble they know you will care for their children in the years ahead. Staff Welfare The majority of schools deal with staff being absent. Try to change your thinking to why are people off sick? The more pressure we put staff under, the higher the absence rate, so we need to do everything possible to minimise stress on staff and as a consequence improve attendance. Try to run the school/department/Year group so that it follows the maxim of high challenge with low stress. Provide as many facilities as you can to support their lives and enable them to focus on the quality of what happens in the classroom. Consider providing services that staff find difficult to organize during a busy week, for example, internet shopping delivery, dry cleaning, sports clubs, reduced membership for golf or health clubs, car valeting, discounts for local restaurants, cheap MOTs, having cars collected and returned to school, fetching prescriptions etc. The teachers job is to teach good lessons so make this the schools number one priority - not many schools do although they say they do. Minimise the paperwork; bin the stuff yourself rather than putting someone elses name on the top and passing it on. Dont ask staff to do anything that disappears into a black hole - filling in unnecessary bits of paper or spreadsheets. Find a system to minimise emails - especially ones that are sent to everyone. Always start the subject box with DELETE if you dont teach Year 11 etc. Give out post-its at staff meetings and ask staff to write down a few things that would make their working life easier - you will find out things you didnt know about eg my laptop doesnt work or I havent got a room key. Ban emails at the weekend and remind anyone who breaks the rule. Ensure that the staff get handed a cup of tea or coffee as soon as they go to the staffroom at breaks - also provide fruit and a water machine free. Make sure staff toilets are really clean, nice soap etc - not something that looks the same as it did when the school was built in the 60s that doubles as a storage area. Nothing winds staff up more than being unable to park when they arrive at school (and visitors for that matter). Can everyone park easily? Make at least one of the PM targets about work/life balance or something they are going to achieve outside work. Feed staff healthy food whenever they stay for parents evenings etc not the plastic food defrosted from Iceland. Put water on every table for parents evenings etc and take round tea and biscuits and sweets each hour. Put Polo mints on every table. Get staff to order some free sweets on www.aquarterof.com at low points during the year. Make a big deal out of staff marriages, engagements, babies etc - it cheers everyone up. Put photos in the newsletter and on notice boards, VLE etc. Provide some breakfast at those low points during the year - end of November etc, or put mini bars of chocolate in everyones pigeon hole. Always have lots of milk in the staffroom many staff bring cereal and eat breakfast at school. Have strict rules on meetings - how long are they/ whats the purpose/do the children get a better deal as a result of the meeting? Ban meetings being longer than an hour. If you have space, have two areas in the staffroom, one with ICT and one that has no evidence of work where people can relax - make sure the notice boards etc look good and are up to date. Put photos up of staff enjoying themselves, not ICT policies. Ensure no-one in the school has reward power. This means they have something others want and creates a culture where you have to creep round that person to get it. Examples of this are the Network Manager, the Site Manager, the person in charge of photocopying etc. This can cause staff huge stress. Send flowers home to staff who have done something extra - buy them for all key staff the week of the play etc, the TA who has worked with the ASDAN group. Find some way of having work on line for children who are absent or excluded. Teachers get stressed when asked with no notice (or even worse having a lesson interrupted) to set work. Find a way to fund the staff Christmas party -its the least we can do after the hundreds of hours of overtime they do - it will also ensure more people come and good for the team spirit. Personally invite each cleaner dont presume they find out by osmosis! Use governors, parents and support staff to go on trips - it saves cover and they enjoy it. If you can find the money, reduce the teaching load of teachers with lots of exam classes like business studies teachers - even one lesson a fortnight buys them a bit of breathing space. Use support staff as form tutors as much as possible and give key staff that time during the day to chase students, eg Head of Maths, English, Science and PE etc. Make sure that all systems are really simple and quick to use eg accessing the report system from home and ensuring it is pre-populated with as much data as possible and spell check facility etc. Ensure the timetable is the best possible for staff and make sure that more than one person can write it so it can be checked for improvements. One school I helped out had its entire Year 11 Maths lessons last thing in the day madness! Also check to see that the timetable is good for individual teachers so they have a good spread of their free periods, not all on one day. Dont let the timetabler have power (oh that can be done!). A really good timetabler makes a difference. If a teacher doesnt have a base then get all the others with a base to move out of their room for one class - that way at least all your lessons with a class are in the same room. Give the SLT photos of persistently absent students so you can ensure you have positive conversation with them and they feel included. Have a whole school trip. Give10 choices (student led). Charge everyone 10.00. We sent 900 to Thorpe Park and 4 to Wisley Garden Centre. Top Tip dont volunteer to go paintballing Ive still got the bruises! My No. 1 tip for school improvement visit every lesson every day make it the No. 1 priority and on SLT timetables. We hope you have found this booklet useful. If you would like more information on any of these suggestions please email: a.magill@sjb.surrey.sch.uk     "o SW5''((H7I7??AAAABBBBCCEEEFF(F8FQFrFsFF%Gθθέ΢΢ΓΈ}}}}}rh>{hH4CJaJhZM]hH4CJaJhwhH4CJaJhehH4B*CJaJphhZFhH4CJaJhZhH4CJaJhU3hH4CJaJhH45CJ\aJhH4CJaJhH4CJ0aJ0h hH4B*CJ8aJ8phhH4CJ8aJ8jhH4UaJ)  o  1  i y 97  & Fd1$\$gdH4 d1$\$^gdH4 $d\$gdH4 $d\$a$gdH4KG-l7cD 5!! d\$^gdH4  & Fd\$gdH4!&""#:$$%%'%((e)N*)++O,,B-2.#//C00}1 2`3U445  & Fd\$gdH45I667I7n88a9\;;<o=>)??@AA%BBCCDVEEF%G  & Fd\$gdH4%G;GhH4hH4B*CJ0aJ0ph2STBUU0VV(WWcXXjYZ|ZZ[[)\}\\2]] ^  & F#d\$gdH4  & F$d\$gdH4  & F%d\$gdH4  & F&d\$gdH4  & F(d\$gdH4  & F)d\$gdH4 ^^"^#^^(``a}c+d*eeffggkhigh|qf[hbEhH4CJaJhZFhH4CJaJh&hH4CJaJhthH4CJaJh+hH4CJaJhGhH4CJaJhhH4CJaJhZhH4CJ aJ hK)MhH4CJaJhThH4CJaJhLhH4CJ\aJh\bVhH4CJaJhH4CJaJhZhH4CJaJhH4B*CJ0aJ0ph#aۋTr֍S,b97Dnȗ=B>ٜ  & Fd\$gdH4ٜڜۜܜݜޜߜaq֟L ʢӣa٥]  & Fd\$gdH4gdH4 ed\$^egdH4 hd\$^hgdH4]29>9M.L]sU  & Fd\$gdH4Ÿ"23 n-h:>XgdH4 ed\$^egdH4  & Fd\$gdH4B"h$%45EvSAbgdH4 ed\$^egdH4 d\$^gdH4  & Fd\$gdH4h$%45w[\,-defef mmnvw~h!hH4CJaJhBhH4CJaJhZFhH4CJaJh]$hH4CJaJh\bVhH4CJaJhghH4CJaJhU>hH4CJaJhK)MhH4CJaJhZhH4CJaJhH4B*CJ0aJ0phhS/hH4CJaJhH4CJaJ,C_`\-ef?gdH4 ed\$^egdH4 d\$^gdH4  & Fd\$gdH4?f *mnf>w\]AcgdH4d\$gdH4 d\$^gdH4  & Fd\$gdH4 no;|}yz 67겧h$X2jh$X2UhH4hH4B*CJ$aJ$phh hH4CJaJhH4B*CJ0aJ0phhS/hH4CJaJhK)MhH4CJaJhlhH4CJaJhZFhH4CJaJhH4CJaJhH4>*B*CJaJph%cro;W}c{d\$gdH4  & Fd\$gdH4  67k dgdH4$a$gdH4$hd\$^ha$gdH4gdH4$hd\$`ha$gdH4d\$gdH4$a$gdH4 dgdH4C0P&P 1+:pH4. 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